Marco Rubio: Being Gay Is Not A Choice

Rubio's clearly gotten the message that a social conservative agenda isn't going to work come the GE.

But he's still afraid of the social right and Christian fundamentalists, hence his continued support of denying gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law in violation of the 14th Amendment, as well as his opposition to privacy rights for women.

Consequently, he'll succeed in only alienating both the social cons he's frightened of and the mainstream voters he seeks to attract.

Can't have it both ways, indeed.
Good, hope to see you all in line to vote for him

whoopee homosexual homosexual

that is the NUMBER one priority on the majority of the people minds. hell with jobs, the economy, Illegal immigrants FLOODING over our borders sucking up our resources that is for the CITIZEN of this country

Well, it's not like the GOP has any answers to those questions, do they?

"Doy, Tax cuts for rich people".

Yeah, that'll do it.
Rubio's clearly gotten the message that a social conservative agenda isn't going to work come the GE.

But he's still afraid of the social right and Christian fundamentalists, hence his continued support of denying gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law in violation of the 14th Amendment, as well as his opposition to privacy rights for women.

Consequently, he'll succeed in only alienating both the social cons he's frightened of and the mainstream voters he seeks to attract.

Can't have it both ways, indeed.

I think Rubio is trying to put some daylight between himself and the far right on the party on Gay Marriage and Immigration.

The thing is, the Gay Marriage discussion is pretty much over. It's legal in 38 states now and the Supreme Court is ready to take out and shoot the rest of the laws like Old Yeller.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said on Sunday that he didn't think being gay was a choice but rather the way some people were born.

"I also don't believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people," he said. "In fact, the bottom line is I believe sexual preference is something that people are born with."

Last week, Rubio also said that he would attend a gay wedding of a loved one, even if he disagreed with the "choice" that loved one had made.

“I’m not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice they’ve made or because I disagree with a decision they’ve made, or whatever it may be,” Rubio said. “Ultimately, if someone that you care for and is part of your family has decided to move in one direction or another or feels that way because of who they love, you respect that because you love them.”

Marco Rubio: Being Gay Is Not A Choice

Does Rubio ever take a definitive position on anything? Unless I'm misreading the above - it sounds like he's waffling on whether being gay is a choice. He can't have it both ways.
Being ugly isn't a choice either,
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said on Sunday that he didn't think being gay was a choice but rather the way some people were born.

"I also don't believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people," he said. "In fact, the bottom line is I believe sexual preference is something that people are born with."

Last week, Rubio also said that he would attend a gay wedding of a loved one, even if he disagreed with the "choice" that loved one had made.

“I’m not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice they’ve made or because I disagree with a decision they’ve made, or whatever it may be,” Rubio said. “Ultimately, if someone that you care for and is part of your family has decided to move in one direction or another or feels that way because of who they love, you respect that because you love them.”

Marco Rubio: Being Gay Is Not A Choice

Does Rubio ever take a definitive position on anything? Unless I'm misreading the above - it sounds like he's waffling on whether being gay is a choice. He can't have it both ways.
Killing your baby is.
There are more important issues than whether or not a fag can get married or not. We have to choose our battles. I think the closing the borders and getting rid of the illegals is more important than the gay battle.
Marco Rubio is certainly entitled to his opinion.

True, but what is his opinion?
That he is not going to let you make an issue of whether he's for or against gays as a political weapon against him.

It's not just members of the left that push for answers on gay issues.

Remember the NOM (National Organization for Marriage) pledge? They pushed each of the GOP candidates, during the primaries, to sign a pledge to push for a Constitutional amendment denying same-sex civil marriage.

How is he wrong to point out that some believe they were born gay and others chose the life?

I know a quizillion guys in TO that chose to be gay. Debauchery at its finest.

They chose it. They love it.

Of course, you are correct.

Latest data indicates same.

"In fact, numbers show huge majorities of those who "ever had same sex sexual contact" do not identify long-term as gay.Among women 18-44, for instance, 12.5% report some form of same sex contact at some point in their lives, but among the older segment of that group (35-44),only 0.7% identify as homosexual and 1.1% as bisexual.

In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation."
Column Does it matter if only 1.4 of people are gay -
I'd love to know what he is basing his opinion on apart from polling statistics on which side of an issue is most popular.

So many people who've never even known a gay person feel oh so comfortable popping off about gay issues. Both left AND right.

The pity of any issue today is that politics drives everything.

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