Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

It has everything to do with Drumpf. Its his nominee and he is the only one that can have the FBI investigate. Are you really this badly misinformed?

And where would you suggest he have them start, THE SCENE OF THE CRIME, NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS, INCLUDING FORD.

Not up to me to suggest. Thats the job of the FBI to figure that stuff out.

Damn, WRONG AGAIN, the law determines that, they have no jurisdiction other than revise their report to the WH.

Nope. Youre wrong and willfully ignorant. Drumpf has every right to have them investigate. He is the only one that can do it. We know because Bush did it back with the Anita Hill case.

The Hill case was a possible Civil Rights violation. Civil Rights is within the federal government. Teen house parties are not. How thick is the cement in your heads where you can't understand the difference?

Also, Anita Hill was a federal employee at the time of the alleged pubic hair coke can incident. Events that happen on federal property are part of the purview of federal law enforcement.

BTW, whatever happened to Long Dong Silver? Shouldn't the networks be getting him to work as CNN news contributor? He probably needs the work, I don't think he's been working in many films lately, and his spin on this might be interesting.
I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
I dont see how restating the fact that she learned about it indirectly is recanting or retracting her story. You are going to have to do better.

Maybe you are a little slow and can't follow along. So let's try this one more time:

That it happened or not, I have no idea

WTF does that mean to you? What it means to me is that her first claim was false. In other words, as she stated, she doesn't have any idea whether it happened or not. But even if she stood her ground, it's still worthless. You can't deny a person for a federal job (or convict) a person based on what somebody heard.
To me that means she wasnt there. That doesnt change the fact that she heard people talking about it.

Sometimes I have to think you are trolling because I have a hard time believing someone is really this ignorant. :laugh:

I'm ignorant? Then explain to this ignorant one how this girl "heard" something that Ford claimed she never told anybody about? Not her parents, her friends, the authorities, a teacher, not even her husband. According to her, she never spoke about it to anybody.

I want you to find me one case in law where a decision was made over somebody (not related to the situation) heard something. Furthermore if this girl heard something, who did she hear it from? At least it would give the committee some kind of lead. Right now they have
If I was a repub I would show women that I cared about women. I would tell the FBI to investigate for a week. Thats plenty of time to show good faith effort.and still be done before the midterms.

The Supreme Court's Fall Term starts on 1 October. Getting the man installed in time is essential, and he should have at least a few days to buy some new clothes for the new job.

The deadline isn't the midterms, but a lot sooner.

How many Justices were on the USSC in October, 2016?

How long had the seat been vacant?

There is no deadline.
I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
So more Injustice thanks to the violence of the the scumbag GOP.... You must be very proud. Who cares about the truth? The GOP bulldozes the country again thanks to silly dupes with no memory.

You wouldn't know injustice if it slapped you on the nose. There is no injustice here. The real injustice is trying to ruin a mans life that did nothing wrong.
Happens all the time... How about Frankel? He would go back to being a judge. Why should the victim have her life ruined just by talking? there should be an investigation for 4 or 5 days just to show how far we have come LOL

You on the left are so dense. WTF are they supposed to investigate for crying out loud?

No witnesses (except for the ones that said Ford is FOS) no location, no time, no name of the host of the party, no year, no city.

I may not remember every party I went to as a child, but I can tell you I can remember who's house a party was at.
Right, she didn't want to have her name revealed. If that was the case, WTF did she lawyer up and take a polygraph test a month before her name came out?
I would assume she did that because she knew she was going to send a letter to some politicians. What makes you think her taking a polygraph or lawyering up means she wanted her name revealed?

What it means is that SHE KNEW it would be revealed. In other words, all part of the Democrat plan.
Thats not what she said. I cant accept your opinion over her statement.

It's not an opinion, it's observation and common sense.

Why would you hire lawyers, take a lie detector test if you actually thought your name would not be used nor would you be questioned about it?

Lawyers are expensive. This was planned all along.
Its definitely your opinion and a dumb one to boot. your common sense is not the same as an intelligent persons common sense. Common sense is agreed upon by the people you hang around.

I would hire them because I didnt trust politicians.

Some people are not poor like you and some attorneys work pro bono.

Only if a lawsuit is involved which in this case, is impossible.

So what you are saying is she lied again. She DID KNOW her name could come out and she would be in the position she's in today. Thanks for admitting that.
If I was a repub I would show women that I cared about women. I would tell the FBI to investigate for a week. Thats plenty of time to show good faith effort.and still be done before the midterms.

The Supreme Court's Fall Term starts on 1 October. Getting the man installed in time is essential, and he should have at least a few days to buy some new clothes for the new job.

The deadline isn't the midterms, but a lot sooner.

How many Justices were on the USSC in October, 2016?

How long had the seat been vacant?

There is no deadline.

We don't want to have to retry cases because of 4-4 non decisions, if at all possible.

Let's just get a decision on this made.

We can still investigate afterwards, and if further information comes forward to indicate that a Supreme justice is a perv, they can be impeached, no problem.
If I was a repub I would show women that I cared about women. I would tell the FBI to investigate for a week. Thats plenty of time to show good faith effort.and still be done before the midterms.

The Supreme Court's Fall Term starts on 1 October. Getting the man installed in time is essential, and he should have at least a few days to buy some new clothes for the new job.

The deadline isn't the midterms, but a lot sooner.

How many Justices were on the USSC in October, 2016?

How long had the seat been vacant?

There is no deadline.

We don't want to have to retry cases because of 4-4 non decisions, if at all possible.

Let's just get a decision on this made.

We can still investigate afterwards, and if further information comes forward to indicate that a Supreme justice is a perv, they can be impeached, no problem.

Quit pretending there is a deadline. There isn't. There's only a rush because Grassley says there's a rush.
If I was a repub I would show women that I cared about women. I would tell the FBI to investigate for a week. Thats plenty of time to show good faith effort.and still be done before the midterms.

The Supreme Court's Fall Term starts on 1 October. Getting the man installed in time is essential, and he should have at least a few days to buy some new clothes for the new job.

The deadline isn't the midterms, but a lot sooner.

How many Justices were on the USSC in October, 2016?

How long had the seat been vacant?

There is no deadline.

We don't want to have to retry cases because of 4-4 non decisions, if at all possible.

Let's just get a decision on this made.

We can still investigate afterwards, and if further information comes forward to indicate that a Supreme justice is a perv, they can be impeached, no problem.

Quit pretending there is a deadline. There isn't. There's only a rush because Grassley says there's a rush.

The Senators are in Washington DC and they are ready to vote on this. Kavanaugh's fellow justices are also in the capital and are ready for the Fall Session

It time to let Mr. Kavanaugh as well as the American people know - if he is being tarred as a Rapist or if he will take his seat on the Supreme Court. Why the delay?
The Republicans refuse to call the sole, alleged witness. That's bullshit.

He already made his statement to the public. He has no Fn idea what this flake is talking about. He wasn't there, it never happened, and Kavanaugh is not that kind of guy. What more do you want?
The Republicans refuse to call the sole, alleged witness. That's bullshit.

He already made his statement to the public. He has no Fn idea what this flake is talking about. He wasn't there, it never happened, and Kavanaugh is not that kind of guy. What more do you want?

I want him to come say it under oath, and be questioned - the same as Repubs insist should happen with Blasey Ford.
The Republicans refuse to call the sole, alleged witness. That's bullshit.

He already made his statement to the public. He has no Fn idea what this flake is talking about. He wasn't there, it never happened, and Kavanaugh is not that kind of guy. What more do you want?

I want him to come say it under oath, and be questioned - the same as Repubs insist should happen with Blasey Ford.

It seems to me he doesn't want to be dragged into this. He has that right. Ford put herself in this position, and even she has the right to refuse to testify.

And do you really think he'd change his story if he was under oath? Why would he? If he was lying, there is no way to prove it.
The Republicans refuse to call the sole, alleged witness. That's bullshit.

He already made his statement to the public. He has no Fn idea what this flake is talking about. He wasn't there, it never happened, and Kavanaugh is not that kind of guy. What more do you want?

I want him to come say it under oath, and be questioned - the same as Repubs insist should happen with Blasey Ford.

It seems to me he doesn't want to be dragged into this. He has that right. Ford put herself in this position, and even she has the right to refuse to testify.

And do you really think he'd change his story if he was under oath? Why would he? If he was lying, there is no way to prove it.

He has already made a public statement, as you said. He should have shut the fuck up. Now, he should come the fuck forward.
Last edited:
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
Geez they hope to post a rapist to serve from power for the rest of his life? Despicable, but makes sense considering the hostility the GOP has shown to the #metoo movement.
How is he a rapist?
So you defend trump and kav yet you deny being a trump supporter or republican? Let me guess you’re a libertarian?
the same as Repubs insist should happen with Blasey Ford.

No one is "insisting" that Ms. Ford come forward, the Republicans merely INVITED her.

And if she comes forward, Judge Kavanaugh would certainly be given an opportunity to respond to her lies.

We will see.

If I were advising Kavanaugh, I would suggest he give an opening statement for any rebuttal, outlining the fact he is innocent, and then refuse to answer any questions.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
Geez they hope to post a rapist to serve from power for the rest of his life? Despicable, but makes sense considering the hostility the GOP has shown to the #metoo movement.
How is he a rapist?
So you defend trump and kav yet you deny being a trump supporter or republican? Let me guess you’re a libertarian?
I selectively comment on issues which concern me.

False accusations against men are a big one which interests me.

Regardless of who it is. I have also stated there is no evidence against clinton

I don't care about the political party I care about what is being said and done.

There are in fact predators and rapists but there are also men who are falsely accused. Being falsely accused of a sex crime is as bad or sometimes worse than being the victim of a sex crime. That is what draws my interest. I don't care if is trump or Clinton PR Daniel Holtclaw.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
Geez they hope to post a rapist to serve from power for the rest of his life? Despicable, but makes sense considering the hostility the GOP has shown to the #metoo movement.
How is he a rapist?
So you defend trump and kav yet you deny being a trump supporter or republican? Let me guess you’re a libertarian?
I selectively comment on issues which concern me.

False accusations against men are a big one which interests me.

Regardless of who it is. I have also stated there is no evidence against clinton

I don't care about the political party I care about what is being said and done.

There are in fact predators and rapists but there are also men who are falsely accused. Being falsely accused of a sex crime is as bad or sometimes worse than being the victim of a sex crime. That is what draws my interest. I don't care if is trump or Clinton PR Daniel Holtclaw.
Did you just say being falsely accused of rape is worse than actually being raped?

You are a republican dude. Are you new? Don’t try to deny the obvious. Maybe you don’t know it yet
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
Geez they hope to post a rapist to serve from power for the rest of his life? Despicable, but makes sense considering the hostility the GOP has shown to the #metoo movement.
How is he a rapist?
So you defend trump and kav yet you deny being a trump supporter or republican? Let me guess you’re a libertarian?
I selectively comment on issues which concern me.

False accusations against men are a big one which interests me.

Regardless of who it is. I have also stated there is no evidence against clinton

I don't care about the political party I care about what is being said and done.

There are in fact predators and rapists but there are also men who are falsely accused. Being falsely accused of a sex crime is as bad or sometimes worse than being the victim of a sex crime. That is what draws my interest. I don't care if is trump or Clinton PR Daniel Holtclaw.
Did you just say being falsely accused of rape is worse than actually being raped?

You are a republican dude. Are you new? Don’t try to deny the obvious. Maybe you don’t know it yet
No I did not say that so stop playing games.

I said it can be as bad or sometimes worse and like it or not that is a demonstrably true statement.

Nor does it make one a republican.

It is not obvious except to a narrow minded fool.

You are not insightful or good at reading people.

You are newer than me.
The Republicans refuse to call the sole, alleged witness. That's bullshit.

He already made his statement to the public. He has no Fn idea what this flake is talking about. He wasn't there, it never happened, and Kavanaugh is not that kind of guy. What more do you want?

I want him to come say it under oath, and be questioned - the same as Repubs insist should happen with Blasey Ford.

It seems to me he doesn't want to be dragged into this. He has that right. Ford put herself in this position, and even she has the right to refuse to testify.

And do you really think he'd change his story if he was under oath? Why would he? If he was lying, there is no way to prove it.

He has already made a public statement, as you said. He should have shut the fuck up. Now, he should come the fuck forward.

Why? I wouldn't if I were him. And why should he not respond when somebody dragged his name into this? I would have responded to in the same way by saying this woman is a nut.
Geez they hope to post a rapist to serve from power for the rest of his life? Despicable, but makes sense considering the hostility the GOP has shown to the #metoo movement.
How is he a rapist?
So you defend trump and kav yet you deny being a trump supporter or republican? Let me guess you’re a libertarian?
I selectively comment on issues which concern me.

False accusations against men are a big one which interests me.

Regardless of who it is. I have also stated there is no evidence against clinton

I don't care about the political party I care about what is being said and done.

There are in fact predators and rapists but there are also men who are falsely accused. Being falsely accused of a sex crime is as bad or sometimes worse than being the victim of a sex crime. That is what draws my interest. I don't care if is trump or Clinton PR Daniel Holtclaw.
Did you just say being falsely accused of rape is worse than actually being raped?

You are a republican dude. Are you new? Don’t try to deny the obvious. Maybe you don’t know it yet
No I did not say that so stop playing games.

I said it can be as bad or sometimes worse and like it or not that is a demonstrably true statement.

Nor does it make one a republican.

It is not obvious except to a narrow minded fool.

You are not insightful or good at reading people.

You are newer than me.
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj

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