Margaret thatcher died

Ladies and gentlemen, assuming the above is correct, I give you the party of feelings.

yeah people feel badly about people who make them poor and cause life to be worse.

humans do have feelings

Unfortunately they do. When they listen to their feelings they vote for Liberals. When people listen to reason they vote for conservatives. The main problem with conservatism (That religious BS aside) is that it requires that one drop feelings for reason. There is a reason politicians, especially Obama, don’t argue on the merits and have a slew of people specially chosen as a backdrop during any speech. It has nothing to do with reason and everything to do with feelings. The child at the signing of Obama care, the doctors being handed out lab coats, the public service workers behind him at the latest WH speech, the president running out to take a picture of himself paying respects to the dead Navy Seals against the wishes of their parents, etc. etc. etc.. It's ok to feel bad for poor people. It is not ok to use that to justify the actions of Attlee whose policies undoubtedly ran the Uk into the ground!

I'll add a modification: conservatives recognize that feelings belong in the realm of Civil Society, and are not the foundation of public policy. It is fine to feel concern for the poor and to donate to charity; or to provide charitable donations to whatever causes one supports. The line is drawn at having the government provide charity, especially that which turns perfectly healthy adults into wards of the state.
she increased child poverty in the UK.

people dont like that

All by herself with no help from Parliament, the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the Scottish parliament or the Welsh and Northern Ireland assemblies...

All by her lonesome she wielded such power...

You never cease to amaze me, TM...

Yet, you will continue to be silent in threads where wingnuts blame all the nation's woes on Obama.

The Rightwing has taken hypocrisy to new levels.
yeah people feel badly about people who make them poor and cause life to be worse.

humans do have feelings

Unfortunately they do. When they listen to their feelings they vote for Liberals. When people listen to reason they vote for conservatives. The main problem with conservatism (That religious BS aside) is that it requires that one drop feelings for reason. There is a reason politicians, especially Obama, don’t argue on the merits and have a slew of people specially chosen as a backdrop during any speech. It has nothing to do with reason and everything to do with feelings. The child at the signing of Obama care, the doctors being handed out lab coats, the public service workers behind him at the latest WH speech, the president running out to take a picture of himself paying respects to the dead Navy Seals against the wishes of their parents, etc. etc. etc.. It's ok to feel bad for poor people. It is not ok to use that to justify the actions of Attlee whose policies undoubtedly ran the Uk into the ground!

I'll add a modification: conservatives recognize that feelings belong in the realm of Civil Society, and are not the foundation of public policy. It is fine to feel concern for the poor and to donate to charity; or to provide charitable donations to whatever causes one supports. The line is drawn at having the government provide charity, especially that which turns perfectly healthy adults into wards of the state.

republicans: human emotion is BAD.

dear fools if it were not for human emotion man would have never made any society.

we would not have congregated in groups and would have remained small brained individuals.

When you have a party that is calling compassion something that should be left out of decision making realm then you have a party that is worthless to mankind and run by sociopahths
Poverty went up under Thatcher, according to these figures from the Institute for Fiscal Studies. In 1979, 13.4% of the population lived below 60% of median incomes before housing costs. By 1990, it had gone up to 22.2%, or 12.2m people, with huge rises in the mid-1980s."]hjmick - he should be along any time now to scold you, I'm sure...
Margret Thatcher will not be remembered fondly by Brits. She was a Neoconservative nut who partnered with Reagan to destroy millions of lives. She was a war criminal who presided over a government which supported terrorism,biggest transfer of wealth from hard working Brits to the rich,Poll Tax Riots, poverty, record unemployment, the most draconian and repressive employment legislation.
Margaret Thatcher on Global Warming

Speech at 2nd World Climate Conference | Margaret Thatcher Foundation
But the need for more research should not be an excuse for delaying much needed action now. There is already a clear case for precautionary action at an international level. The IPCC tells us that we can't repair the effects of past behaviour on our atmosphere as quickly and as easily as we might cleanse a stream or river. It will take, for example, until the second half of the next century, until the old age of my grandson, to repair the damage to the ozone layer above the Antarctic. And some of the gases we are adding to the global heat trap will endure in the Earth's atmosphere for just as long.

The IPCC tells us that, on present trends, the earth will warm up faster than at any time since the last ice age. Weather patterns could change so that what is now wet would become dry, and what is now dry would become wet. Rising seas could threaten the livelihood of that substantial part of the world's population which lives on or near coasts. The character and behaviour of plants would change, some for the better, some for worse. Some species of animals and plants would migrate to different zones or disappear for ever. Forests would die or move. And deserts would advance as green fields retreated.

Many of the precautionary actions that we need to take would be sensible in any event. It is sensible to improve energy efficiency and use energy prudently; it's sensible to develop alternative and sustainable and sensible ... it's sensible to improve energy efficiency and to develop alternative and sustainable sources of supply; it's sensible to replant the forests which we consume; it's sensible to re-examine industrial processes; it's sensible to tackle the problem of waste. I understand that the latest vogue is to call them ‘no regrets’ policies. Certainly we should have none in putting them into effect.

And our uncertainties about climate change are not all in one direction. The IPCC report is very honest about the margins of error. Climate change may be less than predicted. But equally it may occur more quickly than the present computer models suggest. Should this happen it would be doubly disastrous were we to shirk the challenge now. I see the adoption of these policies as a sort of premium on insurance against fire, flood or other disaster. It may be cheaper or more cost-effective to take action now than to wait and find we have to pay much more later.

Ruh-roh. Wingnut heads are explodin', since their cult has told them anyone holding such opinions is clearly some dirty socialist liberal.
Good riddance. If I believed in hell, she'd be there drinking tea with Reagan and her good buddy Pinochet. She and Reagan are largely responsible for the mess this country and the world is in now.

Really Late Post Today:
Got drunk early celebrating the death of that vicious thug, Margaret Thatcher. Hell has been saving her place in the shit pool for a while. Going to listen to "Black Boys on Mopeds" and toast her cold corpse some more.

Back later with more well-lubricated rudeness.
// posted by Rude One @ 11:20 AM
and Im sure you will be very respectful when Clinton dies huh.

I hope you post the truth the day he dies.

Just like I did about maggie.

To an honest person who lived honestly the truth is the greatest honor.
You don't have to wonder, TM. Just dig up the threads from when Ted Kennedy died.

Maybe some of the people who are so upset with you in this thread should do likewise. It should shut them up, but it won't. They live for their hypocrisy.
and Im sure you will be very respectful when Clinton dies huh.

I hope you post the truth the day he dies.

Just like I did about maggie.

To an honest person who lived honestly the truth is the greatest honor.
When a drunken, hateful racist like you slams a great leader like Hatcher, it just further proves what a great lady she was.

Obviously, a hateful racist like you, who has never dealt in truth to begin with, will NEVER know that "greatest honor," eh, racist?

Looks like you're the drunk. Or the idiot. Or both.
and Im sure you will be very respectful when Clinton dies huh.

I hope you post the truth the day he dies.

Just like I did about maggie.

To an honest person who lived honestly the truth is the greatest honor.
You don't have to wonder, TM. Just dig up the threads from when Ted Kennedy died.

Maybe some of the people who are so upset with you in this thread should do likewise. It should shut them up, but it won't. They live for their hypocrisy.

good point.

They were way worse than what I did which was to merely post the fcts of her term.

They flat out lied about kennedy all thread
and Im sure you will be very respectful when Clinton dies huh.

I hope you post the truth the day he dies.

Just like I did about maggie.

To an honest person who lived honestly the truth is the greatest honor.
You don't have to wonder, TM. Just dig up the threads from when Ted Kennedy died.

Maybe some of the people who are so upset with you in this thread should do likewise. It should shut them up, but it won't. They live for their hypocrisy.

Doofus Loser, you said a mouthful there!
Great Briton has lost a great lady. I wish we had somebody of her quality in our political world in this country.

What about Sarah Palin?

thatcher didnt much like Palin

Well, I seem to recall that Thatcher supposedly declined to meet with Palin a couple of years ago. But that doesn't really matter to me. Palin is a hero of the American right. And if they're impressed with what little they've seen of her alleged leadership skills so far, that's fine with me too. So, let Palin step forward and show what she's made of. The question is whether she'll rise to the challenge or wither under fire. As for me, I don't think she's got what it takes. In that sense, she's no Hillary Clinton. I mean, whether one likes Hillary or not, people know that she ignored the jokes and the criticism and stepped forward to prove herself as both a Senator and as Secretary of State. She let the work speak for itself. My sense is that Palin is not able to ignore the criticism. She's drawn to it, and overreacts to it every time. I mean, when a former politician like Palin goes after comedians who make fun of her, how is she supposed to handle the hardball attacks of members of the opposing party and their paid staff members who are REALLY out to derail any ambitions she may have?

So, let Palin show what she's made of. I know the right will defend her at every turn. I just think they'll end up regretting it because Palin doesn't have what it takes to succeed in the hard and tumble arena that is American politics.

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