Marijuana legalization clashes with drug testing in the workplace

About half of my employees smoke pot ... Let's just say most of them aren't in the top half.
If any of my employees show up for work in a condition where they cannot do the job I require to the standards I set ... I will fire them on the spot.*

* With the exception of one, because I kind of like him anyway ... He is a genuine fuck-up, but every place needs a Gomer Pyle.

At the last job I had, there was a major double standard. It was seemingly completely allowable to discuss how drunk and stupid one acted over the weekend, but if I had mentioned that I use cannabis to control my asthma and chronic pain, that would have been a fireable offense.

Fortunately at the farm I work at now, we are merely prohibited from using in the area monitored by Liquor Control Board cameras ;)

See, you went to work for a company that is fine, you both win.
God lord. I never knew there were so many hop heads on this board. The fed has to make this legit, not a bunch wanker wanna be poser leftie Starbucks drinking socialist...I will stop with the adverbs. Enough, this place is being over run with these carpetbaggers. Enough.
They isn't a Starbucks within 35 miles around here.........
Marijuana legalization clashes with drug testing in the workplace Guardian Sustainable Business The Guardian

I do not see a problem at all+
I'm all for employee drug testing but there has to be a better way to test. As it stands now all you are testing is if people have residual drugs in their systems. You could have smoked weed 4 weeks ago and fail a drug test and lose you job.
I've often wondered if drug testing companies still tested in states that have legalized pot
Marijuana legalization clashes with drug testing in the workplace Guardian Sustainable Business The Guardian

I do not see a problem at all+
I'm all for employee drug testing but there has to be a better way to test. As it stands now all you are testing is if people have residual drugs in their systems. You could have smoked weed 4 weeks ago and fail a drug test and lose you job.
I've often wondered if drug testing companies still tested in states that have legalized pot
Yes they do....
Marijuana legalization clashes with drug testing in the workplace Guardian Sustainable Business The Guardian

I do not see a problem at all+
I'm all for employee drug testing but there has to be a better way to test. As it stands now all you are testing is if people have residual drugs in their systems. You could have smoked weed 4 weeks ago and fail a drug test and lose you job.
I've often wondered if drug testing companies still tested in states that have legalized pot

Yep, they still do, just because it is legal doesn't make it acceptable for employers. Also many jobs fall under federal authority and thus it is still illegal.
About half of my employees smoke pot ... Let's just say most of them aren't in the top half.
If any of my employees show up for work in a condition where they cannot do the job I require to the standards I set ... I will fire them on the spot.*

* With the exception of one, because I kind of like him anyway ... He is a genuine fuck-up, but every place needs a Gomer Pyle.

Voilà. That's the way it should work. After all as an employer you're buying labor and if they can't do the gig you're getting shortchanged. As suggested before, if there are motor skills in question run a simple alertness test -- anyone who can't pass it can't work. I guarantee you you'll get workers flagged because they're not fully awake, they're distracted by a spat with their spouse, they're hung over, they're sick, etc, and you'll get other workers passed through who are fully alert who also happen to have cannabis or something else in their urine. If the concern is about "safety" and productivity, then be honest about the screening.

But it isn't about that. It's about dictating lifestyles and holding the big stick of Authority.
Do not ship anything, via any carrier then. ALL truck drivers are drug tested.

He needs to stay off all private and public transportation, he should not patronize any city or state agency. Most grocery stores, and every hospital do drug tests.

He pretty much have to give up eating a restaurant. All the auto dealers and their service centers drug test. Many doctors offices drug test as do dentists.

Drug tests are pretty much the norm in this day and age.

-- "so let's all just cave in", right?


Whatever you feel like calling it, I don't care if you want to be a nutter. No real reason not to take them, it's a choice and you made your choice and I can make mine. The worker has freedom and so does the business.

And your choice is Eunuch.
Nothing's changed, I called out you jellyfish at the beginning and you admit it. As I said in the first place, way to stand up for your rights, Bender.

I'm not a jellyfish, it isn't an issue for me, to you it is. I believe in gun rights, you are a jellyfish and want people to turn them in.

Do I really. Where did I say that?

See what I mean? Jellyfish.
He needs to stay off all private and public transportation, he should not patronize any city or state agency. Most grocery stores, and every hospital do drug tests.

He pretty much have to give up eating a restaurant. All the auto dealers and their service centers drug test. Many doctors offices drug test as do dentists.

Drug tests are pretty much the norm in this day and age.

-- "so let's all just cave in", right?


Whatever you feel like calling it, I don't care if you want to be a nutter. No real reason not to take them, it's a choice and you made your choice and I can make mine. The worker has freedom and so does the business.

And your choice is Eunuch.
Nothing's changed, I called out you jellyfish at the beginning and you admit it. As I said in the first place, way to stand up for your rights, Bender.

I'm not a jellyfish, it isn't an issue for me, to you it is. I believe in gun rights, you are a jellyfish and want people to turn them in.

Do I really. Where did I say that?

See what I mean? Jellyfish.

Blah! Blah! Blah! Give me a reason why a business doesn't need to drug test, there is no legal reason, it is their right and a business owner has a right to make the guidelines for the people they are going to pay.

Like I said, this isn't an issue, give me a reason not to, so far you have given me nothing other than the fact you don't like it. Tell the federal government, tell Obama maybe he will listen to you. No discrimination because taking illegal drugs is a choice not a right. Just like smoking and banning smokers from restaurants and at parks. Charging obese people more for health insurance. Some companies won't hire people that are over weight. Some won't hire because of their age, because of their sex, because of race, religion and sexual preference. There are lots and lots of reasons not to hire people, some are not legal and are done. This is legal, so I really don't care
Really That Black gal in a burka that checked me out Saturday at Wal-mart, And the Nigerian that was driving the bus down Federal Blvd. needed a translator to speak to me? Right. I was surprised there weren't people clinging to the sides of the bus and chickens and goats aboard. Colorado has definitely gone to hell. The outlanders move our airport, and create a phony need for trolleys. They call it light rail. Damned carpet baggers.
I am in favor of drug legalization (or at the bare minimum decriminalization - we have millions of people in prison for POT?!!- it's ridiculous) , but I still won't hire people that smoke pot. It's too risky. What if they take a little hit before work and then get in an accident or fall off a building? I don't need the liability and frankly, there are too many qualified people that don't smoke pot that we can hire. We do pre-employment drug screening and reserve the right to conduct random tests at any time,

I respect an adults right to make their own decisions. If they choose to smoke weed (legal or otherwise), they choose to limit themselves in certain areas of employment.

God lord. I never knew there were so many hop heads on this board. The fed has to make this legit, not a bunch wanker wanna be poser leftie Starbucks drinking socialist...I will stop with the adverbs. ...

You mean "adjectives," idiot.
-- "so let's all just cave in", right?


Whatever you feel like calling it, I don't care if you want to be a nutter. No real reason not to take them, it's a choice and you made your choice and I can make mine. The worker has freedom and so does the business.

And your choice is Eunuch.
Nothing's changed, I called out you jellyfish at the beginning and you admit it. As I said in the first place, way to stand up for your rights, Bender.

I'm not a jellyfish, it isn't an issue for me, to you it is. I believe in gun rights, you are a jellyfish and want people to turn them in.

Do I really. Where did I say that?

See what I mean? Jellyfish.

Blah! Blah! Blah! Give me a reason why a business doesn't need to drug test, there is no legal reason, it is their right and a business owner has a right to make the guidelines for the people they are going to pay.

Number one, I don't need a reason --- YOU do. You're the apologist for these overbearing dickheads, come up with a basis that justifies it.

And number two, I just busted you. There's no record of my saying any such thing, because it doesn't exist. You made it up; you're a liar.

Like I said, this isn't an issue, give me a reason not to, so far you have given me nothing other than the fact you don't like it. Tell the federal government, tell Obama maybe he will listen to you. No discrimination because taking illegal drugs is a choice not a right. Just like smoking and banning smokers from restaurants and at parks. Charging obese people more for health insurance. Some companies won't hire people that are over weight. Some won't hire because of their age, because of their sex, because of race, religion and sexual preference. There are lots and lots of reasons not to hire people, some are not legal and are done. This is legal, so I really don't care

Yammer yammer everywhere and never stops to think. Still no answer. You continue to bend down for an authoritarian principle that cannot justify its own existence.

Which is about as honest as putting words in other people's mouths above.
Marijuana legalization clashes with drug testing in the workplace Guardian Sustainable Business The Guardian

I do not see a problem at all+
I'm all for employee drug testing but there has to be a better way to test. As it stands now all you are testing is if people have residual drugs in their systems. You could have smoked weed 4 weeks ago and fail a drug test and lose you job.
I've often wondered if drug testing companies still tested in states that have legalized pot

I wonder if employees of drug testing companies have to get drug tested. Somehow I doubt it.
Whatever you feel like calling it, I don't care if you want to be a nutter. No real reason not to take them, it's a choice and you made your choice and I can make mine. The worker has freedom and so does the business.

And your choice is Eunuch.
Nothing's changed, I called out you jellyfish at the beginning and you admit it. As I said in the first place, way to stand up for your rights, Bender.

I'm not a jellyfish, it isn't an issue for me, to you it is. I believe in gun rights, you are a jellyfish and want people to turn them in.

Do I really. Where did I say that?

See what I mean? Jellyfish.

Blah! Blah! Blah! Give me a reason why a business doesn't need to drug test, there is no legal reason, it is their right and a business owner has a right to make the guidelines for the people they are going to pay.

Number one, I don't need a reason --- YOU do. You're the apologist for these overbearing dickheads, come up with a basis that justifies it.

And number two, I just busted you. There's no record of my saying any such thing, because it doesn't exist. You made it up; you're a liar.

Like I said, this isn't an issue, give me a reason not to, so far you have given me nothing other than the fact you don't like it. Tell the federal government, tell Obama maybe he will listen to you. No discrimination because taking illegal drugs is a choice not a right. Just like smoking and banning smokers from restaurants and at parks. Charging obese people more for health insurance. Some companies won't hire people that are over weight. Some won't hire because of their age, because of their sex, because of race, religion and sexual preference. There are lots and lots of reasons not to hire people, some are not legal and are done. This is legal, so I really don't care

Yammer yammer everywhere and never stops to think. Still no answer. You continue to bend down for an authoritarian principle that cannot justify its own existence.

Which is about as honest as putting words in other people's mouths above.

I told you it is their right as a business owner, nothing other than that is needed. No rights are being violated, you don't like someone telling you what to do, it get it, you have nothing.
I won't play around here I have smoked marijuana. My boss sold me the stuff, and hell, he smoked in front of his family and shared it with his wife and I, in front of his kids at the dinner table. I am no shrinking violet here. I just want marijuana legalized by the fed, that's it, make it acceptable nationaly. I don't have a problem with that. I just don't like carpetbaggers telling me what to do, those out of state buggers.
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And your choice is Eunuch.
Nothing's changed, I called out you jellyfish at the beginning and you admit it. As I said in the first place, way to stand up for your rights, Bender.

I'm not a jellyfish, it isn't an issue for me, to you it is. I believe in gun rights, you are a jellyfish and want people to turn them in.

Do I really. Where did I say that?

See what I mean? Jellyfish.

Blah! Blah! Blah! Give me a reason why a business doesn't need to drug test, there is no legal reason, it is their right and a business owner has a right to make the guidelines for the people they are going to pay.

Number one, I don't need a reason --- YOU do. You're the apologist for these overbearing dickheads, come up with a basis that justifies it.

And number two, I just busted you. There's no record of my saying any such thing, because it doesn't exist. You made it up; you're a liar.

Like I said, this isn't an issue, give me a reason not to, so far you have given me nothing other than the fact you don't like it. Tell the federal government, tell Obama maybe he will listen to you. No discrimination because taking illegal drugs is a choice not a right. Just like smoking and banning smokers from restaurants and at parks. Charging obese people more for health insurance. Some companies won't hire people that are over weight. Some won't hire because of their age, because of their sex, because of race, religion and sexual preference. There are lots and lots of reasons not to hire people, some are not legal and are done. This is legal, so I really don't care

Yammer yammer everywhere and never stops to think. Still no answer. You continue to bend down for an authoritarian principle that cannot justify its own existence.

Which is about as honest as putting words in other people's mouths above.

I told you it is their right as a business owner, nothing other than that is needed. No rights are being violated, you don't like someone telling you what to do, it get it, you have nothing.

Still nothing.

Again, when I sell you my services I sell my services -- not my bodily fluids.

Just admit it -- there's no justification. The case cannot be made. Period.
I'm not a jellyfish, it isn't an issue for me, to you it is. I believe in gun rights, you are a jellyfish and want people to turn them in.

Do I really. Where did I say that?

See what I mean? Jellyfish.

Blah! Blah! Blah! Give me a reason why a business doesn't need to drug test, there is no legal reason, it is their right and a business owner has a right to make the guidelines for the people they are going to pay.

Number one, I don't need a reason --- YOU do. You're the apologist for these overbearing dickheads, come up with a basis that justifies it.

And number two, I just busted you. There's no record of my saying any such thing, because it doesn't exist. You made it up; you're a liar.

Like I said, this isn't an issue, give me a reason not to, so far you have given me nothing other than the fact you don't like it. Tell the federal government, tell Obama maybe he will listen to you. No discrimination because taking illegal drugs is a choice not a right. Just like smoking and banning smokers from restaurants and at parks. Charging obese people more for health insurance. Some companies won't hire people that are over weight. Some won't hire because of their age, because of their sex, because of race, religion and sexual preference. There are lots and lots of reasons not to hire people, some are not legal and are done. This is legal, so I really don't care

Yammer yammer everywhere and never stops to think. Still no answer. You continue to bend down for an authoritarian principle that cannot justify its own existence.

Which is about as honest as putting words in other people's mouths above.

I told you it is their right as a business owner, nothing other than that is needed. No rights are being violated, you don't like someone telling you what to do, it get it, you have nothing.

Still nothing.

Again, when I sell you my services I sell my services -- not my bodily fluids.

Just admit it -- there's no justification. The case cannot be made. Period.

You are an idiot, the justification is the business owner wants to and can do it, you don't like it, tough shit. You have no reason or justification not to.

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