Margaret thatcher died

Good riddance. If I believed in hell, she'd be there drinking tea with Reagan and her good buddy Pinochet. She and Reagan are largely responsible for the mess this country and the world is in now.
what ? get a fucking grip.
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Why are you people so angry at me posting the FACTS surrounding thatchers term?

Because you are a fucking troll.

Only a pig would try to tarnish someone on the day of their death.

You are that pig. An ugly excuse for a human being.
It comes from someone who refers to people who are of mixed race as ''Oreos."

We should expect no less from racists like her....And, i'm quite sure, her alcohol abuse only contributes to her vitriol. As does the mental disorder known as liberalism.

Basically,....Racism + Alcoholism + Liberalism = TruthNeverMattersisms
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Thatcher was a great leader and one tough woman........sad to hear
and she was a conservative to the core .

Nobody is perfect.

Lady Thatcher was not your typical spineless, two-faced, mealy mouthed politician. She was tough, outspoken, courageous, and firm in her convictions. Whether or not you agree with her positions, she is worthy of respect. RIP.
did poverty go up under thatcher?

Did inequality go up ?

I think this points to the heart of your questions.

Funny thing is, TM's so friggin' stupid, the answer to all 3 questions she asked would be:....Under Obama, the answer to all three would be YES!

Yes, but Obama gets a pass because he inherited a recession. The Union/Socialist created recession Thatcher inherited doesn’t count.
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Margret Thatcher will not be remembered fondly by Brits. She was a Neoconservative nut who partnered with Reagan to destroy millions of lives. She was a war criminal who presided over a government which supported terrorism,biggest transfer of wealth from hard working Brits to the rich,Poll Tax Riots, poverty, record unemployment, the most draconian and repressive employment legislation.

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