Marco Rubio

Did being a Canadian cost Cruz?
No, people want the Donald.
Rubio is no more experienced than Obama. We can't afford to have another President who needs such extensive on the job training.

Rubio supporters should vote Kasich.
Did being a Canadian cost Cruz?
Sure, it has cost him some votes. That's stupidity, but there it is.
Why? No one I knows thinks Cruz should be running.

If a Muslim American moves to Syria and has a child with a syrian terrorist and they raise that child for a few years in Syria and as a young adult they come back to the USA, no way is that Syrian child an American eligible to be president.

Cruz' dad was Cuban not Syrian and it was Canada not Syria but same thing
Rubio is no more experienced than Obama. We can't afford to have another President who needs such extensive on the job training.

Rubio supporters should vote Kasich.
There are more rubio supporters.

Seems it doesn't matter to you no one likes kasich?
Rubio will be the nominee.

Possibly. the GOP Establishment has a long history of foisting guys even their own voters don't really want on them - Dole, McCain, that Weird Mormon Robot you ran last time...

And when these guys LOSE, Republican voters can always mutter angrily, 'Well, if we had only run a REAL Conservative!!!"
I just saw him on The Tonight Show and Jimmy asked him if he would consider the VP slot. He said no but he'd love NFL Commissioner. Why? Because you can suspend people. He seems to think a commissioner has a lot of power when in reality, they work for the owners.

That guy doesn't know any more about the NFL than he does politics.


Rubio is a child.

He's older than Kennedy and Teddy Roosevelt was when they were President. He'll be two years younger than Obama when he was sworn in.

His age has nothing to do with it.

Same with Obama.

What a great President he was, too.
He's older than Kennedy and Teddy Roosevelt was when they were President. He'll be two years younger than Obama when he was sworn in.

Kennedy had served in a war, 8 years in the Senate and 6 years in the House.

Teddy had served in a war, as Governor of New York and as Vice President. (And while he was a national hero, it is unlikely he'd have gotten elected had McKinley not gotten assassinated.)

So you really want to compare a guy like Rubio, a guy who doesn't even show up to his job in the Senate because he thinks it's "boring", to a couple of War Heroes and American greats?

Man, you establishment types are getting DESPERATE.
He's older than Kennedy and Teddy Roosevelt was when they were President. He'll be two years younger than Obama when he was sworn in.

Kennedy had served in a war, 8 years in the Senate and 6 years in the House.

Teddy had served in a war, as Governor of New York and as Vice President. (And while he was a national hero, it is unlikely he'd have gotten elected had McKinley not gotten assassinated.)

So you really want to compare a guy like Rubio, a guy who doesn't even show up to his job in the Senate because he thinks it's "boring", to a couple of War Heroes and American greats?

Man, you establishment types are getting DESPERATE.

Rubio served six years as a Senator and was speaker of the Florida House.

Obama spent four years as a Senator and six years in the Illinois House.

Rubio had more political experience than Obama.

I guess Obama is also a child.
Rubio served six years as a Senator and was speaker of the Florida House.

Obama spent four years as a Senator and six years in the Illinois House.

Rubio had more political experience than Obama.

I guess Obama is also a child.

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008 for EXACTLY that reason. I probably wouldn't have voted for him in 2012 if you clowns hadn't tried to turn my country over to the Mormon Cult.

But to the point, since you guys have claimed (with some justification) that Obama's inexperience has hurt his effectiveness, why would you be so keen to repeat the same mistake with Robot Rubio?

Rubio served six years as a Senator and was speaker of the Florida House.

Obama spent four years as a Senator and six years in the Illinois House.

Rubio had more political experience than Obama.

I guess Obama is also a child.

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008 for EXACTLY that reason. I probably wouldn't have voted for him in 2012 if you clowns hadn't tried to turn my country over to the Mormon Cult.

But to the point, since you guys have claimed (with some justification) that Obama's inexperience has hurt his effectiveness, why would you be so keen to repeat the same mistake with Robot Rubio?


Because 8 years of Democrat rule is enough, and Rubio has the best chance of beating them.

Rubio was Speaker of the House in Florida. It may have only been two years, but he has leadership skills legislatively. And he was a good Speaker, unlike a few of the Florida House leaders. Obama had zero, zip, nada legislative leadership experience anywhere in his life. And it showed. He has been one of the most divisive Presidents in my lifetime. Rubio will be better than Obama.

Going back to Kennedy, he served in the military, which is commendable, but after that, his legislative accomplishments wasn't particularly impressive either. He had a rich father with deep Democratic connections. Without him, he would never have been President.

Rubio isn't perfect - he has problems with his use of state Republican credit cards. But people have consistently under-estimated him through his political career. He's boot-strapped himself up. And his problems pale compared to those of Hillary.

He is better than Cruz, and miles ahead of Trump.
Because 8 years of Democrat rule is enough, and Rubio has the best chance of beating them.

I don't think so. Who is Rubio going to win over? Not Hispanics. His waffling on immigration reform and the fact that most Mexican Americans really don't relate to Cuban-Americans means he isn't going to push that needle.

Rubio was Speaker of the House in Florida. It may have only been two years, but he has leadership skills legislatively. And he was a good Speaker, unlike a few of the Florida House leaders. Obama had zero, zip, nada legislative leadership experience anywhere in his life. And it showed. He has been one of the most divisive Presidents in my lifetime. Rubio will be better than Obama.

I'm sure Rubio will do what Sheldon Adelson tells him to do, but I don't think that would be good for America.

Going back to Kennedy, he served in the military, which is commendable, but after that, his legislative accomplishments wasn't particularly impressive either. He had a rich father with deep Democratic connections. Without him, he would never have been President.

Possibly not. I think Kennedy was the first President who understood television and how to use it as a tool. He couldn't have been elected 10 years earlier before TV was a thing or 10 years later when everyone else had figured this out.

Rubio isn't perfect - he has problems with his use of state Republican credit cards. But people have consistently under-estimated him through his political career. He's boot-strapped himself up. And his problems pale compared to those of Hillary.

Not really. The thing is, Hillary has been accused of everything including murder over the last 25 years, so people have kind of tuned these things out. When people hear about how Rubio charged $109,000 of personal expense to the GOP Credit Card or how he got a real estate license for his convicted coke dealer Brother in Law, that's going to be news to a lot of people.

Anyway, Toro, always a pleasure, but I'm off to see a resume client this morning.
Trump won last night, solidly.

The question is not whether he will win but can he be stopped.
Rubio served six years as a Senator and was speaker of the Florida House.

Obama spent four years as a Senator and six years in the Illinois House.

Rubio had more political experience than Obama.

I guess Obama is also a child.

I didn't vote for Obama in 2008 for EXACTLY that reason. I probably wouldn't have voted for him in 2012 if you clowns hadn't tried to turn my country over to the Mormon Cult.

But to the point, since you guys have claimed (with some justification) that Obama's inexperience has hurt his effectiveness, why would you be so keen to repeat the same mistake with Robot Rubio?

I agree with the last paragraph. I voted for Obama twice but Hillary in the 2008 primaries.

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