Many Republicans Don't Believe The Election Results

If you're scared of Joe, you've got a screw loose. He's the most middle-of-the-road candidate the Dems could have nominated.

He's a doddering old man in the throes of senile dementia, whose immediate family seems to be essentially in the pockets of the Chinese. If you're not scared of Joe, you're either not paying attention or dumb as a turd. will be fine once joe takes the office and things get back to normal...
Joe’s version of “normal” is what scares most of us.
If you're scared of Joe, you've got a screw loose. He's the most middle-of-the-road candidate the Dems could have nominated.
Im not worried about Joe.
Im worried about the 25th amendment, Pelosi and Harris.
Im very content with Joe.
Harris will not move until 1/21/22 at the earliest.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.
you mean like..."you have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor or you wont get the money?"
You mean like that? Or is that somehow different.

Great question, thanks. Joe was enforcing Obama's policy developed with Republicans, our EU partners as well as the IMF, who all wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed and were willing to let Joe speak for their loan guarantees too. There was no mention of asking them to interfere in our domestic politics and attack specific Republicans? So while most foreign aid is tie to foreign policy it is very much a bribe to the receiving country to do what we want, Trumpybears bribe was not that. it IS different. Biden blatantly admitted to withhold taxpayer funds and that is OK because his boss said he can do it....Trump doesn't blatantly threaten tax payer funds but his words can be construed that he did and that IS NOT ok.

Sure. Makes sense.

So lets make it equal.

The VP did it because the President said he could....and that is OK.

The President does it and that is NOT Ok.

Makes a lot of sense.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.
you mean like..."you have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor or you wont get the money?"
You mean like that? Or is that somehow different.

Great question, thanks. Joe was enforcing Obama's policy developed with Republicans, our EU partners as well as the IMF, who all wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed and were willing to let Joe speak for their loan guarantees too. There was no mention of asking them to interfere in our domestic politics and attack specific Republicans? So while most foreign aid is tie to foreign policy it is very much a bribe to the receiving country to do what we want, Trumpybears bribe was not that. it IS different. Biden blatantly admitted to withhold taxpayer funds and that is OK because his boss said he can do it....Trump doesn't blatantly threaten tax payer funds but his words can be construed that he did and that IS NOT ok.

Sure. Makes sense.

So lets make it equal.

The VP did it because the President said he could....and that is OK.

The President does it and that is NOT Ok.

Makes a lot of sense.

No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
Any logical thinker knows this election was bogus. And no, I don't believe:

1) That Hidin Biden received more votes than any president in history.

2) That President Trump received 12 million more votes than he got in 2016 and still lost.

3) That Biden got more votes in black districts than Hussein O (but only in the contested states, everywhere else he got far fewer).

4) That Republicans could win every down ballot election, but not the one at the top.

5) That Biden was down by hundreds of thousands of votes in PA, MI, WI, and GA and came back to win all four. The mathematical odds of that happening are one in a quadrillion.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.
Not this one. I didn't vote for the alzheimers patient and I won't be listening to his lying, cheating ass tonight either. He hid out in his basement for the entire campaign and said nothing, why would I listen to him now. I'll never vote democrat again. They have become the party of communists. I predict Biden won't be there for a month before Kameltoe and the DNC have him removed just as they cheated the American public.
Sorry to learn you've become so disillusioned with the Dems. I'm sure the GOP will welcome you with open arms since their most popular pol, Trump, would never lie or cheat, would never hide even in the midst of a pandemic, and would always put the country ahead of his personal ambition. The Dems are certain to miss a loyalist like you.
Any logical thinker knows this election was bogus. And no, I don't believe:

1) That Hidin Biden received more votes than any president in history.

2) That President Trump received 12 million more votes than he got in 2016 and still lost.

3) That Biden got more votes in black districts than Hussein O (but only in the contested states, everywhere else he got far fewer).

4) That Republicans could win every down ballot election, but not the one at the top.

5) That Biden was down by hundreds of thousands of votes in PA, MI, WI, and GA and came back to win all four. The mathematical odds of that happening are one in a quadrillion.
Maybe you could find a logical thinker to explain it to you? While you wait:
1, 2, and 3 - Trump energized voters in this country like no other candidate in history, including his 2016 run, so people who never felt the need to vote, made the effort this time. Unfortunately for him, he energized people opposed to his administration much more so than in 2016.

4 - Republicans (RINOs?) were not ready to vote for him but were OK to stay with the GOP.

5 - This was expected. The GOP legislatures in many states forbid the counting of mailed ballots before election day and Dems were more likely to for that way. They knew exactly what they were doing and how the count would go on election day.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.
you mean like..."you have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor or you wont get the money?"
You mean like that? Or is that somehow different.

Great question, thanks. Joe was enforcing Obama's policy developed with Republicans, our EU partners as well as the IMF, who all wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed and were willing to let Joe speak for their loan guarantees too. There was no mention of asking them to interfere in our domestic politics and attack specific Republicans? So while most foreign aid is tie to foreign policy it is very much a bribe to the receiving country to do what we want, Trumpybears bribe was not that. it IS different. Biden blatantly admitted to withhold taxpayer funds and that is OK because his boss said he can do it....Trump doesn't blatantly threaten tax payer funds but his words can be construed that he did and that IS NOT ok.

Sure. Makes sense.

So lets make it equal.

The VP did it because the President said he could....and that is OK.

The President does it and that is NOT Ok.

Makes a lot of sense.

No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
So, in other words, Trump does it ....bad....Biden does it....good.
I am surprised you don't actually see what you post. I write it, but don't actually understand what you write.
Im ok with that.

I get it.....republicans bad....Democrats good.

Any logical thinker knows this election was bogus. And no, I don't believe:

1) That Hidin Biden received more votes than any president in history.

2) That President Trump received 12 million more votes than he got in 2016 and still lost.

3) That Biden got more votes in black districts than Hussein O (but only in the contested states, everywhere else he got far fewer).

4) That Republicans could win every down ballot election, but not the one at the top.

5) That Biden was down by hundreds of thousands of votes in PA, MI, WI, and GA and came back to win all four. The mathematical odds of that happening are one in a quadrillion.
Maybe you could find a logical thinker to explain it to you? While you wait:
1, 2, and 3 - Trump energized voters in this country like no other candidate in history, including his 2016 run, so people who never felt the need to vote, made the effort this time. Unfortunately for him, he energized people opposed to his administration much more so than in 2016.

4 - Republicans (RINOs?) were not ready to vote for him but were OK to stay with the GOP.

5 - This was expected. The GOP legislatures in many states forbid the counting of mailed ballots before election day and Dems were more likely to for that way. They knew exactly what they were doing and how the count would go on election day.
Obviously you don't understand mathematics. Keep drinking the cool aid.
Any logical thinker knows this election was bogus. And no, I don't believe:

1) That Hidin Biden received more votes than any president in history.

2) That President Trump received 12 million more votes than he got in 2016 and still lost.

3) That Biden got more votes in black districts than Hussein O (but only in the contested states, everywhere else he got far fewer).

4) That Republicans could win every down ballot election, but not the one at the top.

5) That Biden was down by hundreds of thousands of votes in PA, MI, WI, and GA and came back to win all four. The mathematical odds of that happening are one in a quadrillion.
Maybe you could find a logical thinker to explain it to you? While you wait:
1, 2, and 3 - Trump energized voters in this country like no other candidate in history, including his 2016 run, so people who never felt the need to vote, made the effort this time. Unfortunately for him, he energized people opposed to his administration much more so than in 2016.

4 - Republicans (RINOs?) were not ready to vote for him but were OK to stay with the GOP.

5 - This was expected. The GOP legislatures in many states forbid the counting of mailed ballots before election day and Dems were more likely to for that way. They knew exactly what they were doing and how the count would go on election day.
Obviously you don't understand mathematics. Keep drinking the cool aid.
So "is not" is all you have?
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
No, you didn't. You saw a side-show designed to separate you from your money and to solidify tRump's hold over your party.

If any of that were actually evidence they would have presented it in court instead of on tv.

Wake up.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.
you mean like..."you have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor or you wont get the money?"
You mean like that? Or is that somehow different.

Great question, thanks. Joe was enforcing Obama's policy developed with Republicans, our EU partners as well as the IMF, who all wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed and were willing to let Joe speak for their loan guarantees too. There was no mention of asking them to interfere in our domestic politics and attack specific Republicans? So while most foreign aid is tie to foreign policy it is very much a bribe to the receiving country to do what we want, Trumpybears bribe was not that. it IS different. Biden blatantly admitted to withhold taxpayer funds and that is OK because his boss said he can do it....Trump doesn't blatantly threaten tax payer funds but his words can be construed that he did and that IS NOT ok.

Sure. Makes sense.

So lets make it equal.

The VP did it because the President said he could....and that is OK.

The President does it and that is NOT Ok.

Makes a lot of sense.

No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
So, in other words, Trump does it ....bad....Biden does it....good.
I am surprised you don't actually see what you post. I write it, but don't actually understand what you write.
Im ok with that.

I get it.....republicans bad....Democrats good.


No you don't get it. Trumpybears demand was for a foriegn country to attack American Politicians. Obamas' demand was an attack on Russians interest in the Ukraine.

Banana Republicans are okay with that. They proved it.

But Democrats are okay with lying about getting blow jobs, so, you got them there huh?
Last edited:
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.
you mean like..."you have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor or you wont get the money?"
You mean like that? Or is that somehow different.

Great question, thanks. Joe was enforcing Obama's policy developed with Republicans, our EU partners as well as the IMF, who all wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed and were willing to let Joe speak for their loan guarantees too. There was no mention of asking them to interfere in our domestic politics and attack specific Republicans? So while most foreign aid is tie to foreign policy it is very much a bribe to the receiving country to do what we want, Trumpybears bribe was not that. it IS different. Biden blatantly admitted to withhold taxpayer funds and that is OK because his boss said he can do it....Trump doesn't blatantly threaten tax payer funds but his words can be construed that he did and that IS NOT ok.

Sure. Makes sense.

So lets make it equal.

The VP did it because the President said he could....and that is OK.

The President does it and that is NOT Ok.

Makes a lot of sense.

No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
So, in other words, Trump does it ....bad....Biden does it....good.
I am surprised you don't actually see what you post. I write it, but don't actually understand what you write.
Im ok with that.

I get it.....republicans bad....Democrats good.


No you don't get it. Trumpybears demand was for a foriegn country to attack American Politicians. Obamas' demand was an attack on Russians interest in the Ukraine.

Banana Republicans are okay with that. They proved it.

But Democrats are okay with lying about getting blow jobs, so, you got them there huh?
Democrats are OK with lying about ANYTHING.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.
you mean like..."you have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor or you wont get the money?"
You mean like that? Or is that somehow different.

Great question, thanks. Joe was enforcing Obama's policy developed with Republicans, our EU partners as well as the IMF, who all wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed and were willing to let Joe speak for their loan guarantees too. There was no mention of asking them to interfere in our domestic politics and attack specific Republicans? So while most foreign aid is tie to foreign policy it is very much a bribe to the receiving country to do what we want, Trumpybears bribe was not that. it IS different. Biden blatantly admitted to withhold taxpayer funds and that is OK because his boss said he can do it....Trump doesn't blatantly threaten tax payer funds but his words can be construed that he did and that IS NOT ok.

Sure. Makes sense.

So lets make it equal.

The VP did it because the President said he could....and that is OK.

The President does it and that is NOT Ok.

Makes a lot of sense.

No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
So, in other words, Trump does it ....bad....Biden does it....good.
I am surprised you don't actually see what you post. I write it, but don't actually understand what you write.
Im ok with that.

I get it.....republicans bad....Democrats good.


No you don't get it. Trumpybears demand was for a foriegn country to attack American Politicians. Obamas' demand was an attack on Russians interest in the Ukraine.

Banana Republicans are okay with that. They proved it.

But Democrats are okay with lying about getting blow jobs, so, you got them there huh?
Democrats are OK with lying about ANYTHING.

No just blow jobs, no wait, okay ya got me, and hand jobs too..probably okay.
No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
Joe Biden used government money intended for Ukraine, as a lever to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who threatened Burisma.
And from which, the money pipe line that he, Joe Biden, stood at the back of as Hunter's daddy
and stood to gain plenty from, was under attack.

Explain another plausible explanation for Corrupt Joe's actions.
No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
Joe Biden used government money intended for Ukraine, as a lever to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who threatened Burisma.
And from which, the money pipe line that he, Joe Biden, stood at the back of as Hunter's daddy
and stood to gain plenty from, was under attack.

Explain another plausible explanation for Corrupt Joe's actions.

According to the USA the Ukrainian prosecutors was not protecting the original founder of Burisma for pre-revolution allegations of crimes and corruption which preceded the split with Russia and Hunter Biden's employment.
No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
Joe Biden used government money intended for Ukraine, as a lever to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who threatened Burisma.
And from which, the money pipe line that he, Joe Biden, stood at the back of as Hunter's daddy
and stood to gain plenty from, was under attack.

Explain another plausible explanation for Corrupt Joe's actions.

According to the USA the Ukrainian prosecutors was not protecting the original founder of Burisma for pre-revolution allegations of crimes and corruption which preceded the split with Russia and Hunter Biden's employment.
According to the "USA"? Care to be more specific?
And which "prosecutors" (plural) are you referring to?

Corrupt Joe Biden only threatened one specific
prosecutor, and that prosecutor was going after a Burisma official.
And that threatened Hunter Biden's employer.

Was your post made while on crack?
No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
Joe Biden used government money intended for Ukraine, as a lever to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who threatened Burisma.
And from which, the money pipe line that he, Joe Biden, stood at the back of as Hunter's daddy
and stood to gain plenty from, was under attack.

Explain another plausible explanation for Corrupt Joe's actions.

According to the USA the Ukrainian prosecutors was not protecting the original founder of Burisma for pre-revolution allegations of crimes and corruption which preceded the split with Russia and Hunter Biden's employment.
According to the "USA"? Care to be more specific?
And which "prosecutors" (plural) are you referring to?

Corrupt Joe Biden only threatened one specific
prosecutor, and that prosecutor was going after a Burisma official.
And that threatened Hunter Biden's employer.

Was your post made while on crack?

Good old Joe was tasked withgoing after corruption in the Ukraine. He was talking about one instance in that clip the spinmasters told you to whine about.

Mykola Zlochevsky, is the Russian aliened owner and founder of Bursima, well until 2014, who Shokin was, allegedly, not investigating. An interesting fact often overlooked is they were investigation him for crimes committed before 2014 and not related to Bidens son at all.

It's not the same as strong arming a country into attacking a domestic political adversary
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.
you mean like..."you have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor or you wont get the money?"
You mean like that? Or is that somehow different.

Great question, thanks. Joe was enforcing Obama's policy developed with Republicans, our EU partners as well as the IMF, who all wanted the corrupt prosecutor removed and were willing to let Joe speak for their loan guarantees too. There was no mention of asking them to interfere in our domestic politics and attack specific Republicans? So while most foreign aid is tie to foreign policy it is very much a bribe to the receiving country to do what we want, Trumpybears bribe was not that. it IS different. Biden blatantly admitted to withhold taxpayer funds and that is OK because his boss said he can do it....Trump doesn't blatantly threaten tax payer funds but his words can be construed that he did and that IS NOT ok.

Sure. Makes sense.

So lets make it equal.

The VP did it because the President said he could....and that is OK.

The President does it and that is NOT Ok.

Makes a lot of sense.

No, it was loan guarantees from all three partners not tax-payer funds. They all wanted to pry the Ukraine from Russia. They were targeting Russian influence.

If Joe had said, "Hey I've got your loans but first I need you to do me a favor with this whole Trump corruption thing...and that RNC stuff first, that would be great if you could look into that, they say he's corrupt." You might have a point.
So, in other words, Trump does it ....bad....Biden does it....good.
I am surprised you don't actually see what you post. I write it, but don't actually understand what you write.
Im ok with that.

I get it.....republicans bad....Democrats good.


Well as long as you know! ;)

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