Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
So more Injustice thanks to the violence of the the scumbag GOP.... You must be very proud. Who cares about the truth? The GOP bulldozes the country again thanks to silly dupes with no memory.

You wouldn't know injustice if it slapped you on the nose. There is no injustice here. The real injustice is trying to ruin a mans life that did nothing wrong.
Happens all the time... How about Frankel? He would go back to being a judge. Why should the victim have her life ruined just by talking? there should be an investigation for 4 or 5 days just to show how far we have come LOL
Oh I don't know, maybe the FACT that she's currently interfering with governmental administration. And she has already engaged the services and assistance of others.

How is she interfering with governmental administration? Please be specific and cite applicable laws that demonstrate what she is doing.

By making phony allegations against a court nominee, she is wasting the time of a Senate Committee and delaying the seating of Mr. Kavanaugh on to the bench
Who told you they were phony allegations? I know the FBI didnt.

There is no proof, and won't be any proof.

Let's just get the Senate to make a ruling on this, and either confirm Kavanaugh as a justice or have the Senate condemn him as a Child Rapist.
How do you know there is no proof? Did the FBI tell you this?

Why would you look to the FBI, they have nothing to do with this.

Do you really think that Ford was able to contrive a story where there is no evidence, no witnesses, no way to do a check on the location, the date, where Kavanaugh was on that date, the host of the party all on her own?

Of course not. The Democrats carefully researched and planned this for months ahead of time. They staged her claims so that there was no way to check anything.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
I dont see how restating the fact that she learned about it indirectly is recanting or retracting her story. You are going to have to do better.

Maybe you are a little slow and can't follow along. So let's try this one more time:

That it happened or not, I have no idea

WTF does that mean to you? What it means to me is that her first claim was false. In other words, as she stated, she doesn't have any idea whether it happened or not. But even if she stood her ground, it's still worthless. You can't deny a person for a federal job (or convict) a person based on what somebody heard.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
I dont see how restating the fact that she learned about it indirectly is recanting or retracting her story. You are going to have to do better.

Maybe you are a little slow and can't follow along. So let's try this one more time:

That it happened or not, I have no idea

WTF does that mean to you? What it means to me is that her first claim was false. In other words, as she stated, she doesn't have any idea whether it happened or not. But even if she stood her ground, it's still worthless. You can't deny a person for a federal job (or convict) a person based on what somebody heard.
To me that means she wasnt there. That doesnt change the fact that she heard people talking about it.

Sometimes I have to think you are trolling because I have a hard time believing someone is really this ignorant. :laugh:
How is she interfering with governmental administration? Please be specific and cite applicable laws that demonstrate what she is doing.

By making phony allegations against a court nominee, she is wasting the time of a Senate Committee and delaying the seating of Mr. Kavanaugh on to the bench
Who told you they were phony allegations? I know the FBI didnt.

There is no proof, and won't be any proof.

Let's just get the Senate to make a ruling on this, and either confirm Kavanaugh as a justice or have the Senate condemn him as a Child Rapist.
How do you know there is no proof? Did the FBI tell you this?

Why would you look to the FBI, they have nothing to do with this.

Because the FBI looks for proof and I would hate to have a sexual predator on the SC. Its bad enough he is a repub.
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A committee hearing is the same setup. They do things the same way as a court of law.

They listen to the complaint, they allow the defendant the ability to refute that complaint, and perhaps that happens one more time.

The point is, they cannot deny Kavanaugh the right to seek that position based on what somebody "heard" especially if they will not attend to testify what they supposedly heard. In other words, it's all rubbish and not admissible in the court of law or a Senate Committee hearing.
Nope. The committee is not allowing any witnesses. Its just a she said he said dog and pony show.

They committee had every chance to call any witness they wanted. But DiFi decided to wait until that period expired before presenting the letter. YOU SHOULD BE HOLDING HER RESPONSIBLE. And, because your not the sharpest tack in the box, she ain’t republican
No reason to hold her responsible when its the repubs that are not calling for an FBI investigation. I'll just lay the blame where it already is. On the repbus.

You can run from the obvious all you want cuckboy, but the truth is DiFi could have requested it in the normal course of the hearing, she is the responsible party, and now you are her cuck as well.

Man up, you’ll feel better
Coulda shoulda woulda. The point is that the repubs are so eager to have a sexual predator on the SC they cant be bothered with an FBI investigation to make sure they get it right. Tells me exactly what kind of low lying scum repubs are.


She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
I dont see how restating the fact that she learned about it indirectly is recanting or retracting her story. You are going to have to do better.

Maybe you are a little slow and can't follow along. So let's try this one more time:

That it happened or not, I have no idea

WTF does that mean to you? What it means to me is that her first claim was false. In other words, as she stated, she doesn't have any idea whether it happened or not. But even if she stood her ground, it's still worthless. You can't deny a person for a federal job (or convict) a person based on what somebody heard.
Her life was ruined for four or five years she said... It needs to be investigated. If her story checks out he should be allowed 2 withdraw his candidacy and everyone should just remain f****** calm.
Nope. The committee is not allowing any witnesses. Its just a she said he said dog and pony show.

They committee had every chance to call any witness they wanted. But DiFi decided to wait until that period expired before presenting the letter. YOU SHOULD BE HOLDING HER RESPONSIBLE. And, because your not the sharpest tack in the box, she ain’t republican
No reason to hold her responsible when its the repubs that are not calling for an FBI investigation. I'll just lay the blame where it already is. On the repbus.

You can run from the obvious all you want cuckboy, but the truth is DiFi could have requested it in the normal course of the hearing, she is the responsible party, and now you are her cuck as well.

Man up, you’ll feel better
Coulda shoulda woulda. The point is that the repubs are so eager to have a sexual predator on the SC they cant be bothered with an FBI investigation to make sure they get it right. Tells me exactly what kind of low lying scum repubs are.


So do most people... Then there are the silly Dupes...
Now all you need is the word "unfounded" and you'll have a more accurate picture. LMAO

Well the FBI is the only one that can make that determination.

Still telling them whoppers, the FBI has completed it's job in relation to Kavanaugh's background check. They're not going to do more.

The will do it if the Drumpf tells them to. The fact that Drumpf is afraid to have them clear Kavs name tells me he knows Kav is a sexual predator as well.

So now the deflection comes, this has nothing to do with Trump, he completed his duty in the process by making the nomination. So do try to stay on topic.

It has everything to do with Drumpf. Its his nominee and he is the only one that can have the FBI investigate. Are you really this badly misinformed?

And where would you suggest he have them start, THE SCENE OF THE CRIME, NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS, INCLUDING FORD.

Well the FBI is the only one that can make that determination.

Still telling them whoppers, the FBI has completed it's job in relation to Kavanaugh's background check. They're not going to do more.

The will do it if the Drumpf tells them to. The fact that Drumpf is afraid to have them clear Kavs name tells me he knows Kav is a sexual predator as well.

So now the deflection comes, this has nothing to do with Trump, he completed his duty in the process by making the nomination. So do try to stay on topic.

It has everything to do with Drumpf. Its his nominee and he is the only one that can have the FBI investigate. Are you really this badly misinformed?

And where would you suggest he have them start, THE SCENE OF THE CRIME, NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS, INCLUDING FORD.

The FBI is good at that kind of thing. Investigate it. God our media sucks TV wise.
Do you really think that Ford was able to contrive a story where there is no evidence, no witnesses, no way to do a check on the location, the date, where Kavanaugh was on that date, the host of the party all on her own?

Of course not. The Democrats carefully researched and planned this for months ahead of time. They staged her claims so that there was no way to check anything.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
I dont see how restating the fact that she learned about it indirectly is recanting or retracting her story. You are going to have to do better.

OMG revisionist history and the story is only a few days old, God you're pathetic. The broad said she was feeling bold and posted a lie, she never expected to have to verify or defend her lie. She got one hell of a surprise. ROFLMAO

Well the FBI is the only one that can make that determination.

Still telling them whoppers, the FBI has completed it's job in relation to Kavanaugh's background check. They're not going to do more.

The will do it if the Drumpf tells them to. The fact that Drumpf is afraid to have them clear Kavs name tells me he knows Kav is a sexual predator as well.

So now the deflection comes, this has nothing to do with Trump, he completed his duty in the process by making the nomination. So do try to stay on topic.

It has everything to do with Drumpf. Its his nominee and he is the only one that can have the FBI investigate. Are you really this badly misinformed?

And where would you suggest he have them start, THE SCENE OF THE CRIME, NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS, INCLUDING FORD.

Not up to me to suggest. Thats the job of the FBI to figure that stuff out.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
I dont see how restating the fact that she learned about it indirectly is recanting or retracting her story. You are going to have to do better.

OMG revisionist history and the story is only a few days old, God you're pathetic. The broad said she was feeling bold and posted a lie, she never expected to have to verify or defend her lie. She got one hell of a surprise. ROFLMAO

Show me where she said she posted a lie?
By making phony allegations against a court nominee, she is wasting the time of a Senate Committee and delaying the seating of Mr. Kavanaugh on to the bench
Who told you they were phony allegations? I know the FBI didnt.

There is no proof, and won't be any proof.

Let's just get the Senate to make a ruling on this, and either confirm Kavanaugh as a justice or have the Senate condemn him as a Child Rapist.
How do you know there is no proof? Did the FBI tell you this?

Why would you look to the FBI, they have nothing to do with this.

Because the FBI looks for proof and I would hate to have a sexual predator on the SC. Its bad enough he is a repub.

Wrong answer, they just gather information on a background check. And they included Ford's claim in their report to the WH when they learned of it, job done. Damn, you're really good at getting shit wrong.

Who told you they were phony allegations? I know the FBI didnt.

There is no proof, and won't be any proof.

Let's just get the Senate to make a ruling on this, and either confirm Kavanaugh as a justice or have the Senate condemn him as a Child Rapist.
How do you know there is no proof? Did the FBI tell you this?

Why would you look to the FBI, they have nothing to do with this.

Because the FBI looks for proof and I would hate to have a sexual predator on the SC. Its bad enough he is a repub.

Wrong answer, they just gather information on a background check. And they included Ford's claim in their report to the WH when they learned of it, job done. Damn, you're really good at getting shit wrong.

They werent doing a background check when they got Fords claim you ninny. :21:

If they had they would have investigated it then.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

I imagine you could get at least 65 women to attest to Trump's good character--"well maybe not."--:dunno:

It's a little more political than this. Let's face it--it was a brilliant political maneuever by Diane Feinstein who apparently had this letter for who knows how long. So she lets Kavaunaugh in the gate,let's him go through confirmation hearings and waits until the last minute--knowing it would stall the process, and hold up the vote.

Democrats are still pissed that Republicans didn't give Merrick Garland (Obama's last nominee a chance) so Republicans could campaign on the SCOTUS, so it's payback time. They're trying to stall until after the midterm election cycle. If Democrats can take the Senate they will be the ones that will dictate who the next Supreme Court Justice is.

BUT I really don't know why Republicans are so upset about this, because in reality there is nothing special in Niel Gorsuch nor Brett Kavanuagh. At least (not in the way Republicans think they are.)

They have both run the Democrat Gaunlet under G.W. Bush. Both were G.W. Bush nominees coming out of 2006, at a time when Democrats owned the Senate & were in charge of confirming Federal Court Justices. While Democrats turned down many of G.W's nominees, they confirmed both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh to Federal court Judgeships. Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory who stated during confirmation hearings that ROE V WADE is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

IOW these same Democrats would have also voted for & confirmed Brett Kavanaugh. You'll note that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton & Diane Feinstein confirmed them both to Federal Court positions.


Where Republicans run the risk of confirming Kavanaugh prior to an investigation, is with women. Women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. He is in the tank at 27% and we're headed into the midterm election cycle. Therefore by installing Kavanaugh without an investigation will only add fuel to that flre. The worse case scenario for Republicans, is if what this woman is stating is true, and it comes out after he becomes SCOTUS. Holy skeetshe.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

So Republicans are stuck in a corner on this one. It would be in their best interest to play along and do an investigation, & then have her testify before confirming Kavanaugh.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today--they carry a very big punch in the voting booth. Women are already pissed, and you can click this link that will redirect you to another thread on this board to see if for yourself. Pictures included.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
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Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

I imagine you could get at least 65 women to attest to Trump's good character--"well maybe not."--:dunno:

It's a little more than political than this. Let's face it--it was a brilliant political maneuever by Diane Feinstein who apparently had this letter for who knows how long. So she lets Kavaunaugh in the gate,let's him go through confirmation hearings and waits until the last minute--knowing it would stall the process, and hold up the vote.

Democrats are still pissed that Republicans didn't give Merrick Garland (Obama's last nominee a chance) so they could campaign on the SCOTUS, so it's payback time. They're trying to stall until after the midterm election cycle. If Democrats can take the Senate they will be the ones that will dictate who the next Supreme Court Justice is.

BUT I really don't know why Republicans are so upset about this, because in reality there is nothing special in Niel Gorsuch nor Brett Kavanuagh. At least (not in the way Republicans think they are.)

They have both ran the Democrat Gaunlet under G.W. Bush. Both were G.W. Bush nominees coming out of 2006, at a time when Democrats owned the Senate & were in charge of confirming Federal Court Justices. While Democrats turned down many of G.W's nominees, they confirmed both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh to Federal court Judgeships. Niel Gorsuch is the first nominee in my memory who stated during confirmation hearings that ROE V WADE is precedent in the Constitution, meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

IOW these same Democrats would have also voted for & confirmed Brett Kavanaugh. You'll note that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton & Diane Feinstein confirmed them both.


Where Republicans run the risk of confirming Kavanaugh prior to an investigation, is with women. Women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. He is in the tank at 27% and we're headed into the midterm election cycle. Therefore by installing Kavanaugh without an investigation will only add fuel to that flre. The worse case scenario for Republicans, is if what this woman is stating is true, and it comes out after he becomes SCOTUS. Holy skeetshe.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

So Republicans are stuck in a corner on this one. It would be in their best interest to play along and do an investigation, & then have her testify before confirming Kavanaugh.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today--they carry a very big punch in the voting booth. Women are already pissed, and you can click this link that will redirect you to another thread on this board to see if for yourself. Pictures included. 2018.683920/
The only thing I can think of is that the repubs are incredibly dumb or terrified that Kav has some skeletons.

If I was a repub I would show women that I cared about women. I would tell the FBI to investigate for a week. Thats plenty of time to show good faith effort.and still be done before the midterms.
Still telling them whoppers, the FBI has completed it's job in relation to Kavanaugh's background check. They're not going to do more.

The will do it if the Drumpf tells them to. The fact that Drumpf is afraid to have them clear Kavs name tells me he knows Kav is a sexual predator as well.

So now the deflection comes, this has nothing to do with Trump, he completed his duty in the process by making the nomination. So do try to stay on topic.

It has everything to do with Drumpf. Its his nominee and he is the only one that can have the FBI investigate. Are you really this badly misinformed?

And where would you suggest he have them start, THE SCENE OF THE CRIME, NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS, INCLUDING FORD.

The FBI is good at that kind of thing. Investigate it. God our media sucks TV wise.

Yeah, fuck it, who cares they don't have a legal reason to investigate, the commiecrats think they run the show. FU!

Still telling them whoppers, the FBI has completed it's job in relation to Kavanaugh's background check. They're not going to do more.

The will do it if the Drumpf tells them to. The fact that Drumpf is afraid to have them clear Kavs name tells me he knows Kav is a sexual predator as well.

So now the deflection comes, this has nothing to do with Trump, he completed his duty in the process by making the nomination. So do try to stay on topic.

It has everything to do with Drumpf. Its his nominee and he is the only one that can have the FBI investigate. Are you really this badly misinformed?

And where would you suggest he have them start, THE SCENE OF THE CRIME, NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS, INCLUDING FORD.

Not up to me to suggest. Thats the job of the FBI to figure that stuff out.

Damn, WRONG AGAIN, the law determines that, they have no jurisdiction other than revise their report to the WH.

The will do it if the Drumpf tells them to. The fact that Drumpf is afraid to have them clear Kavs name tells me he knows Kav is a sexual predator as well.

So now the deflection comes, this has nothing to do with Trump, he completed his duty in the process by making the nomination. So do try to stay on topic.

It has everything to do with Drumpf. Its his nominee and he is the only one that can have the FBI investigate. Are you really this badly misinformed?

And where would you suggest he have them start, THE SCENE OF THE CRIME, NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS, INCLUDING FORD.

The FBI is good at that kind of thing. Investigate it. God our media sucks TV wise.

Yeah, fuck it, who cares they don't have a legal reason to investigate, the commiecrats think they run the show. FU!

Brainwashed hyper partisanship much

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