Marijuana legalization clashes with drug testing in the workplace

As do I. But if the bender-overs continue to let the whole thing slide, the day will come when we're required to test ourselves. Presumably some of us will have to inform ourselves that we can't hire ourselves because the chemical test says no and the what the State wants is more important.

If you fly a commercial airplane, drive a commercial truck, operate a commercial train, drive a commercial bus and own the business, it is already there.

I don't drive a commercial truck today. But I used to, for years. Never needed a pee test or blood test.

I know a former CDL driver that drove for years, a month ago got chosen for a random, he lost his CDL for marijuana. He is now looking for work and was discharged with cause. He will have a tough time providing for his family. But it's okay he got to smoke weed, I am sure it was well worth it.

I'm not. But I don't know how you can look at that and not see blatant discrimination, if the cannabis didn't factor in some incident.
Discrimination against people using currently federally illegal drugs? Your comments are a joke.
Pretty funny isn't. You make a choice and its discrimination.
Also you guys are making this about whether weed is bad. I think it should be legal but as a private business owner I think I have the right to discriminate against people I want to based on drug use or other factors. I wouldn't hire someone that was obese either but that's just me. It shows a lack of self respect and laziness.
I own a company that deals with medical equipments and services with distribution hub warehouses. ALL (including me) EMPLOYEES has to go MANDATORY drug testing. Specifically mentioned when filling up applications and forms when hired. If they don't like it then get another job. So far 100% complied and I have not heard any complaints. I was sued once because of a druggie forklift driver in Atlanta and it cost me dearly.
Pogo.... That is your body you have all the right to refuse drug testing. There are some jobs that do not require drug testing.
For you to say you refused (post #7) drug testing and nothing happen to your job. That's BS. Maybe the company you work for do not have a drug testing policy. Maybe you were being picked on because of your behavior. If you're company has drug testing policy..then what to the rest of the company? They abandoned the company policy because of you? So I said that is just Bull Shit.
As do I. But if the bender-overs continue to let the whole thing slide, the day will come when we're required to test ourselves. Presumably some of us will have to inform ourselves that we can't hire ourselves because the chemical test says no and the what the State wants is more important.

If you fly a commercial airplane, drive a commercial truck, operate a commercial train, drive a commercial bus and own the business, it is already there.

I don't drive a commercial truck today. But I used to, for years. Never needed a pee test or blood test.

I know a former CDL driver that drove for years, a month ago got chosen for a random, he lost his CDL for marijuana. He is now looking for work and was discharged with cause. He will have a tough time providing for his family. But it's okay he got to smoke weed, I am sure it was well worth it.

I'm not. But I don't know how you can look at that and not see blatant discrimination, if the cannabis didn't factor in some incident.
Discrimination against people using currently federally illegal drugs? Your comments are a joke.

You're suggesting it's the role of the corporation to enforce the laws of the State?

What are you, some kind of fascist?
Colorado, my home, is now full of Mexicans, Texans, Californians, you name it Out of staters rule the roost now, I hate these ubiquitous assholes. They drive like total morons, they make dope legal in spite of federal laws...The list goes on and on here, I hate I absolutely HATE out of staters now. They have ruined the place.
I own a company that deals with medical equipments and services with distribution hub warehouses. ALL (including me) EMPLOYEES has to go MANDATORY drug testing. Specifically mentioned when filling up applications and forms when hired. If they don't like it then get another job. So far 100% complied and I have not heard any complaints. I was sued once because of a druggie forklift driver in Atlanta and it cost me dearly.
Pogo.... That is your body you have all the right to refuse drug testing. There are some jobs that do not require drug testing.
For you to say you refused (post #7) drug testing and nothing happen to your job. That's BS. Maybe the company you work for do not have a drug testing policy. Maybe you were being picked on because of your behavior. If you're company has drug testing policy..then what to the rest of the company? They abandoned the company policy because of you? So I said that is just Bull Shit.

What's Bull Shit [sic] is your wheezing on the internets about somebody's experience you don't know. Yes that happened, yes it was at the point of applying, and yes I refused. The guy hiring me, who was a former co-worker and we got along great, fully understood and supported me. And he wouldn't have even posed the question (apologetically) if the out-of-town suits above him, who aren't even in that location, didn't disinterestedly set it out as their national policy because they're robots.

It's what can happen when you have enough self-respect to stand up for your own rights and say "no".

Colorado, my home, is now full of Mexicans, Texans, Californians, you name it. Out of staters rule the roost now, I hate these ubiquitous assholes. They drive like total morons, they make dope legal in spite of federal laws...The list goes on and on here, I hate I absolutely HATE out of staters now. They have ruined the place.
If you fly a commercial airplane, drive a commercial truck, operate a commercial train, drive a commercial bus and own the business, it is already there.

I don't drive a commercial truck today. But I used to, for years. Never needed a pee test or blood test.

I know a former CDL driver that drove for years, a month ago got chosen for a random, he lost his CDL for marijuana. He is now looking for work and was discharged with cause. He will have a tough time providing for his family. But it's okay he got to smoke weed, I am sure it was well worth it.

I'm not. But I don't know how you can look at that and not see blatant discrimination, if the cannabis didn't factor in some incident.
Discrimination against people using currently federally illegal drugs? Your comments are a joke.

You're suggesting it's the role of the corporation to enforce the laws of the State?

What are you, some kind of fascist?
You're telling me it's crazy that a company is allowed to test there employees in order to be hired for an illegal substance? Think about what you're saying.
Colorado, my home, is now full of Mexicans, Texans, Californians, you name it. Out of staters rule the roost now, I hate these ubiquitous assholes. They drive like total morons, they make dope legal in spite of federal laws...The list goes on and on here, I hate I absolutely HATE out of staters now. They have ruined the place.
So you never had out of town people before legalization?..Hell we have them here all summer long floating the river and camping...
I can see why you have disgust for Texicans though...
Legalizing marijuana was...unconstitional. I Live in Colorado. NATIVE. I oppose legalizing Marijuana until the feds make a final decision one way or the other. Please.

Uh -- how is "legalizing" a piece of Nature "unconstitutional" (I assume that's what you meant to write before the last toke)

Where does the Constitution prohibit cannabis?
You know the early drafts of the documet were written on hemp paper?

They weren't smoking it, they were writing on it, big difference.

They can legalize it if they want, company's can drug test, the can test for tobacco, they can decide if they only want people in good health. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

How many posts in a row is this that you can't come up with a basis for that? Five?
I don't drive a commercial truck today. But I used to, for years. Never needed a pee test or blood test.

I know a former CDL driver that drove for years, a month ago got chosen for a random, he lost his CDL for marijuana. He is now looking for work and was discharged with cause. He will have a tough time providing for his family. But it's okay he got to smoke weed, I am sure it was well worth it.

I'm not. But I don't know how you can look at that and not see blatant discrimination, if the cannabis didn't factor in some incident.
Discrimination against people using currently federally illegal drugs? Your comments are a joke.

You're suggesting it's the role of the corporation to enforce the laws of the State?

What are you, some kind of fascist?
You're telling me it's crazy that a company is allowed to test there employees in order to be hired for an illegal substance? Think about what you're saying.

Do you think laws are made by corporations? Think about what you're saying.
Also you guys are making this about whether weed is bad. I think it should be legal but as a private business owner I think I have the right to discriminate against people I want to based on drug use or other factors. I wouldn't hire someone that was obese either but that's just me. It shows a lack of self respect and laziness.
I've known fat people that were very productive......Hired them also..When you run a masonry contracting business you hire the toughest, roughest long lasting workers you can get, it ain't for wimps...
If you fly a commercial airplane, drive a commercial truck, operate a commercial train, drive a commercial bus and own the business, it is already there.

I don't drive a commercial truck today. But I used to, for years. Never needed a pee test or blood test.

I know a former CDL driver that drove for years, a month ago got chosen for a random, he lost his CDL for marijuana. He is now looking for work and was discharged with cause. He will have a tough time providing for his family. But it's okay he got to smoke weed, I am sure it was well worth it.

I'm not. But I don't know how you can look at that and not see blatant discrimination, if the cannabis didn't factor in some incident.
Discrimination against people using currently federally illegal drugs? Your comments are a joke.

You're suggesting it's the role of the corporation to enforce the laws of the State?

What are you, some kind of fascist?

Corporations are told by the state to withhold taxes, to withhold SSI, to hold workman's comp, to withhold unemployment insurance. They are told what laws they have to uphold as far as wages, insurance, as far as health regulations. If you are a tire company, some states will not allow you to leave their property if the tire tread is not deep enough, and the state prevents it. If you are a CDL driver, you are required to random drug test and submit the results to the DOT. If a driver cannot pass a physical exam the company has to place the driver out of service because of DOT laws.

If you are a bank and a person brings in a deposit of over $10,000, the law requires the bank to have that customer fill out a form.

Hire a person and their Social Security number comes back as a duplicate or fraudulent. You need to fill out paper work and work with the individual to make sure they are legal.

The laws that businesses need to comply with are long and tedious. So a drug test in a business is nothing.
Forgive Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas , New Mexico and Utah. Real Natural born Coloradans like me oppose selling waky tobacky until the fed actually really legalize the shit. This is a result of out of staters overcoming common sense and the locals. Colorado doesn't need dope money or condescending jerkwads from out of state.
Legalizing marijuana was...unconstitional. I Live in Colorado. NATIVE. I oppose legalizing Marijuana until the feds make a final decision one way or the other. Please.

Uh -- how is "legalizing" a piece of Nature "unconstitutional" (I assume that's what you meant to write before the last toke)

Where does the Constitution prohibit cannabis?
You know the early drafts of the documet were written on hemp paper?

They weren't smoking it, they were writing on it, big difference.

They can legalize it if they want, company's can drug test, the can test for tobacco, they can decide if they only want people in good health. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

How many posts in a row is this that you can't come up with a basis for that? Five?

I have a basis, you fucking don't like it, tough shit, the business has freedom to protect their business, you don't have a right to work for them if you want to dictate their rules.
I don't drive a commercial truck today. But I used to, for years. Never needed a pee test or blood test.

I know a former CDL driver that drove for years, a month ago got chosen for a random, he lost his CDL for marijuana. He is now looking for work and was discharged with cause. He will have a tough time providing for his family. But it's okay he got to smoke weed, I am sure it was well worth it.

I'm not. But I don't know how you can look at that and not see blatant discrimination, if the cannabis didn't factor in some incident.
Discrimination against people using currently federally illegal drugs? Your comments are a joke.

You're suggesting it's the role of the corporation to enforce the laws of the State?

What are you, some kind of fascist?

Corporations are told by the state to withhold taxes, to withhold SSI, to hold workman's comp, to withhold unemployment insurance. They are told what laws they have to uphold as far as wages, insurance, as far as health regulations. If you are a tire company, some states will not allow you to leave their property if the tire tread is not deep enough, and the state prevents it. If you are a CDL driver, you are required to random drug test and submit the results to the DOT. If a driver cannot pass a physical exam the company has to place the driver out of service because of DOT laws.

If you are a bank and a person brings in a deposit of over $10,000, the law requires the bank to have that customer fill out a form.

Hire a person and their Social Security number comes back as a duplicate or fraudulent. You need to fill out paper work and work with the individual to make sure they are legal.

The laws that businesses need to comply with are long and tedious. So a drug test in a business is nothing.

Man, that was an airball post. :lol:

Those are regulations on that business. Of course they have to comply with their own regulations -- we all do.

Fascist-boy here would seem to have corporation-as-cop, snooping around to see if you turned without signaling; laws that are irrelevant to its business.

Somehow it goes with that same authoritarian-worshiping mentality. I guess. I've never understood this idea that some entity -- whether a government, a corporation, a cop, whatever -- should have supreme and unchecked power. Maybe that's just me.
Legalizing marijuana was...unconstitional. I Live in Colorado. NATIVE. I oppose legalizing Marijuana until the feds make a final decision one way or the other. Please.

Uh -- how is "legalizing" a piece of Nature "unconstitutional" (I assume that's what you meant to write before the last toke)

Where does the Constitution prohibit cannabis?
You know the early drafts of the documet were written on hemp paper?

They weren't smoking it, they were writing on it, big difference.

They can legalize it if they want, company's can drug test, the can test for tobacco, they can decide if they only want people in good health. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

How many posts in a row is this that you can't come up with a basis for that? Five?

I have a basis, you fucking don't like it, tough shit, the business has freedom to protect their business, you don't have a right to work for them if you want to dictate their rules.

You haven't demonstrated "protection" at all -- just whined about "oh dear this might happen, oh dear, that might happen". The fact is you CAN'T predict what will happen from a chemical analysis. You just can't. See the crane operator story above.

You have no basis other than bleating along because your authority tells you to. That's not a basis. When you see that your position has no basis, it's the first clue that it might be uninhabitable.
Until the fed actually legalizes marijuana, moot point. Unless all other 50 states spontaneously legalize grass, Washington or Colorado are well...As a native Coloradan, We are bozos. Twits. morons, total fools.
I know a former CDL driver that drove for years, a month ago got chosen for a random, he lost his CDL for marijuana. He is now looking for work and was discharged with cause. He will have a tough time providing for his family. But it's okay he got to smoke weed, I am sure it was well worth it.

I'm not. But I don't know how you can look at that and not see blatant discrimination, if the cannabis didn't factor in some incident.
Discrimination against people using currently federally illegal drugs? Your comments are a joke.

You're suggesting it's the role of the corporation to enforce the laws of the State?

What are you, some kind of fascist?

Corporations are told by the state to withhold taxes, to withhold SSI, to hold workman's comp, to withhold unemployment insurance. They are told what laws they have to uphold as far as wages, insurance, as far as health regulations. If you are a tire company, some states will not allow you to leave their property if the tire tread is not deep enough, and the state prevents it. If you are a CDL driver, you are required to random drug test and submit the results to the DOT. If a driver cannot pass a physical exam the company has to place the driver out of service because of DOT laws.

If you are a bank and a person brings in a deposit of over $10,000, the law requires the bank to have that customer fill out a form.

Hire a person and their Social Security number comes back as a duplicate or fraudulent. You need to fill out paper work and work with the individual to make sure they are legal.

The laws that businesses need to comply with are long and tedious. So a drug test in a business is nothing.

Man, that was an airball post. :lol:

Those are regulations on that business. Of course they have to comply with their own regulations -- we all do.

Fascist-boy here would seem to have corporation-as-cop, snooping around to see if you turned without signaling; laws that are irrelevant to its business.

Somehow it goes with that same authoritarian-worshiping mentality. I guess. I've never understood this idea that some entity -- whether a government, a corporation, a cop, whatever -- should have supreme and unchecked power. Maybe that's just me.
If too many people feel like you then the business wouldn't have anyone to hire therefore would fail. That is the balance check. You have this funny entitlement that a business has to hire you despite you doing whatever the fuck you want. It's your choice who you work for. This isn't communism.
I know a former CDL driver that drove for years, a month ago got chosen for a random, he lost his CDL for marijuana. He is now looking for work and was discharged with cause. He will have a tough time providing for his family. But it's okay he got to smoke weed, I am sure it was well worth it.

I'm not. But I don't know how you can look at that and not see blatant discrimination, if the cannabis didn't factor in some incident.
Discrimination against people using currently federally illegal drugs? Your comments are a joke.

You're suggesting it's the role of the corporation to enforce the laws of the State?

What are you, some kind of fascist?

Corporations are told by the state to withhold taxes, to withhold SSI, to hold workman's comp, to withhold unemployment insurance. They are told what laws they have to uphold as far as wages, insurance, as far as health regulations. If you are a tire company, some states will not allow you to leave their property if the tire tread is not deep enough, and the state prevents it. If you are a CDL driver, you are required to random drug test and submit the results to the DOT. If a driver cannot pass a physical exam the company has to place the driver out of service because of DOT laws.

If you are a bank and a person brings in a deposit of over $10,000, the law requires the bank to have that customer fill out a form.

Hire a person and their Social Security number comes back as a duplicate or fraudulent. You need to fill out paper work and work with the individual to make sure they are legal.

The laws that businesses need to comply with are long and tedious. So a drug test in a business is nothing.

Man, that was an airball. :lol:

Those are regulations on that business. Of course they have to comply with their own regulations -- we all do.

Fascist-boy here would seem to have corporation-as-cop, snooping around to see if you turned without signaling; laws that are irrelevant to its business.

Somehow it goes with that same authoritarian-worshiping mentality. I guess. I've never understood this idea that some entity -- whether a government, a corporation, a cop, whatever -- should have supreme and unchecked power. Maybe that's just me.

Right that is why trucking companies drug test. They are enforcing laws that have been placed on them.

I don't worship the company or the government. I don't see it as the issue you do.

It is life, I don't care, I don't think illegal drugs are a good idea to take.

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