Mark Cuban is disappointed with the Baby Boomers

Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban doesn’t think much of baby boomers. He has high praise, however, for “zoomers.”
Cuban said, baby boomers, they will “go down in history as the most disappointing generation ever, from sex, drugs, and rock and roll to what we have today,”
“Whereas other generations thought that their identity started at 9 a.m. and ended at 5 p.m., Gen Z often feels that their identity starts outside of work,”

The Baby Boomers left home after graduating High School and supported themselves, they went to the moon, they have the best music, they have the coolest cars, the best movies and TV shows, they invented MRI, Cat scan, and the personal computer, cell phones and the internet.
In fact, Cuban would not be a $billionaire$ without the Baby Boomers.
The Zoomers do not have any distinctive fashion style or many great inventions or much personality.
/---/ Oh, that's just Cuban trying to be relevant.
Disposable relationships resulting in high divorce rates and the dissolution of many families.
Don't make excuses for weak, lazy 'Muricans!
/—— / like I’ve got nothing better to do then make excuses FOR TOTAL STRANGERS . BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA
The Boomers did a lot for this country.
Maybe people are jealous.
Or Maybe people are dumb.
But the present generation is known for not knowing anything or doing anything.
Boomers own a LOT, and are living LONG.

The younger generations are getting a bit impatient...
Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban doesn’t think much of baby boomers. He has high praise, however, for “zoomers.”
Cuban said, baby boomers, they will “go down in history as the most disappointing generation ever, from sex, drugs, and rock and roll to what we have today,”
“Whereas other generations thought that their identity started at 9 a.m. and ended at 5 p.m., Gen Z often feels that their identity starts outside of work,”

The Baby Boomers left home after graduating High School and supported themselves, they went to the moon, they have the best music, they have the coolest cars, the best movies and TV shows, they invented MRI, Cat scan, and the personal computer, cell phones and the internet.
In fact, Cuban would not be a $billionaire$ without the Baby Boomers.
The Zoomers do not have any distinctive fashion style or many great inventions or much personality.
Mark Cuban is a jerk

But I agree with him this time
I am a Boomer.

My Dad was a WWII Veteran.

I had a great childhood in the 1950s.

I had a great time as a teenager and young adult in the 1960s.

I served in a war.

I graduated from college debt free.

Married a wonderful woman and raised a family. Had a great career. Did community service. Paid a ton in taxes. Gave a lot to charity. Children doing great.

Never used drugs.

Have a comfortable retirement.

Always voted for Conservatives.

Most of my Boomer friends have similar stories.

Fuck the Boomer haters.
I am a Boomer.

My Dad was a WWII Veteran.

I had a great childhood in the 1950s.

I had a great time as a teenager and young adult in the 1960s.

I served in a war.

I graduated from college debt free.

Married a wonderful woman and raised a family. Had a great career. Did community service. Paid a ton in taxes. Gave a lot to charity. Children doing great.

Never used drugs.

Have a comfortable retirement.

Always voted for Conservatives.

Most of my Boomer friends have similar stories.

Fuck the Boomer haters.

We have similar stories!

I am a Boomer.

My Dad was a WWII Veteran.

I had a great childhood in the 1960s.

I had a great time as a teenager and young adult in the 1970s.

I served in a war.

I graduated from college debt free.

Married a wonderful woman and raised a family. Had a great career. Did community service. Paid a ton in taxes. Gave a lot to charity. Children doing great.

Never used drugs.

Always voted for Conservatives.

Most of my Boomer friends have similar stories.

Fuck the Boomer haters.
Can you explain what the boomers have done that ruined life in America?
First, boomers have contributed in consumer electronics and music

So its not a total loss

But they cant manage money

Government spending and the national debt ballooned after boomers took over from the WWII generation
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