Many Texas Schools Teach Creationism



I was taught both, yet it has in no way inhibited my education or evaluation of existence.
I teach my kids both also.
Truth be known, we don't really know which is factual.

Are you kidding me? Yes we do, we have scientific consensus , the issue of evolution is not even in question anymore, there is MORE the. Enough evidence. If you happened to pick up any scientific journal around the world you would see that, story over, but hey if you want your kids to be lame, then have at it.

Evolution does absolutely nothing to negate the notion of creationism.

Nothing at all.

Of course the environment can effect genetic change. No one in their right mind would argue that it does not.

Arguing that evolution alone accounts for all the diversity of life is a little dim, though.
I was taught both, yet it has in no way inhibited my education or evaluation of existence.
I teach my kids both also.
Truth be known, we don't really know which is factual.

The fact that you said we really don't know what is factual means that there is a chance that you were misinformed by your education. The theory of evolution is supported by mountains of evidence while creationism relies on arguments that have bee refuted decades ago. We don't want the same misinformation to happen to our children.

Actually you seem to have been misinformed by your education, those mountains of evidence you say support evolution have some pretty major valleys between them, aka gaps. Even Darwin had doubts about his theory by the time he died.

evolutionary theory answers the question HOW, but by not the question WHY.

the last one can not be answered by scientific means
The story of creation is remarkable in that, for it's time, the steps are scientifically accurate. Atheists want to quibble over what a day is. The facts of what came first and in which order follows right along with that is known about evolution.


Oh dear, you are wrong again. You are tediously ignorant.

1. Genesis says that God put vegetation on the Earth on the third day,

and the sun and moon in the sky on the fourth day.

Seriously? That's in sync with the scientific timeline????

2. Genesis says that God created birds on the fifth day, and land creatures on the sixth.

That's in sync with the scientfic timeline, that birds came into existence before land creatures?

Genesis 1 NIV - The Beginning - In the beginning God - Bible Gateway
Bible based teachings should be encouraged in ALL public schools.

Creation by a higher power makes more sense than anything else.

Not all of us Christians believe in the 6,000-8,000 years earth age belief. I believe in the "gap theory."

All religious scripture should be offered in the humanities classrooms in high schools, yes, but not as alternative to evolution.

The proof systems are different.

It should be taught as an alternative especially since scripture is much more plausible than evolution. If two "proof" systems are needed, so be it. To imply that evolution type of creation is more acceptable or more provable than creation by God is just plain silly!:cool:
Do you value science education? How can we be the best in science in the world if some of us teach kids myths and call it science?

First of all, you don't know that they are calling it science, second, it doesn't hurt real science, and third you didn't say how it hurts you exactly.

When one teaches creationism anywhere in school, they are damaging science education by confusing children on what is or is not true about our origins.

Garbage! It would teach them to think and reason.
According to the Reading and Writing and Religion II a report by the Texas Freedom Network, many Texas children are being taught creationism including the myth that the earth is only 6,000 years old. So what do you think of this development? What should we do about it? Should creationism be taught in schools?

I can't post a link right now because I don't have enough posts however a simple google search will provide you with enough sources.

Let 'em stay stupid there.
It is important that we raise a generation of good mathematicians, engineers, and scientists. Teaching kids myths and calling it science harms the science education of our children.

You do not know that they are calling it science and I learned both when I was a kid and i can separate the two. perhaps your kids aren't as smart as Texas' children are.

Most creationist call creationism science. What I am saying here is teaching creationism as a fact in schools, whether you are calling it science or not is misinforming children.

I think you're more concerned your children will actually take the teachings and choose one you don't want them to. Therefore you need to limit the choices given to an outcome you consider acceptable.
[ame=]Evolution Creationism BIG BANG. - YouTube[/ame]

Anyone who defends creationism is just being silly and rejects science. Most are republicans it surprise.
Bible based teachings should be encouraged in ALL public schools.

Creation by a higher power makes more sense than anything else.

Not all of us Christians believe in the 6,000-8,000 years earth age belief. I believe in the "gap theory."

All religious scripture should be offered in the humanities classrooms in high schools, yes, but not as alternative to evolution.

The proof systems are different.

It should be taught as an alternative especially since scripture is much more plausible than evolution. If two "proof" systems are needed, so be it. To imply that evolution type of creation is more acceptable or more provable than creation by God is just plain silly!:cool:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Bible based teachings should be encouraged in ALL public schools.

Creation by a higher power makes more sense than anything else.

Not all of us Christians believe in the 6,000-8,000 years earth age belief. I believe in the "gap theory."

All religious scripture should be offered in the humanities classrooms in high schools, yes, but not as alternative to evolution.

The proof systems are different.

It should be taught as an alternative especially since scripture is much more plausible than evolution. If two "proof" systems are needed, so be it. To imply that evolution type of creation is more acceptable or more provable than creation by God is just plain silly!:cool:

Another alternative is teaching the origins of the universe as explained in the Koran.
I was taught both, yet it has in no way inhibited my education or evaluation of existence.
I teach my kids both also.
Truth be known, we don't really know which is factual.

Are you kidding me? Yes we do, we have scientific consensus , the issue of evolution is not even in question anymore, there is MORE the. Enough evidence. If you happened to pick up any scientific journal around the world you would see that, story over, but hey if you want your kids to be lame, then have at it.

Evolutionary theory can not and does not explain how life came from non-life.
The fact that you said we really don't know what is factual means that there is a chance that you were misinformed by your education. The theory of evolution is supported by mountains of evidence while creationism relies on arguments that have bee refuted decades ago. We don't want the same misinformation to happen to our children.

Actually you seem to have been misinformed by your education, those mountains of evidence you say support evolution have some pretty major valleys between them, aka gaps. Even Darwin had doubts about his theory by the time he died.

evolutionary theory answers the question HOW, but by not the question WHY.

the last one can not be answered by scientific means

Evolutionary theory answers the HOW of what?
rdean, you don't get "just once more."

Atheists like you are as dangerous, I think, as are religionist extremists.

That is why, when I was a school board president, I informed the superintendent I wanted them to vet our science teachers very, very carefully.

How is he dangerous? All he is saying is that if we are going to teach the Hebrew creation myth, to be fair we should probably teach several others along with it. It is a perfectly valid point.

How do you know that the "Hebrew creation" story is a myth? It shares a lot of similarities with most major religions.

What is a definite myth is that evolution explains the creation of life from non-life. The evolutionary theory can't explain it nor does it try.
Bible based teachings should be encouraged in ALL public schools.

Creation by a higher power makes more sense than anything else.

Not all of us Christians believe in the 6,000-8,000 years earth age belief. I believe in the "gap theory."

All religious scripture should be offered in the humanities classrooms in high schools, yes, but not as alternative to evolution.

The proof systems are different.

It should be taught as an alternative especially since scripture is much more plausible than evolution. If two "proof" systems are needed, so be it. To imply that evolution type of creation is more acceptable or more provable than creation by God is just plain silly!:cool:

What a silly statement by you.

Nope, as the School Board President, I along with the School Board, made very sure that evolution was in the science classroom, and the ID and creationist material was kept at the First Baptist church.

We supported the move to introduce comparative religions and Bible into our humanities classrooms.
I think you're more concerned your children will actually take the teachings and choose one you don't want them to. Therefore you need to limit the choices given to an outcome you consider acceptable.

This is the primary reason for home school.

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