Marijuana legalization clashes with drug testing in the workplace

Despite medical marijuana being legal now for several years in Oregon, and now with recreational legal in July, my employer has informed all employees that if you test positive for pot, even if you have a medical marijuana card, you will be fired.
I support that policy, I don't want to work with smelly slacker potheads.
Anyone smoke grass? I have. Smoking, not my thing, vaping...haven't done that. But I deeply resent out of staters with their condescending attitudes, creating a climate here in Colorado as a druggie state. I want the fed to decide this issue once and for all here, I can't stand a bunch of out of staters telling US what is right and wrong, from marijuana to gay rights to illegal aliens, I have had it with you creeps.

In July my state will also be a druggie state, as recreational marijuana kicks in here in Oregon.
Despite medical marijuana being legal now for several years in Oregon, and now with recreational legal in July, my employer has informed all employees that if you test positive for pot, even if you have a medical marijuana card, you will be fired.
I support that policy, I don't want to work with smelly slacker potheads.
What if they don't smell and are not slackers?
Anyone smoke grass? I have. Smoking, not my thing, vaping...haven't done that. But I deeply resent out of staters with their condescending attitudes, creating a climate here in Colorado as a druggie state. I want the fed to decide this issue once and for all here, I can't stand a bunch of out of staters telling US what is right and wrong, from marijuana to gay rights to illegal aliens, I have had it with you creeps.
I agree... it's why I can't decide on whether to move to Colorado or not.
Alaska is nice, especially in the spring. -Colorado tourism board.
Despite medical marijuana being legal now for several years in Oregon, and now with recreational legal in July, my employer has informed all employees that if you test positive for pot, even if you have a medical marijuana card, you will be fired.
I support that policy, I don't want to work with smelly slacker potheads.
What if they don't smell and are not slackers?
Then fire them because they have weed in their system.
Anyone smoke grass? I have. Smoking, not my thing, vaping...haven't done that. But I deeply resent out of staters with their condescending attitudes, creating a climate here in Colorado as a druggie state. I want the fed to decide this issue once and for all here, I can't stand a bunch of out of staters telling US what is right and wrong, from marijuana to gay rights to illegal aliens, I have had it with you creeps.
Do you have the same problem with booze?
Anyone smoke grass? I have. Smoking, not my thing, vaping...haven't done that. But I deeply resent out of staters with their condescending attitudes, creating a climate here in Colorado as a druggie state. I want the fed to decide this issue once and for all here, I can't stand a bunch of out of staters telling US what is right and wrong, from marijuana to gay rights to illegal aliens, I have had it with you creeps.
I agree... it's why I can't decide on whether to move to Colorado or not.
Alaska is nice, especially in the spring. -Colorado tourism board.
You will be seeing me there next fall......puff-puff....
Despite medical marijuana being legal now for several years in Oregon, and now with recreational legal in July, my employer has informed all employees that if you test positive for pot, even if you have a medical marijuana card, you will be fired.
I support that policy, I don't want to work with smelly slacker potheads.
What if they don't smell and are not slackers?

Some are able to cover the smell by having Doritos breath.
Despite medical marijuana being legal now for several years in Oregon, and now with recreational legal in July, my employer has informed all employees that if you test positive for pot, even if you have a medical marijuana card, you will be fired.
I support that policy, I don't want to work with smelly slacker potheads.
What if they don't smell and are not slackers?

Some are able to cover the smell by having Doritos breath.
Hopefully not the Ranch Doritos...
Oooh Shit look over there! A yeti! You don't like distractions? Me either. Marijuana isn't a distraction, either. Nope. And who is kidding who again? The fed hasn't legalized mary jane's herb. Nope. I don't care really. I just don't like carpet baggers dominating local politics an their malarkey, either.
At the last job I had, there was a major double standard. It was seemingly completely allowable to discuss how drunk and stupid one acted over the weekend, but if I had mentioned that I use cannabis to control my asthma and chronic pain, that would have been a fireable offense.

Fortunately at the farm I work at now, we are merely prohibited from using in the area monitored by Liquor Control Board cameras ;)
People from Oklahoma, Texas, California, Washington, Mexico. All those wonderful people choke my home state with their dysfunctional driving and politics. And you people suck , 55 mph speed limit or a stop sign aren't suggestions, use YOUR FUCKING turn signals when you turn, and IMMIGRATE legally, because, it's what honest upright people do. And at least try and be discreet and fit into the local climate, you condescending know it all bastards.
People from Oklahoma, Texas, California, Washington, Mexico. All those wonderful people choke my home state with their dysfunctional driving and politics. And you people suck , 55 mph speed limit or a stop sign aren't suggestions, use YOUR FUCKING turn signals when you turn, and IMIGRATE legally, because, it's what honest upright people do. And at least try and be discreet and fit into the local climate, you condescending know it all bastards.
Despite medical marijuana being legal now for several years in Oregon, and now with recreational legal in July, my employer has informed all employees that if you test positive for pot, even if you have a medical marijuana card, you will be fired.
I support that policy, I don't want to work with smelly slacker potheads.

Once again -- what does something in a chemical analysis have to do with "working with smelly slacker potheads"?

Not a damn thing.

If you support that sort of fascism, you're part of the problem.
I would like to see some constant randomized drug testing for elected officials....also lets go ahead and start using those moronic "zero tolerance" laws on them as well. Watch how all of a sudden their views change when it starts to apply to them.
I would like to see some constant randomized drug testing for elected officials....also lets go ahead and start using those moronic "zero tolerance" laws on them as well. Watch how all of a sudden their views change when it starts to apply to them.
They claim it is unconstitutional... a double standard from our fearless leaders...
God lord. I never knew there were so many hop heads on this board. The fed has to make this legit, not a bunch wanker wanna be poser leftie Starbucks drinking socialist...I will stop with the adverbs. Enough, this place is being over run with these carpetbaggers. Enough.
"Drug testing" is bullshit. Nobody should bend over for that kind of statist overreach. I won't even patronize businesses that do it.

I can't believe We the Sheeple just bent over for that shit and enabled it. Now look where we are. Good job, assholes. Way to stand up.

Do not ship anything, via any carrier then. ALL truck drivers are drug tested.

He needs to stay off all private and public transportation, he should not patronize any city or state agency. Most grocery stores, and every hospital do drug tests.

He pretty much have to give up eating a restaurant. All the auto dealers and their service centers drug test. Many doctors offices drug test as do dentists.

Drug tests are pretty much the norm in this day and age.

-- "so let's all just cave in", right?


Whatever you feel like calling it, I don't care if you want to be a nutter. No real reason not to take them, it's a choice and you made your choice and I can make mine. The worker has freedom and so does the business.

And your choice is Eunuch.
Nothing's changed, I called out you jellyfish at the beginning and you admit it. As I said in the first place, way to stand up for your rights, Bender.

I'm not a jellyfish, it isn't an issue for me, to you it is. I believe in gun rights, you are a jellyfish and want people to turn them in. I believe a business has a right to screen, just as they do when you interview. There are lots of reasons to hire or not hire someone.

It's all opinion. We all pick and chose, you have nothing that is compelling to change my mind.

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