Mark Cuban offers Donald Trump $10 million for policy interview

Trump lies and no one minds because he's a straight talker
any day you might actually post something he supposedly lied about.

Donald Trump's file

Republican from New York
Donald Trump has been a real estate developer, entrepreneur and host of the NBC reality show, "The Apprentice." He is the nominee for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.
The PolitiFact scorecard
Donald Trump's file

All False statements involving Donald Trump
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Trump lies and no one minds because he's a straight talker
any day you might actually post something he supposedly lied about.

Did he have investigators in Hawaii or not?

Your plan is to dodge questions and just repeat over and over for me to show you a lie. Then run from it with emoticons and name calling
I have no flipping idea. what difference does it make? it wasn't his intentions of finding out if obama was born there or not. he may have had investigators for there for other things, but birther things? nope. Wasn't his argument. he asked obama to present his birth certificate since Hitlery's campaign made it an issue. Gawd I wish you all would learn where it started and why. What is truly sad is that the lady who provided the Hawaii version died in an airplane crash. Funny thing, out of everyone on the plane, only she died. hmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds fishy to me.

You asked about what lie he told and now you dont care about the answer? Of course you dont thats why you dont think he lies....because you take anything he says at face value then try to make it about the left instead of his own words.

Trump says the sky is red and your response would be "Hilarious to see the left...." like....Nice try sparky
here, not sure other than sending investigators to investigate the investigators. but here is Trump's statements:

Trump Sends Investigators To Hawaii, Gains In Gop Presidential Primary Poll

Gains in GOP Presidential Primary Poll
Published April 07, 2011
Facebook Twitter livefyre Email Print

If Donald Trump became president, Melania Trump would become the first foreign-born first lady since Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, the sixth U.S. president who served from 1825-1829. (AP)

"WASHINGTON -- Real estate tycoon Donald Trump said Thursday he has doubts about whether President Obama was born in the United States and has sent investigators to Hawaii looking for answers.

The "Celebrity Apprentice" star has shot up in the polls as a potential GOP nominee, in part because of his questions about whether Obama is constitutionally allowed to be president if he doesn't prove he is a natural-born citizen of the United States.

"I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding," Trump told NBC's "Today" show on Thursday."
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban offered Donald Trump an unusual deal on Friday: $10 million in exchange for a four-hour interview.

In a series of tweets, Cuban initially said Trump could have the money go to the charity of his choice. But he subsequently suggested that the GOP nominee, who says he’s worth more than $10 billion, could actually use the money.

“I’ll add an option. If you need it, I’ll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity,” he jabbed.

Cuban also listed a few terms for the interview, including that it would only be about Trump’s policy proposals and that no one besides a broadcast crew would join them in the room.


Mark Cuban (AFP Photo/Doug Pensinger)
The billionaire Shark Tank star, who frequently taunts Trump on Twitter, issued the offer hours after Trump slammed him in a Fox Business interview Friday morning. Trump dismissed Cuban’s intelligence when asked about the Mavericks owner’s prediction that the markets would tank if Trump won the presidency.

“I know Mark. And the problem with Mark, he’s not smart enough to understand what we’re doing. He’s really not smart enough, in my opinion, to understand what’s going on,” Trump said. “I’ve known him for a long time. He tweets me all the time. He sends me so many tweets.”

Cuban and Trump have had an on-again, off-again relationship over the years. They used to trash each other on Twitter, but Cuban warmed to Trump at the start of the campaign and even said he would consider being the GOP nominee’s vice president. Trump held a rally last summer in the Mavericks’ arena.

But things have clearly soured since then.

View Cuban’s Friday tweets offering Trump $10 million below:

1) @realDonaldTrump $10mm to the charity of YOUR choice if you let ME interview you for 4 hrs on YOUR policies and their substance.

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

2) @realDonaldTrump groundrules are that you cant mention the Clintons or discuss anything other than the details and facts of yr plans and

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

3) @realDonaldTrump and no one else is in the room to help. Just me, you and a broadcast crew.

Deal ?

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

4)@realDonaldTrump I'll add an option.If you need it, I'll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

If Trump has a hair on his ass he will accept for free.
Of course. Why would Trump walk away from a deal that was bad for Cuban? Out of pity? Screw that.

The strongest cared to play in any negotiation is being willing to walk away from a bad deal.

There is nothing here for Trump. Cuban is not making a serious offer.

then why wouldn't trump, in all his wisdom call the man's bluff? shirley that would only make the orange one look even better 'eh? that's a total win for the cheeze doodle; so why wouldn't he seize that opportunity falling in his pudgy cellulite ridden lap?

What bluff? Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars.

tsk tsk tsk... i guess you don't have as much faith in your overlord as you pretend to have.
what is it you think Trump ought to do?

sounds like Cuban has a hardon for Donald. I sense a bit of jealousy from ole cuban. If he wishes to campaign for President he should do so. He in no way is entitled to anything from anyone except a flying finger award.

well, since trump is the self proclaimed master of deal making - he can certainly negotiate.... or even try & have all proceeds go to charity. he won't even try... why is that? i mean really... why is that?<snicker>
why, what is the advantage of trump doing this? I mean, cuban is a sore ass loser and can't stand it that donald has again one upt him. oh, it's how men with money spend a day you know. Hey donald I'll give 10 million to a charity to make you look like a fool. Yep, I know you'd take that deal right?

BTW, Donald has experience with the lefturds in the world and knows they renege on everything they offer up as a negotiation. He's dealt with them all before. LOL.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban offered Donald Trump an unusual deal on Friday: $10 million in exchange for a four-hour interview.

In a series of tweets, Cuban initially said Trump could have the money go to the charity of his choice. But he subsequently suggested that the GOP nominee, who says he’s worth more than $10 billion, could actually use the money.

“I’ll add an option. If you need it, I’ll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity,” he jabbed.

Cuban also listed a few terms for the interview, including that it would only be about Trump’s policy proposals and that no one besides a broadcast crew would join them in the room.


Mark Cuban (AFP Photo/Doug Pensinger)
The billionaire Shark Tank star, who frequently taunts Trump on Twitter, issued the offer hours after Trump slammed him in a Fox Business interview Friday morning. Trump dismissed Cuban’s intelligence when asked about the Mavericks owner’s prediction that the markets would tank if Trump won the presidency.

“I know Mark. And the problem with Mark, he’s not smart enough to understand what we’re doing. He’s really not smart enough, in my opinion, to understand what’s going on,” Trump said. “I’ve known him for a long time. He tweets me all the time. He sends me so many tweets.”

Cuban and Trump have had an on-again, off-again relationship over the years. They used to trash each other on Twitter, but Cuban warmed to Trump at the start of the campaign and even said he would consider being the GOP nominee’s vice president. Trump held a rally last summer in the Mavericks’ arena.

But things have clearly soured since then.

View Cuban’s Friday tweets offering Trump $10 million below:

1) @realDonaldTrump $10mm to the charity of YOUR choice if you let ME interview you for 4 hrs on YOUR policies and their substance.

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

2) @realDonaldTrump groundrules are that you cant mention the Clintons or discuss anything other than the details and facts of yr plans and

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

3) @realDonaldTrump and no one else is in the room to help. Just me, you and a broadcast crew.

Deal ?

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

4)@realDonaldTrump I'll add an option.If you need it, I'll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

If Trump has a hair on his ass he will accept for free.
why, what is the advantage to do it? can't you fking libturds ever understand true politics?
Trump lies and no one minds because he's a straight talker
any day you might actually post something he supposedly lied about.

Donald Trump's file

Republican from New York
Donald Trump has been a real estate developer, entrepreneur and host of the NBC reality show, "The Apprentice." He is the nominee for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.
The PolitiFact scorecard
Donald Trump's file

All False statements involving Donald Trump
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

But did Donald become an unindicted felon as Comey pointed out about the Hildebeast?
Trump lies and no one minds because he's a straight talker
any day you might actually post something he supposedly lied about.

Did he have investigators in Hawaii or not?

Your plan is to dodge questions and just repeat over and over for me to show you a lie. Then run from it with emoticons and name calling
I have no flipping idea. what difference does it make? it wasn't his intentions of finding out if obama was born there or not. he may have had investigators for there for other things, but birther things? nope. Wasn't his argument. he asked obama to present his birth certificate since Hitlery's campaign made it an issue. Gawd I wish you all would learn where it started and why. What is truly sad is that the lady who provided the Hawaii version died in an airplane crash. Funny thing, out of everyone on the plane, only she died. hmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds fishy to me.

You asked about what lie he told and now you dont care about the answer? Of course you dont thats why you dont think he lies....because you take anything he says at face value then try to make it about the left instead of his own words.

Trump says the sky is red and your response would be "Hilarious to see the left...." like....Nice try sparky
here, not sure other than sending investigators to investigate the investigators. but here is Trump's statements:

Trump Sends Investigators To Hawaii, Gains In Gop Presidential Primary Poll

Gains in GOP Presidential Primary Poll
Published April 07, 2011
Facebook Twitter livefyre Email Print

If Donald Trump became president, Melania Trump would become the first foreign-born first lady since Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams, the sixth U.S. president who served from 1825-1829. (AP)

"WASHINGTON -- Real estate tycoon Donald Trump said Thursday he has doubts about whether President Obama was born in the United States and has sent investigators to Hawaii looking for answers.

The "Celebrity Apprentice" star has shot up in the polls as a potential GOP nominee, in part because of his questions about whether Obama is constitutionally allowed to be president if he doesn't prove he is a natural-born citizen of the United States.

"I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding," Trump told NBC's "Today" show on Thursday."

And what was this thing they couldnt believe they found? That Obama was born here and Trump wouldnt realize it until 5 years later?
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban offered Donald Trump an unusual deal on Friday: $10 million in exchange for a four-hour interview.

In a series of tweets, Cuban initially said Trump could have the money go to the charity of his choice. But he subsequently suggested that the GOP nominee, who says he’s worth more than $10 billion, could actually use the money.

“I’ll add an option. If you need it, I’ll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity,” he jabbed.

Cuban also listed a few terms for the interview, including that it would only be about Trump’s policy proposals and that no one besides a broadcast crew would join them in the room.


Mark Cuban (AFP Photo/Doug Pensinger)
The billionaire Shark Tank star, who frequently taunts Trump on Twitter, issued the offer hours after Trump slammed him in a Fox Business interview Friday morning. Trump dismissed Cuban’s intelligence when asked about the Mavericks owner’s prediction that the markets would tank if Trump won the presidency.

“I know Mark. And the problem with Mark, he’s not smart enough to understand what we’re doing. He’s really not smart enough, in my opinion, to understand what’s going on,” Trump said. “I’ve known him for a long time. He tweets me all the time. He sends me so many tweets.”

Cuban and Trump have had an on-again, off-again relationship over the years. They used to trash each other on Twitter, but Cuban warmed to Trump at the start of the campaign and even said he would consider being the GOP nominee’s vice president. Trump held a rally last summer in the Mavericks’ arena.

But things have clearly soured since then.

View Cuban’s Friday tweets offering Trump $10 million below:

1) @realDonaldTrump $10mm to the charity of YOUR choice if you let ME interview you for 4 hrs on YOUR policies and their substance.

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

2) @realDonaldTrump groundrules are that you cant mention the Clintons or discuss anything other than the details and facts of yr plans and

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

3) @realDonaldTrump and no one else is in the room to help. Just me, you and a broadcast crew.

Deal ?

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

4)@realDonaldTrump I'll add an option.If you need it, I'll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

If Trump has a hair on his ass he will accept for free.
why, what is the advantage to do it? can't you fking libturds ever understand true politics?

Would not be apparent to a sheep like you. You are the type of minion who during football season become an instant fan of the team that looks like its going to the super bowl. You dont know why you support Trump, only that you do. For the rest of America, we would like to know for instance how the tariffs trump says he will use to bring china and mexico to heel mean for us people who work for a living and how its any better then Clintons views. You should probably stick to Hannity, or just stay home and not vote. Retards like you voting in both parties is the reason we are so screwed now.
Trump lies and no one minds because he's a straight talker
any day you might actually post something he supposedly lied about.

Donald Trump's file

Republican from New York
Donald Trump has been a real estate developer, entrepreneur and host of the NBC reality show, "The Apprentice." He is the nominee for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. Trump's statements were awarded PolitiFact's 2015 Lie of the Year.
The PolitiFact scorecard
Donald Trump's file

All False statements involving Donald Trump
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

But did Donald become an unindicted felon as Comey pointed out about the Hildebeast?

Hillery is a criminal for sure, but time and again she skates every time they have her dead to rights. Trump has to win on ideas. This interview would sink him or clear the way to the whitehouse for him.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban offered Donald Trump an unusual deal on Friday: $10 million in exchange for a four-hour interview.

In a series of tweets, Cuban initially said Trump could have the money go to the charity of his choice. But he subsequently suggested that the GOP nominee, who says he’s worth more than $10 billion, could actually use the money.

“I’ll add an option. If you need it, I’ll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity,” he jabbed.

Cuban also listed a few terms for the interview, including that it would only be about Trump’s policy proposals and that no one besides a broadcast crew would join them in the room.


Mark Cuban (AFP Photo/Doug Pensinger)
The billionaire Shark Tank star, who frequently taunts Trump on Twitter, issued the offer hours after Trump slammed him in a Fox Business interview Friday morning. Trump dismissed Cuban’s intelligence when asked about the Mavericks owner’s prediction that the markets would tank if Trump won the presidency.

“I know Mark. And the problem with Mark, he’s not smart enough to understand what we’re doing. He’s really not smart enough, in my opinion, to understand what’s going on,” Trump said. “I’ve known him for a long time. He tweets me all the time. He sends me so many tweets.”

Cuban and Trump have had an on-again, off-again relationship over the years. They used to trash each other on Twitter, but Cuban warmed to Trump at the start of the campaign and even said he would consider being the GOP nominee’s vice president. Trump held a rally last summer in the Mavericks’ arena.

But things have clearly soured since then.

View Cuban’s Friday tweets offering Trump $10 million below:

1) @realDonaldTrump $10mm to the charity of YOUR choice if you let ME interview you for 4 hrs on YOUR policies and their substance.

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

2) @realDonaldTrump groundrules are that you cant mention the Clintons or discuss anything other than the details and facts of yr plans and

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

3) @realDonaldTrump and no one else is in the room to help. Just me, you and a broadcast crew.

Deal ?

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

4)@realDonaldTrump I'll add an option.If you need it, I'll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

If Trump has a hair on his ass he will accept for free.
why, what is the advantage to do it? can't you fking libturds ever understand true politics?

Would not be apparent to a sheep like you. You are the type of minion who during football season become an instant fan of the team that looks like its going to the super bowl. You dont know why you support Trump, only that you do. For the rest of America, we would like to know for instance how the tariffs trump says he will use to bring china and mexico to heel mean for us people who work for a living and how its any better then Clintons views. You should probably stick to Hannity, or just stay home and not vote. Retards like you voting in both parties is the reason we are so screwed now.
go to his web site and read up. it's all there. Why is it you're not asking Hitlery the same thing then? You give her a pass cause she killed four americans in benhazi and ruined another's life blaming his video? Oh, that's your idea of a good candidate. gotcha.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban offered Donald Trump an unusual deal on Friday: $10 million in exchange for a four-hour interview.

In a series of tweets, Cuban initially said Trump could have the money go to the charity of his choice. But he subsequently suggested that the GOP nominee, who says he’s worth more than $10 billion, could actually use the money.

“I’ll add an option. If you need it, I’ll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity,” he jabbed.

Cuban also listed a few terms for the interview, including that it would only be about Trump’s policy proposals and that no one besides a broadcast crew would join them in the room.


Mark Cuban (AFP Photo/Doug Pensinger)
The billionaire Shark Tank star, who frequently taunts Trump on Twitter, issued the offer hours after Trump slammed him in a Fox Business interview Friday morning. Trump dismissed Cuban’s intelligence when asked about the Mavericks owner’s prediction that the markets would tank if Trump won the presidency.

“I know Mark. And the problem with Mark, he’s not smart enough to understand what we’re doing. He’s really not smart enough, in my opinion, to understand what’s going on,” Trump said. “I’ve known him for a long time. He tweets me all the time. He sends me so many tweets.”

Cuban and Trump have had an on-again, off-again relationship over the years. They used to trash each other on Twitter, but Cuban warmed to Trump at the start of the campaign and even said he would consider being the GOP nominee’s vice president. Trump held a rally last summer in the Mavericks’ arena.

But things have clearly soured since then.

View Cuban’s Friday tweets offering Trump $10 million below:

1) @realDonaldTrump $10mm to the charity of YOUR choice if you let ME interview you for 4 hrs on YOUR policies and their substance.

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

2) @realDonaldTrump groundrules are that you cant mention the Clintons or discuss anything other than the details and facts of yr plans and

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

3) @realDonaldTrump and no one else is in the room to help. Just me, you and a broadcast crew.

Deal ?

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

4)@realDonaldTrump I'll add an option.If you need it, I'll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

If Trump has a hair on his ass he will accept for free.
why, what is the advantage to do it? can't you fking libturds ever understand true politics?

Would not be apparent to a sheep like you. You are the type of minion who during football season become an instant fan of the team that looks like its going to the super bowl. You dont know why you support Trump, only that you do. For the rest of America, we would like to know for instance how the tariffs trump says he will use to bring china and mexico to heel mean for us people who work for a living and how its any better then Clintons views. You should probably stick to Hannity, or just stay home and not vote. Retards like you voting in both parties is the reason we are so screwed now.
go to his web site and read up. it's all there. Why is it you're not asking Hitlery the same thing then? You give her a pass cause she killed four americans in benhazi and ruined another's life blaming his video? Oh, that's your idea of a good candidate. gotcha.

Nothing on what a 45% tariff on all goods coming from Mexico means at the checkout counter at the grocery store. I know stuff like that is not a thought to folks like you who use food stamps to buy food, but when you work for the money rather then robbing taxpayers you tend not to think about it much. Unless the messikins are getting the free money to. So in short, there is nothing on Trumps website that he has not said in TV which it, ban mexicans and, make america great again, ill do so good, blah, blah, blah. Admit it, you dont even know why you are all in for trump other then he aint bamma and you think he will win. Yall are no better then the hoodrats the democrat party sucks up to.
Everytime these guys say that Trump has good ideas and yiu ask what they are they can't ever show you where these winning policies are.
Everytime these guys say that Trump has good ideas and yiu ask what they are they can't ever show you where these winning policies are.

Bull shit ! its on the website, Trump will build a wall, whaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! its all they know. speaking of the wall, Wonder how long the trumpkins will ignore Trumps softening on that there?
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban offered Donald Trump an unusual deal on Friday: $10 million in exchange for a four-hour interview.

In a series of tweets, Cuban initially said Trump could have the money go to the charity of his choice. But he subsequently suggested that the GOP nominee, who says he’s worth more than $10 billion, could actually use the money.

“I’ll add an option. If you need it, I’ll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity,” he jabbed.

Cuban also listed a few terms for the interview, including that it would only be about Trump’s policy proposals and that no one besides a broadcast crew would join them in the room.


Mark Cuban (AFP Photo/Doug Pensinger)
The billionaire Shark Tank star, who frequently taunts Trump on Twitter, issued the offer hours after Trump slammed him in a Fox Business interview Friday morning. Trump dismissed Cuban’s intelligence when asked about the Mavericks owner’s prediction that the markets would tank if Trump won the presidency.

“I know Mark. And the problem with Mark, he’s not smart enough to understand what we’re doing. He’s really not smart enough, in my opinion, to understand what’s going on,” Trump said. “I’ve known him for a long time. He tweets me all the time. He sends me so many tweets.”

Cuban and Trump have had an on-again, off-again relationship over the years. They used to trash each other on Twitter, but Cuban warmed to Trump at the start of the campaign and even said he would consider being the GOP nominee’s vice president. Trump held a rally last summer in the Mavericks’ arena.

But things have clearly soured since then.

View Cuban’s Friday tweets offering Trump $10 million below:

1) @realDonaldTrump $10mm to the charity of YOUR choice if you let ME interview you for 4 hrs on YOUR policies and their substance.

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

2) @realDonaldTrump groundrules are that you cant mention the Clintons or discuss anything other than the details and facts of yr plans and

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

3) @realDonaldTrump and no one else is in the room to help. Just me, you and a broadcast crew.

Deal ?

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

4)@realDonaldTrump I'll add an option.If you need it, I'll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

If Trump has a hair on his ass he will accept for free.
why, what is the advantage to do it? can't you fking libturds ever understand true politics?

Would not be apparent to a sheep like you. You are the type of minion who during football season become an instant fan of the team that looks like its going to the super bowl. You dont know why you support Trump, only that you do. For the rest of America, we would like to know for instance how the tariffs trump says he will use to bring china and mexico to heel mean for us people who work for a living and how its any better then Clintons views. You should probably stick to Hannity, or just stay home and not vote. Retards like you voting in both parties is the reason we are so screwed now.
go to his web site and read up. it's all there. Why is it you're not asking Hitlery the same thing then? You give her a pass cause she killed four americans in benhazi and ruined another's life blaming his video? Oh, that's your idea of a good candidate. gotcha.

Nothing on what a 45% tariff on all goods coming from Mexico means at the checkout counter at the grocery store. I know stuff like that is not a thought to folks like you who use food stamps to buy food, but when you work for the money rather then robbing taxpayers you tend not to think about it much. Unless the messikins are getting the free money to. So in short, there is nothing on Trumps website that he has not said in TV which it, ban mexicans and, make america great again, ill do so good, blah, blah, blah. Admit it, you dont even know why you are all in for trump other then he aint bamma and you think he will win. Yall are no better then the hoodrats the democrat party sucks up to.
what is the cost of welfare, you got that number? so hundred folks off work can't get work we give them over 45% of freebies and you'd rather them be unemployed. gotcha, what a true american you are.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban offered Donald Trump an unusual deal on Friday: $10 million in exchange for a four-hour interview.

In a series of tweets, Cuban initially said Trump could have the money go to the charity of his choice. But he subsequently suggested that the GOP nominee, who says he’s worth more than $10 billion, could actually use the money.

“I’ll add an option. If you need it, I’ll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity,” he jabbed.

Cuban also listed a few terms for the interview, including that it would only be about Trump’s policy proposals and that no one besides a broadcast crew would join them in the room.


Mark Cuban (AFP Photo/Doug Pensinger)
The billionaire Shark Tank star, who frequently taunts Trump on Twitter, issued the offer hours after Trump slammed him in a Fox Business interview Friday morning. Trump dismissed Cuban’s intelligence when asked about the Mavericks owner’s prediction that the markets would tank if Trump won the presidency.

“I know Mark. And the problem with Mark, he’s not smart enough to understand what we’re doing. He’s really not smart enough, in my opinion, to understand what’s going on,” Trump said. “I’ve known him for a long time. He tweets me all the time. He sends me so many tweets.”

Cuban and Trump have had an on-again, off-again relationship over the years. They used to trash each other on Twitter, but Cuban warmed to Trump at the start of the campaign and even said he would consider being the GOP nominee’s vice president. Trump held a rally last summer in the Mavericks’ arena.

But things have clearly soured since then.

View Cuban’s Friday tweets offering Trump $10 million below:

1) @realDonaldTrump $10mm to the charity of YOUR choice if you let ME interview you for 4 hrs on YOUR policies and their substance.

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

2) @realDonaldTrump groundrules are that you cant mention the Clintons or discuss anything other than the details and facts of yr plans and

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

3) @realDonaldTrump and no one else is in the room to help. Just me, you and a broadcast crew.

Deal ?

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

4)@realDonaldTrump I'll add an option.If you need it, I'll write you the check and you can keep the money rather than give it to charity

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 16, 2016

If Trump has a hair on his ass he will accept for free.
why, what is the advantage to do it? can't you fking libturds ever understand true politics?

Would not be apparent to a sheep like you. You are the type of minion who during football season become an instant fan of the team that looks like its going to the super bowl. You dont know why you support Trump, only that you do. For the rest of America, we would like to know for instance how the tariffs trump says he will use to bring china and mexico to heel mean for us people who work for a living and how its any better then Clintons views. You should probably stick to Hannity, or just stay home and not vote. Retards like you voting in both parties is the reason we are so screwed now.
go to his web site and read up. it's all there. Why is it you're not asking Hitlery the same thing then? You give her a pass cause she killed four americans in benhazi and ruined another's life blaming his video? Oh, that's your idea of a good candidate. gotcha.

Nothing on what a 45% tariff on all goods coming from Mexico means at the checkout counter at the grocery store. I know stuff like that is not a thought to folks like you who use food stamps to buy food, but when you work for the money rather then robbing taxpayers you tend not to think about it much. Unless the messikins are getting the free money to. So in short, there is nothing on Trumps website that he has not said in TV which it, ban mexicans and, make america great again, ill do so good, blah, blah, blah. Admit it, you dont even know why you are all in for trump other then he aint bamma and you think he will win. Yall are no better then the hoodrats the democrat party sucks up to.
BTW, the real reason I'm for trump is cause he owes no party. No one. I wish to break the GOP and the Democratic parties. blowed up sir.
Everytime these guys say that Trump has good ideas and yiu ask what they are they can't ever show you where these winning policies are.
his web site, go read, why be ignorant?

Help us lesser then out. Quote the part where they explain what beef from south america, which is typically whats o the shelf at our super markets will cost because an american companie made widgets there, or how long it will take for Trump him self to start manufacturing his cheesy crap here, and what will be the tariff he pays and who will set the amount for him ?
Everytime these guys say that Trump has good ideas and yiu ask what they are they can't ever show you where these winning policies are.
his web site, go read, why be ignorant?

Help us lesser then out. Quote the part where they explain what beef from south america, which is typically whats o the shelf at our super markets will cost because an american companie made widgets there, or how long it will take for Trump him self to start manufacturing his cheesy crap here, and what will be the tariff he pays and who will set the amount for him ?
what's the cost of welfare on 100 unemployed? how about a million?
If Trump has a hair on his ass he will accept for free.
why, what is the advantage to do it? can't you fking libturds ever understand true politics?

Would not be apparent to a sheep like you. You are the type of minion who during football season become an instant fan of the team that looks like its going to the super bowl. You dont know why you support Trump, only that you do. For the rest of America, we would like to know for instance how the tariffs trump says he will use to bring china and mexico to heel mean for us people who work for a living and how its any better then Clintons views. You should probably stick to Hannity, or just stay home and not vote. Retards like you voting in both parties is the reason we are so screwed now.
go to his web site and read up. it's all there. Why is it you're not asking Hitlery the same thing then? You give her a pass cause she killed four americans in benhazi and ruined another's life blaming his video? Oh, that's your idea of a good candidate. gotcha.

Nothing on what a 45% tariff on all goods coming from Mexico means at the checkout counter at the grocery store. I know stuff like that is not a thought to folks like you who use food stamps to buy food, but when you work for the money rather then robbing taxpayers you tend not to think about it much. Unless the messikins are getting the free money to. So in short, there is nothing on Trumps website that he has not said in TV which it, ban mexicans and, make america great again, ill do so good, blah, blah, blah. Admit it, you dont even know why you are all in for trump other then he aint bamma and you think he will win. Yall are no better then the hoodrats the democrat party sucks up to.
what is the cost of welfare, you got that number? so hundred folks off work can't get work we give them over 45% of freebies and you'd rather them be unemployed. gotcha, what a true american you are.

So, your telling me that a 45% tariff wont put folks out of work? See, that post right there is why Trump needs to take Cuban up on his offer, and why the press was not hard on the Donald. If he had to explain him self he would have been laughed out of the race as he always has been.
why, what is the advantage to do it? can't you fking libturds ever understand true politics?

Would not be apparent to a sheep like you. You are the type of minion who during football season become an instant fan of the team that looks like its going to the super bowl. You dont know why you support Trump, only that you do. For the rest of America, we would like to know for instance how the tariffs trump says he will use to bring china and mexico to heel mean for us people who work for a living and how its any better then Clintons views. You should probably stick to Hannity, or just stay home and not vote. Retards like you voting in both parties is the reason we are so screwed now.
go to his web site and read up. it's all there. Why is it you're not asking Hitlery the same thing then? You give her a pass cause she killed four americans in benhazi and ruined another's life blaming his video? Oh, that's your idea of a good candidate. gotcha.

Nothing on what a 45% tariff on all goods coming from Mexico means at the checkout counter at the grocery store. I know stuff like that is not a thought to folks like you who use food stamps to buy food, but when you work for the money rather then robbing taxpayers you tend not to think about it much. Unless the messikins are getting the free money to. So in short, there is nothing on Trumps website that he has not said in TV which it, ban mexicans and, make america great again, ill do so good, blah, blah, blah. Admit it, you dont even know why you are all in for trump other then he aint bamma and you think he will win. Yall are no better then the hoodrats the democrat party sucks up to.
what is the cost of welfare, you got that number? so hundred folks off work can't get work we give them over 45% of freebies and you'd rather them be unemployed. gotcha, what a true american you are.

So, your telling me that a 45% tariff wont put folks out of work? See, that post right there is why Trump needs to take Cuban up on his offer, and why the press was not hard on the Donald. If he had to explain him self he would have been laughed out of the race as he always has been.
45% tariffs will bring jobs back to the US. That's all, no need to sit down with cuban, it's a simple answer. It's on his website, go read it.

Ford will not move it's manufacturing with that threat hanging over their heads. PERIOD.

I dislike uniformed idiots like you bTW, you are.........uniformed.

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