Many Republicans Don't Believe The Election Results

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says
It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
Anyone? The SC didn't see it. The voters that voted for Biden didn't see it. Many Republicans didn't see it. You "saw" the affidavits? Don't make me laugh. You saw no such thing.
Actually, your news may not have presented the affidavits, but they were seen by many of us.
As for the SCOTUS, they did not dismiss based on the merits. They dismissed based on standing.
Know your facts if you want to have credibility in a debate.

Who GAF; it was a lame attempt to change the results of an election! Repubs have really screwed themselves following Trump over a cliff! "Be my guests; take all of them over Don!"!
Wow. You truly are a mature debater. Good for you.

It's hard to take any of you people seriously when you're fighting a losing battle for an a-hole! Trump is a narcissist to the highest order who doesn't care about anyone but himself! Where's his empathy for lost lives under his watch? This says a lot about you than him if you can ignore all his pathetic lying, cry-babying act! It's pathetic, but that's your party; TRULY PATHETIC! Dems are no prize, but they at least pay for their $#!t and they stay within the law! Republicans are now a criminal cabal or cult that I won't forgive anytime soon! They fk'd up and I won't give them amnesty! :confused:
Its not hard to take YOU seriously. Your posts makes it impossible.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says
It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
Anyone? The SC didn't see it. The voters that voted for Biden didn't see it. Many Republicans didn't see it. You "saw" the affidavits? Don't make me laugh. You saw no such thing.
Actually, your news may not have presented the affidavits, but they were seen by many of us.
As for the SCOTUS, they did not dismiss based on the merits. They dismissed based on standing.
Know your facts if you want to have credibility in a debate.

Who GAF; it was a lame attempt to change the results of an election! Repubs have really screwed themselves following Trump over a cliff! "Be my guests; take all of them over Don!"!
Wow. You truly are a mature debater. Good for you.

It's hard to take any of you people seriously when you're fighting a losing battle for an a-hole! Trump is a narcissist to the highest order who doesn't care about anyone but himself! Where's his empathy for lost lives under his watch? This says a lot about you than him if you can ignore all his pathetic lying, cry-babying act! It's pathetic, but that's your party; TRULY PATHETIC! Dems are no prize, but they at least pay for their $#!t and they stay within the law! Republicans are now a criminal cabal or cult that I won't forgive anytime soon! They fk'd up and I won't give them amnesty! :confused:
Its not hard to take YOU seriously. Your posts makes it impossible.

As usual, they run and can't dispute facts for very long! Sad! ;)
So? Many of Trumpybears Banana Republicans watch the Kangaroo Courts on OAN and NewsMaxine. So it's not surprising what they believe. They certainly aren't following the real court cases.
So? Many of Trumpybears Banana Republicans watch the Kangaroo Courts on OAN and NewsMaxine. So it's not surprising what they believe. They certainly aren't following the real court cases.

People don't realize the harm Trump's done to MSM! Calling everything fake news he doesn't like has given license to dictators in other country to arrest and imprison reporters! IDK how people can ignore this phenomenon? It's not what we stand for! Trump has been the anti-thesis of a good president and proved his incompetence every day he opened his stupid mouth! How he has defenders at this point is mind-numbing! ;)
So? Many of Trumpybears Banana Republicans watch the Kangaroo Courts on OAN and NewsMaxine. So it's not surprising what they believe. They certainly aren't following the real court cases.

People don't realize the harm Trump's done to MSM! Calling everything fake news he doesn't like has given license to dictators in other country to arrest and imprison reporters! IDK how people can ignore this phenomenon? It's not what we stand for! Trump has been the anti-thesis of a good president and proved his incompetence every day he opened his stupid mouth! How he has defenders at this point is mind-numbing! ;)

It's is. They live in the Alt-Right news bubble created by Faux News.

Faux News created the Frankenstein that ate Faux News.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says
It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
Anyone? The SC didn't see it. The voters that voted for Biden didn't see it. Many Republicans didn't see it. You "saw" the affidavits? Don't make me laugh. You saw no such thing.
Actually, your news may not have presented the affidavits, but they were seen by many of us.
As for the SCOTUS, they did not dismiss based on the merits. They dismissed based on standing.
Know your facts if you want to have credibility in a debate.

Who GAF; it was a lame attempt to change the results of an election! Repubs have really screwed themselves following Trump over a cliff! "Be my guests; take all of them over Don!"!
Wow. You truly are a mature debater. Good for you.

It's hard to take any of you people seriously when you're fighting a losing battle for an a-hole! Trump is a narcissist to the highest order who doesn't care about anyone but himself! Where's his empathy for lost lives under his watch? This says a lot about you than him if you can ignore all his pathetic lying, cry-babying act! It's pathetic, but that's your party; TRULY PATHETIC! Dems are no prize, but they at least pay for their $#!t and they stay within the law! Republicans are now a criminal cabal or cult that I won't forgive anytime soon! They fk'd up and I won't give them amnesty!
Its not hard to take YOU seriously. Your posts makes it impossible. Cya
As usual, they run and can't dispute facts for very long! Sad!
Hard to dispute facts, when the Trumpistas don't have any.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But my hope is that Biden does the right thing if he is inaugurated, and doesn't Obstruct Justice by blocking or denying the investigations into his legitimacy that will continue regardless. Our system will depend on his respect for the process, and volunteering to cooperate along with practicing the Bipartisanship he promised is the way that he can help mend the country.
Biden HAS to these things? Why weren't people telling Trump he HAS to do similar things? If they had and he'd listened(unlikely, but at least you tried), he'd have won the election. I think he lost, not because Democrats overwhelmed the pools or that there was any sort of fraud, but because many Republicans couldn't take him anymore, as evidenced by how well down ballot candidates did compared to Trump.
Biden promised during the campaign to reach out and engage in Bipartisanship with the Deplorable Chumps if elected. This is about fulfilling one's promises. As far as Trump running behind other GOP candidates, that's one of the factors that makes the results suspicious.
It's only suspicious to the brainwashed. Many Republicans were outraged by Trump. Just look at the Lincoln Project.

It was barely enough! Trump still got over 70 M votes! That says a lot about us and Republicans in general after all was said and done; economic collapse, thousands of deaths, and overall en oui of being locked down! They still voted for that man! IDK how I can look and talk to a Republican about anything! They showed their arses during the Obama years and solidified the party hatred of minorities, foreigners, Black women, and the disabled! They just don't GAF about anyone but themselves! It remains to be seen if Biden can turn this around! :confused:

Your side constantly race baiting is tearing this country apart and killing people on a regular basis and still you pour more gas on the fire.

You will be dying in a burned out ruin, and still unable to connect cause and effect.

And you will deserve it.

Look in the mirror jerk-off! Republicans have shown their arses, so spare me! The way Obama was treated was reprehensible! You'll never be able to excuse your own bigotry and racism in the Republican party! You're all disgusting pigs and I can make note of despicable behavior you can't explain away easily! You're still trying to disenfranchise black voters so screw you! I'm not fanning anything; more about your own ignorance! :rolleyes:

You are a coward, calling me a racist online.

A filthy coward.

Trump's made it easy for me to paint all of you a-holes with the same racist brush! Explain it to me then! WTF is up with Republicans and their fk'n around with voter suppression? Explain it a-hole! Here's your forum! Make me eat my words fk'r! You can't, so go to bed! :rolleyes:

ALL of your accusations of wacism are a gish gallop of confirmation bias and various degrees of bullshit.

And using fighting words like "wacism" when you are safe online, is the act of a coward.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But my hope is that Biden does the right thing if he is inaugurated, and doesn't Obstruct Justice by blocking or denying the investigations into his legitimacy that will continue regardless. Our system will depend on his respect for the process, and volunteering to cooperate along with practicing the Bipartisanship he promised is the way that he can help mend the country.
Biden HAS to these things? Why weren't people telling Trump he HAS to do similar things? If they had and he'd listened(unlikely, but at least you tried), he'd have won the election. I think he lost, not because Democrats overwhelmed the pools or that there was any sort of fraud, but because many Republicans couldn't take him anymore, as evidenced by how well down ballot candidates did compared to Trump.
Biden promised during the campaign to reach out and engage in Bipartisanship with the Deplorable Chumps if elected. This is about fulfilling one's promises. As far as Trump running behind other GOP candidates, that's one of the factors that makes the results suspicious.
It's only suspicious to the brainwashed. Many Republicans were outraged by Trump. Just look at the Lincoln Project.

It was barely enough! Trump still got over 70 M votes! That says a lot about us and Republicans in general after all was said and done; economic collapse, thousands of deaths, and overall en oui of being locked down! They still voted for that man! IDK how I can look and talk to a Republican about anything! They showed their arses during the Obama years and solidified the party hatred of minorities, foreigners, Black women, and the disabled! They just don't GAF about anyone but themselves! It remains to be seen if Biden can turn this around! :confused:

Your side constantly race baiting is tearing this country apart and killing people on a regular basis and still you pour more gas on the fire.

You will be dying in a burned out ruin, and still unable to connect cause and effect.

And you will deserve it.

Look in the mirror jerk-off! Republicans have shown their arses, so spare me! The way Obama was treated was reprehensible! You'll never be able to excuse your own bigotry and racism in the Republican party! You're all disgusting pigs and I can make note of despicable behavior you can't explain away easily! You're still trying to disenfranchise black voters so screw you! I'm not fanning anything; more about your own ignorance! :rolleyes:

You are a coward, calling me a racist online.

A filthy coward.

Trump's made it easy for me to paint all of you a-holes with the same racist brush! Explain it to me then! WTF is up with Republicans and their fk'n around with voter suppression? Explain it a-hole! Here's your forum! Make me eat my words fk'r! You can't, so go to bed! :rolleyes:

Voter suppression? Democrats don't want voter id and didn't even require signature validation on mail-in ballots in some states. What does that tell you? They don't care one bit about having a fair election, only gaining power.

But Republicans can be verified as legit by having an NRA membership! Spare me the hypocrisy! You all look terrible only going into black major cities to try and eliminate their right to vote so fk. off! You're tainted for the foreseeable future! :mad:

Hypothetically, if some evil witch cursed you so that you could not accuse people of wacism, would you have anything to complain about republicans about, or anything to support your opposition to them?
So? Many of Trumpybears Banana Republicans watch the Kangaroo Courts on OAN and NewsMaxine. So it's not surprising what they believe. They certainly aren't following the real court cases.

People don't realize the harm Trump's done to MSM! Calling everything fake news he doesn't like has given license to dictators in other country to arrest and imprison reporters! IDK how people can ignore this phenomenon? It's not what we stand for! Trump has been the anti-thesis of a good president and proved his incompetence every day he opened his stupid mouth! How he has defenders at this point is mind-numbing! ;)
When you tout yourself as one to report the news and you omit news, it is lying. Lying by omission is still lying.
Nearly 2 months ago the Biden issue came up and the news refused to report it. Actually, all they reported was how it was a non story and called it Russian disinformation without proof.
You know....never mind.
You arent really interested.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.
Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

You escalated. YOu don't get to whine now.

Get back to me when republican mobs start attacking people having lunch and then the local republican mayor orders the cops to arrest the person attacked, and he ends up in fucking jail.

EDIT. and even then, I will say to you, get back to me when it happens hundreds of times, thousands of times.

And even then I will say to you, now we are playing by your rules, so suck it up, faggot.

Many Republicans don’t believe the election results, a new survey says

It does not matter what the judges or Democrats say. Anyone who watched the hearings on TV saw the evidence of fraud. We saw affidavits, witness testimony and videos that are proof.
The GOP has become a cult and are being led over a cliff by an amoral narcissist who can't accept losing. To him, his winning is more important than the country itself.

That's how I see it and I'd bet many if not most Dems would agree.

Your side made this a war. You don't get to whine now.
So you're saying that the Dems started a war when Trump was elected in spite of the fact that the GOP always treated Clinton and Obama with respect and cooperation? Those bastards!!!

We opposed the Bill Clinton and Obama with partisan bitterness.

Big escalation to go to abusing the FBI to spy on a campaign and gin up an impeachment and use violent mobs in the streets while arresting people that defend themselves.

Trump's campaign wasn't spied on.

The impeachment wasn't "ginned up". Trump actually abused the power of his office to get a foreign country to dig up dirt on his opponent.

Let's let the case of "teen with a gun" play out shall we?

1. He was spied on. THey admitted it.

2. He did not.

3. No, let's keep the eyes on teh nation on the dems who choose to charge a teen who defended himself from a violent mob led by a fucking child molester.

1. The FBI was spying. They always cast a wide net around the Russians. Why did so many of Trumps Campaign officials get caught up in the Russian net?

2. Bribery using public funds for a person gain is public corruption.
you mean like..."you have 6 hours to fire the prosecutor or you wont get the money?"
You mean like that? Or is that somehow different. will be fine once joe takes the office and things get back to normal...
Joe’s version of “normal” is what scares most of us.
If you're scared of Joe, you've got a screw loose. He's the most middle-of-the-road candidate the Dems could have nominated.
Im not worried about Joe.
Im worried about the 25th amendment, Pelosi and Harris.
Im very content with Joe.

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