Many Republicans Don't Believe The Election Results

well, donald scared the shit out of the whole planet with his version of the normal for 4 years... so you are gonna be just all right...

You are seriously mistaken if you think we give the slightest value to what you Progresses here in the US or your foreign cousins are scared of.

I’m guessing there’s a 50/50 shot of me surviving 4 years of Biden/Harris. That drops to less than 15% if they’re re-elected in 2024.
well, donald scared the shit out of the whole planet with his version of the normal for 4 years... so you are gonna be just all right...

You are seriously mistaken if you think we give the slightest value to what you Progresses here in the US or your foreign cousins are scared of.

I’m guessing there’s a 50/50 shot of me surviving 4 years of Biden/Harris. That drops to less than 15% if they’re re-elected in 2024.

then why should the majority of the country give a slightest value to what you are scared of...
well, donald scared the shit out of the whole planet with his version of the normal for 4 years... so you are gonna be just all right...

You are seriously mistaken if you think we give the slightest value to what you Progresses here in the US or your foreign cousins are scared of.

I’m guessing there’s a 50/50 shot of me surviving 4 years of Biden/Harris. That drops to less than 15% if they’re re-elected in 2024.

then why should the majority of the country give a slightest value to what you are scared of...
Well, based on the news the ....ahem....majority of the company watches (majority by definition , but pretty much half the electorate)......they have no idea who they voted for.
Be careful what you wish for.
well, donald scared the shit out of the whole planet with his version of the normal for 4 years... so you are gonna be just all right...

You are seriously mistaken if you think we give the slightest value to what you Progresses here in the US or your foreign cousins are scared of.

I’m guessing there’s a 50/50 shot of me surviving 4 years of Biden/Harris. That drops to less than 15% if they’re re-elected in 2024.

then why should the majority of the country give a slightest value to what you are scared of...
Well, based on the news the ....ahem....majority of the company watches (majority by definition , but pretty much half the electorate)......they have no idea who they voted for.
Be careful what you wish for.

i have no idea what you are talking about...
mine was simple math...
yours is a word salad...
you dont know what you saw...
because you were god smacked and lost your senses and logic as a result...
you will be fine once joe takes the office and things get back to normal...
No. There's no “normal” with a Democrat in the Oval Office, and there never will be. Privileged folk are bearing arms against us, and they are full of shit at the police station downtown, and full of shit in a court of law. We the people are no longer standing for that.

>>>Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.<<<

The new Guards for our future security, namely, being guns in our own hands to defend our liberty, that we should never again suffer another infringement on that unalienable right.
well, donald scared the shit out of the whole planet with his version of the normal for 4 years... so you are gonna be just all right...

You are seriously mistaken if you think we give the slightest value to what you Progresses here in the US or your foreign cousins are scared of.

I’m guessing there’s a 50/50 shot of me surviving 4 years of Biden/Harris. That drops to less than 15% if they’re re-elected in 2024.

then why should the majority of the country give a slightest value to what you are scared of...
Well, based on the news the ....ahem....majority of the company watches (majority by definition , but pretty much half the electorate)......they have no idea who they voted for.
Be careful what you wish for.

i have no idea what you are talking about...
mine was simple math...
yours is a word salad...
Sorry. I pretty much laid it out. Guess you didnt get it.
Majority by definition is above 50%.
Majority as it pertains to 350 million people is, yes, above 50%....bit from a civil standpoint, 3 points one way or another would be selfish to refer to it as a majority....FROM A CIVIL POINT.

There are more women than men in this country by a few percentage points., since women have the majority, I guess all actions by the government should be strictly for the women.

Free tampons for everyone. Rubbers? Premium price.

Got it.
well, donald scared the shit out of the whole planet with his version of the normal for 4 years... so you are gonna be just all right...

You are seriously mistaken if you think we give the slightest value to what you Progresses here in the US or your foreign cousins are scared of.

I’m guessing there’s a 50/50 shot of me surviving 4 years of Biden/Harris. That drops to less than 15% if they’re re-elected in 2024.

then why should the majority of the country give a slightest value to what you are scared of...
Well, based on the news the ....ahem....majority of the company watches (majority by definition , but pretty much half the electorate)......they have no idea who they voted for.
Be careful what you wish for.

i have no idea what you are talking about...
mine was simple math...
yours is a word salad...
Sorry. I pretty much laid it out. Guess you didnt get it.
Majority by definition is above 50%.
Majority as it pertains to 350 million people is, yes, above 50%....bit from a civil standpoint, 3 points one way or another would be selfish to refer to it as a majority....FROM A CIVIL POINT.

There are more women than men in this country by a few percentage points., since women have the majority, I guess all actions by the government should be strictly for the women.

Free tampons for everyone. Rubbers? Premium price.

Got it.

i would agree with you on that civil point...
i would agree with you even if it was 99% one way, a majority should not dictate their will upon minorities...
that would be selfish...

but this civil point only becomes apparent to those who like to beat up minorities at every corner when they become a minority themselves, for some odd reason...

what can we call this syndrome, i dont know...
right wing hypocrisy...
or right wing shamelessness...
or right wing assholeness...
cant decide...
well, donald scared the shit out of the whole planet with his version of the normal for 4 years... so you are gonna be just all right...

You are seriously mistaken if you think we give the slightest value to what you Progresses here in the US or your foreign cousins are scared of.

I’m guessing there’s a 50/50 shot of me surviving 4 years of Biden/Harris. That drops to less than 15% if they’re re-elected in 2024.

then why should the majority of the country give a slightest value to what you are scared of...
Well, based on the news the ....ahem....majority of the company watches (majority by definition , but pretty much half the electorate)......they have no idea who they voted for.
Be careful what you wish for.

i have no idea what you are talking about...
mine was simple math...
yours is a word salad...
Sorry. I pretty much laid it out. Guess you didnt get it.
Majority by definition is above 50%.
Majority as it pertains to 350 million people is, yes, above 50%....bit from a civil standpoint, 3 points one way or another would be selfish to refer to it as a majority....FROM A CIVIL POINT.

There are more women than men in this country by a few percentage points., since women have the majority, I guess all actions by the government should be strictly for the women.

Free tampons for everyone. Rubbers? Premium price.

Got it.

i would agree with you on that civil point...
i would agree with you even if it was 99% one way, a majority should not dictate their will upon minorities...
that would be selfish...

but this civil point only becomes apparent to those who like to beat up minorities at every corner when they become a minority themselves, for some odd reason...

what can we call this syndrome, i dont know...
right wing hypocrisy...
or right wing shamelessness...
or right wing assholeness...
cant decide...
Oh. I see.
Another one not worthy of a discussion.
Thanks for your time.
well, donald scared the shit out of the whole planet with his version of the normal for 4 years... so you are gonna be just all right...

You are seriously mistaken if you think we give the slightest value to what you Progresses here in the US or your foreign cousins are scared of.

I’m guessing there’s a 50/50 shot of me surviving 4 years of Biden/Harris. That drops to less than 15% if they’re re-elected in 2024.

then why should the majority of the country give a slightest value to what you are scared of...
Well, based on the news the ....ahem....majority of the company watches (majority by definition , but pretty much half the electorate)......they have no idea who they voted for.
Be careful what you wish for.

i have no idea what you are talking about...
mine was simple math...
yours is a word salad...
Sorry. I pretty much laid it out. Guess you didnt get it.
Majority by definition is above 50%.
Majority as it pertains to 350 million people is, yes, above 50%....bit from a civil standpoint, 3 points one way or another would be selfish to refer to it as a majority....FROM A CIVIL POINT.

There are more women than men in this country by a few percentage points., since women have the majority, I guess all actions by the government should be strictly for the women.

Free tampons for everyone. Rubbers? Premium price.

Got it.

i would agree with you on that civil point...
i would agree with you even if it was 99% one way, a majority should not dictate their will upon minorities...
that would be selfish...

but this civil point only becomes apparent to those who like to beat up minorities at every corner when they become a minority themselves, for some odd reason...

what can we call this syndrome, i dont know...
right wing hypocrisy...
or right wing shamelessness...
or right wing assholeness...
cant decide...
Oh. I see.
Another one not worthy of a discussion.
Thanks for your time.

sorry for hurting your feelings but what are you here for anyways...
this is a jungle...
you wont find a single soul worthy of discussion around here...
because people are not here for discussing stuff...
well, donald scared the shit out of the whole planet with his version of the normal for 4 years... so you are gonna be just all right...

You are seriously mistaken if you think we give the slightest value to what you Progresses here in the US or your foreign cousins are scared of.

I’m guessing there’s a 50/50 shot of me surviving 4 years of Biden/Harris. That drops to less than 15% if they’re re-elected in 2024.

then why should the majority of the country give a slightest value to what you are scared of...
Well, based on the news the ....ahem....majority of the company watches (majority by definition , but pretty much half the electorate)......they have no idea who they voted for.
Be careful what you wish for.

i have no idea what you are talking about...
mine was simple math...
yours is a word salad...
Sorry. I pretty much laid it out. Guess you didnt get it.
Majority by definition is above 50%.
Majority as it pertains to 350 million people is, yes, above 50%....bit from a civil standpoint, 3 points one way or another would be selfish to refer to it as a majority....FROM A CIVIL POINT.

There are more women than men in this country by a few percentage points., since women have the majority, I guess all actions by the government should be strictly for the women.

Free tampons for everyone. Rubbers? Premium price.

Got it.

i would agree with you on that civil point...
i would agree with you even if it was 99% one way, a majority should not dictate their will upon minorities...
that would be selfish...

but this civil point only becomes apparent to those who like to beat up minorities at every corner when they become a minority themselves, for some odd reason...

what can we call this syndrome, i dont know...
right wing hypocrisy...
or right wing shamelessness...
or right wing assholeness...
cant decide...
Oh. I see.
Another one not worthy of a discussion.
Thanks for your time.

sorry for hurting your feelings but what are you here for anyways...
this is a jungle...
you wont find a single soul worthy of discussion around here...
because people are not here for discussing stuff...
feelings hurt? Nah. I jump on here from time to time to see what people are thinking. I originally thought you were worthy of my consideration....but when you resorted to name calling and cursing, I realized you were a mistake I my first through third girlfriends.
My 4th? Married now for over 37 years.

Good luck!
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.

The FBI targeted Trump, for political reasons. They knowingly LIED to a fed judge to justify the investigation.
well, donald scared the shit out of the whole planet with his version of the normal for 4 years... so you are gonna be just all right...

You are seriously mistaken if you think we give the slightest value to what you Progresses here in the US or your foreign cousins are scared of.

I’m guessing there’s a 50/50 shot of me surviving 4 years of Biden/Harris. That drops to less than 15% if they’re re-elected in 2024.

then why should the majority of the country give a slightest value to what you are scared of...
Well, based on the news the ....ahem....majority of the company watches (majority by definition , but pretty much half the electorate)......they have no idea who they voted for.
Be careful what you wish for.

i have no idea what you are talking about...
mine was simple math...
yours is a word salad...
Sorry. I pretty much laid it out. Guess you didnt get it.
Majority by definition is above 50%.
Majority as it pertains to 350 million people is, yes, above 50%....bit from a civil standpoint, 3 points one way or another would be selfish to refer to it as a majority....FROM A CIVIL POINT.

There are more women than men in this country by a few percentage points., since women have the majority, I guess all actions by the government should be strictly for the women.

Free tampons for everyone. Rubbers? Premium price.

Got it.

i would agree with you on that civil point...
i would agree with you even if it was 99% one way, a majority should not dictate their will upon minorities...
that would be selfish...

but this civil point only becomes apparent to those who like to beat up minorities at every corner when they become a minority themselves, for some odd reason...

what can we call this syndrome, i dont know...
right wing hypocrisy...
or right wing shamelessness...
or right wing assholeness...
cant decide...
Oh. I see.
Another one not worthy of a discussion.
Thanks for your time.

sorry for hurting your feelings but what are you here for anyways...
this is a jungle...
you wont find a single soul worthy of discussion around here...
because people are not here for discussing stuff...
feelings hurt? Nah. I jump on here from time to time to see what people are thinking. I originally thought you were worthy of my consideration....but when you resorted to name calling and cursing, I realized you were a mistake I my first through third girlfriends.
My 4th? Married now for over 37 years.

Good luck!

"asshole" is not cursing...
in usmb standards at least...
you can ask anyone around here...
even the people i am calling assholes...
they will tell you it is not cursing...

and i never hold myself from apologizing from someone if it ever gets through that way because i never assume someone would be here and be sensitive at the same time...
and i apologize from you using the word if that bothered you...

hang around some more and you will see i am right about what i said above...
trust me because i learned that the hard way...

but i stand on my point of right wing being hypocrites with the civil point you made and i agreed and even gone beyond your example...

and good luck to you too...
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.
you mean like..."you have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor or you wont get the money?"
You mean like that? Or is that somehow different.

Great question, thanks. Joe was enforcing Obama's policy developed with Republicans, our EU partners as well as the IMF, who all wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed and were willing to let Joe speak for their loan guarantees too. There was no mention of asking them to interfere in our domestic politics and attack specific Republicans? So while most foreign aid is tie to foreign policy it is very much a bribe to the receiving country to do what we want, Trumpybears bribe was not that.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.

Correct, if it stinks like a rat it's a Democrat.

That's funny coming from a party that's thrown the Constitution out the door! Fk. off! ;)

In what manner PROG-PROJECTILE?
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
I have been told by attorneys for decades that the facts are a bit less relevant to a case than procedure.
I admit that I am not qualified to be a judge.
I went to law school for a year and was a Navy Legal Officer for 4 years. The reality is that judges make lots of mistakes. Some are due to ignorance and some are due to bias. That's why our legal system allows for appeals. Many judges in the USA were appointed by Clinton or Obama. They are liberals who hate Trump.

Yes judges are human and they do make mistakes, but not all of that often. Mostly, it's the idiot lawyers who are filing and arguing the cases who make the mistakes, much like Guiliani and Powell did so frequently - really any of Trump's laughable team of lawyers. But in the event the judge is mistaken/biased &/or bought off, there are Appeals Courts, so that the mistakes made by the lawyers acting for the losing side, can cure their mistakes.

Donald Trump brought 52 cases to close to a 100 different judges and multiple states, including federal courts, state courts, appellate courts in multiple states, all of the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, and unanimously lost all but one of these cases, because 100 different judges appointed by 5 different President, including Trump himself, all dismissed his cases.

What Trump's legal team is arguing in the court room and in their filings has no bearing on what they are telling the public happened in the election. They are not alleging fraud in their filings or in their evidence. They simply want the states to ignore their voters and give the election to Trump.

I don't see that happening.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.
Not this one. I didn't vote for the alzheimers patient and I won't be listening to his lying, cheating ass tonight either. He hid out in his basement for the entire campaign and said nothing, why would I listen to him now. I'll never vote democrat again. They have become the party of communists. I predict Biden won't be there for a month before Kameltoe and the DNC have him removed just as they cheated the American public.

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