Mariupol.... Jesus H Christ....just surrender already


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
This is stupid. Surrender with the stipulation that the Red Cross be allowed in to tend to the sick and wounded the Elderly and the children. WTF? Man are these guys insane? Oh and the Dunkirk thing? Yeah think for one moment that if that was tried it wouldn't be just like shooting ducks in a row? Come one what the hell are they thinking with this one?

There are children there for god's sakes.....JUST SURRENDER and tell Zalensky to go F's not his kids in there now is it?

This is stupid. Surrender with the stipulation that the Red Cross be allowed in to tend to the sick and wounded the Elderly and the children. WTF? Man are these guys insane? Oh and the Dunkirk thing? Yeah think for one moment that if that was tried it wouldn't be just like shooting ducks in a row? come one what the hell are they thinking with this one?

There are children there for god's sakes.....JUST SURRENDER and tell Zalensky to go F's not his kids in there now is it?


This war would already be long over except for Biden who is funding both sides, actually funding Russia in a roundabout way while simultaneously feeding weaponry into Ukraine to keep Zelensky in the battle!
This is stupid. Surrender with the stipulation that the Red Cross be allowed in to tend to the sick and wounded the Elderly and the children. WTF? Man are these guys insane? Oh and the Dunkirk thing? Yeah think for one moment that if that was tried it wouldn't be just like shooting ducks in a row? Come one what the hell are they thinking with this one?

There are children there for god's sakes.....JUST SURRENDER and tell Zalensky to go F's not his kids in there now is it?

I'd hate to have you on my team.
This war would already be long over except for Biden who is funding both sides, actually funding Russia in a roundabout way while simultaneously feeding weaponry into Ukraine to keep Zelensky in the battle!
And they keep sending dirty money into the dark hole of no accountability you can be sure the big guy is getting his share of that loot too.

Depends on what they know or have heard. If you surrender and they tie your hands behind you and shoot you in the heaf?? Whats tje point? Better to go down fighting.

Whether true or not id think they may believe this.
Depends on what they know or have heard. If you surrender and they tie your hands behind you and shoot you in the heaf?? Whats tje point? Better to go down fighting.

Whether true or not id think they may believe this.
A third party can be brought in. The Doctors without borders and the International red cross.... The Russians wouldn't dare touch them as it would give NATO every reason to charge in guns blazing and they goddamned well know it.

Depends on what they know or have heard. If you surrender and they tie your hands behind you and shoot you in the heaf?? Whats tje point? Better to go down fighting.

Whether true or not id think they may believe this.
Well they know one thing for sure.....if they do nothing they will die right where they are. At the very least they can save the Women and the Children. Use the Red Cross to take them out. The men of fighting age...forget it Russia is not going to let them go. They are cooked because Zalensky stupidly deputized his entire population even kids ....what an ass!
This is stupid. Surrender with the stipulation that the Red Cross be allowed in to tend to the sick and wounded the Elderly and the children. WTF? Man are these guys insane? Oh and the Dunkirk thing? Yeah think for one moment that if that was tried it wouldn't be just like shooting ducks in a row? Come one what the hell are they thinking with this one?

There are children there for god's sakes.....JUST SURRENDER and tell Zalensky to go F's not his kids in there now is it?

Why is this on the Ukrainians? Why don't you demand Putin just stop and withdraw?
Why is this on the Ukrainians? Why don't you demand Putin just stop and withdraw?
He's not going to do that....what? You gonna stand there and trifle over fairsy-squarsy while there are hundreds of women and children waiting for some fucking judge somewhere to make a decision on this? We already know who Putin is....we are now finding out who Zalensky is also.
A third party can be brought in. The Doctors without borders and the International red cross.... The Russians wouldn't dare touch them as it would give NATO every reason to charge in guns blazing and they goddamned well know it.

The Russians will blow up anyone who attempts to document their atrocities. We're dealing with monsters here. People in mass graves do not tell tales.
The Russians will blow up anyone who attempts to document their atrocities. We're dealing with monsters here. People in mass graves do not tell tales.
They wouldn't touch the Red Cross with a ten foot pole....they may decide not to let them in...dunno....but it's worth a try.
Zalensky is just as much of a monster at this point IMO.

The neo nazis could at least release the human shields. Every civilian death is on Ukraine’s hands when it comes to this steel plant. They have had plenty of opportunity to release the civilians. They choose not to. This country should not be supporting such scum.

The Ukrainians have been doing this to their citizens for the past 10 years in fact.
Hypothetically speaking, not that this would ever happen, but if the U.S. was invaded, and you're fighting for your homeland, your city. Would you surrender?

I wouldn't. I'd fight for New York, San Francisco, Dallas, Tallahassee, Des Moines, Ashland, Winchester, Portsmouth... No matter how big or small the town would be, I'd fight to the death. This is what the Ukrainians are doing. Sure, you as an outsider have the luxury of suggesting they surrender, but to surrender is to submit to Russian Tyrants. That my friends, is why they will fight to the last man, the last woman, the last child.
Surrendering to the Russians is suicide. It might have been different had they not been caught executing prisoners. I can totally identify with someone wanting to make their murder as expensive as possible.
They can let out the women and children with a Red Cross escort.... The Russians wouldn't dare touch them. The figiting aged men? Well...they're gone.
The 600 mercs that are in there ( some 200 Americans I am told ) might as well shoot themselves in the head before they get captured and fileted alive. The Uke soldiers? Probably Azov...

have done their share of the very same things to other civilians and other soldiers.

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Hypothetically speaking, not that this would ever happen, but if the U.S. was invaded, and you're fighting for your homeland, your city. Would you surrender?

I wouldn't. I'd fight for New York, San Francisco, Dallas, Tallahassee, Des Moines, Ashland, Winchester, Portsmouth... No matter how big or small the town would be, I'd fight to the death. This is what the Ukrainians are doing. Sure, you as an outsider have the luxury of suggesting they surrender, but to surrender is to submit to Russian Tyrants. That my friends, is why they will fight to the last man, the last woman, the last child.
That my friends, is why they will fight to the last man, the last woman, the last child.

Nope you got that totally mean that is why Every last Woman and Child will be used as nothing but playing cards in some stupid political
one-upmanship game as if this was some kind of asshole's human chess board. Those people are human shields and the people using them are just as much scum as the people surrounding the city.

That my friends, is why they will fight to the last man, the last woman, the last child.

Nope you got that totally mean that is why Every last Woman and Child will be used as nothing but playing cards in some stupid political
one-upmanship game as if this was some kind of asshole's human chess board. Those people are human shields and the people using them are just as much scum as the people surrounding the city.


I didn't know you were a Ukrainian expert.

We will see in the end, but you evaded my question. Would you submit to an invader?

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