Mark Cuban offers Donald Trump $10 million for policy interview

1. No, it would not.

2. The strongest card to play is any negotiation, is being willing to walk away from a bad deal.

you mean bad for HIM. LOL............. not even for charity..... tsk tsk tsk.

Of course. Why would Trump walk away from a deal that was bad for Cuban? Out of pity? Screw that.

The strongest cared to play in any negotiation is being willing to walk away from a bad deal.

There is nothing here for Trump. Cuban is not making a serious offer.

then why wouldn't trump, in all his wisdom call the man's bluff? shirley that would only make the orange one look even better 'eh? that's a total win for the cheeze doodle; so why wouldn't he seize that opportunity falling in his pudgy cellulite ridden lap?

What bluff? Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars.

tsk tsk tsk... i guess you don't have as much faith in your overlord as you pretend to have.
what is it you think Trump ought to do?

sounds like Cuban has a hardon for Donald. I sense a bit of jealousy from ole cuban. If he wishes to campaign for President he should do so. He in no way is entitled to anything from anyone except a flying finger award.
Of course. Why would Trump walk away from a deal that was bad for Cuban? Out of pity? Screw that.

The strongest cared to play in any negotiation is being willing to walk away from a bad deal.

There is nothing here for Trump. Cuban is not making a serious offer.

then why wouldn't trump, in all his wisdom call the man's bluff? shirley that would only make the orange one look even better 'eh? that's a total win for the cheeze doodle; so why wouldn't he seize that opportunity falling in his pudgy cellulite ridden lap?

What bluff? Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars.

tsk tsk tsk... i guess you don't have as much faith in your overlord as you pretend to have.

First of all, your "overlord" slur is nothing but the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule. So right there your argument is invalid and my point stands.

ALSO, I said nothing indicating anything impressive about Trump beyond being willing to walk away from an obvious bad deal.

That reveals your nonsense implication that I expressed great "faith" in Trump's abilities or wisdom, is nothing but a Strawman Logical Fallacy,

So your point is DOUBLY invalid and my point stands.

Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars

repeating the same talking points is a lesson i see you learned from tribblehead quite well, grasshoppa. do you want a cookie or a little gold star?

Your attempts to refute my explanation was nothing but two logical fallacies, and thus invalid. As I explained and you did not address.

Thus I reposted my point that Trump is Right to Refuse and the explanation why, because that is the point at which the discussion is.

YOu have the option of trying ANOTHER challenge or admitting that I am right.

This is where we are at.

"Cuban isn't bluffing. IF Trump were dumb enough to accept this bad offer, I'm sure Cuban would be willing to spend 4 hours tearing him down and grilling him relentlessly.

There is no way that could be a win for Trump no matter how well he fielded the questions, and you know it.

That is way you want him to take the offer, and all your talk of him being weak or cowardly to refuse it, is you libs being filthy liars"
Trump is being audited.....

haaaaaa.... and what?

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

By Naomi Jagoda - 02/26/16 03:25 PM EST

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not prohibited from releasing his tax returns because he is being audited, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

“Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information,” the IRS said in a statement.
IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

Apr 5, 2016 @ 02:23 PM
Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

Joseph Thorndike, Contributor

As for Trump, he has consistently refused to release any portion of his returns, including the Form 1040. While thumbing his nose at four decades of tradition, he’s offered up a variety of excuses, saying his returns are too big, too complicated, or still unfinished.

Most recently, Trump has explained his failure to release by saying that his returns are under audit by the IRS. He seems to think that’s a real excuse, but it’s not. There is no legal bar to releasing a tax return while it’s being audited, as the IRS has confirmed.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

nice try though.
Nice try. Nobody said he couldn't release them if he wanted. It just isn't a smart thing to do while under audit. Are you trying to act stupid or is it natural?

Simply release previous years that aren't under audit.
Trump is being audited.....

haaaaaa.... and what?

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

By Naomi Jagoda - 02/26/16 03:25 PM EST

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not prohibited from releasing his tax returns because he is being audited, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

“Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information,” the IRS said in a statement.
IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

Apr 5, 2016 @ 02:23 PM
Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

Joseph Thorndike, Contributor

As for Trump, he has consistently refused to release any portion of his returns, including the Form 1040. While thumbing his nose at four decades of tradition, he’s offered up a variety of excuses, saying his returns are too big, too complicated, or still unfinished.

Most recently, Trump has explained his failure to release by saying that his returns are under audit by the IRS. He seems to think that’s a real excuse, but it’s not. There is no legal bar to releasing a tax return while it’s being audited, as the IRS has confirmed.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

nice try though.
Nice try. Nobody said he couldn't release them if he wanted. It just isn't a smart thing to do while under audit. Are you trying to act stupid or is it natural?

Simply release previous years that aren't under audit.
You poor and never been audited?
Trump is being audited.....

haaaaaa.... and what?

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

By Naomi Jagoda - 02/26/16 03:25 PM EST

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not prohibited from releasing his tax returns because he is being audited, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

“Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information,” the IRS said in a statement.
IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

Apr 5, 2016 @ 02:23 PM
Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

Joseph Thorndike, Contributor

As for Trump, he has consistently refused to release any portion of his returns, including the Form 1040. While thumbing his nose at four decades of tradition, he’s offered up a variety of excuses, saying his returns are too big, too complicated, or still unfinished.

Most recently, Trump has explained his failure to release by saying that his returns are under audit by the IRS. He seems to think that’s a real excuse, but it’s not. There is no legal bar to releasing a tax return while it’s being audited, as the IRS has confirmed.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

nice try though.
Nice try. Nobody said he couldn't release them if he wanted. It just isn't a smart thing to do while under audit. Are you trying to act stupid or is it natural?

Simply release previous years that aren't under audit.
you don't seem to understand how an audit works now do you? you are hilarious though.
I think Cuban's found the way to beat Trump. Everthing that comes out of Trump's mouth is either a bluff or a lie, so just call his bluffs every time

Are you telling me he didnt have investigators in Hawaii? C'mon man..../sarcasm
why would trump have investigators in Hawaii? You still don't get it. hahaahhahahahahaha dude you are s .............. l ................. o ...................... w....................................
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban offered Donald Trump an unusual deal on Friday: $10 million in exchange for a four-hour interview.

He'll never take it and whatever bullshit reason he gives you can bet the dupes will be giving that as a good reason verbatim
I think Cuban's found the way to beat Trump. Everthing that comes out of Trump's mouth is either a bluff or a lie, so just call his bluffs every time

Are you telling me he didnt have investigators in Hawaii? C'mon man..../sarcasm
why would trump have investigators in Hawaii? You still don't get it. hahaahhahahahahaha dude you are s .............. l ................. o ...................... w....................................

Because he said he had investigators there :dunno: Again, if what he says is straight talk.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban offered Donald Trump an unusual deal on Friday: $10 million in exchange for a four-hour interview.

He'll never take it and whatever bullshit reason he gives you can bet the dupes will be giving that as a good reason verbatim
why are you afraid to let Hitlery debate Trump one on one like what cuban wants to do? It's what Trump has asked for, no moderator. balk, balk, balk, chicken littlers.
I think Cuban's found the way to beat Trump. Everthing that comes out of Trump's mouth is either a bluff or a lie, so just call his bluffs every time

Are you telling me he didnt have investigators in Hawaii? C'mon man..../sarcasm
why would trump have investigators in Hawaii? You still don't get it. hahaahhahahahahaha dude you are s .............. l ................. o ...................... w....................................

Because he said he had investigators there :dunno: Again, if what he says is straight talk.
again,.......................... you................are..................s.................l.......................o......................w
Trump is being audited.....

haaaaaa.... and what?

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

By Naomi Jagoda - 02/26/16 03:25 PM EST

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not prohibited from releasing his tax returns because he is being audited, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

“Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information,” the IRS said in a statement.
IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

Apr 5, 2016 @ 02:23 PM
Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

Joseph Thorndike, Contributor

As for Trump, he has consistently refused to release any portion of his returns, including the Form 1040. While thumbing his nose at four decades of tradition, he’s offered up a variety of excuses, saying his returns are too big, too complicated, or still unfinished.

Most recently, Trump has explained his failure to release by saying that his returns are under audit by the IRS. He seems to think that’s a real excuse, but it’s not. There is no legal bar to releasing a tax return while it’s being audited, as the IRS has confirmed.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

nice try though.
Nice try. Nobody said he couldn't release them if he wanted. It just isn't a smart thing to do while under audit. Are you trying to act stupid or is it natural?

Simply release previous years that aren't under audit.
You poor and never been audited?

Previous years, if no longer under audit, are settled and could be released at any time.
Cuban I snot a journalist and wants attention. Let him donate the money to charity if he wants....
Trump is being audited.....

haaaaaa.... and what?

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

By Naomi Jagoda - 02/26/16 03:25 PM EST

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not prohibited from releasing his tax returns because he is being audited, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

“Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information,” the IRS said in a statement.
IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

Apr 5, 2016 @ 02:23 PM
Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

Joseph Thorndike, Contributor

As for Trump, he has consistently refused to release any portion of his returns, including the Form 1040. While thumbing his nose at four decades of tradition, he’s offered up a variety of excuses, saying his returns are too big, too complicated, or still unfinished.

Most recently, Trump has explained his failure to release by saying that his returns are under audit by the IRS. He seems to think that’s a real excuse, but it’s not. There is no legal bar to releasing a tax return while it’s being audited, as the IRS has confirmed.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

nice try though.
Nice try. Nobody said he couldn't release them if he wanted. It just isn't a smart thing to do while under audit. Are you trying to act stupid or is it natural?

Simply release previous years that aren't under audit.
You poor and never been audited?

Previous years, if no longer under audit, are settled and could be released at any time.
Yeah, I takers are clueless....
Trump is being audited.....

haaaaaa.... and what?

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

By Naomi Jagoda - 02/26/16 03:25 PM EST

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not prohibited from releasing his tax returns because he is being audited, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

“Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information,” the IRS said in a statement.
IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

Apr 5, 2016 @ 02:23 PM
Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

Joseph Thorndike, Contributor

As for Trump, he has consistently refused to release any portion of his returns, including the Form 1040. While thumbing his nose at four decades of tradition, he’s offered up a variety of excuses, saying his returns are too big, too complicated, or still unfinished.

Most recently, Trump has explained his failure to release by saying that his returns are under audit by the IRS. He seems to think that’s a real excuse, but it’s not. There is no legal bar to releasing a tax return while it’s being audited, as the IRS has confirmed.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

nice try though.
Nice try. Nobody said he couldn't release them if he wanted. It just isn't a smart thing to do while under audit. Are you trying to act stupid or is it natural?

Simply release previous years that aren't under audit.
you don't seem to understand how an audit works now do you? you are hilarious though.

You obviously have no idea of what an audit is. Then again you really don't care. You're fine supporting a guy who's taxes would immediately disqualify him if made public.
haaaaaa.... and what?

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

By Naomi Jagoda - 02/26/16 03:25 PM EST

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not prohibited from releasing his tax returns because he is being audited, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

“Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information,” the IRS said in a statement.
IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

Apr 5, 2016 @ 02:23 PM
Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

Joseph Thorndike, Contributor

As for Trump, he has consistently refused to release any portion of his returns, including the Form 1040. While thumbing his nose at four decades of tradition, he’s offered up a variety of excuses, saying his returns are too big, too complicated, or still unfinished.

Most recently, Trump has explained his failure to release by saying that his returns are under audit by the IRS. He seems to think that’s a real excuse, but it’s not. There is no legal bar to releasing a tax return while it’s being audited, as the IRS has confirmed.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

nice try though.
Nice try. Nobody said he couldn't release them if he wanted. It just isn't a smart thing to do while under audit. Are you trying to act stupid or is it natural?

Simply release previous years that aren't under audit.
You poor and never been audited?

Previous years, if no longer under audit, are settled and could be released at any time.
Yeah, I takers are clueless....

Explain it for us professor.
I think Cuban's found the way to beat Trump. Everthing that comes out of Trump's mouth is either a bluff or a lie, so just call his bluffs every time

Are you telling me he didnt have investigators in Hawaii? C'mon man..../sarcasm
why would trump have investigators in Hawaii? You still don't get it. hahaahhahahahahaha dude you are s .............. l ................. o ...................... w....................................

Because he said he had investigators there :dunno: Again, if what he says is straight talk.
again,.......................... you................are..................s.................l.......................o......................w

LOL...You cant answer and think this works haha
Nice try. Nobody said he couldn't release them if he wanted. It just isn't a smart thing to do while under audit. Are you trying to act stupid or is it natural?

Simply release previous years that aren't under audit.
You poor and never been audited?

Previous years, if no longer under audit, are settled and could be released at any time.
Yeah, I takers are clueless....

Explain it for us professor.
You want the number to my tax attorney?
I think Cuban's found the way to beat Trump. Everthing that comes out of Trump's mouth is either a bluff or a lie, so just call his bluffs every time

Are you telling me he didnt have investigators in Hawaii? C'mon man..../sarcasm
why would trump have investigators in Hawaii? You still don't get it. hahaahhahahahahaha dude you are s .............. l ................. o ...................... w....................................
Trump DID state he had investigors in Hawaii.
Trump is being audited.....

haaaaaa.... and what?

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

By Naomi Jagoda - 02/26/16 03:25 PM EST

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not prohibited from releasing his tax returns because he is being audited, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

“Nothing prevents individuals from sharing their own tax information,” the IRS said in a statement.
IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

Apr 5, 2016 @ 02:23 PM
Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

Joseph Thorndike, Contributor

As for Trump, he has consistently refused to release any portion of his returns, including the Form 1040. While thumbing his nose at four decades of tradition, he’s offered up a variety of excuses, saying his returns are too big, too complicated, or still unfinished.

Most recently, Trump has explained his failure to release by saying that his returns are under audit by the IRS. He seems to think that’s a real excuse, but it’s not. There is no legal bar to releasing a tax return while it’s being audited, as the IRS has confirmed.

More to the point, there’s precedent for releasing returns while they’re being audited: Richard Nixon did it more than 40 years ago.

Nixon was not a guy naturally inclined to be transparent. But in the fall of 1973, he was in a world of hurt concerning his personal finances. In particular, critics were suggesting there was something fishy about his tax returns. Nixon defended himself, even insisting to one dubious audience that “I’m not a crook.”

Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns While Under Audit. But Richard Nixon Did.

nice try though.
Nice try. Nobody said he couldn't release them if he wanted. It just isn't a smart thing to do while under audit. Are you trying to act stupid or is it natural?

Simply release previous years that aren't under audit.
you don't seem to understand how an audit works now do you? you are hilarious though.

You obviously have no idea of what an audit is. Then again you really don't care. You're fine supporting a guy who's taxes would immediately disqualify him if made public.
why would his taxes disqualify him. since when did taxes equal qualifications to run? You got that one handy? I know US citizen and being over 35, but disclose taxes? please provide the link for poor wittle me.

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