Many Republicans Don't Believe The Election Results

Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.

Bullshit. you are not "convinced" Trump is a "criminal", you are "convinced" that he is wacist and phobe and this and that, and ect ect ect.

That is the point of all those hyperbolic and hysterical accusations that your side is constantly making. To keep you people convinced that no matter how bad your dem candidates are, they can still pretend to be better than what the republicans supposedly are.

To be honest, I only suspected Trump was a criminal before the election. It is since serving as Pres that I became convinced. Ask Mueller if you don't believe me.

As for "hyperbolic and hysterical accusations", Trump is king. His 2016 campaign mantra was "lock her up". Has he?

Mueller? The one that couldn't find ANYTHING in his massive investigation? The one that spend millions and came up with, "well, I got a feeling there is bad stuff that wasn't what we were looking for and someone else should do some more looking"?


You, you don't still believe in the Steele Dossier do you?

View attachment 430193

You shouldn't be so quick or so proud to show off your ignorance. What Mueller said was there was evidence of obstruction of justice but the rules of the investigation precluded him from saying it outright. Just because the GOP ignored it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Know your facts.

He said there was evidence of possible obstruction but no way to prove it seeing as obstruction is based on intent and the evidence could not prove intent. It could have just as easily be action with no intent of obstruction.

For example...If I say I love could say it is a term of endearment and another looking for something nefarious can say it was actually an insult because he surely has no reason to love you and he is saying it to thorw you off.

Know your facts.
This is pure bullshit. You can't come close to authenticating this claim. Not close.

Was Biden given the green light to simply shut everything down if the Ukrainian prosecutor breathing down the neck of Hunter Biden's employer wasn't immediately fired?
If you check the timeline you'll see there was no investigation 'breathing down the neck of Hunter Biden's employer' at the time Biden threatened to withhold funds.
This is pure bullshit. You can't come close to authenticating this claim. Not close.

Was Biden given the green light to simply shut everything down if the Ukrainian prosecutor breathing down the neck of Hunter Biden's employer wasn't immediately fired?
If you check the timeline you'll see there was no investigation 'breathing down the neck of Hunter Biden's employer' at the time Biden threatened to withhold funds.

He was investigating Burisma.

End of conversation.
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.

Bullshit. you are not "convinced" Trump is a "criminal", you are "convinced" that he is wacist and phobe and this and that, and ect ect ect.

That is the point of all those hyperbolic and hysterical accusations that your side is constantly making. To keep you people convinced that no matter how bad your dem candidates are, they can still pretend to be better than what the republicans supposedly are.

To be honest, I only suspected Trump was a criminal before the election. It is since serving as Pres that I became convinced. Ask Mueller if you don't believe me.

As for "hyperbolic and hysterical accusations", Trump is king. His 2016 campaign mantra was "lock her up". Has he?

Mueller? The one that couldn't find ANYTHING in his massive investigation? The one that spend millions and came up with, "well, I got a feeling there is bad stuff that wasn't what we were looking for and someone else should do some more looking"?


You, you don't still believe in the Steele Dossier do you?

View attachment 430193

You shouldn't be so quick or so proud to show off your ignorance. What Mueller said was there was evidence of obstruction of justice but the rules of the investigation precluded him from saying it outright. Just because the GOP ignored it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Know your facts.

He said there was evidence of possible obstruction but no way to prove it seeing as obstruction is based on intent and the evidence could not prove intent. It could have just as easily be action with no intent of obstruction.

For example...If I say I love could say it is a term of endearment and another looking for something nefarious can say it was actually an insult because he surely has no reason to love you and he is saying it to thorw you off.

Know your facts.

The fact is that Mueller, the former FBI director had said in his report he never reached a decision on whether Trump could or should be charged with obstruction because of the OLC guidance.

The facts of the case you wrote are from your imagination, not from Mueller.
This is pure bullshit. You can't come close to authenticating this claim. Not close.

Was Biden given the green light to simply shut everything down if the Ukrainian prosecutor breathing down the neck of Hunter Biden's employer wasn't immediately fired?
If you check the timeline you'll see there was no investigation 'breathing down the neck of Hunter Biden's employer' at the time Biden threatened to withhold funds.

He was investigating Burisma.

End of conversation.
If I'm not willing to take your word, got anything to back it up? Let me get you started:
At the heart of Congress' probe into the president's actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.​
But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.​
It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.​
Eyes rolling now...
Don't give me uncited sources and unnamed authorities from a third rate source like USA Today and expect me to respond to this nonsense.

Lots of people wanted Shokin to go away. Corrupt Joe Biden wasn't the only one. But he was the only one
who had his son embedded in Burisma as a source of income for himself.
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Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But my hope is that Biden does the right thing if he is inaugurated, and doesn't Obstruct Justice by blocking or denying the investigations into his legitimacy that will continue regardless. Our system will depend on his respect for the process, and volunteering to cooperate along with practicing the Bipartisanship he promised is the way that he can help mend the country.
Biden HAS to these things? Why weren't people telling Trump he HAS to do similar things? If they had and he'd listened(unlikely, but at least you tried), he'd have won the election. I think he lost, not because Democrats overwhelmed the pools or that there was any sort of fraud, but because many Republicans couldn't take him anymore, as evidenced by how well down ballot candidates did compared to Trump.
Biden promised during the campaign to reach out and engage in Bipartisanship with the Deplorable Chumps if elected. This is about fulfilling one's promises. As far as Trump running behind other GOP candidates, that's one of the factors that makes the results suspicious.
It's only suspicious to the brainwashed. Many Republicans were outraged by Trump. Just look at the Lincoln Project.

It was barely enough! Trump still got over 70 M votes! That says a lot about us and Republicans in general after all was said and done; economic collapse, thousands of deaths, and overall en oui of being locked down! They still voted for that man! IDK how I can look and talk to a Republican about anything! They showed their arses during the Obama years and solidified the party hatred of minorities, foreigners, Black women, and the disabled! They just don't GAF about anyone but themselves! It remains to be seen if Biden can turn this around! :confused:
How are you blaming Trump for the deaths which I think you mean covid when it was the dems who purposely spread it around.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But my hope is that Biden does the right thing if he is inaugurated, and doesn't Obstruct Justice by blocking or denying the investigations into his legitimacy that will continue regardless. Our system will depend on his respect for the process, and volunteering to cooperate along with practicing the Bipartisanship he promised is the way that he can help mend the country.
Biden HAS to these things? Why weren't people telling Trump he HAS to do similar things? If they had and he'd listened(unlikely, but at least you tried), he'd have won the election. I think he lost, not because Democrats overwhelmed the pools or that there was any sort of fraud, but because many Republicans couldn't take him anymore, as evidenced by how well down ballot candidates did compared to Trump.
Biden promised during the campaign to reach out and engage in Bipartisanship with the Deplorable Chumps if elected. This is about fulfilling one's promises. As far as Trump running behind other GOP candidates, that's one of the factors that makes the results suspicious.
It's only suspicious to the brainwashed. Many Republicans were outraged by Trump. Just look at the Lincoln Project.

It was barely enough! Trump still got over 70 M votes! That says a lot about us and Republicans in general after all was said and done; economic collapse, thousands of deaths, and overall en oui of being locked down! They still voted for that man! IDK how I can look and talk to a Republican about anything! They showed their arses during the Obama years and solidified the party hatred of minorities, foreigners, Black women, and the disabled! They just don't GAF about anyone but themselves! It remains to be seen if Biden can turn this around!
How are you blaming Trump for the deaths which I think you mean covid when it was the dems who purposely spread it around.
The Trumpista lies just keep coming! SMH
There is absoolutely no penalty for Democrats stealing elections so they just do it and grin about it afterwards.

Republicans bitch about it on the Internet but don't do what is necessary to prevent it.

The Tree of Liberty should be nourished with the blood of Patriots now but it ain't. It is being killed by the poison of apathy.

We don't want to keep our Republic. We are willing to let the greedy Communists steal it from us.

America is really not that special. We are going down the same path of destruction that so many other countries have disastrously taken.

Too bad, The US use to be great. Now it will just be a Socialist shithole while Biden's Chinese buddies flourish.
There is absoolutely no penalty for Democrats stealing elections so they just do it and grin about it afterwards.

Republicans bitch about it on the Internet but don't do what is necessary to prevent it.

The Tree of Liberty should be nourished with the blood of Patriots now but it ain't. It is being killed by the poison of apathy.

We don't want to keep our Republic. We are willing to let the greedy Communists steal it from us.

America is really not that special. We are going down the same path of destruction that so many other countries have disastrously taken.

Too bad, The US use to be great. Now it will just be a Socialist shithole while Biden's Chinese buddies flourish.
I guess Trump shouldn't have nominated all those commies to the SC, eh?
Somehow, you left out the fact that a direct descendant of Joe Biden was a board member of the entity that was accused of corruption..
Firstly, "accused" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. Secondly, I wonder if the entity would have been accused if Hunter had a different last name?

Accused, by itself, can be meaningless.

BUt, really, the truth is, you don't care whether the Bidens are guilty or not.

Do you?

If you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING he was accused of, you would still support him as he will advance your agenda.

Is that not true?
Untrue. You're thinking of the cult of Trump:

The context of that quote is different than what you are suggesting.

And I note that you did not deny my point.

Even if you knew for a fact that Biden was guilty of EVERYTHING,, you would still support him.

You might want to bone up on your reading comprehension since I did deny your point.

If I knew Biden was a crook I'd never have supported him in the primaries. If I learned after he got the nod, that's more complicated since I'm convinced Trump is a criminal it would be a choice of cancer of polio.
... Unfortunately the country isn't very bright and are easily suckered!...

True of you folks. The rest of the country knows that Dems rigged both the 2016 and the 2020 primaries to prevent a Bernie Sanders victory, and while they failed to rig the 2016 general election, they manage to pull off rigging the 2020 elections, which got them nothing more than badly deteriorated, badly China compromised, lame duck who will keep the seat warm until the GOP retakes the House in 2022 and the presidency in 2024.

Biden vs Nemesis.
To win, the Democrats knowingly drafted the 77-year old Biden (who has since turned 78) to put a familiar veneer on radical agendas that had frightened primary voters. At times, Democrats seemed fated to be directly tied to the statue toppling, protesting, rioting and violence that plagued American cities for much of the summer.
Given the Democrats’ Faustian bargain with their leftmost faction, destructive rumors about Biden’s faculties or his family’s financial escapades will more likely come from his own party’s left wing, eager for a Harris presidency, rather than from the Republican opposition.
It will be the Hard Left that quickly sees Biden as an imposter.
Biden will enter office with an ethical cloud hanging over his head — one that could have been vetted and adjudicated rather than blacked out for most of 2020. His son, brother and perhaps family associates may talk if faced with FBI and IRS probes, if not a special counsel investigation.
No one is going to walk the plank for Old Lame Duck Joe
It will not help Biden that to defeat Trump, many of our institutions were deformed. Special counsels usually never receive a blank check — 22 months and $32 million — to assemble a team of partisans to investigate a new president on mostly hearsay evidence and an opposition-concocted dossier.
Never forget
But that precedent ended with the ill-conceived Robert Muller investigation. By spring, Biden could have done to him what was done to Trump — and what Biden himself so frequently cheered on.
The “shock” that Democrats will feign when 2021 onward turns into a funhouse mirror version of the last four years will be astonishing to watch. Democrats are now reaping the whirlwind of their 2016 election ‘Resistance.’ “Democrats who are dismayed that many Americans aren’t meekly accepting the legitimacy of the Biden presidency are in the process of learning a lesson taught a very long time ago. You reap what you sow.”



CNN’s Jake Tapper Accidentally Previews Media’s New Biden Defense Strategy, and It Is Pathetic.

Joe Biden’s calls for unity and healing were already self-destructing thanks in no small part to a recent Glamour magazine interview done by his campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon in which she called Republicans “a bunch of f**kers.”

Understandably, O’Malley Dillon’s comments made waves in Republican circles, not because of hurt feelings or anything like that, because Republicans have certainly been called worse by Democrats including Biden himself over the years. Instead, her remarks were viewed as a confirmation of what Republicans have said over the last month about how in reality Democrats (and their media allies) have no real interest in any post-election “unity and healing”, despite their numerous impassioned claims to the contrary.

Not surprisingly, CNN’s Jake Tapper – who completely ripped off the “objective” mask the moment his network projected Biden to be the election winner — demonstrated once again that there is nothing he won’t say and do to mask the legitimate issues Republicans bring to light about the hollow and empty rhetoric coming from Democrats.

Tapper’s sizzling hot take in response to the backlash over O’Malley Dillon’s swipe was to proclaim it was “stunning hypocrisy” coming from “folks who were silent for years about vulgarities and smears”:

This is not about hurt feelings about being insulted, because we’re used to that. It’s about the Biden campaign saying the quiet part out loud about how the whole “unity and healing” talking point is just that and nothing more. If Democrats don’t really mean it — and we all know they never did — then Republicans in the House and Senate should feel no obligation to extend any type of olive branch in turn (though some, unfortunately, will).

Tapper was immediately called out by people who remember his own four-year “New Tone” campaign against the Trump administration, and how it’s Tapper himself who has proved to be a massive hypocrite:

While Tapper often acted as an apologist for Democrats prior to the election, his post-election transformation into a complete lapdog for the Biden-Harris campaign has been quite remarkable. It also proves the point that not only is CNN not a news organization but that they will be leading contenders for the coveted role of unofficial state-run TV “news” outlet under a Biden-Harris administration.

That is something Tapper and his equally biased colleagues will wear like a badge of honor in the coming months as they play predictable “whataboutism” games with Republicans every time they raise legit issues about their political opposition.

As I’ve noted before, Jake Tapper is proving the old adage true about how you can take a person out of their element, but you can’t take the element out of the person. In this case, you can take Tapper out of being a former writer for the radically left-wing Salon magazine and out of once being a spokesman for a former Democrat Congresswoman, but you can’t take the radical, angry, duplicitous leftist out of Jake Tapper.
Trump's cult is deep, consider that over seventy million, so called freedom loving Americans, voted for an autocrat. That is the simple reason republicans follow along, their allegiance is to their cushy job and not America.

'Why so many people want to believe the election was stolen'

Why do you, YOU , think that President Trump is an autocrat?
There is absoolutely no penalty for Democrats stealing elections so they just do it and grin about it afterwards.

Republicans bitch about it on the Internet but don't do what is necessary to prevent it.

The Tree of Liberty should be nourished with the blood of Patriots now but it ain't. It is being killed by the poison of apathy.

We don't want to keep our Republic. We are willing to let the greedy Communists steal it from us.

America is really not that special. We are going down the same path of destruction that so many other countries have disastrously taken.

Too bad, The US use to be great. Now it will just be a Socialist shithole while Biden's Chinese buddies flourish.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

30% of Biden voters think that there was fraud.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But my hope is that Biden does the right thing if he is inaugurated, and doesn't Obstruct Justice by blocking or denying the investigations into his legitimacy that will continue regardless. Our system will depend on his respect for the process, and volunteering to cooperate along with practicing the Bipartisanship he promised is the way that he can help mend the country.
Biden HAS to these things? Why weren't people telling Trump he HAS to do similar things? If they had and he'd listened(unlikely, but at least you tried), he'd have won the election. I think he lost, not because Democrats overwhelmed the pools or that there was any sort of fraud, but because many Republicans couldn't take him anymore, as evidenced by how well down ballot candidates did compared to Trump.
Biden promised during the campaign to reach out and engage in Bipartisanship with the Deplorable Chumps if elected. This is about fulfilling one's promises. As far as Trump running behind other GOP candidates, that's one of the factors that makes the results suspicious.
It's only suspicious to the brainwashed. Many Republicans were outraged by Trump. Just look at the Lincoln Project.

I would add the thousands of republicans and now former republicans who are on this site:

Well hey, here's a crazy idea.

We have two years before the next elections. Maybe the two parties can communicate, collaborate, and agree on voting systems, procedures and contingencies across the country so that they both have skin in the game and are confident that the elections will be safe and fair. That way, we can keep the conspiracy theories and bitching to a minimum.

Minor problem: That would require both parties to work together like reasonable, intelligent, mature adults.

America doesn't do that any more, does it?

You don't realize that there are republicans who want the conspiracies to continue.

It's one of the reasons why none of what you listed has happened.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But my hope is that Biden does the right thing if he is inaugurated, and doesn't Obstruct Justice by blocking or denying the investigations into his legitimacy that will continue regardless. Our system will depend on his respect for the process, and volunteering to cooperate along with practicing the Bipartisanship he promised is the way that he can help mend the country.
Biden HAS to these things? Why weren't people telling Trump he HAS to do similar things? If they had and he'd listened(unlikely, but at least you tried), he'd have won the election. I think he lost, not because Democrats overwhelmed the pools or that there was any sort of fraud, but because many Republicans couldn't take him anymore, as evidenced by how well down ballot candidates did compared to Trump.
Biden promised during the campaign to reach out and engage in Bipartisanship with the Deplorable Chumps if elected. This is about fulfilling one's promises. As far as Trump running behind other GOP candidates, that's one of the factors that makes the results suspicious.
It's only suspicious to the brainwashed. Many Republicans were outraged by Trump. Just look at the Lincoln Project.

I would add the thousands of republicans and now former republicans who are on this site:

If someone is a "former Republican", shouldn't they be re-signing up for the party now that Trump is apparently gone? I mean, if that's the reason they gave for leaving?

Unless the Former Republicans get back on board with the Never-Trumpers, how do they intend to get the GOP to nominate JEB! or Mitt or Kasich or Cindy McCain in 2024?

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