Marjorie Taylor Greene: “Obesity! Stacey Abrams has a real issue with obesity. if anyone should be wearing 3 or 4 masks, it should be Abrams”

Don't be an ass. What hat did you pull that out of? It's not related to MTG or obesity. When you do that you look pathetic.
Look who commenting on reality...the idiot who thinks 100% of Muslims worldwide are peace lovers.
What does that have to do with obesity?
When obese people talk about how poor they are, I don't want to hear it.
Obese people of any public organization are giving a bad impression to those whom they represent.
He has turned out that way.

I expressed my concerns about Cruz during the primaries. He was so obviously lying about abolishing the IRS, and I mocked him for naming the first chapter in his book "Mendacity" which called out other politicians for lying.

I called him on his lies long before Trump started calling him Lyin' Ted.

But Cruz's true character did not really reveal itself until after Trump won. Then Ted became one of the most obsequious members of the cult. A real lickspittle. He disgusts me.

What kind of man gives a rim job to the fat slob who slandered his father and insulted his wife?
Obsequious is the right word . He sucked up to Trump after Trump said his wife was ugly and his father was part of the JFK assassination.
When obese people talk about how poor they are, I don't want to hear it.
Obese people of any public organization are giving a bad impression to those whom they represent.
Trump says he's worth billions and he's more than 100 pounds overweight.
Obsequious is the right word . He sucked up to Trump after Trump said his wife was ugly and his father was part of the JFK assassination.
Cruz sucked up to Trump when Trump, during the debates, told Americans that Cruz was going to vote for an unlimited number of Business Visas.
I've heard this "electability" argument a zillion times, and it is one of the stupidest arguments ever. It is just more evidence the GOP cares fuck-all about principles and only about power.

World class huckster, limousine liberal, New York Democrat Donald Trump saw this opening and took full advantage.

And now the organization formerly known as the Republican Party is a fucking cult.
Again, it was his agendas. The crap he took in office would have defeated and crumbled most men. For he did not have an army of swampers surrounding him in support. To imagine a person with his campaign starting unlikability numbers become President is incredible. I enjoyed the Prog demeanor he had. Insulting back. I want many mor elike him. Insults and demeaning the whole nine yards. Get the dirt on everyone and their families of political, media, entertainers and elites and go at it like Progs do. For this will either stop it or go into hyperdrive. Impeachments must be started as soon as next January and continue and continue some more with all the dirt and low-level grime told to us all. For this will stop or go into hyperdrive. When Prog judges are put up get the dirt and make some up like Progs do and down and dirty. For this will stop or go into hyperdrive. Go down the list and do what they do.
Trump says he's worth billions and he's more than 100 pounds overweight.
And I always comment about the fact that he should lose weight and shut his mouth about Fake News.
All he should talk about is his platform and what he accomplished.
They are Illegal immigrants for the most part. The illegal drugs for the most part are coming across our Border. Regardless, the percentage of Illegals have skyrocketed heights we have never 👎 seen before

That is an absolute LIE. They came to the USA as children - legally, with their parents. They were "thugified" by American poverty and racism, and when they were arrested, they were jailed in some of the most brutal prisons in the USA, and then returned to their home countries.

The "illegal drugs" are, for the most part, legally manufactured and sold in the USA, to the great profit of the the family which owns Merck Pharmaceuticals.

Really, you need to stop believing ANYTHING that Donald Trump or the Republican Party has told you, because it was all a pack of lies.

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Trump accomplished very little. He does run his mouth all the time. He was going to replace Obamacare and build a wall that Mexico would pay for.
We need a wall no matter who pays for it doofus, and Obammycare is a burden on the working taxpayer. You Dimmer dregs need to pay for your own healthcare.
Over 80 accomplishments, you moron.
You're too stupid to communicate with.

You have to define "accomplishments".

You consider Trump locking up 40,000 illegal immigrants for two years an "accomplishment", while sane and rational human beings recoginize that it was Trump rewarding the "for profit prison companies who donated so generously to his "Inauguration Fund".

We say this because Trump made no effort to deport these people at all. He just locked them all up, paying $700 per day, per prisoner to the "for profit" prison companies to detain them. $200 million in untendered government contracts were handed out to these "donors", to build and maintain "prison camps" on the Southern Border,

All of Trump's Southern Border policies, failed utterly, since he was handed the lowest number of illegal border crossings in 50 years, and within 2 years, illegally crossings had spiked so significantly, that Trump declared a "national emergency" at the Southern Border, an emergency which still stands, because of the Trump era policies which are still in place.

Everything that Donald Trump touched, got worse:
  • race relations - riots in the streets
  • Covid: the worst rate of disease and death in the world. With 3% of the world's population you have more than 18% of the world's cases, and more than 16% of the world's deaths. Nearly 1 million Americans have died, despite having access to the most advanced medical resources on the planet
  • Offshoring: manufacturing levels were at their lowest rates since 2009 BEFORE the Pandemic
  • Balance of Trade: Trump promised to rewrite all of your trade deals and wipe out the trade deficit. Your trade deficit in 2019 was $850 billion. It was only $735 billion in 2016 - Obama's last year in office. The US trade deficit was $816 billion in 2009, so Trump actually undid one of Obama's accomplishment
  • Everything that Donald Trump touched, got worse:
I can actually go down the list of things that you consider "accomplishments" and demonstrate that they were actually colossal failures that Trump lied to you and told you were things he did.

and the USA has helped the disease spread worldwide, and continue to mutate.
You have to define "accomplishments".

You consider Trump locking up 40,000 illegal immigrants for two years an "accomplishment", while sane and rational human beings recoginize that it was Trump rewarding the "for profit prison companies who donated so generously to his "Inauguration Fund".

We say this because Trump made no effort to deport these people at all. He just locked them all up, paying $700 per day, per prisoner to the "for profit" prison companies to detain them. $200 million in untendered government contracts were handed out to these "donors", to build and maintain "prison camps" on the Southern Border,

All of Trump's Southern Border policies, failed utterly, since he was handed the lowest number of illegal border crossings in 50 years, and within 2 years, illegally crossings had spiked so significantly, that Trump declared a "national emergency" at the Southern Border, an emergency which still stands, because of the Trump era policies which are still in place.

Everything that Donald Trump touched, got worse:
  • race relations - riots in the streets
  • Covid: the worst rate of disease and death in the world. With 3% of the world's population you have more than 18% of the world's cases, and more than 16% of the world's deaths. Nearly 1 million Americans have died, despite having access to the most advanced medical resources on the planet
  • Offshoring: manufacturing levels were at their lowest rates since 2009 BEFORE the Pandemic
  • Balance of Trade: Trump promised to rewrite all of your trade deals and wipe out the trade deficit. Your trade deficit in 2019 was $850 billion. It was only $735 billion in 2016 - Obama's last year in office. The US trade deficit was $816 billion in 2009, so Trump actually undid one of Obama's accomplishment
  • Everything that Donald Trump touched, got worse:
I can actually go down the list of things that you consider "accomplishments" and demonstrate that they were actually colossal failures that Trump lied to you and told you were things he did.

and the USA has helped the disease spread worldwide, and continue to mutate.
Better to lock up the illegals than to just ignore them or turn them loose into the USA like democrats do.
We need a wall no matter who pays for it doofus, and Obammycare is a burden on the working taxpayer. You Dimmer dregs need to pay for your own healthcare.

The Affordable Care Act is the most popular piece of legislation passed since Medicare. It has save thousands of working people's lives.

"Dimmer dregs". You traitorous, lying pieces of shit dare call the people who have cleaned up after every Republican fiscal calamity for the past 100 years "Dimmer dregs". You elected a criminal conman who tried to sell your country out to Vladimir Putin and the President Xi so he could join their "strongman club".
You have to define "accomplishments".

You consider Trump locking up 40,000 illegal immigrants for two years an "accomplishment", while sane and rational human beings recoginize that it was Trump rewarding the "for profit prison companies who donated so generously to his "Inauguration Fund".

We say this because Trump made no effort to deport these people at all. He just locked them all up, paying $700 per day, per prisoner to the "for profit" prison companies to detain them. $200 million in untendered government contracts were handed out to these "donors", to build and maintain "prison camps" on the Southern Border,

All of Trump's Southern Border policies, failed utterly, since he was handed the lowest number of illegal border crossings in 50 years, and within 2 years, illegally crossings had spiked so significantly, that Trump declared a "national emergency" at the Southern Border, an emergency which still stands, because of the Trump era policies which are still in place.

Everything that Donald Trump touched, got worse:
  • race relations - riots in the streets
  • Covid: the worst rate of disease and death in the world. With 3% of the world's population you have more than 18% of the world's cases, and more than 16% of the world's deaths. Nearly 1 million Americans have died, despite having access to the most advanced medical resources on the planet
  • Offshoring: manufacturing levels were at their lowest rates since 2009 BEFORE the Pandemic
  • Balance of Trade: Trump promised to rewrite all of your trade deals and wipe out the trade deficit. Your trade deficit in 2019 was $850 billion. It was only $735 billion in 2016 - Obama's last year in office. The US trade deficit was $816 billion in 2009, so Trump actually undid one of Obama's accomplishment
  • Everything that Donald Trump touched, got worse:
I can actually go down the list of things that you consider "accomplishments" and demonstrate that they were actually colossal failures that Trump lied to you and told you were things he did.

and the USA has helped the disease spread worldwide, and continue to mutate.
I love to make you miserable.
Trump was, and will be, the greatest President the US has ever had to keep scum like you from ruining the US.

And to remind you even though you are a mentally ill psycho...
COVID is a global issue and the US was one of the last nations to get it.

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