Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Protect Children’s Innocence Act" outlaws gender-affirming medical care for trans youth & makes providing such care a felony

Your intellect is weak. It’s not not an all or nothing proposition. Parental rights doesn’t include mutilating them, it does include killing them, it doesn’t include any harmful actions to the child. How stupid do you have to be to even conflate the two.
So basically, when it suits, you will resort to being a statist?

Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Protect Children’s Innocence Act" outlaws gender-affirming medical care for trans youth & makes providing such care a felony​

What powered is in the Constitution to support this law?
Even if that's true, 60% won't.
And the only reason the 40% would do that is because of the bigotry, hatred, and intolerance shown to them by other people.
Not their acceptance of themselves.
It's a validated statistic, your insipid baseless speculation as to the cause notwithstanding..... And you don't give a fuck as long as kids can be mutilated because they're confused.
Thank you, for outing yourself as pro child sexual grooming! I suggest that all of you treat this deviant accordingly! :wink:

We're not allowed to say that, here.

You should use the politically-correct term “Minor-Attracted Person”.
Make up your mind. Either you want parents to have rights and a say when it comes to their children or you are for state sponsored fascism. You can't have it both ways.

Do you not think there are lines that need to not be crossed? If a parent wants to hire his young children out as prostitutes, are you OK with that? Would that fall under your “parents' rights”?

I remember, some time back, reading about a lesbian couple who were both deaf, and wanted a child that was also deaf? I don't remember how that played out, but suppose a couple wanted a child with a physical handicap, wound up with a normal, healthy child, and wanted that child to be surgically altered to be handicapped. For example, a couple that wanted a deaf child, having a healthy child's auditory organs surgically removed or disabled. Would that fall under your “parents' rights”?

Do you not agree that there is a line that even parents can cross with their own children, that would constitute child abuse, and justify the state intervening to prohibit it?
"Gender-affirming care", my ass. It's sexual mutilation and grooming of our young people. Plain and simple.

I get sick and tired of the Marxist media's benign monikers for horrid evil practices. "Women's reproductive care" is another. That one means the dissection and slaughter of an innocent baby.
The only Republican with guts. The only Republican who stands for something. The only Republican who remembers why she’s there in the first place. You can take the rest of the party and lose them.

That is between families and their doctors. Politicians have no say in this. Greene is a Nazi who employs the same tactics as Hitler. Her constituents are pigs who need to be nuked.
Cause you know, all trans kids will grow up to vote Democrat. :rolleyes:
WTF happened to you idiots?
I think many of them will seek revenge on those who supported what was done to them.
Even if that's true, 60% won't.
And the only reason the 40% would do that is because of the bigotry, hatred, and intolerance shown to them by other people.
Not their acceptance of themselves.
The pain and suffering the mutilation causes is the main factor
Republicans, the party of limited government. Bullshit

Republicans are not, and never have been, anarchists.

We recognize that there is a need for government to impose some laws and standards, and to enforce them.

And we happen to think that severely abusing and harming children fall under the things that we think government needs to prohibit.

It is seriously disturbing that your side appears not to agree; that you openly support and defend practices which are abusive and harmful to children, and consider it tyrannical to think that such practices need to be prohibited.
Republicans are not, and never have been, anarchists.

We recognize that there is a need for government to impose some laws and standards, and to enforce them.

And we happen to think that severely abusing and harming children fall under the things that we think government needs to prohibit.

It is seriously disturbing that your side appears not to agree; that you openly support and defend practices which are abusive and harmful to children, and consider it tyrannical to think that such practices need to be prohibited.
Hypocrite. You want the federal government to control people's bodies, their most funday right, without any Constitutional authority.
MTG is great. She is forcing Democrats to admit they support the mutilation of children.

A vote for Democrats means you support small children getting sex changes.
So basically, when it suits, you will resort to being a statist?
I’m pretty sure protecting the child is a different situation than letting the parent choose their school.

How the fuck you think that’s statist is crazy.

So if I’m not willing to let some lunatic parent mutilate their child I can’t be for every other parent in the country to have school choice. You’re a idiot.
Hypocrite. You want the federal government to control people's bodies, their most funday [sic] right, without any Constitutional authority.

You want people to have the right to seriously abuse and harm children, up to and including genital mutilation (“transgender care”) and even outright murder (“abortion”).

Your depraved, subhuman kind have no moral or ethical high ground on which to look down on anyone.

In a sane society, your kind would be put to death.

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