Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

while I was pointing out an example of how easily rumors can get started
Which is a red herring, because this is not a "rumor", but rather an explicit claim by the alleged victim.

It's a story contrived by operatives in the DNC.
Ridiculous. That's a scumbag brainwashing Republican trick.

Do you really think that Ford was able to contrive a story where there is no evidence, no witnesses, no way to do a check on the location, the date, where Kavanaugh was on that date, the host of the party all on her own?

Of course not. The Democrats carefully researched and planned this for months ahead of time. They staged her claims so that there was no way to check anything.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
Nope. The committee is not allowing any witnesses. Its just a she said he said dog and pony show.

They committee had every chance to call any witness they wanted. But DiFi decided to wait until that period expired before presenting the letter. YOU SHOULD BE HOLDING HER RESPONSIBLE. And, because your not the sharpest tack in the box, she ain’t republican
No reason to hold her responsible when its the repubs that are not calling for an FBI investigation. I'll just lay the blame where it already is. On the repbus.

You can run from the obvious all you want cuckboy, but the truth is DiFi could have requested it in the normal course of the hearing, she is the responsible party, and now you are her cuck as well.

Man up, you’ll feel better
Coulda shoulda woulda. The point is that the repubs are so eager to have a sexual predator on the SC they cant be bothered with an FBI investigation to make sure they get it right. Tells me exactly what kind of low lying scum repubs are.

You now it could have been done in the normal course of business, and you deflect to this?

Proof you use victims of sexual assault as pawns.

Good cuck. You going to get a spanking for that?

I bet you can’t wait
It probably could have if she had not said she didnt want her name revealed. The problem was she didnt want her name revealed. Not much you can do with an anonymous source in a kangaroo congress.
Which is a red herring, because this is not a "rumor", but rather an explicit claim by the alleged victim.

It's a story contrived by operatives in the DNC.
Ridiculous. That's a scumbag brainwashing Republican trick.

Do you really think that Ford was able to contrive a story where there is no evidence, no witnesses, no way to do a check on the location, the date, where Kavanaugh was on that date, the host of the party all on her own?

Of course not. The Democrats carefully researched and planned this for months ahead of time. They staged her claims so that there was no way to check anything.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.
A committee hearing is the same setup. They do things the same way as a court of law.

They listen to the complaint, they allow the defendant the ability to refute that complaint, and perhaps that happens one more time.

The point is, they cannot deny Kavanaugh the right to seek that position based on what somebody "heard" especially if they will not attend to testify what they supposedly heard. In other words, it's all rubbish and not admissible in the court of law or a Senate Committee hearing.
Nope. The committee is not allowing any witnesses. Its just a she said he said dog and pony show.

They committee had every chance to call any witness they wanted. But DiFi decided to wait until that period expired before presenting the letter. YOU SHOULD BE HOLDING HER RESPONSIBLE. And, because your not the sharpest tack in the box, she ain’t republican
No reason to hold her responsible when its the repubs that are not calling for an FBI investigation. I'll just lay the blame where it already is. On the repbus.

You can run from the obvious all you want cuckboy, but the truth is DiFi could have requested it in the normal course of the hearing, she is the responsible party, and now you are her cuck as well.

Man up, you’ll feel better
Coulda shoulda woulda. The point is that the repubs are so eager to have a sexual predator on the SC they cant be bothered with an FBI investigation to make sure they get it right. Tells me exactly what kind of low lying scum repubs are.

Then you better refer the FBI as lying scum, because it's that agency that refused to investigate--not the Republicans.
They committee had every chance to call any witness they wanted. But DiFi decided to wait until that period expired before presenting the letter. YOU SHOULD BE HOLDING HER RESPONSIBLE. And, because your not the sharpest tack in the box, she ain’t republican
No reason to hold her responsible when its the repubs that are not calling for an FBI investigation. I'll just lay the blame where it already is. On the repbus.

You can run from the obvious all you want cuckboy, but the truth is DiFi could have requested it in the normal course of the hearing, she is the responsible party, and now you are her cuck as well.

Man up, you’ll feel better
Coulda shoulda woulda. The point is that the repubs are so eager to have a sexual predator on the SC they cant be bothered with an FBI investigation to make sure they get it right. Tells me exactly what kind of low lying scum repubs are.

You now it could have been done in the normal course of business, and you deflect to this?

Proof you use victims of sexual assault as pawns.

Good cuck. You going to get a spanking for that?

I bet you can’t wait
It probably could have if she had not said she didnt want her name revealed. The problem was she didnt want her name revealed. Not much you can do with an anonymous source in a kangaroo congress.

Right, she didn't want to have her name revealed. If that was the case, WTF did she lawyer up and take a polygraph test a month before her name came out?
There doesnt have to be proof for someone to make an accusation. The problem comes when the story is corroborated by someone else which it was.

Who corroborated the story?
The woman that said she heard people talking about the attempted rape.

You might want to look up the word recanted in relation to that BS story. Damn you're a laugh a minute.

I already provided you the definition so I dont need to look it up. You probably need an adult to explain to you what the definition means so you wont make the mistake of thinking someone not speaking to the media means they are recanting their story.

I'd say this fits the definition of recanted.

Classmate of Kavanaugh Accuser Retracts Claim She Knew About Sexual Assault in High School: ‘I Have No Idea’

Classmate of Kavanaugh Accuser Retracts Claim She Knew About Sexual Assault in High School: 'I Have No Idea'

Aren't retract and recant synonymous? Well lookie there, yes they are. ROFLMFAO

Synonym for retract:
  1. draw or be drawn back or back in.
    "she retracted her hand as if she'd been burned" ·
    withdraw · unsay · recant · disown · disavow · disclaim · abjure · repudiate · renounce · reverse · revoke · rescind · annul ·
See, now you're not nearly as ignorant as you were 5 minutes ago.

Theres two problems with this post. First she never said she retracts or recants her story and #2 that synonym is referring to the another definition of recant that has nothing to do with recanting a story.
Nope. The committee is not allowing any witnesses. Its just a she said he said dog and pony show.

They committee had every chance to call any witness they wanted. But DiFi decided to wait until that period expired before presenting the letter. YOU SHOULD BE HOLDING HER RESPONSIBLE. And, because your not the sharpest tack in the box, she ain’t republican
No reason to hold her responsible when its the repubs that are not calling for an FBI investigation. I'll just lay the blame where it already is. On the repbus.

You can run from the obvious all you want cuckboy, but the truth is DiFi could have requested it in the normal course of the hearing, she is the responsible party, and now you are her cuck as well.

Man up, you’ll feel better
Coulda shoulda woulda. The point is that the repubs are so eager to have a sexual predator on the SC they cant be bothered with an FBI investigation to make sure they get it right. Tells me exactly what kind of low lying scum repubs are.

Then you better refer the FBI as lying scum, because it's that agency that refused to investigate--not the Republicans.
They had to refuse dummy. Only Drumpf can have them investigate.
No reason to hold her responsible when its the repubs that are not calling for an FBI investigation. I'll just lay the blame where it already is. On the repbus.

You can run from the obvious all you want cuckboy, but the truth is DiFi could have requested it in the normal course of the hearing, she is the responsible party, and now you are her cuck as well.

Man up, you’ll feel better
Coulda shoulda woulda. The point is that the repubs are so eager to have a sexual predator on the SC they cant be bothered with an FBI investigation to make sure they get it right. Tells me exactly what kind of low lying scum repubs are.

You now it could have been done in the normal course of business, and you deflect to this?

Proof you use victims of sexual assault as pawns.

Good cuck. You going to get a spanking for that?

I bet you can’t wait
It probably could have if she had not said she didnt want her name revealed. The problem was she didnt want her name revealed. Not much you can do with an anonymous source in a kangaroo congress.

Right, she didn't want to have her name revealed. If that was the case, WTF did she lawyer up and take a polygraph test a month before her name came out?
I would assume she did that because she knew she was going to send a letter to some politicians. What makes you think her taking a polygraph or lawyering up means she wanted her name revealed?
Which is a red herring, because this is not a "rumor", but rather an explicit claim by the alleged victim.

It's a story contrived by operatives in the DNC.
Ridiculous. That's a scumbag brainwashing Republican trick.

Do you really think that Ford was able to contrive a story where there is no evidence, no witnesses, no way to do a check on the location, the date, where Kavanaugh was on that date, the host of the party all on her own?

Of course not. The Democrats carefully researched and planned this for months ahead of time. They staged her claims so that there was no way to check anything.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

Her therapist was told nothing of the kind. Ford disputes the therapists notes.

God, you cucks will do anything a chick demands.

When did the chicks remove your spine? Did it hurt?
To not have the FBI investigate for a few days is ridiculous. And cut the non political crap dialogue or you will be reported.
Really, did the committee vote occur last week as scheduled? If not, WHY?????????????

Because the repubs called it off? No one made them reschedule it. If someone was stupid enough to follow your logic then that means the FBI would be investigating right now because Ford took over the process.

Correct because they are trying to appear being fair. Even then, the Ford team is giving Republicans a hard time and keep trying to push the goalposts back.
Ok but you still havent shown me how she is breaking any laws

I never said she was braking any laws. What I said is that this entire thing is a stall tactic which is pretty obvious now.........well, to most of us.

No you said this.....

"There is probable cause to say she is intentionally interfering with governmental administration, searching for evidence of a possible conspiracy with others to that end wouldn't be unreasonable."

Show me where she broke any laws. The only reason to use the phrase probable cause is for legal reasons to charge someone with a crime.

He didn't say that, DAMN YOU'RE WRONG AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a story contrived by operatives in the DNC.
Ridiculous. That's a scumbag brainwashing Republican trick.

Do you really think that Ford was able to contrive a story where there is no evidence, no witnesses, no way to do a check on the location, the date, where Kavanaugh was on that date, the host of the party all on her own?

Of course not. The Democrats carefully researched and planned this for months ahead of time. They staged her claims so that there was no way to check anything.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
I got one:

  1. a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.
    "they were investigating rumors of a massacre" ·
    gossip · hearsay · talk · tittle-tattle · the grapevine ·
    reportedly · reputedly ·
I'd say that fits the Ford story pretty well.

You need someone holding your hand and helping you with the correct terminology.

  1. a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
Id say instead of a rumor we should label it what it is. An accusation.

Now all you need is the word "unfounded" and you'll have a more accurate picture. LMAO

Well the FBI is the only one that can make that determination.

Still telling them whoppers, the FBI has completed it's job in relation to Kavanaugh's background check. They're not going to do more.

The will do it if the Drumpf tells them to. The fact that Drumpf is afraid to have them clear Kavs name tells me he knows Kav is a sexual predator as well.

So now the deflection comes, this has nothing to do with Trump, he completed his duty in the process by making the nomination. So do try to stay on topic.

You can run from the obvious all you want cuckboy, but the truth is DiFi could have requested it in the normal course of the hearing, she is the responsible party, and now you are her cuck as well.

Man up, you’ll feel better
Coulda shoulda woulda. The point is that the repubs are so eager to have a sexual predator on the SC they cant be bothered with an FBI investigation to make sure they get it right. Tells me exactly what kind of low lying scum repubs are.

You now it could have been done in the normal course of business, and you deflect to this?

Proof you use victims of sexual assault as pawns.

Good cuck. You going to get a spanking for that?

I bet you can’t wait
It probably could have if she had not said she didnt want her name revealed. The problem was she didnt want her name revealed. Not much you can do with an anonymous source in a kangaroo congress.

Right, she didn't want to have her name revealed. If that was the case, WTF did she lawyer up and take a polygraph test a month before her name came out?
I would assume she did that because she knew she was going to send a letter to some politicians. What makes you think her taking a polygraph or lawyering up means she wanted her name revealed?

What it means is that SHE KNEW it would be revealed. In other words, all part of the Democrat plan.
You need someone holding your hand and helping you with the correct terminology.

  1. a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
Id say instead of a rumor we should label it what it is. An accusation.

Now all you need is the word "unfounded" and you'll have a more accurate picture. LMAO

Well the FBI is the only one that can make that determination.

Still telling them whoppers, the FBI has completed it's job in relation to Kavanaugh's background check. They're not going to do more.

The will do it if the Drumpf tells them to. The fact that Drumpf is afraid to have them clear Kavs name tells me he knows Kav is a sexual predator as well.

So now the deflection comes, this has nothing to do with Trump, he completed his duty in the process by making the nomination. So do try to stay on topic.

It has everything to do with Drumpf. Its his nominee and he is the only one that can have the FBI investigate. Are you really this badly misinformed?
Coulda shoulda woulda. The point is that the repubs are so eager to have a sexual predator on the SC they cant be bothered with an FBI investigation to make sure they get it right. Tells me exactly what kind of low lying scum repubs are.

You now it could have been done in the normal course of business, and you deflect to this?

Proof you use victims of sexual assault as pawns.

Good cuck. You going to get a spanking for that?

I bet you can’t wait
It probably could have if she had not said she didnt want her name revealed. The problem was she didnt want her name revealed. Not much you can do with an anonymous source in a kangaroo congress.

Right, she didn't want to have her name revealed. If that was the case, WTF did she lawyer up and take a polygraph test a month before her name came out?
I would assume she did that because she knew she was going to send a letter to some politicians. What makes you think her taking a polygraph or lawyering up means she wanted her name revealed?

What it means is that SHE KNEW it would be revealed. In other words, all part of the Democrat plan.
Thats not what she said. I cant accept your opinion over her statement.
Ridiculous. That's a scumbag brainwashing Republican trick.

Do you really think that Ford was able to contrive a story where there is no evidence, no witnesses, no way to do a check on the location, the date, where Kavanaugh was on that date, the host of the party all on her own?

Of course not. The Democrats carefully researched and planned this for months ahead of time. They staged her claims so that there was no way to check anything.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
I dont see how restating the fact that she learned about it indirectly is recanting or retracting her story. You are going to have to do better.
Ridiculous. That's a scumbag brainwashing Republican trick.

Do you really think that Ford was able to contrive a story where there is no evidence, no witnesses, no way to do a check on the location, the date, where Kavanaugh was on that date, the host of the party all on her own?

Of course not. The Democrats carefully researched and planned this for months ahead of time. They staged her claims so that there was no way to check anything.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
So more Injustice thanks to the violence of the the scumbag GOP.... You must be very proud. Who cares about the truth? The GOP bulldozes the country again thanks to silly dupes with no memory.
You now it could have been done in the normal course of business, and you deflect to this?

Proof you use victims of sexual assault as pawns.

Good cuck. You going to get a spanking for that?

I bet you can’t wait
It probably could have if she had not said she didnt want her name revealed. The problem was she didnt want her name revealed. Not much you can do with an anonymous source in a kangaroo congress.

Right, she didn't want to have her name revealed. If that was the case, WTF did she lawyer up and take a polygraph test a month before her name came out?
I would assume she did that because she knew she was going to send a letter to some politicians. What makes you think her taking a polygraph or lawyering up means she wanted her name revealed?

What it means is that SHE KNEW it would be revealed. In other words, all part of the Democrat plan.
Thats not what she said. I cant accept your opinion over her statement.

It's not an opinion, it's observation and common sense.

Why would you hire lawyers, take a lie detector test if you actually thought your name would not be used nor would you be questioned about it?

Lawyers are expensive. This was planned all along.
Do you really think that Ford was able to contrive a story where there is no evidence, no witnesses, no way to do a check on the location, the date, where Kavanaugh was on that date, the host of the party all on her own?

Of course not. The Democrats carefully researched and planned this for months ahead of time. They staged her claims so that there was no way to check anything.
She has classmates that remember at the the time and her therapist and husband were told 6 years ago. They can really conspire can't they? Idiot. And they all protect Hillary and Bill and Obama and Lerner comma including our law enforcement. Only your high school grad bought off Coke head DJ pundits know the truth...

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. There was ONE person that claims she heard something about it, and then backed off saying she really had no information on it.

So if Ford never told anybody anything until her therapy session in 2012, HTF did somebody else hear about it in school when it supposedly happened?

This Democrat clown is a liar and proven on every level.
No she didnt say she didnt have any information about it. She said she was not going to talk to the media.

"That it happened or not, I have no idea. I can't say that it did or didn't," Miranda says. "In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen]. I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter."

Ford's Classmate Backtracks After Saying Attack 'Did Happen'
So more Injustice thanks to the violence of the the scumbag GOP.... You must be very proud. Who cares about the truth? The GOP bulldozes the country again thanks to silly dupes with no memory.

You wouldn't know injustice if it slapped you on the nose. There is no injustice here. The real injustice is trying to ruin a mans life that did nothing wrong.
It probably could have if she had not said she didnt want her name revealed. The problem was she didnt want her name revealed. Not much you can do with an anonymous source in a kangaroo congress.

Right, she didn't want to have her name revealed. If that was the case, WTF did she lawyer up and take a polygraph test a month before her name came out?
I would assume she did that because she knew she was going to send a letter to some politicians. What makes you think her taking a polygraph or lawyering up means she wanted her name revealed?

What it means is that SHE KNEW it would be revealed. In other words, all part of the Democrat plan.
Thats not what she said. I cant accept your opinion over her statement.

It's not an opinion, it's observation and common sense.

Why would you hire lawyers, take a lie detector test if you actually thought your name would not be used nor would you be questioned about it?

Lawyers are expensive. This was planned all along.
Its definitely your opinion and a dumb one to boot. your common sense is not the same as an intelligent persons common sense. Common sense is agreed upon by the people you hang around.

I would hire them because I didnt trust politicians.

Some people are not poor like you and some attorneys work pro bono.

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