Margaret thatcher died

5) Spurning Sarah Palin: In 2011, the Guardian newspaper reported that Thatcher would not be meeting with Sarah Palin during Palin’s trip to London. “Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts,” the paper quoted one Thatcher ally as saying. The rejection sparked an outcry among conservatives in the United States, lending a great deal of attention to the non-meeting.
Margret Thatcher will not be remembered fondly by Brits. She was a Neoconservative nut who partnered with Reagan to destroy millions of lives. She was a war criminal who presided over a government which supported terrorism,biggest transfer of wealth from hard working Brits to the rich,Poll Tax Riots, poverty, record unemployment, the most draconian and repressive employment legislation.

It's amazing how you lefties can type with dicks in your mouths. That's a really great skill.
Margret Thatcher will not be remembered fondly by Brits. She was a Neoconservative nut who partnered with Reagan to destroy millions of lives. She was a war criminal who presided over a government which supported terrorism,biggest transfer of wealth from hard working Brits to the rich,Poll Tax Riots, poverty, record unemployment, the most draconian and repressive employment legislation.

It's amazing how you lefties can type with dicks in your mouths. That's a really great skill.

that imagery makes you all giddy huh?
Thatcher, like Reagan, can never be forgiven for their success and enduring legacies. They both started out to change their countries. They both ended up changing the world.
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Didn't take long for the partisan hacks to come out and attack Thatcher, and of course Reagan.

It really is amazing what these two did duriing their time. They held the USSR in check, and helped bring it down peacefully. Can you imagine if leftists like Obama were in power at that time?

I fear that the age of common sense conservatism is over though, we'll probably never see leaders like that again in our lifetime.
In liberal history Margaret Thatcher was bad. Che Guevara was good. Ronald Reagan was bad. William Ayers is good.
She keeps rambling about Bill Clinton and how we will act. Apparently she lives 8n the multiverse where she can see all things at all times.

I for one will show respect when ANY of our former leaders die. That's what makes me an American rather than a petulant hack

Past is prologue.

Rain at Kennedy Funeral: Tears or something else?

The good thing about Mr Kennedy's death

Feel the love. :cuckoo:
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In one of his books, Andy McNab, a former S.A.S operative, describes the time Mrs. Thatcher visited their headquarters in Hereford.

The S.A.S use a facility called the "kill house" to prepare troopers to cope with storming a room using live ammunition. Mrs. Thatcher demanded a demonstration. She and several of her male ministers were left in a room. The S.A.S staged a rescue using live ammunition. When the smoke from the flashbangs had cleared and the ringing of spent shells had ceased, Mrs. Thatcher could be seen sat upright and beaming proudly whilst applauding her rescuers... while the ministers who accompanied her had to be helped-up from the floor where they were whimperig incoherently. That was the kind of woman she was.
She was tough as nails, no doubt about it......Definitely a lady all women should be proud of.
When Liberal women are tough as nails, you wingnuts call them dykes.
Well we knew this was coming soon one way or another.
Strong leader, strong woman, scared the shit out of the left.

She was amazing. I see on yahoo news, they called her policies 'radical'. Yes, liberals seem to think anti-socialists are radical. We could use more people like Thatcher in our government. We'd truly be recovering if we did.
Why are you people so angry at me posting the FACTS surrounding thatchers term?

Because you are a fucking troll.

Only a pig would try to tarnish someone on the day of their death.

You are that pig. An ugly excuse for a human being.
Well, you've just called half the wingnuts on this site pigs, including CrusaderFrank, PLYMCO_PILGRIM, Mal, PubliusInfinitum.... the list is long.

Not to mention that slimeball Andrew Breitbart.
Didn't take long for the partisan hacks to come out and attack Thatcher, and of course Reagan.

It really is amazing what these two did duriing their time. They held the USSR in check, and helped bring it down peacefully. Can you imagine if leftists like Obama were in power at that time?

I fear that the age of common sense conservatism is over though, we'll probably never see leaders like that again in our lifetime.

I hope not.
Margret Thatcher will not be remembered fondly by Brits. She was a Neoconservative nut who partnered with Reagan to destroy millions of lives. She was a war criminal who presided over a government which supported terrorism,biggest transfer of wealth from hard working Brits to the rich,Poll Tax Riots, poverty, record unemployment, the most draconian and repressive employment legislation.

"________________ will not be remembered fondly by Brits. She was a Neoconservative nut who partnered with Reagan to destroy millions of lives. She was a war criminal who presided over a government which supported terrorism,biggest transfer of wealth from hard working Brits to the rich,Poll Tax Riots, poverty, record unemployment, the most draconian and repressive employment legislation."

Every conservative woman is described this way by the left. Simply pick any name and fill I'm the blank.
Margret Thatcher will not be remembered fondly by Brits. She was a Neoconservative nut who partnered with Reagan to destroy millions of lives. She was a war criminal who presided over a government which supported terrorism,biggest transfer of wealth from hard working Brits to the rich,Poll Tax Riots, poverty, record unemployment, the most draconian and repressive employment legislation.

"________________ will not be remembered fondly by Brits. She was a Neoconservative nut who partnered with Reagan to destroy millions of lives. She was a war criminal who presided over a government which supported terrorism,biggest transfer of wealth from hard working Brits to the rich,Poll Tax Riots, poverty, record unemployment, the most draconian and repressive employment legislation."

Every conservative woman is described this way by the left. Simply pick any name and fill I'm the blank.

lol what?

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