Here’s the number one concern for us Americans. Homeownership rate among young Americans is considerably lower than it was during the baby boomer era

Here's the thing. When Social Security was first implemented, most people didn't live to be 62 or 65. Now the average life expectancy is 78. Unless Social Security comes up with alternative forms of funding, the money just won't be there when you retire.

I don't know if raising the age to 70 is the answer. But something has to give.

Depends how bad you need the job.

I found myself out of work twice when GWB was president, I'd have been happy for a $50K job.
I struggled through the bush 2000s too. Yes I made less than $50k a few years there.

Stop. You are aware politicians on both sides have stolen from social security, yes?

You do realize a lot of people pay in and die young and never collect a dime?

I want you to stop making arguments that will soften the blow when politicians say they have to cut benefits 20%. The next recession. Or when they finally decide to use the debt as the excuse. They will manufacture a crisis. Roll back the Reagan, bush and trump tax breaks to strengthen this program. It’s what makes America great for people who only make $50k a year. Even they can retire in their 60s.

Remember Clinton had a projected surplus before bush gave rich people tax breaks and started two wars. We had/have plenty of money
. But something has to give.

True. When “they” have a more Deadly Virus they will launch. They don’t care if 4Billion persons die In one month.

They will probably have a working vaccine for the Elite and themselves in advance, in secrecy.
I plan on giving my kids my 43 acres and the house when I dies so that way they already have something paid for.
Someone made a post awhile back showing Senators that supported raising the retirement age to 70 years. I forget exact figure, but more than half of them started taking social security at 62, with over 70% of them taking SS by the age of 65.
I didn't verify that statistic, but if true - that tells you everything you need to know about politicians we keep voting for over and over - and then complain about their rulings.
That seems to be YOUR fetish, you ignorant bigot.
I didn't pick it as a screen name, you did for some reason.

My Screen name is actually my First name, Initial, and Regiment number, for those interested.
I struggled through the bush 2000s too. Yes I made less than $50k a few years there.

Stop. You are aware politicians on both sides have stolen from social security, yes?

They have both converted surplus to bonds and spent them on other things. Social Security is now asking for those bonds back, which is why deficits are so high right now.

You do realize a lot of people pay in and die young and never collect a dime?

Yes, that probably applied to my Dad, who died at 56. It doesn't take away from my point, that even after all the bonds are paid back, there won't be enough money by the 2040's to pay everyone.

I want you to stop making arguments that will soften the blow when politicians say they have to cut benefits 20%. The next recession. Or when they finally decide to use the debt as the excuse. They will manufacture a crisis. Roll back the Reagan, bush and trump tax breaks to strengthen this program. It’s what makes America great for people who only make $50k a year. Even they can retire in their 60s.

I'm 100% for rolling back those tax breaks, but those will only cover the bonds that are currently being floated with debt. We are either going to have to 1) Raise the retirement age, 2) Raise the Income Cap, or 3) Raise the deduction level.

Remember Clinton had a projected surplus before bush gave rich people tax breaks and started two wars. We had/have plenty of money

Yeah, but that was a lot of jiggery-pokery. General Fund was still running at a deficit, Social Security Trust fund was still running at a surplus. Even without the Bush Tax cuts, we'd still be in the same problem... payouts exceeded receipts in 2013, and they've been dipping into the trust fund (bonds) ever since.
They have both converted surplus to bonds and spent them on other things. Social Security is now asking for those bonds back, which is why deficits are so high right now.

Yes, that probably applied to my Dad, who died at 56. It doesn't take away from my point, that even after all the bonds are paid back, there won't be enough money by the 2040's to pay everyone.

I'm 100% for rolling back those tax breaks, but those will only cover the bonds that are currently being floated with debt. We are either going to have to 1) Raise the retirement age, 2) Raise the Income Cap, or 3) Raise the deduction level.

Yeah, but that was a lot of jiggery-pokery. General Fund was still running at a deficit, Social Security Trust fund was still running at a surplus. Even without the Bush Tax cuts, we'd still be in the same problem... payouts exceeded receipts in 2013, and they've been dipping into the trust fund (bonds) ever since.
Certainly they won’t make cuts to current retirees.

Im 53. I hope they only do it to people younger than me.

You know what I could swallow? No cola. No increases because of inflation. So if you get $2000 a month, that’s all you’ll ever get.

If they cut my social security they should give me something in return. How about no more taxing any of my money. Even the interest my investments make. Reneg on me then I shouldn’t have to pay taxes anymore. Seniors pay no taxes.

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