Marco Rubio

Yes! Another far left drone proving that they are one!

See how the far left drones act when faced with reality!

Fakey claims to not support warmongers and here they are doing it!
I'd almost certainly vote for him if he is the nominee.

Second best argument not to vote for him.

I would vote for Rubio as well.

First best argument to not vote for him.

Okay, seriously. Rubio is a lot less scary than Trump or Cruz. But he's got Sheldon Adelson's hand so far up his ass it counts as fisting.

Rubio would have us in another war in the Middle East in a year. No thank you.

Three far left drones that will vote far left at all costs!

And Obama already has in wars in the Middle East. Obama is also a warmonger!
I don't think it's a matter of tolerance, it's a matter of integrity. If he's gay and lying to his wife and kids, not to mention the voters, that says a lot about how dishonest he is.

There are far better reasons not to vote for this guy, though.

Sealybobo is an admitted "black homo" playing his little homo games. I'd like to see one of you call Rubio a queer to his face.
I just saw him on The Tonight Show and Jimmy asked him if he would consider the VP slot. He said no but he'd love NFL Commissioner. Why? Because you can suspend people. He seems to think a commissioner has a lot of power when in reality, they work for the owners.

That guy doesn't know any more about the NFL than he does politics.

Rubio is your typical TPM nitwit: ignorant, vacuous, naïve, simplistic, and sophomoric, an advocate of failed, wrongheaded rightist fiscal dogma; he's also a social conservative hostile to the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans.

He's wholly unqualified to be president.

He'd be a disaster as President. Putin probably actually would laugh in his face.

But he is "qualified" in terms of the reality...he's far beyond his depth.
I'd almost certainly vote for him if he is the nominee.

Second best argument not to vote for him.

I would vote for Rubio as well.

First best argument to not vote for him.

Okay, seriously. Rubio is a lot less scary than Trump or Cruz. But he's got Sheldon Adelson's hand so far up his ass it counts as fisting.

Rubio would have us in another war in the Middle East in a year. No thank you.
The ones I feared aren't doing so well.

Kasich, rubio, Christie, jeb bush
I just saw him on The Tonight Show and Jimmy asked him if he would consider the VP slot. He said no but he'd love NFL Commissioner. Why? Because you can suspend people. He seems to think a commissioner has a lot of power when in reality, they work for the owners.

That guy doesn't know any more about the NFL than he does politics.


Rubio is a child.
I just saw him on The Tonight Show and Jimmy asked him if he would consider the VP slot. He said no but he'd love NFL Commissioner. Why? Because you can suspend people. He seems to think a commissioner has a lot of power when in reality, they work for the owners.

That guy doesn't know any more about the NFL than he does politics.

Rubio is your typical TPM nitwit: ignorant, vacuous, naïve, simplistic, and sophomoric, an advocate of failed, wrongheaded rightist fiscal dogma; he's also a social conservative hostile to the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans.

He's wholly unqualified to be president.

Coming from a liberal mouthpiece like you, that counts as a ringing endorsement!
Here's a fascinating quiz I just took. I've been a Trump supporter all along and will continue to be. According to the quiz, I favor Rubio's platform which is moderate right. Within 5 percentage points my next 3 are Huckabee, Carson and Trump. I will take anyone of those 4.

2016 Presidential Election Quiz
I side with Bernie Sanders on 95% of issues in the 2016 Presidential election

I side with Hillary Clinton on 95% of issues in the 2016 Presidential election


How long do they let you play on the computer at the Home for the Permanently Bewildered?
I just saw him on The Tonight Show and Jimmy asked him if he would consider the VP slot. He said no but he'd love NFL Commissioner. Why? Because you can suspend people. He seems to think a commissioner has a lot of power when in reality, they work for the owners.

That guy doesn't know any more about the NFL than he does politics.

Rubio is your typical TPM nitwit: ignorant, vacuous, naïve, simplistic, and sophomoric, an advocate of failed, wrongheaded rightist fiscal dogma; he's also a social conservative hostile to the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans.

He's wholly unqualified to be president.
Lots of closeted gay Republicans but never a president.

This is another thing Republicans blame Democrats for but actually they are hypocritical. They say Obama was gay but can't see rubio is. Clinton smoked weed but bush did blow. Democrats don't keep us save but bush gets hit on 9/11. I wonder what shady bush/Chaney shit they did to get 9-11 done to us.

They say Obama wasn't born in America but what about Cruz?
I just saw him on The Tonight Show and Jimmy asked him if he would consider the VP slot. He said no but he'd love NFL Commissioner. Why? Because you can suspend people. He seems to think a commissioner has a lot of power when in reality, they work for the owners.

That guy doesn't know any more about the NFL than he does politics.


Rubio is a child.

He's older than Kennedy and Teddy Roosevelt was when they were President. He'll be two years younger than Obama when he was sworn in.
I just saw him on The Tonight Show and Jimmy asked him if he would consider the VP slot. He said no but he'd love NFL Commissioner. Why? Because you can suspend people. He seems to think a commissioner has a lot of power when in reality, they work for the owners.

That guy doesn't know any more about the NFL than he does politics.


Rubio is a child.

He's older than Kennedy and Teddy Roosevelt was when they were President. He'll be two years younger than Obama when he was sworn in.

His age has nothing to do with it.
Rubio will be the nominee.
I called it

It won't be Rubio.

If it is Sanders vs Trump,
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders FOX News Sanders 53, Trump 38 Sanders +15

If it is Clinton vs. Trump
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 44, Trump 43 Clinton +1
Those polls can't tell you who's going to win Florida ohio Michigan Colorado. No one knows that.

Are you suggesting we go with Bernie?

I think they're going to try to get rubio to take down trump. I can imagine those debates. Them one on one.
Did being a Canadian cost Cruz?
Sure, it has cost him some votes. That's stupidity, but there it is.

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