Many Texas Schools Teach Creationism

One, the far right hates the fairness doctrine, so ever suggested it from the right is simply being silly.

Two, evolution is about science, creationism is about cultural and myth explanations: they are not the same thing, cannot be measured by the same criteria, and they respectively belong in the science and humanities classrooms only.

They both discuss their "belief" of how life began, with their own point of view. The fact that the left desires to only express one point of view to swallow (evolution), without offering equal say addressing those issues which support against such a unproven "theory", speaks against their position that it's the CONSERVATIVES who needs to embrace the Fairness Doctrine. Again they are two different points of view that had yet to be proven as fact, which is why it's called a THEORY. The point was also to show just how laughable this concept of the Fairness Doctrine, proposed by the left, really is.

Then you would have to offer up ALL creationist myths, not just the Christian the one that says the earth was birthed from a goddess...planet shot out of a HUUUUGE vagina.
It has no place in public schools. It promotes a religion that our governemt can not do. You want to teach your kids about this fraud science? Teach them at home or send them to a private school. Otherwise keep your junk out of public school systems.
furthermore i wish people who support Creationism would stop trying to force it down peoples throats. Nobody likes your abnormal life style choice.
I was taught both, yet it has in no way inhibited my education or evaluation of existence.
I teach my kids both also.
Truth be known, we don't really know which is factual.

The fact that you said we really don't know what is factual means that there is a chance that you were misinformed by your education. The theory of evolution is supported by mountains of evidence while creationism relies on arguments that have bee refuted decades ago. We don't want the same misinformation to happen to our children.

Actually you seem to have been misinformed by your education, those mountains of evidence you say support evolution have some pretty major valleys between them, aka gaps. Even Darwin had doubts about his theory by the time he died.

Darwin did not have doubts about his theory by the time he died. That is a common falsehood pushed by creationist propagandists.

The Theory of Evolution is the fundamental basis of biological science. There is no alternative scientific theory to it.
Another alternative is teaching the origins of the universe as explained in the Koran.

The Koran, the Torah, the writings of early Native Americans...

How about in science class we just teach science?

The Nazis believed that the theory of evolution PROVED that "Germans are" the superior race. So, because there are confusing views of evolution, then by your own train of thought, evolution should not be taught. The FACT is that the Torah contains the Genesis epic and Moslems accept the Creation story. But again, there are plausible scientific studies that demonstrate the validity of a young earth, the error surrounding radiation & carbon dating, and the growing support for an epic global Flood ---- not the least of which is fossil forming and plate tectonics. How about we simply leave evolutionary and uniformitarian opinion out of science class, also?

There are no plausible theories that demonstrate the validity of a young earth or a global Flood.

You are completely full of shit.
I was taught both, yet it has in no way inhibited my education or evaluation of existence.
I teach my kids both also.
Truth be known, we don't really know which is factual.

Are you kidding me? Yes we do, we have scientific consensus , the issue of evolution is not even in question anymore, there is MORE the. Enough evidence. If you happened to pick up any scientific journal around the world you would see that, story over, but hey if you want your kids to be lame, then have at it.

Evolution does absolutely nothing to negate the notion of creationism.

Nothing at all.

Of course the environment can effect genetic change. No one in their right mind would argue that it does not.

Arguing that evolution alone accounts for all the diversity of life is a little dim, though.

Scientists assume evolution alone accounts for all the diversity of life.

Are all scientists dim compared to your brilliance?
Thank heavens the plasmalballs and the shaklesofgove are not on hardly any public school boards.

Both evolution (in the science classroom) and creationism/ID/comparative religion (humanities classroom) are offered in almost all public schools.
First of all, you don't know that they are calling it science, second, it doesn't hurt real science, and third you didn't say how it hurts you exactly.

‘Creationism’ is likely not being taught in Texas pubic schools, at least officially, that would be un-Constitutional. See: Edwards v. Aguillard (1987).

That you fail to understand why conjoining church and state in violation of the Constitution and Framers’ intent is harmful comes as no surprise.

Actually, it comes as no surprise to me that you aren't smart enough to know that separation of church and state is not in the constitution.


You are the dumbass.

Separation of church and state is in the constitution.

It's in the first amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

That means separation of church and state, dumbass.
The Koran, the Torah, the writings of early Native Americans...

How about in science class we just teach science?

The Nazis believed that the theory of evolution PROVED that "Germans are" the superior race. So, because there are confusing views of evolution, then by your own train of thought, evolution should not be taught. The FACT is that the Torah contains the Genesis epic and Moslems accept the Creation story. But again, there are plausible scientific studies that demonstrate the validity of a young earth, the error surrounding radiation & carbon dating, and the growing support for an epic global Flood ---- not the least of which is fossil forming and plate tectonics. How about we simply leave evolutionary and uniformitarian opinion out of science class, also?

There are no plausible theories that demonstrate the validity of a young earth or a global Flood.

You are completely full of shit.
And you sound like a highly intelligent person.:eusa_liar:
It has no place in public schools. It promotes a religion that our governemt can not do. You want to teach your kids about this fraud science? Teach them at home or send them to a private school. Otherwise keep your junk out of public school systems.

One man's junk in another man's treasure. Teach science that can be repeated, but do not teach only secular opinion simply because it is secular.
‘Creationism’ is likely not being taught in Texas pubic schools, at least officially, that would be un-Constitutional. See: Edwards v. Aguillard (1987).

That you fail to understand why conjoining church and state in violation of the Constitution and Framers’ intent is harmful comes as no surprise.

Actually, it comes as no surprise to me that you aren't smart enough to know that separation of church and state is not in the constitution.


You are the dumbass.

Separation of church and state is in the constitution.

It's in the first amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

That means separation of church and state, dumbass.

Actually, the Constitution says that no law may be passed impeding religious thought in anyway. That would seem to include education.
First, let's begin with a sold evidentiary link that this is so.

And if you google "Many Texas Schools Teach Creationism" a host of links, asserting from Governor Perry to the Huffington post and motherjones that, indeed, more public schools are teaching fundamental creationism.

If that is being done in liberal arts or humanities classrooms, good.

If that is being done in the science classroom, very poor.

These ideas have been scientifically invalidated. They should not be taught as fact anywhere. At the very most they should be presented in philosophy courses and then the scientific evidence invalidating them should also be presented.

Theory. Theory. Theory.

Nothing has been validated.
There is no reason why comparative religious thought cannot be taught in HS humanities' classrooms.
You know what I have noticed is that the lefties want creationism out of schools and only evolution to be brought up. Yet they don't want to live that way in real life. If evolution is the end all be all to scientific reasoning why do they also support such things as welfare, free healthcare etc?

Evolution is the basis of only the strong survive, the weak get eaten and therefor the entire species gets stronger. If evolution is the only reasonable explanation of life then why do they think we shouldn't let the natural selection process run as intended? It is after all the entire basis of your scientific explanation of how we got here.

Yet socially they hold the opposite as true. The creationist position of we are all Gods people and should help each other a point of course, I'm not going to support your lazy ass forever because well...maybe we need a little evolution here and weed out the weak. But they take it to a whole other level of not judging people, we HAVE to support them, they CAN'T survive without us! Isn't that the point of evolution? Those that can't survive have to die before they can breed more weak individuals?

So the entire point of teaching evolution is that's the only explanation of how we got here but we're trying to stop it with social programs. So like global warming only the government can stop evolution through taxes and social benefits.
Not really, TD. The teachers understand scientific theory and critical thinking, and most, I believe, have no trouble being believers as well as scientists.
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‘Creationism’ is likely not being taught in Texas pubic schools, at least officially, that would be un-Constitutional. See: Edwards v. Aguillard (1987).

That you fail to understand why conjoining church and state in violation of the Constitution and Framers’ intent is harmful comes as no surprise.

Actually, it comes as no surprise to me that you aren't smart enough to know that separation of church and state is not in the constitution.


You are the dumbass.

Separation of church and state is in the constitution.

It's in the first amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."

That means separation of church and state, dumbass.

Anyone who quotes "separation of church and state" really has no historical concept of what the Founders had originally intended by the First Amendment. Those very words are found nowhere in the United States Constitution and is not supported by historical fact, nor is it the basis to which our Founders viewed religion. Try doing some research into United States History.
First, let's begin with a sold evidentiary link that this is so.

And if you google "Many Texas Schools Teach Creationism" a host of links, asserting from Governor Perry to the Huffington post and motherjones that, indeed, more public schools are teaching fundamental creationism.

If that is being done in liberal arts or humanities classrooms, good.

If that is being done in the science classroom, very poor.

These ideas have been scientifically invalidated. They should not be taught as fact anywhere. At the very most they should be presented in philosophy courses and then the scientific evidence invalidating them should also be presented.

They are faith concerns, as are all creation myths, friend, and belong in the liberal arts classroom.

Empirical data can no more dismiss religious belief than it can dismiss evolution.

I disagree with almost everything you post, but you are spot on in this discussion. I have never given a neg rep to anyone, but I am giving you a pos rep for this.
^^^^ distraff, you need to read that. "Evolution has mountains of evidence, which means that creationism can't be true. So evolution has invalidated creationism. For example we have thousands of fossils supporting human evolution." You have a right to your opinion.

Look, we know of entire species that show that evolution is true. For example, homo erectus, homo neanderthal, homo habilis, and homo ergaster. These are transitional forms. Evolution isn't just my opinion, it is a fact based on 150 years of science and is believed by 98% of scientists. This fact is supported by thousands of scientific papers and research. So, no this isn't just my opinion.

I ways ask this simple question. If we evolved from Apes, why are there still Apes?
^^^^ distraff, you need to read that. "Evolution has mountains of evidence, which means that creationism can't be true. So evolution has invalidated creationism. For example we have thousands of fossils supporting human evolution." You have a right to your opinion.

Look, we know of entire species that show that evolution is true. For example, homo erectus, homo neanderthal, homo habilis, and homo ergaster. These are transitional forms. Evolution isn't just my opinion, it is a fact based on 150 years of science and is believed by 98% of scientists. This fact is supported by thousands of scientific papers and research. So, no this isn't just my opinion.

I ways ask this simple question. If we evolved from Apes, why are there still Apes?

Same reason why there are black and white people.

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