Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Obesity! Stacey Abrams has a real issue with obesity. if anyone should be wearing 3 or 4 masks, it should be Abrams”


Wow. You poor sap. Struggling so hard to maintain your delusions to the point of actual mental illness.




The reason Trump wears ball caps is because the wind musses his hair and reveals all his hair is at the top of his head. He had a surgery where it was pulled to the top, and he grows it long so he can sweep it around to cover his entire head.

Since it was going to be necessary to be out in public a lot, often outdoors, while he ran for President, he got all you tards to wear hats, too, so he wouldn't look out of the ordinary.

The man is a PR genius.

And he has his suits tailor made to conceal his morbid obesity. You will also notice that he always leans forward with his elbows on his knees when sitting so his ginormous gut doesn't stick out.



Thanks for the photoshop.

That was a "skinny repeal" of Obamacare. It only repealed some taxes used to pay for Obamacare, thus meaning the "skinny repeal" would add to the deficit. It was not a full repeal, and it sure as shit was not a replacement.

When the skinny repeal passed the House, Trump prematurely ejaculated on the White House lawn and had a party.

Then he demonstrated his utter contempt of the rube herd's intelligence by saying, “Make no mistake,” (one!) this is a repeal and a replace of Obamacare, make no mistake (two!) about it. Make no mistake.”(three!)
Prior to COVID, what did Trump not accomplish other than kicking the UN out of the US?
He destroyed US soybean farmers, destroyed the TPP, made a total ass of himself at the UN and G7.. shoved the president of Montenegro... I could go on. He's really dumb and bad mannered.
If the smoke-filled back room boys had had their way, Ted Cruz probably would have been the 2016 nominee. And I could have lived with that. My mom voted for him in the primaries. I think my dad may have, as well.

But seeing Cruz become a mind-boggling little Trump weasel is simply unbelievable.

I don't think there is any Republican with integrity, honesty or character right now, other than Cheney, Kizinger, and Crenshaw. And just look at how the howling spineless sycophants are treating them. Liz Cheney has a rock solid hardcore conservative voting record.

And boy oh boy do the Trumptards HATE conservatives!
Stop lying. Cruz to me was the best candidate. But his electability was questionable. Repubs need blue dog Democrats as well as Evangelical Christians to win. Of course, now with this traitor in office now destroying us, it may be easier to get a more conservative Repub elected in 2024. Don't fret. Repubs may win and win big 2022 but you still have Biden in office and Repubs will blow it like they seem to do to many times. Coincidences are tiresome. It must be something else.
He destroyed US soybean farmers, destroyed the TPP, made a total ass of himself at the UN and G7.. shoved the president of Montenegro... I could go on. He's really dumb and bad mannered.
Perhaps lots of people see the things that he accomplished as good.
Neither one of us knows squat about soybeans in the US so stop making believe you do.
Trump and Gazpacho live by the credo, Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

I have a beautiful replacement for Obamacare!

The California wildfires were started by a Jewish space laser!
Perhaps lots of people see the things that he accomplished as good.
Neither one of us knows squat about soybeans in the US so stop making believe you do.
Well, Brazil and Australia were certainly thrilled. I know lots of soybean farmers over the past 50 years. Trump killed them and put them on welfare.
Stop lying. Cruz to me was the best candidate. But his electability was questionable. Repubs need blue dog Democrats as well as Evangelical Christians to win. Of course, now with this traitor in office now destroying us, it may be easier to get a more conservative Repub elected in 2024. Don't fret. Repubs may win and win big 2022 but you still have Biden in office and Repubs will blow it like they seem to do to many times. Coincidences are tiresome. It must be something else.
I've heard this "electability" argument a zillion times, and it is one of the stupidest arguments ever. It is just more evidence the GOP cares fuck-all about principles and only about power.

World class huckster, limousine liberal, New York Democrat Donald Trump saw this opening and took full advantage.

And now the organization formerly known as the Republican Party is a fucking cult.
Well, Brazil and Australia were certainly thrilled. I know lots of soybean farmers over the past 50 years. Trump killed them and put them on welfare.
I'll take your word for it.
Dems put millions of Blacks on drugs and welfare but that's cool with you.
Stop lying. Cruz to me was the best candidate. But his electability was questionable. Repubs need blue dog Democrats as well as Evangelical Christians to win. Of course, now with this traitor in office now destroying us, it may be easier to get a more conservative Repub elected in 2024. Don't fret. Repubs may win and win big 2022 but you still have Biden in office and Repubs will blow it like they seem to do to many times. Coincidences are tiresome. It must be something else.
Cruz is as gross as Trump.
Cruz is as gross as Trump.
He has turned out that way.

I expressed my concerns about Cruz during the primaries. He was so obviously lying about abolishing the IRS, and I mocked him for naming the first chapter in his book "Mendacity" which called out other politicians for lying.

I called him on his lies long before Trump started calling him Lyin' Ted.

But Cruz's true character did not really reveal itself until after Trump won. Then Ted became one of the most obsequious members of the cult. A real lickspittle. He disgusts me.

What kind of man gives a rim job to the fat slob who slandered his father and insulted his wife?
Odd, I thought that is what one does on boards like this. Would you be happier if I was constantly repeating someone's else's opinion like so many others do?
I gave you some substance.
You obviously know nothing about me.

TARD: Biden blew up the moon!

SKEPTIC: Hey, retard. Look out the window.

TARD: Why do you love Biden you commie?!?
You honestly can't see your hypocrisy. Sad.
There are two things for which I give Trump credit.

First, he appointed the conservative judges the Federalist Society told him to. But he only gets partial credit since any Republican would have done the same.

Second, and most importantly, he has shown just how disgusting, spineless, power-mad, unprincipled, corrupt, evil, traitorous, and thoroughly dangerous just about every member of the Republican Party is.

The liberal New York Democrat figured out the only way to destroy the GOP was from the inside. And now the fucking Democrats are driving the bus.

We need a serious cleansing. People like Gazpacho have convinced me there is no hope that will happen in my lifetime, which is why I left.
I'll take your word for it.
Dems put millions of Blacks on drugs and welfare but that's cool with you.
Don't be an ass. What hat did you pull that out of? It's not related to MTG or obesity. When you do that you look pathetic.

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