Margaret thatcher died

Great Briton has lost a great lady. I wish we had somebody of her quality in our political world in this country.

What about Sarah Palin?

thatcher didnt much like Palin

I don't know about Google, but I simply used Bing and entered "Thatcher hated Palin".

About the 5th entry was this link..

Thatcher Foundation Responds to the ?Palin Was Snubbed? Report Saying, ?The Guardian Has Minimal Credibility? | The Gateway Pundit

From: Margaret Thatcher Foundation
To: ————
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 4:51 PM
Subject: Mrs Palin

Dear Mr ——-,

Thank you for your message.

I have no inside knowledge of this business to offer I am afraid and certainly am not in a position to make any kind of statement on Lady Thatcher’s behalf. I’m happy though to give you my personal view.

The Guardian, of course, is not a newspaper at all sympathetic to Lady Thatcher (or to Mrs. Palin), so reports on this topic, from that source, have minimal credibility. If nothing else, would Lady Thatcher have ever described a prominent US conservative politician as ‘nuts’, or approved an ‘ally’ who used the description? I would hope that question answers itself.

Of course, sadly, Lady Thatcher’s health is not good these days and such considerations naturally dominate her schedule. That much is true. Someone once said that if you plaster together the true and the false you thereby manufacture the plausible, but in this case I don’t think even that much has been achieved by the Guardian.

On the ‘Malvinas’, the OAS never learns and the State Department endlessly seeks to curry favour with it for the sake of the a quiet life. The question is a closed one as far as we in Britain are concerned, as it is in the Falklands themselves where opinion is undivided.

Best wishes,
Christopher Collins
Margaret Thatcher Foundation

Seems you guys on the left have been spreading, perhaps unknowingly, lies put out by a Left Wing paper that really disliked both Thatcher and Palin.
Margaret Thatcher was a very wise, self-made person. Here are some of her pearls of wisdom.

"When all the objectives of government include the achievement of equality - other than equality before the law - that government poses a threat to liberty."

"Let me give you my vision: A man's right to work as he will, to spend what he earns, to own property, to have the state as servant and not as master. These are the British inheritance. They are the essence of a free country, and on that freedom all of our other freedoms depend."

"There can be no liberty unless there is economic liberty."

"If your only opportunity is to be equal then it is not opportunity."

"Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and importance, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction."

Wise words of a wise and gracious lady.
What about Sarah Palin?

thatcher didnt much like Palin

I don't know about Google, but I simply used Bing and entered "Thatcher hated Palin".

About the 5th entry was this link..

Thatcher Foundation Responds to the ?Palin Was Snubbed? Report Saying, ?The Guardian Has Minimal Credibility? | The Gateway Pundit

From: Margaret Thatcher Foundation
To: ————
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 4:51 PM
Subject: Mrs Palin

Dear Mr ——-,

Thank you for your message.

I have no inside knowledge of this business to offer I am afraid and certainly am not in a position to make any kind of statement on Lady Thatcher’s behalf. I’m happy though to give you my personal view.

The Guardian, of course, is not a newspaper at all sympathetic to Lady Thatcher (or to Mrs. Palin), so reports on this topic, from that source, have minimal credibility. If nothing else, would Lady Thatcher have ever described a prominent US conservative politician as ‘nuts’, or approved an ‘ally’ who used the description? I would hope that question answers itself.

Of course, sadly, Lady Thatcher’s health is not good these days and such considerations naturally dominate her schedule. That much is true. Someone once said that if you plaster together the true and the false you thereby manufacture the plausible, but in this case I don’t think even that much has been achieved by the Guardian.

On the ‘Malvinas’, the OAS never learns and the State Department endlessly seeks to curry favour with it for the sake of the a quiet life. The question is a closed one as far as we in Britain are concerned, as it is in the Falklands themselves where opinion is undivided.

Best wishes,
Christopher Collins
Margaret Thatcher Foundation

Seems you guys on the left have been spreading, perhaps unknowingly, lies put out by a Left Wing paper that really disliked both Thatcher and Palin.
The wingnuts' favorite game: shooting the messenger.
did poverty go up under thatcher?

isnt spamming a board against the board rules because this is exactly what you are doing!!!
Looks to me like she is trying to get someone to debate her on Thatcher's record and there are no takers, either out of fear of losing or just plain ignorance about Thatcher's record.
Interesting take. Seems to me she's whining about something she knows nothing about. If she did she wouldn't be posting so much spam and no one is going to argue with a dingbat anyway.
isnt spamming a board against the board rules because this is exactly what you are doing!!!
Looks to me like she is trying to get someone to debate her on Thatcher's record and there are no takers, either out of fear of losing or just plain ignorance about Thatcher's record.
Interesting take. Seems to me she's whining about something she knows nothing about. If she did she wouldn't be posting so much spam and no one is going to argue with a dingbat anyway.
You call it spam. I call it repeated attempts to get anyone from the Right to defend Thatcher's record.
One of the saddest moments of this end journey for her was when a Brit version of TMZ reporter actually caught an old friend of Lady Thatcher's coming out of the house.

She was so distraught, the reporter held her thinking the Lady had died.

The woman simply's worse than death. She doesn't know who I am anymore.

That was a bit back. And oh my that hit home. Bless the caregivers.
Looks to me like she is trying to get someone to debate her on Thatcher's record and there are no takers, either out of fear of losing or just plain ignorance about Thatcher's record.
Interesting take. Seems to me she's whining about something she knows nothing about. If she did she wouldn't be posting so much spam and no one is going to argue with a dingbat anyway.
You call it spam. I call it repeated attempts to get anyone from the Right to defend Thatcher's record.

Come on man. She's not even cold. Not today. Not today dearheart. Have mercy.
Looks to me like she is trying to get someone to debate her on Thatcher's record and there are no takers, either out of fear of losing or just plain ignorance about Thatcher's record.
Interesting take. Seems to me she's whining about something she knows nothing about. If she did she wouldn't be posting so much spam and no one is going to argue with a dingbat anyway.
You call it spam. I call it repeated attempts to get anyone from the Right to defend Thatcher's record.
Why would anyone bother defending Thatcher's record. Her record is history and is available to anyone interested. There is precious little to argue about. It speaks for itself.
Are wedding bells in the offing for Truthmatters and Synthoholic?

They seem to love each other in an unnatural and sickening way.

Will Mr. Peepers be the Maid-Of-Honor?
thatcher didnt much like Palin

I don't know about Google, but I simply used Bing and entered "Thatcher hated Palin".

About the 5th entry was this link..

Thatcher Foundation Responds to the ?Palin Was Snubbed? Report Saying, ?The Guardian Has Minimal Credibility? | The Gateway Pundit

From: Margaret Thatcher Foundation
To: ————
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011 4:51 PM
Subject: Mrs Palin

Dear Mr ——-,

Thank you for your message.

I have no inside knowledge of this business to offer I am afraid and certainly am not in a position to make any kind of statement on Lady Thatcher’s behalf. I’m happy though to give you my personal view.

The Guardian, of course, is not a newspaper at all sympathetic to Lady Thatcher (or to Mrs. Palin), so reports on this topic, from that source, have minimal credibility. If nothing else, would Lady Thatcher have ever described a prominent US conservative politician as ‘nuts’, or approved an ‘ally’ who used the description? I would hope that question answers itself.

Of course, sadly, Lady Thatcher’s health is not good these days and such considerations naturally dominate her schedule. That much is true. Someone once said that if you plaster together the true and the false you thereby manufacture the plausible, but in this case I don’t think even that much has been achieved by the Guardian.

On the ‘Malvinas’, the OAS never learns and the State Department endlessly seeks to curry favour with it for the sake of the a quiet life. The question is a closed one as far as we in Britain are concerned, as it is in the Falklands themselves where opinion is undivided.

Best wishes,
Christopher Collins
Margaret Thatcher Foundation

Seems you guys on the left have been spreading, perhaps unknowingly, lies put out by a Left Wing paper that really disliked both Thatcher and Palin.
The wingnuts' favorite game: shooting the messenger.

It would seem that you not only have a problem with the truth being presented, but you also have a problem with reading and comprehension.

I did acknowledge, if you care to read my post a bit more carefully, that it is possible that those who are spreading the lie were doing so unknowingly.

However, at least on this thread, anyone continuing to spread the false information is doing so despite that story being debunked.

Have a nice day now.
Michael Heseltine mounted a challenge for the leadership of the Conservative Party.[182] Opinion polls had indicated that he would give the Conservatives a national lead over Labour.[183] Although Thatcher won the first ballot, Heseltine attracted sufficient support (152 votes) to force a second ballot.[184] Thatcher initially stated that she intended to "fight on and fight to win" the second ballot, but consultation with her Cabinet persuaded her to withdraw.[178][185] After seeing the Queen, calling other world leaders, and making one final Commons speech, she left Downing Street in tears. She regarded her ousting as a betrayal.[186]

Margaret Thatcher - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Interesting take. Seems to me she's whining about something she knows nothing about. If she did she wouldn't be posting so much spam and no one is going to argue with a dingbat anyway.
You call it spam. I call it repeated attempts to get anyone from the Right to defend Thatcher's record.

Come on man. She's not even cold. Not today. Not today dearheart. Have mercy.
It's a political debate board.
Interesting take. Seems to me she's whining about something she knows nothing about. If she did she wouldn't be posting so much spam and no one is going to argue with a dingbat anyway.
You call it spam. I call it repeated attempts to get anyone from the Right to defend Thatcher's record.
Why would anyone bother defending Thatcher's record. Her record is history and is available to anyone interested. There is precious little to argue about. It speaks for itself.

Are you referring to the 10% unemployment that she earned while trying to get inflation down to 5%?

Funny how Maggie's 10% is just fine and dandy, but Obama's 7.2 is simply atrocious.

And Maggie didn't come in during a total financial collapse. :)
I don't know about Google, but I simply used Bing and entered "Thatcher hated Palin".

About the 5th entry was this link..

Seems you guys on the left have been spreading, perhaps unknowingly, lies put out by a Left Wing paper that really disliked both Thatcher and Palin.
The wingnuts' favorite game: shooting the messenger.

It would seem that you not only have a problem with the truth being presented, but you also have a problem with reading and comprehension.

I did acknowledge, if you care to read my post a bit more carefully, that it is possible that those who are spreading the lie were doing so unknowingly.

However, at least on this thread, anyone continuing to spread the false information is doing so despite that story being debunked.

Have a nice day now.
It hasn't been debunked, fifth result notwithstanding. :lol:

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