Marc Kasowitz Summarizes The Truth

Trump’s complaint about Comey’s ‘leak’ could be obstruction of justice — here’s why
President Donald Trump’s attorney intends to file a complaint with the Justice Department against former FBI director James Comey for his “leak” of a personal memo to a friend who then passed along the document to reporters.
Stephen Kohn, a lawyer who specializes in whistleblower protection, dismissed the pending complaint by Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz as “frivolous grandstanding” because the Justice Department’s inspector general no longer had any authority over Comey as a private citizen.

But he said the complaint, which Kasowitz also plans to file with the Senate Judiciary Committee, is legally problematic for the president.

“Initiating an investigation because you don’t like somebody’s testimony could be considered obstruction,” Kohn told the newspaper, “and in the whistleblower context, it’s both evidence of retaliation and, under some laws, could be an adverse retaliatory act itself.”
"In sum, it is now established that the President was not being investigated for colluding with or attempting to obstruct any investigation.

As the Committee pointed out today, these important facts for the country to know are virtually the only facts that have not leaked during the course of these events.

As he said yesterday, the President feels completely vindicated and is eager to continue moving forward with his agenda, with the business of this country, and with the public cloud removed."
Marc Kasowitz

Can I get an 'amen'!
Trump's Openly Intimidating a Potential Witness in the Obstruction Investigation
Trump's personal lawyer to file complaint with DOJ after Comey testimony, source says

Trump's Openly Intimidating a Potential Witness in the Obstruction Investigation
Trump's personal lawyer to file complaint with DOJ after Comey testimony, source says


There were the intell agency heads....'.no evidence.'

Congressfolks.....'no evidence.'

Yates testimony.....a flop.

Comey......verified everything Trump has been saying.

I feel soooo bad for all of you Trump-haters....again, your hopes and dreams smashed like so many Faberge eggs.

Every time, 'You wait and's gonna be exposed, charged, impeached...."
Now, Comey leaves you jilted again.

You guys are like the ugly guy who keeps getting turned down by the girls you ask to the prom.

I certainly hope you keep your hopes up, you dunce.
Trump couldn't get any DC lawyers to represent him because of his inability to follow instructions and even fake telling the truth..
He had to go to the DEEP STATE $1500 an hour NY lawyer.
How funny is that!
Trump's Openly Intimidating a Potential Witness in the Obstruction Investigation
Trump's personal lawyer to file complaint with DOJ after Comey testimony, source says


There were the intell agency heads....'.no evidence.'

Congressfolks.....'no evidence.'

Yates testimony.....a flop.

Comey......verified everything Trump has been saying.

I feel soooo bad for all of you Trump-haters....again, your hopes and dreams smashed like so many Faberge eggs.

Every time, 'You wait and's gonna be exposed, charged, impeached...."
Now, Comey leaves you jilted again.

You guys are like the ugly guy who keeps getting turned down by the girls you ask to the prom.

I certainly hope you keep your hopes up, you dunce.
Why are you lying? You know damn well that Comey DID NOT verify everything Trump was saying. I listed the proof above.
But when you defend a pathological liar it's not surprising he attracts like liars.
Trump couldn't get any DC lawyers to represent him because of his inability to follow instructions and even fake telling the truth..
He had to go to the DEEP STATE $1500 an hour NY lawyer.
How funny is that!

Let's review:

1. "Contrary to numerous false press accounts leading up to today's hearing, Mr. Comey has now finally confirmed publicly what he repeatedly told President Trump privately: That is , that the President was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference.

2. ...Comey,... admitted that there is no evidence that a single vote changed as a result of any Russian interference.
[This was always what was meant to be implied by using the term 'hacking' and the bogus '...hacked the election.']

3. ....Comey's testimony also makes clear that the President never sought to impede the investigation into attempted Russian interference in the 2016 election and in fact, according to Mr. Comey, the President told Mr. Comey quote "it would be good to find out" closed quote in that investigation if there was quote "some satellite associates of his who did something wrong," closed quote.

President Trump, did not exclude anyone from that statement.
Comey......verified everything Trump has been saying.
You have a Legal Mind and a Legal license ?...Here is someone who does have those two things

‘Corrupt intent up the wazoo’: Ex-Watergate prosecutor says Comey has planted seeds of Trump’s downfall

"You have a Legal Mind and a Legal license ?"

1. I possess a brilliant mind.

2. Mr. Akerman (sic) is wrong.
I am never wrong.

3. This will be proven when no charges are presented.

And you'll be in tears yet again.
This, from Vanity Fair, is the only possible event possible after the Comey testimony, an total defeat for the hoax and lie attempted by the Liberals....the Trump-Russia Collusion fable....

Clinton, who has grown increasingly public and vocal in recent weeks, appears ready to drive the bus again. But do we have to be the passengers?"
Can Hillary Clinton Please Go Quietly into the Night?
Mark Kasowitz is a big fat liar. He lied about the timeline. Comey said that Trump is not the subject at this point in time and that is why he refused to absolve Trump publicly until the investigation was complete.
Mark Kasowitz is a big fat liar. He lied about the timeline. Comey said that Trump is not the subject at this point in time and that is why he refused to absolve Trump publicly until the investigation was complete.

Actually, you're the liar.

These related events prove it about both you and Comey:

1. The Comey FBI was copacetic with allowing Hillary's campaign to determine how the 'investigation' was to be characterized to the 'a matter,' not an investigation.

2. The Comey FBI was just peachy keen with allowing Hillary's campaign to forbid the FBI from collecting evidence....their servers....
..and allowing a private organization to 'report' the breakin (CrowdStrike):
"FBI Was Not Given Access to DNC Servers for Hacking Investigation"
FBI Was Not Given Access to DNC Servers for Hacking Investigation

3. Although fear that there were tapes forced Comey to tell the truth, he refused to publicly admit what he told Trump three times....he was not being investigated.
Hence the suggestion in the media that Trump was lying about it.

Soooo....have I just proven that you are more a liar, or more a fool?

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