Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Obesity! Stacey Abrams has a real issue with obesity. if anyone should be wearing 3 or 4 masks, it should be Abrams”

While those who condemn Trump's refused to condemn the Clinton's. Trump was a horrible person over what he did to his wives but what Clinton did in the White House is most certainly no more defendable.

He was not, but neither was his main opponent. Sadly most will defend one over the other and that's the problem.
As I keep saying, as long as the tard herd keeps voting for the "lesser of two evils", we will keep getting more and more evil choices.

The election is decided in the primaries. Not enough people are voting in the primaries. Trump had 30 percent Republican support in the primaries.

70 percent of Republicans were against him. But they all chucked their principles out the window the moment he won the nomination. And they are still on their knees fellating the piece of shit despite his disastrous presidency.

Trump won only because there were way too many candidates and too few voters.

When you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for EVIL.

People don't vote in the primaries and then they whine at the two evils they have to choose from on Election Day.
As I keep saying, as long as the tard herd keeps voting for the "lesser of two evils", we will keep getting more and more evil choices.

The election is decided in the primaries. Not enough people are voting in the primaries. Trump had 30 percent Republican support in the primaries.

70 percent of Republicans were against him. But they all chucked their principles out the window the moment he won the nomination. And they are still on their knees fellating the piece of shit despite his disastrous presidency.

Trump won only because there were way too many candidates and too few voters.

When you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for EVIL.

People don't vote in the primaries and then whine at the two evils they have to choose from on Election Day.

In the 2016 elections the Democrats did the same thing. The upper echelon of the party even cheated to make sure it happened.
In the 2016 elections the Democrats did the same thing. The upper echelon of the party even cheated to make sure it happened.
Nominees for president used to be chosen in a smoke-filled back room at the convention. Considering the real pieces of crap we've had in recent memory, that might not have been such a bad thing.
Trump really didn't do squat. He did a lot of talking because he loves to hear himself talk.
Blah, blah, blah. You're the one yapping and not really saying anything except your own personal biased opinion.
If the smoke-filled back room boys had had their way, Ted Cruz probably would have been the 2016 nominee. And I could have lived with that. My mom voted for him in the primaries. I think my dad may have, as well.

But seeing Cruz become a mind-boggling little Trump weasel is simply unbelievable.

I don't think there is any Republican with integrity, honesty or character right now, other than Cheney, Kizinger, and Crenshaw. And just look at how the howling spineless sycophants are treating them. Liz Cheney has a rock solid hardcore conservative voting record.

And boy oh boy do the Trumptards HATE conservatives!
Blah, blah, blah. You're the one yapping and not really saying anything except your own personal biased opinion.

Odd, I thought that is what one does on boards like this. Would you be happier if I was constantly repeating someone's else's opinion like so many others do?
As I keep saying, as long as the tard herd keeps voting for the "lesser of two evils", we will keep getting more and more evil choices.

The election is decided in the primaries. Not enough people are voting in the primaries. Trump had 30 percent Republican support in the primaries.

70 percent of Republicans were against him. But they all chucked their principles out the window the moment he won the nomination. And they are still on their knees fellating the piece of shit despite his disastrous presidency.

Trump won only because there were way too many candidates and too few voters.

When you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for EVIL.

People don't vote in the primaries and then they whine at the two evils they have to choose from on Election Day.
Trump won on agendas. There is a strong belief in the agendas he pushed. Repub candidates kept playing the political sidestep. They were empowered enough times to make a difference and failed for false promises. Even the judges they promoted to Trump have some questions. America is dying. The only two choices are a slow death or a quick one.
Trump won on agendas. There is a strong belief in the agendas he pushed. Repub candidates kept playing the political sidestep. They were empowered enough times to make a difference and failed for false promises. Even the judges they promoted to Trump have some questions. America is dying. The only two choices are a slow death or a quick one.

Many people did support the things Trump ran on. He exploited that. He is very good at that. The problem is he is not the kind of person that can accomplish those things. He thinks that you get people to do what you want by calling them names.
Many people did support the things Trump ran on. He exploited that. He is very good at that. The problem is he is not the kind of person that can accomplish those things. He thinks that you get people to do what you want by calling them names.
Prior to COVID, what did Trump not accomplish other than kicking the UN out of the US?

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