Mark Cuban offers Donald Trump $10 million for policy interview

Everytime these guys say that Trump has good ideas and yiu ask what they are they can't ever show you where these winning policies are.
his web site, go read, why be ignorant?

Help us lesser then out. Quote the part where they explain what beef from south america, which is typically whats o the shelf at our super markets will cost because an american companie made widgets there, or how long it will take for Trump him self to start manufacturing his cheesy crap here, and what will be the tariff he pays and who will set the amount for him ?
what's the cost of welfare on 100 unemployed? how about a million?

More go on welfare because food cost to much so taxes go up, oh, need a car ? best get comfy with Jap rides if trump wins because all the american made cars are in fact made in Mexico as are simple parts like alternators, spark plugs, plug wires and so on. Wonder what a 45% increase in cost will be for those? Its not just air conditioners its all manner of shit from jet engines to shopkins. You trumpkins should be offended by Trump because he is counting on your ignorance to get him in power. Unemployed you say ? so trump lays a 45% tariff on the companies who makes napkins for fast food restraints ya? you dont think that a manager will dump an employee or two and hike prices on their shit until Trumps one term is over ? Why would it be bad to splaine that, or if fear mongering over the messikins enough ?
Would not be apparent to a sheep like you. You are the type of minion who during football season become an instant fan of the team that looks like its going to the super bowl. You dont know why you support Trump, only that you do. For the rest of America, we would like to know for instance how the tariffs trump says he will use to bring china and mexico to heel mean for us people who work for a living and how its any better then Clintons views. You should probably stick to Hannity, or just stay home and not vote. Retards like you voting in both parties is the reason we are so screwed now.
go to his web site and read up. it's all there. Why is it you're not asking Hitlery the same thing then? You give her a pass cause she killed four americans in benhazi and ruined another's life blaming his video? Oh, that's your idea of a good candidate. gotcha.

Nothing on what a 45% tariff on all goods coming from Mexico means at the checkout counter at the grocery store. I know stuff like that is not a thought to folks like you who use food stamps to buy food, but when you work for the money rather then robbing taxpayers you tend not to think about it much. Unless the messikins are getting the free money to. So in short, there is nothing on Trumps website that he has not said in TV which it, ban mexicans and, make america great again, ill do so good, blah, blah, blah. Admit it, you dont even know why you are all in for trump other then he aint bamma and you think he will win. Yall are no better then the hoodrats the democrat party sucks up to.
what is the cost of welfare, you got that number? so hundred folks off work can't get work we give them over 45% of freebies and you'd rather them be unemployed. gotcha, what a true american you are.

So, your telling me that a 45% tariff wont put folks out of work? See, that post right there is why Trump needs to take Cuban up on his offer, and why the press was not hard on the Donald. If he had to explain him self he would have been laughed out of the race as he always has been.
45% tariffs will bring jobs back to the US. That's all, no need to sit down with cuban, it's a simple answer. It's on his website, go read it.

Ford will not move it's manufacturing with that threat hanging over their heads. PERIOD.

I dislike uniformed idiots like you bTW, you are.........uniformed.

Ya? so an employer who has to buy steel with a 45% markup will hire more people? this is what you are saying ? and you calling me a liar over the cars ? Hecho en mexico, even Ford who I also believe has a plant in Canada, but I could be wrong about that one. Have fun with your Drumphf wet dream. It will be amusing to watch you and many others flip sides if trump winns and does nothing he said he will and shit is really expensive.
go to his web site and read up. it's all there. Why is it you're not asking Hitlery the same thing then? You give her a pass cause she killed four americans in benhazi and ruined another's life blaming his video? Oh, that's your idea of a good candidate. gotcha.

Nothing on what a 45% tariff on all goods coming from Mexico means at the checkout counter at the grocery store. I know stuff like that is not a thought to folks like you who use food stamps to buy food, but when you work for the money rather then robbing taxpayers you tend not to think about it much. Unless the messikins are getting the free money to. So in short, there is nothing on Trumps website that he has not said in TV which it, ban mexicans and, make america great again, ill do so good, blah, blah, blah. Admit it, you dont even know why you are all in for trump other then he aint bamma and you think he will win. Yall are no better then the hoodrats the democrat party sucks up to.
what is the cost of welfare, you got that number? so hundred folks off work can't get work we give them over 45% of freebies and you'd rather them be unemployed. gotcha, what a true american you are.

So, your telling me that a 45% tariff wont put folks out of work? See, that post right there is why Trump needs to take Cuban up on his offer, and why the press was not hard on the Donald. If he had to explain him self he would have been laughed out of the race as he always has been.
45% tariffs will bring jobs back to the US. That's all, no need to sit down with cuban, it's a simple answer. It's on his website, go read it.

Ford will not move it's manufacturing with that threat hanging over their heads. PERIOD.

I dislike uniformed idiots like you bTW, you are.........uniformed.

Ya? so an employer who has to buy steel with a 45% markup will hire more people? this is what you are saying ? and you calling me a liar over the cars ? Hecho en mexico, even Ford who I also believe has a plant in Canada, but I could be wrong about that one. Have fun with your Drumphf wet dream. It will be amusing to watch you and many others flip sides if trump winns and does nothing he said he will and shit is really expensive.
or the business can look at US steel and buy it for cheaper than 45%, and badda boom, buying american begins. yep, that's the plan. get out of the way and let us bring jobs back home and reward american US citizens instead of Mexico's and China's

In the event you don't understand, see employment will rise, do away with welfare and subsidies and bring money back to the US. Why are you against that BTW?

Oh and lower taxes and bring in more revenue.
Nothing on what a 45% tariff on all goods coming from Mexico means at the checkout counter at the grocery store. I know stuff like that is not a thought to folks like you who use food stamps to buy food, but when you work for the money rather then robbing taxpayers you tend not to think about it much. Unless the messikins are getting the free money to. So in short, there is nothing on Trumps website that he has not said in TV which it, ban mexicans and, make america great again, ill do so good, blah, blah, blah. Admit it, you dont even know why you are all in for trump other then he aint bamma and you think he will win. Yall are no better then the hoodrats the democrat party sucks up to.
what is the cost of welfare, you got that number? so hundred folks off work can't get work we give them over 45% of freebies and you'd rather them be unemployed. gotcha, what a true american you are.

So, your telling me that a 45% tariff wont put folks out of work? See, that post right there is why Trump needs to take Cuban up on his offer, and why the press was not hard on the Donald. If he had to explain him self he would have been laughed out of the race as he always has been.
45% tariffs will bring jobs back to the US. That's all, no need to sit down with cuban, it's a simple answer. It's on his website, go read it.

Ford will not move it's manufacturing with that threat hanging over their heads. PERIOD.

I dislike uniformed idiots like you bTW, you are.........uniformed.

Ya? so an employer who has to buy steel with a 45% markup will hire more people? this is what you are saying ? and you calling me a liar over the cars ? Hecho en mexico, even Ford who I also believe has a plant in Canada, but I could be wrong about that one. Have fun with your Drumphf wet dream. It will be amusing to watch you and many others flip sides if trump winns and does nothing he said he will and shit is really expensive.
or the business can look at US steel and buy it for cheaper than 45%, and badda boom, buying american begins. yep, that's the plan. get out of the way and let us bring jobs back home and reward american US citizens instead of Mexico's and China's

In the event you don't understand, see employment will rise, do away with welfare and subsidies and bring money back to the US. Why are you against that BTW?

Oh and lower taxes and bring in more revenue.

And you dont think american steel manufacturers will gouge? then think about all the stuff made form steel. All that will go up in cost to. Employers will cut benefits, hours and jobs. Lets look at lumber. Down here in Texas Home Depot sells Canadian lumber. Trump going to put tariffs on that to, and can he even legally do that and if so how and will NAFTA have any bearing on the tariffs ? See, you are yet another sheep created by the 24 hour news cycle and facebook.
what is the cost of welfare, you got that number? so hundred folks off work can't get work we give them over 45% of freebies and you'd rather them be unemployed. gotcha, what a true american you are.

So, your telling me that a 45% tariff wont put folks out of work? See, that post right there is why Trump needs to take Cuban up on his offer, and why the press was not hard on the Donald. If he had to explain him self he would have been laughed out of the race as he always has been.
45% tariffs will bring jobs back to the US. That's all, no need to sit down with cuban, it's a simple answer. It's on his website, go read it.

Ford will not move it's manufacturing with that threat hanging over their heads. PERIOD.

I dislike uniformed idiots like you bTW, you are.........uniformed.

Ya? so an employer who has to buy steel with a 45% markup will hire more people? this is what you are saying ? and you calling me a liar over the cars ? Hecho en mexico, even Ford who I also believe has a plant in Canada, but I could be wrong about that one. Have fun with your Drumphf wet dream. It will be amusing to watch you and many others flip sides if trump winns and does nothing he said he will and shit is really expensive.
or the business can look at US steel and buy it for cheaper than 45%, and badda boom, buying american begins. yep, that's the plan. get out of the way and let us bring jobs back home and reward american US citizens instead of Mexico's and China's

In the event you don't understand, see employment will rise, do away with welfare and subsidies and bring money back to the US. Why are you against that BTW?

Oh and lower taxes and bring in more revenue.

And you dont think american steel manufacturers will gouge? then think about all the stuff made form steel. All that will go up in cost to. Employers will cut benefits, hours and jobs. Lets look at lumber. Down here in Texas Home Depot sells Canadian lumber. Trump going to put tariffs on that to, and can he even legally do that and if so how and will NAFTA have any bearing on the tariffs ? See, you are yet another sheep created by the 24 hour news cycle and facebook.
wow dude you really have no clue on buying USA do you? It's ok, we don't need you.
Of course. Why would Trump walk away from a deal that was bad for Cuban? Out of pity? Screw that.

The strongest cared to play in any negotiation is being willing to walk away from a bad deal.

There is nothing here for Trump. Cuban is not making a serious offer.

then why wouldn't trump, in all his wisdom call the man's bluff? shirley that would only make the orange one look even better 'eh? that's a total win for the cheeze doodle; so why wouldn't he seize that opportunity falling in his pudgy cellulite ridden lap?

What bluff? Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars.

tsk tsk tsk... i guess you don't have as much faith in your overlord as you pretend to have.
what is it you think Trump ought to do?

sounds like Cuban has a hardon for Donald. I sense a bit of jealousy from ole cuban. If he wishes to campaign for President he should do so. He in no way is entitled to anything from anyone except a flying finger award.

well, since trump is the self proclaimed master of deal making - he can certainly negotiate.... or even try & have all proceeds go to charity. he won't even try... why is that? i mean really... why is that?<snicker>

A good negotiator knows when the deal is crap and the best course of action is to not do a deal.

This offer is a set up.

You know that. THat is why you wish he would take it.
What bluff? Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars.

tsk tsk tsk... i guess you don't have as much faith in your overlord as you pretend to have.

First of all, your "overlord" slur is nothing but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule. So right there your argument is invalid and my point stands.

ALSO, I said nothing indicating anything impressive about Trump beyond being willing to walk away from an obvious bad deal.

That reveals your nonsense implication that I expressed great "faith" in Trump's abilities or wisdom, is nothing but a Strawman Logical Fallacy,

So your point is DOUBLY invalid and my point stands.

Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars

repeating the same talking points is a lesson i see you learned from tribblehead quite well, grasshoppa. do you want a cookie or a little gold star?

Your attempts to refute my explanation was nothing but two logical fallacies, and thus invalid. As I explained and you did not address.

Thus I reposted my point that Trump is Right to Refuse and the explanation why, because that is the point at which the discussion is.

YOu have the option of trying ANOTHER challenge or admitting that I am right.

This is where we are at.

"Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars"

lol. you are weak.

I hope you aren't stupid enough to believe that.

My point stands. Your challenge was nothing but a couple of logical fallacies, and you have been unable to come up with anything else.

YOu are being dishonest in pretending that there is anything wrong with Trump refusing this offer.
So, your telling me that a 45% tariff wont put folks out of work? See, that post right there is why Trump needs to take Cuban up on his offer, and why the press was not hard on the Donald. If he had to explain him self he would have been laughed out of the race as he always has been.
45% tariffs will bring jobs back to the US. That's all, no need to sit down with cuban, it's a simple answer. It's on his website, go read it.

Ford will not move it's manufacturing with that threat hanging over their heads. PERIOD.

I dislike uniformed idiots like you bTW, you are.........uniformed.

Ya? so an employer who has to buy steel with a 45% markup will hire more people? this is what you are saying ? and you calling me a liar over the cars ? Hecho en mexico, even Ford who I also believe has a plant in Canada, but I could be wrong about that one. Have fun with your Drumphf wet dream. It will be amusing to watch you and many others flip sides if trump winns and does nothing he said he will and shit is really expensive.
or the business can look at US steel and buy it for cheaper than 45%, and badda boom, buying american begins. yep, that's the plan. get out of the way and let us bring jobs back home and reward american US citizens instead of Mexico's and China's

In the event you don't understand, see employment will rise, do away with welfare and subsidies and bring money back to the US. Why are you against that BTW?

Oh and lower taxes and bring in more revenue.

And you dont think american steel manufacturers will gouge? then think about all the stuff made form steel. All that will go up in cost to. Employers will cut benefits, hours and jobs. Lets look at lumber. Down here in Texas Home Depot sells Canadian lumber. Trump going to put tariffs on that to, and can he even legally do that and if so how and will NAFTA have any bearing on the tariffs ? See, you are yet another sheep created by the 24 hour news cycle and facebook.
wow dude you really have no clue on buying USA do you? It's ok, we don't need you.

No i got plenty. The hitch is you trumpkins buying the bull shit. And you have provided nothing on how Trumps trade shit is bull shit. He uses tariffs like he uses the wall. Just like the wall, companies will never come back. they will only pass the cost to consumers and wait for the impeachment, or his one term to be over if he even makes it then it will be back to business as usual.
tsk tsk tsk... i guess you don't have as much faith in your overlord as you pretend to have.

First of all, your "overlord" slur is nothing but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule. So right there your argument is invalid and my point stands.

ALSO, I said nothing indicating anything impressive about Trump beyond being willing to walk away from an obvious bad deal.

That reveals your nonsense implication that I expressed great "faith" in Trump's abilities or wisdom, is nothing but a Strawman Logical Fallacy,

So your point is DOUBLY invalid and my point stands.

Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars

repeating the same talking points is a lesson i see you learned from tribblehead quite well, grasshoppa. do you want a cookie or a little gold star?

Your attempts to refute my explanation was nothing but two logical fallacies, and thus invalid. As I explained and you did not address.

Thus I reposted my point that Trump is Right to Refuse and the explanation why, because that is the point at which the discussion is.

YOu have the option of trying ANOTHER challenge or admitting that I am right.

This is where we are at.

"Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars"

lol. you are weak.

I hope you aren't stupid enough to believe that.

My point stands. Your challenge was nothing but a couple of logical fallacies, and you have been unable to come up with anything else.

YOu are being dishonest in pretending that there is anything wrong with Trump refusing this offer.

Ya, if trump is right on then it should be an easy ten mill.
First of all, your "overlord" slur is nothing but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule. So right there your argument is invalid and my point stands.

ALSO, I said nothing indicating anything impressive about Trump beyond being willing to walk away from an obvious bad deal.

That reveals your nonsense implication that I expressed great "faith" in Trump's abilities or wisdom, is nothing but a Strawman Logical Fallacy,

So your point is DOUBLY invalid and my point stands.

Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars

repeating the same talking points is a lesson i see you learned from tribblehead quite well, grasshoppa. do you want a cookie or a little gold star?

Your attempts to refute my explanation was nothing but two logical fallacies, and thus invalid. As I explained and you did not address.

Thus I reposted my point that Trump is Right to Refuse and the explanation why, because that is the point at which the discussion is.

YOu have the option of trying ANOTHER challenge or admitting that I am right.

This is where we are at.

"Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars"

lol. you are weak.

I hope you aren't stupid enough to believe that.

My point stands. Your challenge was nothing but a couple of logical fallacies, and you have been unable to come up with anything else.

YOu are being dishonest in pretending that there is anything wrong with Trump refusing this offer.

Ya, if trump is right on then it should be an easy ten mill.

I don't see how you come to that conclusion.

A 4 hour attack would not be easy and would be used to make Trump look bad no matter how well he fielded every question.
Trump's tariffs are dangerous.

The socialist fag wants to institute economic control.
45% tariffs will bring jobs back to the US. That's all, no need to sit down with cuban, it's a simple answer. It's on his website, go read it.

Ford will not move it's manufacturing with that threat hanging over their heads. PERIOD.

I dislike uniformed idiots like you bTW, you are.........uniformed.

Ya? so an employer who has to buy steel with a 45% markup will hire more people? this is what you are saying ? and you calling me a liar over the cars ? Hecho en mexico, even Ford who I also believe has a plant in Canada, but I could be wrong about that one. Have fun with your Drumphf wet dream. It will be amusing to watch you and many others flip sides if trump winns and does nothing he said he will and shit is really expensive.
or the business can look at US steel and buy it for cheaper than 45%, and badda boom, buying american begins. yep, that's the plan. get out of the way and let us bring jobs back home and reward american US citizens instead of Mexico's and China's

In the event you don't understand, see employment will rise, do away with welfare and subsidies and bring money back to the US. Why are you against that BTW?

Oh and lower taxes and bring in more revenue.

And you dont think american steel manufacturers will gouge? then think about all the stuff made form steel. All that will go up in cost to. Employers will cut benefits, hours and jobs. Lets look at lumber. Down here in Texas Home Depot sells Canadian lumber. Trump going to put tariffs on that to, and can he even legally do that and if so how and will NAFTA have any bearing on the tariffs ? See, you are yet another sheep created by the 24 hour news cycle and facebook.
wow dude you really have no clue on buying USA do you? It's ok, we don't need you.

No i got plenty. The hitch is you trumpkins buying the bull shit. And you have provided nothing on how Trumps trade shit is bull shit. He uses tariffs like he uses the wall. Just like the wall, companies will never come back. they will only pass the cost to consumers and wait for the impeachment, or his one term to be over if he even makes it then it will be back to business as usual.
again, it's on his website how he'd get it going. Unless you read, you will remain uniformed. Your problem not his. again, the theme is bring jobs back to the USA. And it appears you don't give two shits that he wants to. You're a sad american US citizen if one at all.
Trump's tariffs are dangerous.

The socialist fag wants to institute economic control.
he wants USA made products again. tarrifs is a way to turn off the NAFTA deal. fk, learn something from what he has on his website. being uninformed is a disease.
Ya? so an employer who has to buy steel with a 45% markup will hire more people? this is what you are saying ? and you calling me a liar over the cars ? Hecho en mexico, even Ford who I also believe has a plant in Canada, but I could be wrong about that one. Have fun with your Drumphf wet dream. It will be amusing to watch you and many others flip sides if trump winns and does nothing he said he will and shit is really expensive.
or the business can look at US steel and buy it for cheaper than 45%, and badda boom, buying american begins. yep, that's the plan. get out of the way and let us bring jobs back home and reward american US citizens instead of Mexico's and China's

In the event you don't understand, see employment will rise, do away with welfare and subsidies and bring money back to the US. Why are you against that BTW?

Oh and lower taxes and bring in more revenue.

And you dont think american steel manufacturers will gouge? then think about all the stuff made form steel. All that will go up in cost to. Employers will cut benefits, hours and jobs. Lets look at lumber. Down here in Texas Home Depot sells Canadian lumber. Trump going to put tariffs on that to, and can he even legally do that and if so how and will NAFTA have any bearing on the tariffs ? See, you are yet another sheep created by the 24 hour news cycle and facebook.
wow dude you really have no clue on buying USA do you? It's ok, we don't need you.

No i got plenty. The hitch is you trumpkins buying the bull shit. And you have provided nothing on how Trumps trade shit is bull shit. He uses tariffs like he uses the wall. Just like the wall, companies will never come back. they will only pass the cost to consumers and wait for the impeachment, or his one term to be over if he even makes it then it will be back to business as usual.
again, it's on his website how he'd get it going. Unless you read, you will remain uniformed. Your problem not his. again, the theme is bring jobs back to the USA. And it appears you don't give two shits that he wants to. You're a sad american US citizen if one at all.
Let the 20 Libs here freak.
It's their right as Americans.

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