Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Have kav and judge testify.

What would that prove?
Their character. Judge has written some pretty bad shit. This is not a good pick unless you’re a rwnj

Their character.

"I don't know what she's talking about"

Times two. How does that "prove their character"?

Judge has written some pretty bad shit.

Judge isn't nominated to the Supreme Court.
That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties. The drinking so much he blacked out. Kav jumped on her. Bfd? That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite but so are most of you. Seat the conservative already. America deserves the government they have.

That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties.

So what?

The drinking so much he blacked out.

The Senate should take that into account if Mark Judge is ever nominated for anything.

Kav jumped on her. Bfd?

Jumped on who? Where? When? GTFO!

That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite

An unprovable, solo claim tells you that?
Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her. This is why we don't want to rush and put this scumbag on the court. This position is more important than the POTUS.
well when your first lie doesn't get what you want, lob in a 2nd.
That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties.

So what?

The drinking so much he blacked out.

The Senate should take that into account if Mark Judge is ever nominated for anything.

Kav jumped on her. Bfd?

Jumped on who? Where? When? GTFO!

That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite

An unprovable, solo claim tells you that?
Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her. This is why we don't want to rush and put this scumbag on the court. This position is more important than the POTUS.

Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her

Yes, the liars are coming out of the woodwork.
I don't think they are liars. If they were they wouldn't say it was 35 years ago. The guy was a creep. Probably still is. Look that that cheesy family.

Is Trump grabbing her pussy?

If they were they wouldn't say it was 35 years ago.

Why does the age of their imaginary story make it more believable?
I know its hard to think for yourself but why would someone make it harder on themselves by saying the sexual predator attacked them back in high school instead of just saying it happened say 2 years ago if they were going to lie?
2 years ago would be much easier to check. if you're going to lie, you make it vague and count on emotional reactions.
How is being falsely accused of rape ever worse than being literally raped. Explain that.

Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.
It can be in fact worse and that was clearly demonstrated.

Once again no one said it is always worse.

I have never been raped. I have never been accused of it falsely or otherwise.

No one can say that one is as bad or worse.

It simply needs to be recognized that the consequences of both are just as horrific and there is no one always worse than the other.

Nope. Being raped is always worse than being falsely accused. I get it that being falsely accused can ruin a person's life but that doesn't mean it's EVER worse than being physically raped.

And if given the choice, you would choose being falsely accused every time. No way if you were given a choice you would choose rape.

I would love to send a rapist to your house in the middle of the night. They break in and give you the option. Either you are going to get raped or in the morning some women from your office is going to falsely accuse you of raping her. I guarantee you tell him you'll take option B every time.

There is no evidence that being raped is always worse.

I defended my statement with demonstrable facts, you do not.

I would wish sending a rapist to no one's house.

You are arguing from emotion not reason.

Sorry but my statement stands unchallenged a false accusation of rape can be as bad as rape.

No it can not. No one who's falsely accused of rape wakes up in the middle of the night with terror. This is just ridiculous. Start a thread and see who agrees with you. It will be 100% Republican men. Probably 99% of them white. Maybe you'll get a couple of female RWNJ's to go along with you but no one will agree with you unless the identify as a Republican who is only seeing it your way because you are defending Kavanaugh.
Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her. This is why we don't want to rush and put this scumbag on the court. This position is more important than the POTUS.

Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her

Yes, the liars are coming out of the woodwork.
I don't think they are liars. If they were they wouldn't say it was 35 years ago. The guy was a creep. Probably still is. Look that that cheesy family.

Is Trump grabbing her pussy?

If they were they wouldn't say it was 35 years ago.

Why does the age of their imaginary story make it more believable?
I know its hard to think for yourself but why would someone make it harder on themselves by saying the sexual predator attacked them back in high school instead of just saying it happened say 2 years ago if they were going to lie?
2 years ago would be much easier to check. if you're going to lie, you make it vague and count on emotional reactions.
No it wouldnt. It would just be a he said she said just like it is now. The fact that an older allegation was made makes it that much easier to dismiss due to loss of memory.
Because the second accusation only occurred after six days of intense interviewing by attorneys pretty much everyone is considering it suspect.
Their character. Judge has written some pretty bad shit. This is not a good pick unless you’re a rwnj

Their character.

"I don't know what she's talking about"

Times two. How does that "prove their character"?

Judge has written some pretty bad shit.

Judge isn't nominated to the Supreme Court.
That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties. The drinking so much he blacked out. Kav jumped on her. Bfd? That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite but so are most of you. Seat the conservative already. America deserves the government they have.

That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties.

So what?

The drinking so much he blacked out.

The Senate should take that into account if Mark Judge is ever nominated for anything.

Kav jumped on her. Bfd?

Jumped on who? Where? When? GTFO!

That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite

An unprovable, solo claim tells you that?
Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her. This is why we don't want to rush and put this scumbag on the court. This position is more important than the POTUS.
well when your first lie doesn't get what you want, lob in a 2nd.

Not very good lies. These are stories from back in highschool and college. These things happened. No one is going to make this shit up. Too easy to get caught. And these aren't Democratic operatives.

But the people coming forward to defend Kav are Republicans. All of them.
The fact that Kavanaugh isnt asking for a FBI investigation to clear his name shows me he could care less about his name and more about becoming a SC as quickly as possible.
None of the claimed misconducts by Kavanaugh are as serious as Bill Clinton's rape, groping, and cigar use on an intern that the dems waived off. Therefore the slight misdeeds (if even true) by Kavanaugh don't rise to the level of mattering. There cannot be a double standard for confirmation. The FBI's six reviews of Kavanaugh show no issues of concern, end of story, vote to confirm.
Have kav and judge testify.

What would that prove?
Their character. Judge has written some pretty bad shit. This is not a good pick unless you’re a rwnj

Their character.

"I don't know what she's talking about"

Times two. How does that "prove their character"?

Judge has written some pretty bad shit.

Judge isn't nominated to the Supreme Court.
That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties. The drinking so much he blacked out. Kav jumped on her. Bfd? That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite but so are most of you. Seat the conservative already. America deserves the government they have.

That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties.

So what?

The drinking so much he blacked out.

The Senate should take that into account if Mark Judge is ever nominated for anything.

Kav jumped on her. Bfd?

Jumped on who? Where? When? GTFO!

That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite

An unprovable, solo claim tells you that?
Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her. This is why we don't want to rush and put this scumbag on the court. This position is more important than the POTUS.

Nothing but delay and character assassination. Coming up with negatives and demanding proof of them. Fuck you maggots, Trump is president, deal with it.

Their character. Judge has written some pretty bad shit. This is not a good pick unless you’re a rwnj

Their character.

"I don't know what she's talking about"

Times two. How does that "prove their character"?

Judge has written some pretty bad shit.

Judge isn't nominated to the Supreme Court.
That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties. The drinking so much he blacked out. Kav jumped on her. Bfd? That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite but so are most of you. Seat the conservative already. America deserves the government they have.

That’s his pal. He wrote about those parties.

So what?

The drinking so much he blacked out.

The Senate should take that into account if Mark Judge is ever nominated for anything.

Kav jumped on her. Bfd?

Jumped on who? Where? When? GTFO!

That tells me he’s a scumbag hypocrite

An unprovable, solo claim tells you that?
Now another woman has come out saying he exposed himself to her. This is why we don't want to rush and put this scumbag on the court. This position is more important than the POTUS.

Nothing but delay and character assassination. Coming up with negatives and demanding proof of them. Fuck you maggots, Trump is president, deal with it.

Hmm, no, they should keep delaying the hearings.
None of the claimed misconducts by Kavanaugh are as serious as Bill Clinton's rape, groping, and cigar use on an intern that the dems waived off. Therefore the slight misdeeds (if even true) by Kavanaugh don't rise to the level of mattering. There cannot be a double standard for confirmation. The FBI's six reviews of Kavanaugh show no issues of concern, end of story, vote to confirm.
Different situation and his crimes are not misdeeds. Obviously the 6 FBI probes did not speak to these now 2 women. Besides. When did repubs start trusting the FBI?

Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.
It can be in fact worse and that was clearly demonstrated.

Once again no one said it is always worse.

I have never been raped. I have never been accused of it falsely or otherwise.

No one can say that one is as bad or worse.

It simply needs to be recognized that the consequences of both are just as horrific and there is no one always worse than the other.

Nope. Being raped is always worse than being falsely accused. I get it that being falsely accused can ruin a person's life but that doesn't mean it's EVER worse than being physically raped.

And if given the choice, you would choose being falsely accused every time. No way if you were given a choice you would choose rape.

I would love to send a rapist to your house in the middle of the night. They break in and give you the option. Either you are going to get raped or in the morning some women from your office is going to falsely accuse you of raping her. I guarantee you tell him you'll take option B every time.

There is no evidence that being raped is always worse.

I defended my statement with demonstrable facts, you do not.

I would wish sending a rapist to no one's house.

You are arguing from emotion not reason.

Sorry but my statement stands unchallenged a false accusation of rape can be as bad as rape.

No it can not. No one who's falsely accused of rape wakes up in the middle of the night with terror. This is just ridiculous. Start a thread and see who agrees with you. It will be 100% Republican men. Probably 99% of them white. Maybe you'll get a couple of female RWNJ's to go along with you but no one will agree with you unless the identify as a Republican who is only seeing it your way because you are defending Kavanaugh.

Many such false accusations wake up in terror and fear exactly as you describe.

Maybe you are unaware but psychological trauma can be every bit as painful and long lasting as physical. Having everything you value and love taken from you can cause such trauma to the mind.

Once again ask Daniel Holtzclaw how bad it hurts and whether he has terror at night.

Once again agreement means nothing. I have used demonstrably true facts, you have not.

I said this and took the same position years now it is not just about Kavanaugh.

The statement still stands unchallenged being the victim of false rape accusation can be as bad as rape.
You just said it again. You said being falsely accused can be worse than actually being raped. You’re an idiot.

Are you new because you have very little history and what I do see says rwnj
You are newer than I am and no such history is reflected.

You have twisted my words and accused me of saying two different things so no i did not say it again. My statement stands as true and your outrage does not challenge it.
You are newer than I am and no such history is reflected.

You have twisted my words and accused me of saying two different things so no i did not say it again. My statement stands as true and your outrage does not challenge it.

Yes being falsely accused of rape or other sex crimes can be as bad or worse as being raped and only an idiot thinks otherwise.

Try to say it with a broomstick up your ass.
You are newer than I am and no such history is reflected.

You have twisted my words and accused me of saying two different things so no i did not say it again. My statement stands as true and your outrage does not challenge it.

Yes being falsely accused of rape or other sex crimes can be as bad or worse as being raped and only an idiot thinks otherwise.

Try to say it with a broomstick up your ass.
What I said is demonstrably true.

Comments like yours prove you lack the ability to refute me. Your just not smart enough.

Or tough enough to put a broomstick there.
How is being falsely accused of rape ever worse than being literally raped. Explain that.

Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.

Yeah, tell that to the guys on the Duke La Cross Team, that bitch ruined their lives with a made up fantasy. But now we got this commiecrat senator bitch all over the news, saying women don't make things up, well senator bitch, history proves otherwise. BTW there is no allegation of rape in this case, well at least so far, tomorrow could produce a new lie.

None of the claimed misconducts by Kavanaugh are as serious as Bill Clinton's rape, groping, and cigar use on an intern that the dems waived off. Therefore the slight misdeeds (if even true) by Kavanaugh don't rise to the level of mattering. There cannot be a double standard for confirmation. The FBI's six reviews of Kavanaugh show no issues of concern, end of story, vote to confirm.
Different situation and his crimes are not misdeeds. Obviously the 6 FBI probes did not speak to these now 2 women. Besides. When did repubs start trusting the FBI?

What "crimes"? Show me the police reports. Six background checks by the FBI show no issues, vote to confirm. (repubs always trust the rank and file FBI, just not the creeps put in at the top by the Community Organizer)
None of the claimed misconducts by Kavanaugh are as serious as Bill Clinton's rape, groping, and cigar use on an intern that the dems waived off. Therefore the slight misdeeds (if even true) by Kavanaugh don't rise to the level of mattering. There cannot be a double standard for confirmation. The FBI's six reviews of Kavanaugh show no issues of concern, end of story, vote to confirm.
Different situation and his crimes are not misdeeds. Obviously the 6 FBI probes did not speak to these now 2 women. Besides. When did repubs start trusting the FBI?

What "crimes"? Show me the police reports. Sic background checks by the FBI show no issues, vote to confirm. (repubs always trust the rank and file FBI, just not the creeps put in at the top by the Community Organizer)
You dont need a police report to have committed a crime. Background checks by the FBI wont show anything if they dont talk to the right people.
That is exactly the point, the "right people" are liars trying to to stop a USSC justice. If a crime was committed, there needs to be a police report, otherwise its a made-up fabrication. We need to have a standard, and the FBI background check needs to be it. Otherwise its one wild goose chase after another and another...
That is exactly the point, the "right people" are liars trying to to stop a USSC justice. If a crime was committed, there needs to be a police report, otherwise its a made-up fabrication. We need to have a standard, and the FBI background check needs to be it. Otherwise its one wild goose chase after another and another...
You cant have a police report for a crime thats past the statute of limitations.
What I said is demonstrably true.

Comments like yours prove you lack the ability to refute me. Your just not smart enough.

Or tough enough to put a broomstick there.
How is being falsely accused of rape ever worse than being literally raped. Explain that.

Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.
It can be in fact worse and that was clearly demonstrated.

Once again no one said it is always worse.

I have never been raped. I have never been accused of it falsely or otherwise.

No one can say that one is as bad or worse.

It simply needs to be recognized that the consequences of both are just as horrific and there is no one always worse than the other.

Nope. Being raped is always worse than being falsely accused. I get it that being falsely accused can ruin a person's life but that doesn't mean it's EVER worse than being physically raped.

And if given the choice, you would choose being falsely accused every time. No way if you were given a choice you would choose rape.

I would love to send a rapist to your house in the middle of the night. They break in and give you the option. Either you are going to get raped or in the morning some women from your office is going to falsely accuse you of raping her. I guarantee you tell him you'll take option B every time.

ROFLMAO, they wouldn't have the opportunity to give me any options, they'd be dead. We use lethal force to protect ourselves down here.

What I said is demonstrably true.

Comments like yours prove you lack the ability to refute me. Your just not smart enough.

Or tough enough to put a broomstick there.
How is being falsely accused of rape ever worse than being literally raped. Explain that.

Women who are victims of rape or even allegedly victims are typically treated with great compassion by others and that is how a decent person should treat them.

They typically receive empathy and support from family, friends, coworkers, their church if they have one, their community and neighbors.

Law enforcement and the courts do everything they can to help and to establish justice.

There are hundreds of shelters Nationwide for battered and abused women who will take them in. They have RAINN and other organizations offering free counseling and other assistance to them.

Usually their identity is kept out of the public.

No one with any decency opposes any of this and in fact supports such help for victims.

In addition it is true that every woman is different and some recover more fully than others. Some never do and may even commit suicide. Most eventually do recover to lead good lives even if carrying emotional mental and physical scars.

Men who are falsely accused are more likely to lose the support of friends, family, the community and neighbors. If they belong to a church they might well lose that support. They are more likely to lose their jobs and homes and families especially their kids. Forever if convicted.

Their name is very likely to be smeared and trashed forever even of acquitted. Unlike a victim their name is published before trial and many assume they are guilty. If acquitted it is often in the back of the paper somewhere. There are no specific shelters for them and few legal resources available unless they are wealthy or have a public defender.

With their reputation and name wrecked much of this damage can be permanent and irreparable.

If convicted they might be raped in prison suffering what their accuser lied about. If their attacker is HIV positive it is a death sentence.

No one especially me is trivializing what victims suffer. The point is that there is more than one kind of victim and saying one CAN suffer more than others is true. No one said it is always worse.

It needs to be remembered because many on the left seek to marginalize due process for rape or sexual assault. Such as Obama with his title IX witch hunt.

I know rape victims and always support and empathize with them

I also support and empathize with Daniel Holtclaw who has suffered much of what I described above.

Fair enough.

Although women who are raped are often victimized in the courts by the defense attorney. And if you listen to rape victims they complain about the stupid things people say to them. Granted the people are trying to be kind but the rape victim often feels like these people don't have a clue what they are going through.

I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't bad. The person who falsely accuses them should spend 10 years in jail. But, it's never worse being accused. Being literally raped is 1000 times worse. I'm not saying being falsely accused isn't really really bad but your mistake was trying to suggest that being falsely accused is EVER worse than being really raped. If you believe that then you've never been raped.
It can be in fact worse and that was clearly demonstrated.

Once again no one said it is always worse.

I have never been raped. I have never been accused of it falsely or otherwise.

No one can say that one is as bad or worse.

It simply needs to be recognized that the consequences of both are just as horrific and there is no one always worse than the other.

Nope. Being raped is always worse than being falsely accused. I get it that being falsely accused can ruin a person's life but that doesn't mean it's EVER worse than being physically raped.

And if given the choice, you would choose being falsely accused every time. No way if you were given a choice you would choose rape.

I would love to send a rapist to your house in the middle of the night. They break in and give you the option. Either you are going to get raped or in the morning some women from your office is going to falsely accuse you of raping her. I guarantee you tell him you'll take option B every time.
Would never happen...........they break into your the last house they ever broke into...............stupid analogy.
None of the claimed misconducts by Kavanaugh are as serious as Bill Clinton's rape, groping, and cigar use on an intern that the dems waived off. Therefore the slight misdeeds (if even true) by Kavanaugh don't rise to the level of mattering. There cannot be a double standard for confirmation. The FBI's six reviews of Kavanaugh show no issues of concern, end of story, vote to confirm.

They might not be as serious but this is a very important position. The creep will be on the bench for 40 years. Sorry we don't rush to seat him.

Lets have Kav take a lie detector.

Brett Kavanaugh's Accuser Offers Corroborating Data Including A Lie Detector Test

Is he afraid to take one? If he didn't do this, if I didn't do this, I would insist on taking one and having the liar take one.

But, she took one and she passed. Now Republicans are suggesting it was rigged. Typical. Tell you what. Lets have them both take one. Kav won't because he knows this incident occurred. We all know.

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