Maricopa County Board Refuses to Discuss Election Concerns, Calls for Audit to End

You kids are all living in an alternative reality.
They've been caught they're attempting to shed blame for their illegal activities by saying the investigators are acting crazy. Do you think they'll get away with it?

Okay, so in the future...I figure all I have to do when I'm caught committing a crime is call the cop a lunatic and refuse to respond to his commands or totally ignore any summons by the court. Think that will work?

"The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors announced on Monday that it would not attend a meeting requested by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to answer questions raised to date by an audit of the 2020 presidential election.​
In fact, the board took it a step further and called for the audit to end. Chairman Jack Sellers declared he would not be answering any more questions regarding November’s election, which the board helped oversee.​
If the board wanted to take the election integrity concerns that many voters have to the next level, there would be no better way to do it.​
Sellers launched into invectives right from the outset of Monday’s meeting.​
“We are here under some bizarre circumstances to discuss responding to an unfortunate letter from the president of the Arizona state Senate,” he said."​
Why so scared ? No need to answer.

Only to Republicans trying to overthrow democracy.

Actually, we are a Republic. The word 'democracy' doesn't appear in the Constitution.

Actually that's mostly semantics in this context, but that's the game you like to play. We have a democratic form of government it's just not a straight out democracy.

Why does the idea of a representative form of government, such as ours, upset you so much you are scrambling to overturn it?
Why are you claiming anyone is trying to overturn the election? If rampant fraud was found, it won’t undo the election, especially the Presidential one. It will just enable the people to see who broke the law and what laws need to be changed to make the elections cleaner and more transparent.

Why are you against transparent elections?

Why are you claiming they weren't trying to overturn an election? They picked 1/6 at the Capitol out of a hat? Really?

Why - in absence of any evidence - do you insist on audit after audit? This is number 3 or 4 for Arizona isn't it?

So you in absence of evidence you just insist on more. That's when you leave rational behavior behind and enter whackadoodle territory.

Rational behavior - we have a system for contesting that has endured for several centuries - we can request recounts, we can send to the courts, we can have the DoJ look for frauds - all of which have applied. And no evidence of significant fraud.

At point will you be satisfied? Rhetorical question. You won't be. Because that's the way conspiracy theories work (or sore losers who can't admit their guy was so crappy he lost to an opponent portrayed as an old geezer). So now, as each level of investigation FAILS to produce evidence of fraud - the investigators and officials themselves are then incorporated into the conspiracy theory - they are "in on the fraud". That's why your reduced to a crackpot group with no experience in election fraud, looking for bamboo fibers in the ballots.

And billing the taxpayers for your crap! All because your leader refuses to admit that He. Is. A. Loser.

The American people are the ones who are paying for this.
Refusing to hand over public material regarding the election by officials is proof of wrongdoing on their behalf. That’s all the reason we need to dig deeper with a more extensive audit.

Sounds like you’ve never worked for the government or been a part of an audit. I have. The more shady shit is found, the more auditors will dig. These guys already refused court orders and deleted files, they are guilty.

You keep making excuses for them and claiming “there is no evidence”.

Again, why are you against transparent elections? All records of an election should be open for the public to view.

I'm not making any excuses.

I'm stating a fact. Despite multiple investigations and recounts and court rulings - no evidence of any sort of systemic or major fraud has been found.

When does it stop? When you re-install Trump?
I'm sorry....but you're confusing actions that took place in other states with this one.
FYI, Democrats tried recounting the 2000 election for years after Bush v. Gore.
So you need to shelve that excuse.

How many recounts occurred for 2000 after the judge said - the end?

And yes - there were multiple recounts in Arizona.

This is an audit. It's not a recount.
The Florida recount was halted by the Supreme Court because they only wanted to recount specific counties that were friendly to Democrats.
A recount is simply recounting the ballots to see if you get a different result.
An audit is more extensive. This is a full audit of all the ballots and procedures.

The media tried recounting Florida several times....and every time it came up Bush winning.....and his margin widening.

ok so essentially you are saying that after the Supreme Court ruled, recounts stopped (what the media does is what the media does, it's not anything official or footed by the taxpayers) they didn't do an audit of Florida?

I'm wondering - how is demanding a recount in only friendly counties any worse than going around knocking on doors of Biden voters demanding to know about their voter registration? It's all "UGH" in my book.
There are other forensic audits going on in the countrt.

New Hampshire.
They've been caught they're attempting to shed blame for their illegal activities by saying the investigators are acting crazy. Do you think they'll get away with it?

Okay, so in the future...I figure all I have to do when I'm caught committing a crime is call the cop a lunatic and refuse to respond to his commands or totally ignore any summons by the court. Think that will work?

"The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors announced on Monday that it would not attend a meeting requested by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to answer questions raised to date by an audit of the 2020 presidential election.​
In fact, the board took it a step further and called for the audit to end. Chairman Jack Sellers declared he would not be answering any more questions regarding November’s election, which the board helped oversee.​
If the board wanted to take the election integrity concerns that many voters have to the next level, there would be no better way to do it.​
Sellers launched into invectives right from the outset of Monday’s meeting.​
“We are here under some bizarre circumstances to discuss responding to an unfortunate letter from the president of the Arizona state Senate,” he said."​
Not exactly true. They communicated in writing...

Here's the deal........

Tyranny is a cancer.

You leave it untreated for too becomes terminal and you cannot stop it. With every passing day it becomes harder to stop.

This is the story of American patriots response to an obvious takeover of their nation
Criminals trying to overturn a free and fair election and disenfranchise millions of voters are "patriots".

Only to Republicans trying to overthrow democracy.
You have no proof the election was “fair and free”.

If the people who set up the election, ran the election, counted the votes, and do the certification are corrupt, how can anyone possibly know if no audit is done?
If an audit was needed, a legit audit would have been employed. Not a fraudit where almost everyone involved is a stop the steal Trumplican hell bent on showing they were right all along; and conducted by an uncertified company who had never handled an election audit like this ever -- because this isn't their business. They're in cyber-security, not auditing ballots.
Bunch of Romney doppelgangers on the Board.
I can smell their fear from here. Once these audits lay out the means and methods they used to steal an election, it won't matter how much they mock. Using the same strategy again will be nearly impossible and they KNOW they'll lose when the vote is honest.
Republicans in Maricopa county are sick and tired of looking like fools chasing the election fraud lie.
How can anyone know that the election was clean? Unless there are audits done, no one really knows. This is why audits are commonly done in government.
If they had nothing to hide, they'd be welcoming the audit because they'd know it would support their position. As it is? Not so much.
You kids are all living in an alternative reality.
They've been caught they're attempting to shed blame for their illegal activities by saying the investigators are acting crazy. Do you think they'll get away with it?

Okay, so in the future...I figure all I have to do when I'm caught committing a crime is call the cop a lunatic and refuse to respond to his commands or totally ignore any summons by the court. Think that will work?

"The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors announced on Monday that it would not attend a meeting requested by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to answer questions raised to date by an audit of the 2020 presidential election.​
In fact, the board took it a step further and called for the audit to end. Chairman Jack Sellers declared he would not be answering any more questions regarding November’s election, which the board helped oversee.​
If the board wanted to take the election integrity concerns that many voters have to the next level, there would be no better way to do it.​
Sellers launched into invectives right from the outset of Monday’s meeting.​
“We are here under some bizarre circumstances to discuss responding to an unfortunate letter from the president of the Arizona state Senate,” he said."​
Why so scared ? No need to answer.
Who's scared?

You are. You're afraid of brown people, gay people, mail in voting, vaccines, green energy, electric cars, universal healthcare, face masks, immigration, LGBTQ..

Hell, most of you fools are afraid to go to the grocery store without being armed to the teeth.

I'm not scared, Son. I'm laughing at your cowardly little snowflake butt.
You kids are all living in an alternative reality.
They've been caught they're attempting to shed blame for their illegal activities by saying the investigators are acting crazy. Do you think they'll get away with it?

Okay, so in the future...I figure all I have to do when I'm caught committing a crime is call the cop a lunatic and refuse to respond to his commands or totally ignore any summons by the court. Think that will work?

"The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors announced on Monday that it would not attend a meeting requested by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to answer questions raised to date by an audit of the 2020 presidential election.​
In fact, the board took it a step further and called for the audit to end. Chairman Jack Sellers declared he would not be answering any more questions regarding November’s election, which the board helped oversee.​
If the board wanted to take the election integrity concerns that many voters have to the next level, there would be no better way to do it.​
Sellers launched into invectives right from the outset of Monday’s meeting.​
“We are here under some bizarre circumstances to discuss responding to an unfortunate letter from the president of the Arizona state Senate,” he said."​
Why so scared ? No need to answer.
Who's scared?

You are. You're afraid of brown people, gay people, mail in voting, vaccines, green energy, electric cars, universal healthcare, face masks, immigration, LGBTQ..

Hell, most of you fools are afraid to go to the grocery store without being armed to the teeth.

I'm not scared, Son. I'm laughing at your cowardly little snowflake butt.
Stop lying cheating and being an anti American ****.
You kids are all living in an alternative reality.
They've been caught they're attempting to shed blame for their illegal activities by saying the investigators are acting crazy. Do you think they'll get away with it?

Okay, so in the future...I figure all I have to do when I'm caught committing a crime is call the cop a lunatic and refuse to respond to his commands or totally ignore any summons by the court. Think that will work?

"The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors announced on Monday that it would not attend a meeting requested by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to answer questions raised to date by an audit of the 2020 presidential election.​
In fact, the board took it a step further and called for the audit to end. Chairman Jack Sellers declared he would not be answering any more questions regarding November’s election, which the board helped oversee.​
If the board wanted to take the election integrity concerns that many voters have to the next level, there would be no better way to do it.​
Sellers launched into invectives right from the outset of Monday’s meeting.​
“We are here under some bizarre circumstances to discuss responding to an unfortunate letter from the president of the Arizona state Senate,” he said."​
Why so scared ? No need to answer.
Who's scared?

You are. You're afraid of brown people, gay people, mail in voting, vaccines, green energy, electric cars, universal healthcare, face masks, immigration, LGBTQ..

Hell, most of you fools are afraid to go to the grocery store without being armed to the teeth.

I'm not scared, Son. I'm laughing at your cowardly little snowflake butt.
Stop lying cheating and being an anti American ****.
Lol, why so scared? No need to answer.

They have found so much fraud that it can't be explained as a mistake or oversight...the Maricopa county elections board will have to respond or go to jail until they do....the recount isn't even finished and fraud has been found all over the place....
I agree. We need to demand subpoenas to get to the bottom of how lefties got those chickens to eat all those ballots when ballots aren't even a normal food source for poultry. The revelation that the DEEP STATE includes poultry is quite disturbing.
You are making jokes know that we know fraud took place? One to many denials without supplying the things that would solve the problem. It could prove or disprove fraud. No one will ever believe the election was not stolen.
Of course you won't ever believe the election wasn't stolen. Your guy lost. Decisively. And even more embarressing than a leader who can't admit he lost is the fact that his party is making the left look like boy scouts when comes to being a bunch of whining crying sore losers.
If it was not stolen why is information being withheld? Why haven't Democrats offered everything needed? Guilt is why. Again, it is the only conclusion.

Keep repeating the lie and moving threads. It is going to be proven.
Another typical conspiracy theory tactic - why is it being withheld?

Maybe because it includes information they are not entitled too - like senstive law enforcement data. Maybe because they claim they are going to be knocking on doors of Biden voters (only) and asking if they voted for Biden. Serious potential for violating the law there - voter intimidation anyone? This is not any kind of official election investigation by certified election officials - this is a rambo style amateur group with no experience, no knowledge of the laws invoved or confidentiality - and no accountability.
What specifically is being withheld?
You kids are all living in an alternative reality.
They've been caught they're attempting to shed blame for their illegal activities by saying the investigators are acting crazy. Do you think they'll get away with it?

Okay, so in the future...I figure all I have to do when I'm caught committing a crime is call the cop a lunatic and refuse to respond to his commands or totally ignore any summons by the court. Think that will work?

"The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors announced on Monday that it would not attend a meeting requested by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann to answer questions raised to date by an audit of the 2020 presidential election.​
In fact, the board took it a step further and called for the audit to end. Chairman Jack Sellers declared he would not be answering any more questions regarding November’s election, which the board helped oversee.​
If the board wanted to take the election integrity concerns that many voters have to the next level, there would be no better way to do it.​
Sellers launched into invectives right from the outset of Monday’s meeting.​
“We are here under some bizarre circumstances to discuss responding to an unfortunate letter from the president of the Arizona state Senate,” he said."​
Why so scared ? No need to answer.
Who's scared?

You are. You're afraid of brown people, gay people, mail in voting, vaccines, green energy, electric cars, universal healthcare, face masks, immigration, LGBTQ..

Hell, most of you fools are afraid to go to the grocery store without being armed to the teeth.

I'm not scared, Son. I'm laughing at your cowardly little snowflake butt.
Stop lying cheating and being an anti American ****.
Lol, why so scared? No need to answer.
They’ve handed everything over. Answered everything. They said that from now on they aren’t cuz the review team (not an audit) are morons. They accused the board of illegally deleting stuff which was verifiably false. They lost all credibility to a 5 panel AZ Republican and 1 Democrat commission.

They have found so much fraud that it can't be explained as a mistake or oversight...the Maricopa county elections board will have to respond or go to jail until they do....the recount isn't even finished and fraud has been found all over the place....
I agree. We need to demand subpoenas to get to the bottom of how lefties got those chickens to eat all those ballots when ballots aren't even a normal food source for poultry. The revelation that the DEEP STATE includes poultry is quite disturbing.
You are making jokes know that we know fraud took place? One to many denials without supplying the things that would solve the problem. It could prove or disprove fraud. No one will ever believe the election was not stolen.
Of course you won't ever believe the election wasn't stolen. Your guy lost. Decisively. And even more embarressing than a leader who can't admit he lost is the fact that his party is making the left look like boy scouts when comes to being a bunch of whining crying sore losers.
If it was not stolen why is information being withheld? Why haven't Democrats offered everything needed? Guilt is why. Again, it is the only conclusion.

Keep repeating the lie and moving threads. It is going to be proven.
Another typical conspiracy theory tactic - why is it being withheld?

Maybe because it includes information they are not entitled too - like senstive law enforcement data. Maybe because they claim they are going to be knocking on doors of Biden voters (only) and asking if they voted for Biden. Serious potential for violating the law there - voter intimidation anyone? This is not any kind of official election investigation by certified election officials - this is a rambo style amateur group with no experience, no knowledge of the laws invoved or confidentiality - and no accountability.
What specifically is being withheld?
They've been caught they're attempting to shed blame for their illegal activities by saying the investigators are acting crazy. Do you think they'll get away with it?

What crimes? You apparently are an insider of some sort to have information that this board committed "illegal activities," so tell us. Who are your sources?

They have found so much fraud that it can't be explained as a mistake or oversight...the Maricopa county elections board will have to respond or go to jail until they do....the recount isn't even finished and fraud has been found all over the place....
I agree. We need to demand subpoenas to get to the bottom of how lefties got those chickens to eat all those ballots when ballots aren't even a normal food source for poultry. The revelation that the DEEP STATE includes poultry is quite disturbing.
You are making jokes know that we know fraud took place? One to many denials without supplying the things that would solve the problem. It could prove or disprove fraud. No one will ever believe the election was not stolen.
Of course you won't ever believe the election wasn't stolen. Your guy lost. Decisively. And even more embarressing than a leader who can't admit he lost is the fact that his party is making the left look like boy scouts when comes to being a bunch of whining crying sore losers.
If it was not stolen why is information being withheld? Why haven't Democrats offered everything needed? Guilt is why. Again, it is the only conclusion.

Keep repeating the lie and moving threads. It is going to be proven.
Another typical conspiracy theory tactic - why is it being withheld?

Maybe because it includes information they are not entitled too - like senstive law enforcement data. Maybe because they claim they are going to be knocking on doors of Biden voters (only) and asking if they voted for Biden. Serious potential for violating the law there - voter intimidation anyone? This is not any kind of official election investigation by certified election officials - this is a rambo style amateur group with no experience, no knowledge of the laws invoved or confidentiality - and no accountability.
What specifically is being withheld?
Like I said. Nothing.
C_Clayton_Jones said:
Again, the ‘audit’ will conclude that Trump won Arizona – and nothing will happen or change; Biden will still be the official winner of the state.

Then you and your fellow dishonest rightists will launch another lie/conspiracy theory about the ‘deep state,’ the ‘corrupt’ courts, and the ‘complicit’ MSM refusing to acknowledge the ‘truth.’

You people are as tedious as you are predictable.
One inevitable consequence of the fiasco is the further alienation of rational, responsible, realistic Republicans such as those on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors from the zany fantasist cult. As one bemoaned the farce, "Our state has become a laughingstock!"

The RINOs of Trumpery persist in perverting the Party, as their democratically deposed Cry Baby Sore Loser is too self-obsessed and morally impotent to honestly face up to his rejection by the American electorate.

The cult's inability to deal with reality is underscored by his toadies' desperate need to sweep it under the rug, even as his goons are being prosecuted.

Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 4.12.00 PM.png

Here's the deal........

Tyranny is a cancer.

You leave it untreated for too becomes terminal and you cannot stop it. With every passing day it becomes harder to stop.

This is the story of American patriots response to an obvious takeover of their nation
Criminals trying to overturn a free and fair election and disenfranchise millions of voters are "patriots".

Only to Republicans trying to overthrow democracy.
You have no proof the election was “fair and free”.

If the people who set up the election, ran the election, counted the votes, and do the certification are corrupt, how can anyone possibly know if no audit is done?
If an audit was needed, a legit audit would have been employed. Not a fraudit where almost everyone involved is a stop the steal Trumplican hell bent on showing they were right all along; and conducted by an uncertified company who had never handled an election audit like this ever -- because this isn't their business. They're in cyber-security, not auditing ballots.
It isn't their business that the election was a fraud and we voters were robbed of our choice of president?
C_Clayton_Jones said:
Again, the ‘audit’ will conclude that Trump won Arizona – and nothing will happen or change; Biden will still be the official winner of the state.

Then you and your fellow dishonest rightists will launch another lie/conspiracy theory about the ‘deep state,’ the ‘corrupt’ courts, and the ‘complicit’ MSM refusing to acknowledge the ‘truth.’

You people are as tedious as you are predictable.
One inevitable consequence of the fiasco is the further alienation of rational, responsible, realistic Republicans such as those on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors from the zany fantasist cult. As one bemoaned the farce, "Our state has become a laughingstock!"

The RINOs of Trumpery persist in perverting the Party, as their democratically deposed Cry Baby Sore Loser is too self-obsessed and morally impotent to honestly face up to his rejection by the American electorate.

The cult's inability to deal with reality is underscored by his toadies' desperate need to sweep it under the rug, even as his goons are being prosecuted.

The Republican Party is fucked for now. They're split between Trumplicans and normal Republicans, that gonna cost them at the polls. Plus many won't vote because Trump convinced them the system is rigged against them. That's gonna cost them more at the polls. Shit, it already cost them the Senate.

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