March for Our Lives Funded Through 501c4 Dark Money

We have explained exactly how the law works. The bottom line is that the IRS persecuted TEA party groups. That simply can't credibly be denied.

Yes, donors do have to wait for a group to be certified, moron.


No, donors don't have to wait for a group to be certified.

Take, for example, the group funding the march today. They're not "certified", and yet they've gotten plenty of donations.

They have to wait if they want to be certain their donation will remain anonymous.

Do you actually believe you're fooling anyone?

Yes, I suppose that's possible - if a donor was so ashamed of what he was supporting and didn't want anyone to find out, I suppose they might be too afraid to donate prior to "certification".

But it's pretty doubtful that anyone was so afraid, since no conservative 501c4 has ever been denied certification.

As I've already pointed out, there can be serious career consequences to the left learning that you donated to some group they don't like.

Free speech has consequences.

You and Bushboy need to coordinate your arguments better.

All you're doing is showing that you support punishing people for donating to causes they support. You're proving that you're a bootlicking Stalinist douchebag.
March for our lives is funded through a 501c4 that doesn’t disclose donors. Smelling Soros again.
'March For Our Lives' Now Operating Under Liberal Dark Money Nonprofit Advocacy Group

And there it is, right on time like a good parrot train.

Oh noes! George Soros funding "life" stuff!! How tragic for merchants of death! Gaaaah!

Yet another dystopian thread all butthurt about the fact that kids want to not get shot.
Oh the horror. Why that's un-Amurrikan.
Good thing a pathetic cocksucking billionaire jew fuck like soros is protected by guns along with every pathetic fucking left wing elitist, don't you think?

Where exactly do you see a "Soros" in the OP's link? Hm?
He's behind the capitol building.
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
Liberals like you are trying to take our guns, and you cannot be honest about any of it. You wanna ban AR-15 rifles, but you refuse to state how that will do anything when there are many other rifles just as powerful that can be used in it's place. You people never can say how more laws will do anything when criminals are not obeying those laws now, and police and the courts are not punishing those who break many laws.

Four brave cops hid outside the school in Florida while 17 kids were murdered by a guy that should have been locked up years ago. A guy with a gun shot and killed a mass murder wanna be in Maryland, and you still can't agree that people being armed in school is a good idea. Obama made it possible for kids to commit serious crime in schools and not have to face any serious consequences. You can't honestly address any of that. None of you regressive liberals can.
I've addressed all of it over the past month and if you didn't read it, that's on you.
BTW, I have no problem with an armed security officer in schools if that is what the community wants.
I appreciate your actually using your words today, though, Mike.
I'm visiting the threads today to defend the kids from folks who are disrespecting them; not really into going through the whole gun debate this afternoon.
Not once have you said how banning AR-15 rifles will do anything when there are many others that can be bought. Not once.
Okay. Another time, though.
You'll never answer it. No gun banners are capable of telling the truth. Just like this bogus march being put together by teens. They were eating tide pos last month.
The Parkland leaders are 1000x smarter and more courageous than you.
All you do is kiss the ass of that terrorist organization the NRA, and this failing, out of control president.
Don’t forget to watch 60 Mins tomorrow, Trump will be glued to his chair... cursing, spitting and deciding who he’ll fire next in retaliation for his humiliation.
They're not "hiding" anything - they're following the law as set by Citizen's United, and the example set by thousands of conservative groups over the last ten years.
Why not show the donors to promote the wide spread support? Unless Soros and other hacks are big financial backers. Wonder if Russian groups donated?


Why don't you ask Bripat about that?

If Russia was found to be interfering in our gun control debate, advocating for gun control, would the left partner with them?

Why would Russia give a fuck about our "gun control debate"?

Just say they did, would the left throw a fit over Russian interference or cave and partner with Russia on gun control? Lets be honest the left are constantly pointing to gun control in other countries are they not.

It's a meaningless hypothetical.

What would "the right" do, if it turned out that Donald Trump was shape-shifting lizard person from outer space?
March for our lives is funded through a 501c4 that doesn’t disclose donors. Smelling Soros again.
'March For Our Lives' Now Operating Under Liberal Dark Money Nonprofit Advocacy Group

And there it is, right on time like a good parrot train.

Oh noes! George Soros funding "life" stuff!! How tragic for merchants of death! Gaaaah!

Yet another dystopian thread all butthurt about the fact that kids want to not get shot.
Oh the horror. Why that's un-Amurrikan.
Good thing a pathetic cocksucking billionaire jew fuck like soros is protected by guns along with every pathetic fucking left wing elitist, don't you think?

Where exactly do you see a "Soros" in the OP's link? Hm?
He's behind the capitol building.
This asshole is totally incapable of telling the truth.
They're not "hiding" anything - they're following the law as set by Citizen's United, and the example set by thousands of conservative groups over the last ten years.
Why not show the donors to promote the wide spread support? Unless Soros and other hacks are big financial backers. Wonder if Russian groups donated?


Why don't you ask Bripat about that?

If Russia was found to be interfering in our gun control debate, advocating for gun control, would the left partner with them?

Why would Russia give a fuck about our "gun control debate"?
Possibly for the same reason the Japanese may have liked to see strong gun control or banning here in this country during WW2. Makes it much easier to invade if we are all unarmed.


You think Russia's planning on invading the US?

Don't cry, it'll be alright.
Anyone who believes in justice is crying.

Nope, only little bitches are crying.

Do you need a tissue? You seem upset.
The crying is taking place in Washington DC where Democrats are using a tragedy to organize for 2018mid-terms. DNC is dipping ballots into the blood of Parkland victims.


No, the crying is taking place right here in this thread.

Would you like a tissue?
I doing a victory dance after bitch slapping you...:eusa_dance:


Maybe if you keep telling yourself that, eventually you'll even believe it.

No, donors don't have to wait for a group to be certified.

Take, for example, the group funding the march today. They're not "certified", and yet they've gotten plenty of donations.

They have to wait if they want to be certain their donation will remain anonymous.

Do you actually believe you're fooling anyone?

Yes, I suppose that's possible - if a donor was so ashamed of what he was supporting and didn't want anyone to find out, I suppose they might be too afraid to donate prior to "certification".

But it's pretty doubtful that anyone was so afraid, since no conservative 501c4 has ever been denied certification.

As I've already pointed out, there can be serious career consequences to the left learning that you donated to some group they don't like.

Free speech has consequences.

You and Bushboy need to coordinate your arguments better.

All you're doing is showing that you support punishing people for donating to causes they support. You're proving that you're a bootlicking Stalinist douchebag.


Whatever you say, crybaby.
March for our lives is funded through a 501c4 that doesn’t disclose donors. Smelling Soros again.
'March For Our Lives' Now Operating Under Liberal Dark Money Nonprofit Advocacy Group

And there it is, right on time like a good parrot train.

Oh noes! George Soros funding "life" stuff!! How tragic for merchants of death! Gaaaah!

Yet another dystopian thread all butthurt about the fact that kids want to not get shot.
Oh the horror. Why that's un-Amurrikan.
Good thing a pathetic cocksucking billionaire jew fuck like soros is protected by guns along with every pathetic fucking left wing elitist, don't you think?

Where exactly do you see a "Soros" in the OP's link? Hm?
He's behind the capitol building.
This asshole is totally incapable of telling the truth.
Planned Parenthood and MoveOn helped organize this “spontaneous event.” :laughing0301:
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
after the democrats put legislation into play to take all semi-automatic guns, you still think they're NOT coming for them?

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

what else has to be done before people stop saying "we're not coming for your guns!" when here's a bill to do just that?
IF they stop selling semiautomatic weapons, the gun manufacturers will quickly replace them with something you can kill people with, don't worry.
not my point.

you said no one is coming for guns. then you follow it up and say this - you know, don't worry they'll make something else you can kill with.

so - again, why do you keep saying no one is coming for guns when they are, they say they are, and you say they're not and then follow it up with "but you'll find somethings else *IF*...

it started off BAN AUTOMATIC WEAPONS until the left FINALLY figured out they're already a bitch to get and never used in a shooting like this so far. now they want semi automatics while still saying "but we're not coming for your guns".

don't you see the hypocrisy here? and when pray tell do you accuse me of wanting to kill people now?

don't you find those words you're using to be a tad extreme right now?
I didn't mean you personally, Iceberg.
What I said in capital letters in fact was IF semiautomatics were banned and I put it that way because I think it is unlikely a majority of the people are ready for something that extreme.
Why not show the donors to promote the wide spread support? Unless Soros and other hacks are big financial backers. Wonder if Russian groups donated?


Why don't you ask Bripat about that?

If Russia was found to be interfering in our gun control debate, advocating for gun control, would the left partner with them?

Why would Russia give a fuck about our "gun control debate"?

Just say they did, would the left throw a fit over Russian interference or cave and partner with Russia on gun control? Lets be honest the left are constantly pointing to gun control in other countries are they not.

It's a meaningless hypothetical.

What would "the right" do, if it turned out that Donald Trump was shape-shifting lizard person from outer space?
Then that would explain a lot, and raise even more questions. Why are they here? For our oil? Surprise!!!! Are they here to use us for food? Then WTF do they eat at home? And how is it creepy shape shifting aliens have the tech to cross mega light year distances and survive, but can't grow their own food or solve their energy problems? But wait! Maybe they are here to collect specimens to find out and fix what ever the hell is the matter with liberals!!!! :19:
Last edited:
March for our lives is funded through a 501c4 that doesn’t disclose donors. Smelling Soros again.
'March For Our Lives' Now Operating Under Liberal Dark Money Nonprofit Advocacy Group

And there it is, right on time like a good parrot train.

Oh noes! George Soros funding "life" stuff!! How tragic for merchants of death! Gaaaah!

Yet another dystopian thread all butthurt about the fact that kids want to not get shot.
Oh the horror. Why that's un-Amurrikan.
Good thing a pathetic cocksucking billionaire jew fuck like soros is protected by guns along with every pathetic fucking left wing elitist, don't you think?

Where exactly do you see a "Soros" in the OP's link? Hm?

By the way, welcome to English, where Soros (a proper name) is capitalized. As is "Jew". Even if both are irrelevant.
You are one stupid fuck.
We have explained exactly how the law works. The bottom line is that the IRS persecuted TEA party groups. That simply can't credibly be denied.

Yes, donors do have to wait for a group to be certified, moron.


No, donors don't have to wait for a group to be certified.

Take, for example, the group funding the march today. They're not "certified", and yet they've gotten plenty of donations.

They have to wait if they want to be certain their donation will remain anonymous.

Do you actually believe you're fooling anyone?

Yes, I suppose that's possible - if a donor was so ashamed of what he was supporting and didn't want anyone to find out, I suppose they might be too afraid to donate prior to "certification".

But it's pretty doubtful that anyone was so afraid, since no conservative 501c4 has ever been denied certification.

As I've already pointed out, there can be serious career consequences to the left learning that you donated to some group they don't like.

Free speech has consequences.

You and Bushboy need to coordinate your arguments better.
It only seems to have consequences for those who disagree with the left.
No one said this was spontaneous. It's been planned for over a month. I can understand why the Mercers wouldn't fund it, but what's your real problem with funding, Bush? You really think there's a Deep State trying to get your guns? Really?
after the democrats put legislation into play to take all semi-automatic guns, you still think they're NOT coming for them?

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

what else has to be done before people stop saying "we're not coming for your guns!" when here's a bill to do just that?
IF they stop selling semiautomatic weapons, the gun manufacturers will quickly replace them with something you can kill people with, don't worry.
You democrats are the ones who refuse to punish violent criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches gun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
But the Congress just passed the FIX NICS act, I believe? It was in the spending bill?
If the NRA would simply support gun safety and not support the gun manufacturers, I'd be cool with it. The gun makers have the NRA in their hip pocket, though, Mike. Money talks. Always. The NRA has become so invasive into political campaigns because of all that funding that isn't just coming from Americans like you.
The Promise Program allowed the shooter to get his gun HOW? If he had some kind of intervention as a minor, would that have shown on a background check?
You are not a democrat. <eye roll>
For your information I have always been an independent and I always will.
Why not show the donors to promote the wide spread support? Unless Soros and other hacks are big financial backers. Wonder if Russian groups donated?


Why don't you ask Bripat about that?

If Russia was found to be interfering in our gun control debate, advocating for gun control, would the left partner with them?

Why would Russia give a fuck about our "gun control debate"?
Possibly for the same reason the Japanese may have liked to see strong gun control or banning here in this country during WW2. Makes it much easier to invade if we are all unarmed.


You think Russia's planning on invading the US?

During Putin's recent campaign he ran ads touting their new nuclear weapons nuking Florida.
March for our lives is funded through a 501c4 that doesn’t disclose donors. Smelling Soros again.
'March For Our Lives' Now Operating Under Liberal Dark Money Nonprofit Advocacy Group

And there it is, right on time like a good parrot train.

Oh noes! George Soros funding "life" stuff!! How tragic for merchants of death! Gaaaah!

Yet another dystopian thread all butthurt about the fact that kids want to not get shot.
Oh the horror. Why that's un-Amurrikan.
Good thing a pathetic cocksucking billionaire jew fuck like soros is protected by guns along with every pathetic fucking left wing elitist, don't you think?

Where exactly do you see a "Soros" in the OP's link? Hm?

By the way, welcome to English, where Soros (a proper name) is capitalized. As is "Jew". Even if both are irrelevant.
You are one stupid fuck.

Not exactly an answer, is it.
Why not show the donors to promote the wide spread support? Unless Soros and other hacks are big financial backers. Wonder if Russian groups donated?


Why don't you ask Bripat about that?

If Russia was found to be interfering in our gun control debate, advocating for gun control, would the left partner with them?

Why would Russia give a fuck about our "gun control debate"?
Possibly for the same reason the Japanese may have liked to see strong gun control or banning here in this country during WW2. Makes it much easier to invade if we are all unarmed.


You think Russia's planning on invading the US?
Well doc, it's certainly possible what with all the attacks on gun rights, and God only knows how else the liberals want to screw the country. Let's just say I doubt it, but it's said that the one of the jap leaders even commented on the folly of engaging a nation armed to the teeth.
You're just a sleazy dishonest douchebag. I won't even bother with a substantive response to that swill.


Don't cry, it'll be alright.
Anyone who believes in justice is crying.

Nope, only little bitches are crying.

Do you need a tissue? You seem upset.
The crying is taking place in Washington DC where Democrats are using a tragedy to organize for 2018mid-terms. DNC is dipping ballots into the blood of Parkland victims.
After San Bernardino, you guys said "It's too soon. We'll talk about it later." After Pulse, you guys said "It's too soon." After Vegas, you guys said "It's too soon" and you wouldn't even ditch those damned bump stocks--a total no brainer.
Well, we waited respectfully after every one of those shootings but YOU NEVER DID ANYTHING.
So I guess we will.
I don't know anyone who has come out in support of bump stocks, although they are virtually useless in most situations.

Don't cry, it'll be alright.
Anyone who believes in justice is crying.

Nope, only little bitches are crying.

Do you need a tissue? You seem upset.
The crying is taking place in Washington DC where Democrats are using a tragedy to organize for 2018mid-terms. DNC is dipping ballots into the blood of Parkland victims.
After San Bernardino, you guys said "It's too soon. We'll talk about it later." After Pulse, you guys said "It's too soon." After Vegas, you guys said "It's too soon" and you wouldn't even ditch those damned bump stocks--a total no brainer.
Well, we waited respectfully after every one of those shootings but YOU NEVER DID ANYTHING.
So I guess we will.
I don't know anyone who has come out in support of bump stocks, although they are virtually useless in most situations.
Combine that fact with the fact that no stock is or has ever been needed to bump fire a rifle, and you can see how stupid they really are.

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