Marco Rubio

I may not agree with some of Rubio's politics, but I've never minded him. He does have a certain likability about him. He just comes across as a pretty boy pandering to his base. He's probably never watched an NFL game in his life. :lol:

He went to school on a football scholarship. His line about being NFL commish followed his line about being too small, too slow, and not talented enough to play in the NFL.
I'd almost certainly vote for him if he is the nominee.

I would vote for Rubio as well.

Two far left drones that will vote for Rubio!

Says the far left drone plant!

Kosh, we know you are an agent of the far left.

Says the far left drone!

Stop pretending that you will vote for anything other than what the far left tells you!
Just what a far left drone plant like you is supposed to say.

Says the far left drone that claims they do not support or vote for warmongers..

Yet Rubio is a warmonger!

So another far left drone fail!
I'd almost certainly vote for him if he is the nominee.

I would vote for Rubio as well.

Two far left drones that will vote for Rubio!

Says the far left drone plant!

Kosh, we know you are an agent of the far left.

Says the far left drone!

Stop pretending that you will vote for anything other than what the far left tells you!
Just what a far left drone plant like you is supposed to say.
No one gets liberals to the voting booth better than Kosh.

Says the far left drone!

There are no true "liberals" on this board!

As you far left drones keep proving!
I may not agree with some of Rubio's politics, but I've never minded him. He does have a certain likability about him. He just comes across as a pretty boy pandering to his base. He's probably never watched an NFL game in his life. :lol:

He went to school on a football scholarship. His line about being NFL commish followed his line about being too small, too slow, and not talented enough to play in the NFL.

So did Tebo and he's a virgin. Or Manti Te'o. And Michael Sam
View attachment 64050 Rubio at gay bubble party

So the guy's face we can't see just conveniently happens to be Rubio?

Even if it is him, why would regressives make fun of him for this? Isn't this a display of tolerance?
Just as I suspected. The LAME old argument that proves you don't get it.

We are ok with gays. Just not gays who push anti gay legislation.

Same LAME old argument you make for Carson or Herman Cain. We don't hate black people. We hate black people who hate black people.
I may not agree with some of Rubio's politics, but I've never minded him. He does have a certain likability about him. He just comes across as a pretty boy pandering to his base. He's probably never watched an NFL game in his life. :lol:

He went to school on a football scholarship. His line about being NFL commish followed his line about being too small, too slow, and not talented enough to play in the NFL.

So did Tebo and he's a virgin. Or Manti Te'o. And Michael Sam

I don't know much about this Michael Sam guy, but the dude is probably banging chicks left and right.
I'd almost certainly vote for him if he is the nominee.

I might. I'd have to put more thought into it. He's a warmonger. I don't care for his tax plan. I don't see him willing to scale back the scope of the federal government in our lives.
Two far left drones that will vote for Rubio!


I can't believe there are some liberals who actually think Rubio was being serious with that but then again many of them thought Tina Fey's I can see Russia from my backyard SNL skit was based on fact so it's not totally surprising.
He was being serious, he said and a lot of people think this is true that the commissioner's job is as powerful as the president's. He was serious.
No he wasn't.

You look really foolish
I can't believe there are some liberals who actually think Rubio was being serious with that but then again many of them thought Tina Fey's I can see Russia from my backyard SNL skit was based on fact so it's not totally surprising.
He was being serious, he said and a lot of people think this is true that the commissioner's job is as powerful as the president's. He was serious.
No he wasn't.

You look really foolish
Well you always look foolish so nothing's changed here.
I'd almost certainly vote for him if he is the nominee.

Second best argument not to vote for him.

I would vote for Rubio as well.

First best argument to not vote for him.

Okay, seriously. Rubio is a lot less scary than Trump or Cruz. But he's got Sheldon Adelson's hand so far up his ass it counts as fisting.

Rubio would have us in another war in the Middle East in a year. No thank you.
View attachment 64050 Rubio at gay bubble party

So the guy's face we can't see just conveniently happens to be Rubio?

Even if it is him, why would regressives make fun of him for this? Isn't this a display of tolerance?

I don't think it's a matter of tolerance, it's a matter of integrity. If he's gay and lying to his wife and kids, not to mention the voters, that says a lot about how dishonest he is.

There are far better reasons not to vote for this guy, though.
I just saw him on The Tonight Show and Jimmy asked him if he would consider the VP slot. He said no but he'd love NFL Commissioner. Why? Because you can suspend people. He seems to think a commissioner has a lot of power when in reality, they work for the owners.

That guy doesn't know any more about the NFL than he does politics.

And Barry does...

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