Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Still telling them whoppers, the FBI has completed it's job in relation to Kavanaugh's background check. They're not going to do more.

The will do it if the Drumpf tells them to. The fact that Drumpf is afraid to have them clear Kavs name tells me he knows Kav is a sexual predator as well.

So now the deflection comes, this has nothing to do with Trump, he completed his duty in the process by making the nomination. So do try to stay on topic.

It has everything to do with Drumpf. Its his nominee and he is the only one that can have the FBI investigate. Are you really this badly misinformed?

And where would you suggest he have them start, THE SCENE OF THE CRIME, NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS, INCLUDING FORD.

The FBI is good at that kind of thing. Investigate it. God our media sucks TV wise.

The why didn’t DiFi request it during the hearings, when by the way, SHE HAD THE RIGHT TO MAKE THE REQUEST. DiFi knew that once the gavel dropped ending the meeting, IT COULD NOT BE FURTHER INVESTIATED.

Got that demoscum cuckdupe?
Did you just say being falsely accused of rape is worse than actually being raped?

You are a republican dude. Are you new? Don’t try to deny the obvious. Maybe you don’t know it yet
No I did not say that so stop playing games.

I said it can be as bad or sometimes worse and like it or not that is a demonstrably true statement.

Nor does it make one a republican.

It is not obvious except to a narrow minded fool.

You are not insightful or good at reading people.

You are newer than me.
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj
You are newer than I am and no such history is reflected.

You have twisted my words and accused me of saying two different things so no i did not say it again. My statement stands as true and your outrage does not challenge it.

Yes being falsely accused of rape or other sex crimes can be as bad or worse as being raped and only an idiot thinks otherwise.

Try to say it with a broomstick up your ass.

You miserable worthless coward. Did you really think you could sneak back in here without being seen? Go back to your leftist safe space with the other chickenshits.

What's on your mind, nutless?
Yes and it stands unchallenged and it is demonstrably true.

Declaring me an idiot proves you lack the intelligence to refute it. Saying it is idiotic does not make it so.

Logic supports it, facts support it and you have neither to refute it.

You admit your inferiority again.

Logic? GTFOH!
Yes it crushes you

Show the logic.
Stating the fact that one thing can be as bad or worse than another is not a denial of the seriousness of both.

You said it is which is stating a logical fallacy.

You said, 'logic supports it'. Show it, in linear thinking.
I did

I can back up what I said you cannot refute it or even challenge it.

Your childish insults prove you know I am right and your insults are an admission of this.

Thank you for admitting that I am right and your superior

No victory quite like self-declared victory.

You're showing you don't consider being the victim of a sex crime to be a serious matter. Test this by substituting any other serious crime in your formulation - murder being the most obvious.
You mean a real victory where the opponent can only hurl insults and now has to lie as you have just done

That also proves your weakness.

Nothing I have said reflects any lack of sympathy for victims. Nothing i have said marginalizes the seriousness of being victim of a sex crime. Your assertion is a bald faced lie.

Replacing raper with another type of crime is a stupid and worthless test because it is not a comparison.

The facts stand for themselves and support me while proving you wrong.

Here's your quote, dummy:

"Yes being falsely accused of rape or other sex crimes can be as bad or worse as being raped and only an idiot thinks otherwise."

That stands for itself, and I don't see any facts nearby. It's just an idiot's opinion.
Yes and it stands unchallenged and it is demonstrably true.

Declaring me an idiot proves you lack the intelligence to refute it. Saying it is idiotic does not make it so.

Logic supports it, facts support it and you have neither to refute it.

You admit your inferiority again.

Logic? GTFOH!
Yes logic shows that just because you do not like or agree with something does not refute it.

It also proves you lied about my statement.

Pretty much destroys your claim.

Scream idiot all day and you still lose and insults are not an argument.

Or maybe this is the problem, you think my statment is self evidently false

It is not.
The Republicans refuse to call the sole, alleged witness. That's bullshit.

He already made his statement to the public. He has no Fn idea what this flake is talking about. He wasn't there, it never happened, and Kavanaugh is not that kind of guy. What more do you want?

I want him to come say it under oath, and be questioned - the same as Repubs insist should happen with Blasey Ford.

He said it under oath, do try to keep up.


Mark Judge was under oath?

Is your admonition misplaced?

Judiciary Committee Continues Effort to Accommodate ...
15 hours ago · Mark Judge and one other alleged witness to the events Dr. Ford has described have already denied the allegations under penalty of felony to the Committee. We can obtain additional testimony through staff interviews, obtaining statements, or other means that are subject to penalties of felony, if necessary.

Has mark judge given judicial committee a statement under oath - Bing

If ignorance is bliss, you must be very happy.

The Republicans refuse to call the sole, alleged witness. That's bullshit.

He already made his statement to the public. He has no Fn idea what this flake is talking about. He wasn't there, it never happened, and Kavanaugh is not that kind of guy. What more do you want?

I want him to come say it under oath, and be questioned - the same as Repubs insist should happen with Blasey Ford.

He said it under oath, do try to keep up.


Mark Judge was under oath?

Is your admonition misplaced?

Judiciary Committee Continues Effort to Accommodate ...
15 hours ago · Mark Judge and one other alleged witness to the events Dr. Ford has described have already denied the allegations under penalty of felony to the Committee. We can obtain additional testimony through staff interviews, obtaining statements, or other means that are subject to penalties of felony, if necessary.

Has mark judge given judicial committee a statement under oath - Bing

If ignorance is bliss, you must be very happy.


That doesn't say he appeared before the committee, or that he testified under oath. It is a felony to lie to Congress, oath or not. It could have been a phone call. Don't try to make it something it's not. Or perhaps you can provide a link to Mark Judge's testimony under oath.
No victory quite like self-declared victory.

You're showing you don't consider being the victim of a sex crime to be a serious matter. Test this by substituting any other serious crime in your formulation - murder being the most obvious.
You mean a real victory where the opponent can only hurl insults and now has to lie as you have just done

That also proves your weakness.

Nothing I have said reflects any lack of sympathy for victims. Nothing i have said marginalizes the seriousness of being victim of a sex crime. Your assertion is a bald faced lie.

Replacing raper with another type of crime is a stupid and worthless test because it is not a comparison.

The facts stand for themselves and support me while proving you wrong.

Here's your quote, dummy:

"Yes being falsely accused of rape or other sex crimes can be as bad or worse as being raped and only an idiot thinks otherwise."

That stands for itself, and I don't see any facts nearby. It's just an idiot's opinion.
Yes and it stands unchallenged and it is demonstrably true.

Declaring me an idiot proves you lack the intelligence to refute it. Saying it is idiotic does not make it so.

Logic supports it, facts support it and you have neither to refute it.

You admit your inferiority again.

Logic? GTFOH!
Yes logic shows that just because you do not like or agree with something does not refute it.

It also proves you lied about my statement.

Pretty much destroys your claim.

Scream idiot all day and you still lose and insults are not an argument.

Or maybe this is the problem, you think my statment is self evidently false

It is not.

You can't come close to showing the logic you claim supports your statement.

When you can show being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped, get back to us.
You mean a real victory where the opponent can only hurl insults and now has to lie as you have just done

That also proves your weakness.

Nothing I have said reflects any lack of sympathy for victims. Nothing i have said marginalizes the seriousness of being victim of a sex crime. Your assertion is a bald faced lie.

Replacing raper with another type of crime is a stupid and worthless test because it is not a comparison.

The facts stand for themselves and support me while proving you wrong.

Here's your quote, dummy:

"Yes being falsely accused of rape or other sex crimes can be as bad or worse as being raped and only an idiot thinks otherwise."

That stands for itself, and I don't see any facts nearby. It's just an idiot's opinion.
Yes and it stands unchallenged and it is demonstrably true.

Declaring me an idiot proves you lack the intelligence to refute it. Saying it is idiotic does not make it so.

Logic supports it, facts support it and you have neither to refute it.

You admit your inferiority again.

Logic? GTFOH!
Yes logic shows that just because you do not like or agree with something does not refute it.

It also proves you lied about my statement.

Pretty much destroys your claim.

Scream idiot all day and you still lose and insults are not an argument.

Or maybe this is the problem, you think my statment is self evidently false

It is not.

You can't come close to showing the logic you claim supports your statement.

When you can show being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped, get back to us.
I demonstrated logic supports me and refutes you.

It is being demonstrated again by yet another lie from you

I would provide support and evidence for my statement but not for what you are asking which is something I never said.

Too easy to pwn you
When you can show being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped, get back to us.

Sometimes it is. In the case of Judge Kavanaugh, the false accusations could easily destroy his career and his family. There have others who have spent long periods in prison after false rape accusations as well.

And don't forget the case of the Duke Lacrosse Boys, who were thrown out of school, their educations left in shambles over such charges.

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

Pretending as if false rape charges are "no big deal" is pretty pathetic.
He already made his statement to the public. He has no Fn idea what this flake is talking about. He wasn't there, it never happened, and Kavanaugh is not that kind of guy. What more do you want?

I want him to come say it under oath, and be questioned - the same as Repubs insist should happen with Blasey Ford.

He said it under oath, do try to keep up.


Mark Judge was under oath?

Is your admonition misplaced?

Judiciary Committee Continues Effort to Accommodate ...
15 hours ago · Mark Judge and one other alleged witness to the events Dr. Ford has described have already denied the allegations under penalty of felony to the Committee. We can obtain additional testimony through staff interviews, obtaining statements, or other means that are subject to penalties of felony, if necessary.

Has mark judge given judicial committee a statement under oath - Bing

If ignorance is bliss, you must be very happy.


That doesn't say he appeared before the committee, or that he testified under oath. It is a felony to lie to Congress, oath or not. It could have been a phone call. Don't try to make it something it's not. Or perhaps you can provide a link to Mark Judge's testimony under oath.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. They gave testimony to the committee or their staff under penalty of a felony. That's all you need to know.

When you can show being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped, get back to us.

Sometimes it is. In the case of Judge Kavanaugh, the false accusations could easily destroy his career and his family. There have others who have spent long periods in prison after false rape accusations as well.

And don't forget the case of the Duke Lacrosse Boys, who were thrown out of school, their educations left in shambles over such charges.

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

Pretending as if false rape charges are "no big deal" is pretty pathetic.
An even more recent nightmare is the horrific destruction of Daniel Holtzclaw of Oklahoma.

He sits in prison now with a sentence of over 200 years. His life has been destroyed forever.

Any honest, impartial and objective examination of his case can only conclude he was railroaded and framed with false accusations.

People celebrated when he was put away. The facts of the case are ignored. The state knows this and has held closed door meetings with judges and prosecutors about these details with no record.

It is reprehensible and a warning to all that trump was correct and every person is in danger from the lefts insistence that accusation equal guilt.
When you can show being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped, get back to us.

Sometimes it is. In the case of Judge Kavanaugh, the false accusations could easily destroy his career and his family. There have others who have spent long periods in prison after false rape accusations as well.

And don't forget the case of the Duke Lacrosse Boys, who were thrown out of school, their educations left in shambles over such charges.

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

Pretending as if false rape charges are "no big deal" is pretty pathetic.
An even more recent nightmare is the horrific destruction of Daniel Holtzclaw of Oklahoma.

He sits in prison now with a sentence of over 200 years. His life has been destroyed forever.

Any honest, impartial and objective examination of his case can only conclude he was railroaded and framed with false accusations.

People celebrated when he was put away. The facts of the case are ignored. The state knows this and has held closed door meetings with judges and prosecutors about these details with no record.

It is reprehensible and a warning to all that trump was correct and every person is in danger from the lefts insistence that accusation equal guilt.

Rape is a serious thing for a woman, but so is being accused (or charged) of being a rapist.

It reminds me of the death penalty argument we have so often. While those of us on the right are for capital punishment, the left soon trots out people who were convicted of murder that didn't to it.

I'm all for the death penalty as I am for maximum punishment for rapists, but that's provided there is empirical evidence before conviction.

In this Kavanaugh case, there is no possible way to prove an attack one way or another. The allegation should not even be entertained for that reason. She could make all kinds of claims, but without proof, it's moot. Same for Kavanaugh. So in the end, we end up right back to where we started, but only one walks away injured.
When you can show being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped, get back to us.

Sometimes it is. In the case of Judge Kavanaugh, the false accusations could easily destroy his career and his family. There have others who have spent long periods in prison after false rape accusations as well.

And don't forget the case of the Duke Lacrosse Boys, who were thrown out of school, their educations left in shambles over such charges.

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

Pretending as if false rape charges are "no big deal" is pretty pathetic.
An even more recent nightmare is the horrific destruction of Daniel Holtzclaw of Oklahoma.

He sits in prison now with a sentence of over 200 years. His life has been destroyed forever.

Any honest, impartial and objective examination of his case can only conclude he was railroaded and framed with false accusations.

People celebrated when he was put away. The facts of the case are ignored. The state knows this and has held closed door meetings with judges and prosecutors about these details with no record.

It is reprehensible and a warning to all that trump was correct and every person is in danger from the lefts insistence that accusation equal guilt.

Rape is a serious thing for a woman, but so is being accused (or charged) of being a rapist.

It reminds me of the death penalty argument we have so often. While those of us on the right are for capital punishment, the left soon trots out people who were convicted of murder that didn't to it.

I'm all for the death penalty as I am for maximum punishment for rapists, but that's provided there is empirical evidence before conviction.

In this Kavanaugh case, there is no possible way to prove an attack one way or another. The allegation should not even be entertained for that reason. She could make all kinds of claims, but without proof, it's moot. Same for Kavanaugh. So in the end, we end up right back to where we started, but only one walks away injured.

This is why I have stated that being the victim of a false accusation of a sex crime can be as bad or worse as being the victim of rape.

Small minded types scream about that statement without bothering to examine facts. But it is demonstrably true
When you can show being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped, get back to us.

Sometimes it is. In the case of Judge Kavanaugh, the false accusations could easily destroy his career and his family. There have others who have spent long periods in prison after false rape accusations as well.

And don't forget the case of the Duke Lacrosse Boys, who were thrown out of school, their educations left in shambles over such charges.

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

Pretending as if false rape charges are "no big deal" is pretty pathetic.
An even more recent nightmare is the horrific destruction of Daniel Holtzclaw of Oklahoma.

He sits in prison now with a sentence of over 200 years. His life has been destroyed forever.

Any honest, impartial and objective examination of his case can only conclude he was railroaded and framed with false accusations.

People celebrated when he was put away. The facts of the case are ignored. The state knows this and has held closed door meetings with judges and prosecutors about these details with no record.

It is reprehensible and a warning to all that trump was correct and every person is in danger from the lefts insistence that accusation equal guilt.

Rape is a serious thing for a woman, but so is being accused (or charged) of being a rapist.

It reminds me of the death penalty argument we have so often. While those of us on the right are for capital punishment, the left soon trots out people who were convicted of murder that didn't to it.

I'm all for the death penalty as I am for maximum punishment for rapists, but that's provided there is empirical evidence before conviction.

In this Kavanaugh case, there is no possible way to prove an attack one way or another. The allegation should not even be entertained for that reason. She could make all kinds of claims, but without proof, it's moot. Same for Kavanaugh. So in the end, we end up right back to where we started, but only one walks away injured.

This is why I have stated that being the victim of a false accusation of a sex crime can be as bad or worse as being the victim of rape.

Small minded types scream about that statement without bothering to examine facts. But it is demonstrably true

Well as a male I can't relate to a woman who was raped. After all, most guys would probably find it exciting if a woman were to force us to have sex, so it's an entirely different thing with us.

But I think we can all relate to how it would be being persecuted in public as it's not a gender thing.

That being said, we are giving women too much credence when it comes to mere allegations. When you look at lives that were ruined by allegations alone, we can see how tilted our system is. Bill O'Reilly comes to mind, so does Bill Cosby and Herman Cain just to name a few.

Is there an equitable way to make these judgements? I don't know, but I side with caution on that one. Murder, theft, violent crime usually leaves behind a lot of evidence. Not so if somebody is threatening a woman's job if he doesn't get any.

It's just a rough call.
When you can show being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped, get back to us.

Sometimes it is. In the case of Judge Kavanaugh, the false accusations could easily destroy his career and his family. There have others who have spent long periods in prison after false rape accusations as well.

And don't forget the case of the Duke Lacrosse Boys, who were thrown out of school, their educations left in shambles over such charges.

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

Pretending as if false rape charges are "no big deal" is pretty pathetic.
An even more recent nightmare is the horrific destruction of Daniel Holtzclaw of Oklahoma.

He sits in prison now with a sentence of over 200 years. His life has been destroyed forever.

Any honest, impartial and objective examination of his case can only conclude he was railroaded and framed with false accusations.

People celebrated when he was put away. The facts of the case are ignored. The state knows this and has held closed door meetings with judges and prosecutors about these details with no record.

It is reprehensible and a warning to all that trump was correct and every person is in danger from the lefts insistence that accusation equal guilt.

Rape is a serious thing for a woman, but so is being accused (or charged) of being a rapist.

It reminds me of the death penalty argument we have so often. While those of us on the right are for capital punishment, the left soon trots out people who were convicted of murder that didn't to it.

I'm all for the death penalty as I am for maximum punishment for rapists, but that's provided there is empirical evidence before conviction.

In this Kavanaugh case, there is no possible way to prove an attack one way or another. The allegation should not even be entertained for that reason. She could make all kinds of claims, but without proof, it's moot. Same for Kavanaugh. So in the end, we end up right back to where we started, but only one walks away injured.

This is why I have stated that being the victim of a false accusation of a sex crime can be as bad or worse as being the victim of rape.

Small minded types scream about that statement without bothering to examine facts. But it is demonstrably true

Well as a male I can't relate to a woman who was raped. After all, most guys would probably find it exciting if a woman were to force us to have sex, so it's an entirely different thing with us.

But I think we can all relate to how it would be being persecuted in public as it's not a gender thing.

That being said, we are giving women too much credence when it comes to mere allegations. When you look at lives that were ruined by allegations alone, we can see how tilted our system is. Bill O'Reilly comes to mind, so does Bill Cosby and Herman Cain just to name a few.

Is there an equitable way to make these judgements? I don't know, but I side with caution on that one. Murder, theft, violent crime usually leaves behind a lot of evidence. Not so if somebody is threatening a woman's job if he doesn't get any.

It's just a rough call.
Do not forget men can be raped by other men.

Also it is debateble but the idea of a man being traumatized by a woman who rapes him is not as easily dismissed as many think.
Sometimes it is. In the case of Judge Kavanaugh, the false accusations could easily destroy his career and his family. There have others who have spent long periods in prison after false rape accusations as well.

And don't forget the case of the Duke Lacrosse Boys, who were thrown out of school, their educations left in shambles over such charges.

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

Pretending as if false rape charges are "no big deal" is pretty pathetic.
An even more recent nightmare is the horrific destruction of Daniel Holtzclaw of Oklahoma.

He sits in prison now with a sentence of over 200 years. His life has been destroyed forever.

Any honest, impartial and objective examination of his case can only conclude he was railroaded and framed with false accusations.

People celebrated when he was put away. The facts of the case are ignored. The state knows this and has held closed door meetings with judges and prosecutors about these details with no record.

It is reprehensible and a warning to all that trump was correct and every person is in danger from the lefts insistence that accusation equal guilt.

Rape is a serious thing for a woman, but so is being accused (or charged) of being a rapist.

It reminds me of the death penalty argument we have so often. While those of us on the right are for capital punishment, the left soon trots out people who were convicted of murder that didn't to it.

I'm all for the death penalty as I am for maximum punishment for rapists, but that's provided there is empirical evidence before conviction.

In this Kavanaugh case, there is no possible way to prove an attack one way or another. The allegation should not even be entertained for that reason. She could make all kinds of claims, but without proof, it's moot. Same for Kavanaugh. So in the end, we end up right back to where we started, but only one walks away injured.

This is why I have stated that being the victim of a false accusation of a sex crime can be as bad or worse as being the victim of rape.

Small minded types scream about that statement without bothering to examine facts. But it is demonstrably true

Well as a male I can't relate to a woman who was raped. After all, most guys would probably find it exciting if a woman were to force us to have sex, so it's an entirely different thing with us.

But I think we can all relate to how it would be being persecuted in public as it's not a gender thing.

That being said, we are giving women too much credence when it comes to mere allegations. When you look at lives that were ruined by allegations alone, we can see how tilted our system is. Bill O'Reilly comes to mind, so does Bill Cosby and Herman Cain just to name a few.

Is there an equitable way to make these judgements? I don't know, but I side with caution on that one. Murder, theft, violent crime usually leaves behind a lot of evidence. Not so if somebody is threatening a woman's job if he doesn't get any.

It's just a rough call.
Do not forget men can be raped by other men.

Also it is debateble but the idea of a man being traumatized by a woman who rapes him is not as easily dismissed as many think.

Because it happens so rarely if at all, nobody really knows the truth to that or not. I'm just going by what if it happened to me, and I'd like to think I have the mindset of most males.

When I see these hot teachers busted for having sex with male students, I ask myself so WTF is the crime in that? Most of us males in our adolescent years fantasized about that happening to us when we were in school. These are not bad looking women at all, and more than likely they never forced their male partner(s), just took advantage of them.
An even more recent nightmare is the horrific destruction of Daniel Holtzclaw of Oklahoma.

He sits in prison now with a sentence of over 200 years. His life has been destroyed forever.

Any honest, impartial and objective examination of his case can only conclude he was railroaded and framed with false accusations.

People celebrated when he was put away. The facts of the case are ignored. The state knows this and has held closed door meetings with judges and prosecutors about these details with no record.

It is reprehensible and a warning to all that trump was correct and every person is in danger from the lefts insistence that accusation equal guilt.

Rape is a serious thing for a woman, but so is being accused (or charged) of being a rapist.

It reminds me of the death penalty argument we have so often. While those of us on the right are for capital punishment, the left soon trots out people who were convicted of murder that didn't to it.

I'm all for the death penalty as I am for maximum punishment for rapists, but that's provided there is empirical evidence before conviction.

In this Kavanaugh case, there is no possible way to prove an attack one way or another. The allegation should not even be entertained for that reason. She could make all kinds of claims, but without proof, it's moot. Same for Kavanaugh. So in the end, we end up right back to where we started, but only one walks away injured.

This is why I have stated that being the victim of a false accusation of a sex crime can be as bad or worse as being the victim of rape.

Small minded types scream about that statement without bothering to examine facts. But it is demonstrably true

Well as a male I can't relate to a woman who was raped. After all, most guys would probably find it exciting if a woman were to force us to have sex, so it's an entirely different thing with us.

But I think we can all relate to how it would be being persecuted in public as it's not a gender thing.

That being said, we are giving women too much credence when it comes to mere allegations. When you look at lives that were ruined by allegations alone, we can see how tilted our system is. Bill O'Reilly comes to mind, so does Bill Cosby and Herman Cain just to name a few.

Is there an equitable way to make these judgements? I don't know, but I side with caution on that one. Murder, theft, violent crime usually leaves behind a lot of evidence. Not so if somebody is threatening a woman's job if he doesn't get any.

It's just a rough call.
Do not forget men can be raped by other men.

Also it is debateble but the idea of a man being traumatized by a woman who rapes him is not as easily dismissed as many think.

Because it happens so rarely if at all, nobody really knows the truth to that or not. I'm just going by what if it happened to me, and I'd like to think I have the mindset of most males.

When I see these hot teachers busted for having sex with male students, I ask myself so WTF is the crime in that? Most of us males in our adolescent years fantasized about that happening to us when we were in school. These are not bad looking women at all, and more than likely they never forced their male partner(s), just took advantage of them.
And many experts say differently. That such young men and boys are scarred and traumatized.

Male rape of other males does happen. Not as often as rape of a woman but more than you too think.

Yes I get you went with your own experiences. I'd suggest looking into the evidence beyond your experiences.

I know what it is like to be falsely accused as well ( not for a sex crime ). For men falsely accused of rape or pedophilia it can only be worse than what I experienced.
Rape is a serious thing for a woman, but so is being accused (or charged) of being a rapist.

It reminds me of the death penalty argument we have so often. While those of us on the right are for capital punishment, the left soon trots out people who were convicted of murder that didn't to it.

I'm all for the death penalty as I am for maximum punishment for rapists, but that's provided there is empirical evidence before conviction.

In this Kavanaugh case, there is no possible way to prove an attack one way or another. The allegation should not even be entertained for that reason. She could make all kinds of claims, but without proof, it's moot. Same for Kavanaugh. So in the end, we end up right back to where we started, but only one walks away injured.

This is why I have stated that being the victim of a false accusation of a sex crime can be as bad or worse as being the victim of rape.

Small minded types scream about that statement without bothering to examine facts. But it is demonstrably true

Well as a male I can't relate to a woman who was raped. After all, most guys would probably find it exciting if a woman were to force us to have sex, so it's an entirely different thing with us.

But I think we can all relate to how it would be being persecuted in public as it's not a gender thing.

That being said, we are giving women too much credence when it comes to mere allegations. When you look at lives that were ruined by allegations alone, we can see how tilted our system is. Bill O'Reilly comes to mind, so does Bill Cosby and Herman Cain just to name a few.

Is there an equitable way to make these judgements? I don't know, but I side with caution on that one. Murder, theft, violent crime usually leaves behind a lot of evidence. Not so if somebody is threatening a woman's job if he doesn't get any.

It's just a rough call.
Do not forget men can be raped by other men.

Also it is debateble but the idea of a man being traumatized by a woman who rapes him is not as easily dismissed as many think.

Because it happens so rarely if at all, nobody really knows the truth to that or not. I'm just going by what if it happened to me, and I'd like to think I have the mindset of most males.

When I see these hot teachers busted for having sex with male students, I ask myself so WTF is the crime in that? Most of us males in our adolescent years fantasized about that happening to us when we were in school. These are not bad looking women at all, and more than likely they never forced their male partner(s), just took advantage of them.
And many experts say differently. That such young men and boys are scarred and traumatized.

Male rape of other males does happen. Not as often as rape of a woman but more than you too think.

Yes I get you went with your own experiences. I'd suggest looking into the evidence beyond your experiences.

I know what it is like to be falsely accused as well ( not for a sex crime ). For men falsely accused of rape or pedophilia it can only be worse than what I experienced.

Well of course man on man rape is an entirely different subject, just like if a female teacher forces a young girl to have sex with her. Apples and oranges. That would be traumatizing for most people because most people are straight.
I want him to come say it under oath, and be questioned - the same as Repubs insist should happen with Blasey Ford.

He said it under oath, do try to keep up.


Mark Judge was under oath?

Is your admonition misplaced?

Judiciary Committee Continues Effort to Accommodate ...
15 hours ago · Mark Judge and one other alleged witness to the events Dr. Ford has described have already denied the allegations under penalty of felony to the Committee. We can obtain additional testimony through staff interviews, obtaining statements, or other means that are subject to penalties of felony, if necessary.

Has mark judge given judicial committee a statement under oath - Bing

If ignorance is bliss, you must be very happy.


That doesn't say he appeared before the committee, or that he testified under oath. It is a felony to lie to Congress, oath or not. It could have been a phone call. Don't try to make it something it's not. Or perhaps you can provide a link to Mark Judge's testimony under oath.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. They gave testimony to the committee or their staff under penalty of a felony. That's all you need to know.


Semantics, my ass. Legal language is precise for a reason, dummy. He wasn't under oath.
When you can show being falsely accused of rape is worse than being raped, get back to us.

Sometimes it is. In the case of Judge Kavanaugh, the false accusations could easily destroy his career and his family. There have others who have spent long periods in prison after false rape accusations as well.

And don't forget the case of the Duke Lacrosse Boys, who were thrown out of school, their educations left in shambles over such charges.

'Every district attorney’s nightmare': Two men exonerated in 1991 rape claim

Pretending as if false rape charges are "no big deal" is pretty pathetic.

Point to where I said it's no big deal. I ridiculed the notion that it's worse than rape.

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