Marco Rubio Can't Name One Source for Idiotic GOP Climate Claim

When ALGORE stops leaving a carbon footprint the size of Montana- When so called "Scientists" stop manipulating and making up data, when the normal climatic changes turn in to something extreme- THEN and only then will I buy in to this hatched scheme that does nothing but transfer wealth and emboldens a One world all powerful regulation system.. It's the ultimate Socialist snake oil.
When ALGORE stops leaving a carbon footprint the size of Montana- When so called "Scientists" stop manipulating and making up data, when the normal climatic changes turn in to something extreme- THEN and only then will I buy in to this hatched scheme that does nothing but transfer wealth and emboldens a One world all powerful regulation system.. It's the ultimate Socialist snake oil.

Snake oil causes GW? Now I have heard everything. You just started a new cult. :lol: :badgrin:
Sarah dear, you think everyone is stupid who isn't a liberal/Democrat/progressive/commie

Her opoinion I think it has more to do with him being Hispanic.

Because it couldn't possibly have anything to do with him actually being stupid, right?

Dopey. :D

like I said, look in your party for stupid people dear
and stuff like this hack crap from dailykos is not what voters are interested in...childish, name calling of how everyone is stupid but them
When ALGORE stops leaving a carbon footprint the size of Montana- When so called "Scientists" stop manipulating and making up data, when the normal climatic changes turn in to something extreme- THEN and only then will I buy in to this hatched scheme that does nothing but transfer wealth and emboldens a One world all powerful regulation system.. It's the ultimate Socialist snake oil.

Snake oil causes GW? Now I have heard everything. You just started a new cult. :lol: :badgrin:

It's an analogy.. Snake oil was sold as a cure all when it was nothing but water basically.
Marco Rubio Can't Name One Source for Idiotic GOP Climate Claim

Most GOP anti-Science folks know where to find the bogus non-peer-reviewed science--how come Rubio is so clueless??
As you may have read here or elsewhere in the past few days, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, one of the Republicans testing the waters for a presidential run in 2016, has made clear he's a climate change denier.

But on Tuesday during a brief exchange at the National Press Club, a member of the audience asked through a moderator “what information, reports, studies or otherwise are you relying on to inform and reach your conclusion that human activity is not to blame for climate change?” He couldn't name a single source. So, he dodged the question and denied that he is a denier with a hokey mixture of truisms, truths, half-truths and BS.

Totally unnecessary. He could simply have referred to the peer-reviewed research of ExxonMobil, Ph.D., and Dr. David Koch and Dr. Charles Koch, climatologists.

maybe Rubio can not.., BUT ! I CAN >>>>------------->Scandal of fiddled global-warming data

why do libertards lie ALL the time about Glowbull warming/climate change data ?
He needed to provide a source that didn't go along with the cooked temperature numbers of the warmer cult? It's up to them to prove, it isn't up to everyone else to disprove. THAT is what's stupid. Disagreement with the left isn't hate, stupidity, intolerance or uninformed. Sorry.

So Rubio can say anything based on nothing and you're fighting for that huh?

Strong values bro
He needed to provide a source that didn't go along with the cooked temperature numbers of the warmer cult? It's up to them to prove, it isn't up to everyone else to disprove. THAT is what's stupid. Disagreement with the left isn't hate, stupidity, intolerance or uninformed. Sorry.

So Rubio can say anything based on nothing and you're fighting for that huh?

Strong values bro

I'll stand and up and call out Marco Rubio for being a fake.. No, he cannot say anything and get away with it.
Marco Rubio Can't Name One Source for Idiotic GOP Climate Claim

Most GOP anti-Science folks know where to find the bogus non-peer-reviewed science--how come Rubio is so clueless??
As you may have read here or elsewhere in the past few days, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, one of the Republicans testing the waters for a presidential run in 2016, has made clear he's a climate change denier.

But on Tuesday during a brief exchange at the National Press Club, a member of the audience asked through a moderator “what information, reports, studies or otherwise are you relying on to inform and reach your conclusion that human activity is not to blame for climate change?” He couldn't name a single source. So, he dodged the question and denied that he is a denier with a hokey mixture of truisms, truths, half-truths and BS.

Totally unnecessary. He could simply have referred to the peer-reviewed research of ExxonMobil, Ph.D., and Dr. David Koch and Dr. Charles Koch, climatologists.

What a fucking idiot. CRAIG IDSO. That's all you need to know Rubio! That's the guy whose name is attached to pretty much ALL the non-peer reviewed denialist literature. Him and Fred Singer (who previously made his living denying the negative health effects of 2nd hand smoke)
Lets see, frikken POLL after POLL has shown

this "gloBULL warming aka Climate change" is the farthest thing on the American voters minds

yet this is what we get, called names, claim stupid is a virtue they cling to over it, blah blah blah

You do understand that polling the American citizen doesn't actually alter reality, right?
OP and link are just more plain stupid moronic liberal brain dead cult of GW garbage.
The AGWCult was caught red-handed -- again, cooking the books

It's time some of these fuckers went to prison alongside Bernie Madoff
What do you read Sarah? Ummm yanno...stuff golly

Where'd you get that info Marco? Ummmm yanno....liberals are bad....and look over there
He needed to provide a source that didn't go along with the cooked temperature numbers of the warmer cult? It's up to them to prove, it isn't up to everyone else to disprove. THAT is what's stupid. Disagreement with the left isn't hate, stupidity, intolerance or uninformed. Sorry.

So Rubio can say anything based on nothing and you're fighting for that huh?

Strong values bro

I'll stand and up and call out Marco Rubio for being a fake.. No, he cannot say anything and get away with it.

Do you know how weird it is that in your party you are the exception. Truth is not typically cared about with repubs...its weird

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