Many Republicans feel the government is weaponized against them

When the FBI shows up at a family home in riot gear, guns drawn to arrest a father of five for peacefully protesting at an abortion clinic, until his young son was shoved that is, you know the government is out of control.
Are you one of those who wants to defund FBI. That is bad as the idiots who want to defund the police.

Unfortunately both FBI and police have shown up at a family home to arrest a father of five for protesting at an abortion clinic and been shot.

A father of five has protesting at an abortion clinic has decided to blow up abortion clinics.

Some people on both sides of the abortion issue are so extreme they do crazy things. It is up to police and FBI to deal with the crazies.

Give them some grace.
Confederates were traitors. You feel persecuted because why? A reminder you are not Trump. Trump isn't even a conservative.
Confederates were traitors but Trump is in fact a conservative – a product of what conservatism became some 50 years ago.
But you will never tell that to fellow Democrats, because you are a party loyalist and support your team no matter what.
Show me a Democrat committing an actual factual crime...
Not one of your fantasies
Not something made up by your owners

And I'll say the same thing.


The implication of your question is that all of the prisons are filled with republicans.
Which further implies that you believe all Republicans are criminals.
I guess you don't realize you've made a

Show me a Democrat committing an actual factual crime...
Not one of your fantasies
Not something made up by your owners

And I'll say the same thing.


The implication of your question is that all of the prisons are filled with republicans.
Which further implies that you believe all Republicans are criminals.
I guess you don't realize you've made a

No you won't. You think all Democrats are clean and pure as the wind driven snow and are the only ones anointed to rule the masses. Democrats are the enemy and need to be eliminated.
Seldom (if ever) has an independent counsel announced by the AG himself been appointed to investigate one man (Hunter Biden) who isn't even in the government. That changed yesterday.
Well since hunter sold access to the VP of the United States there should be an investigation.

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