Mark Levin: Congress can end birthright citizenship without amending the Constitution

The one case the supreme court considered involved legal aliens, they have never ruled on a case involving criminal aliens. And yes, congress has every right to say illegals do not meet the jurisdictional requirements of the 14th Amendment in our naturalization laws.

That is not their call to make. That's the Supreme's decision.

The last 8 years has taught US that the branches of government, processes, and Constitution can be bypassed in order to achieve a goal. Precedent has been set. Hurts when you are on the other side, doesn't it?
It's you people that need to decide if you want US as a Country to be beholden to process. If not, you are standing in sand when you are trying to make a point about adhering to process and the Constitution.

What? I thought right wingers were all about the constitution. Amazing how quickly you turn traitorous and want to throw it out when you don't get your way.

You people don't like the Constitution because it was written by white slave owners influenced by Jesus.

I'm not the one whining because of what it says. people are the whiners at every turn when things don't go your way. You will whine, cheat, steal, speak out of both sides of your mouth, whatever it takes, the ends justify the means.
People who can list and talk about problems are a dime a dozen. Maybe cheaper and more common than dimes. A major scam perpetrated by politicians like Trump is that they can recite these problems and rile up the crowd. They convince you that they understand how to resolve the problems. What they rarely do is actually explain how the problems will be resolved. That is what you are mimicking. Every time it is shown that Trump's ideas are unworkable you go into a tirade of reminding us what the problems are. Everyone knows what the problems are and everyone wants to see them resolved. Most of us don't need Trump or his supporters sitting on a high horse lecturing about what the problems are.

you could have saved all that typing and just said

"I'm a liberal and I don't like him because it goes against everything I've been indoctrinated to believe and it scares me"
It wasn't a lot of typing. Some of us understand the consequences of poorly thought out knee jerk reactions to complicated problems. For example, I'm willing to bet that very few on your side are considering what would and will happen if all those low paid undocumented workers are deported. Who will do the work and how will it affect inflation. Who will replace the cheap labor used in agriculture that keeps our food prices at current levels? How will it affect the cost of construction labor? You think you can deport all those low payed workers with American workers who will require better working conditions and pay and it will not have a affect at the stores, restaurants and other industries that depend on those low paid workers?
Don't blame us for this.

Obama set a precedent that has opened Pandora's box.

Every law on the books could be reinterpreted.

Now this could be biting liberals in the ass. You can't change hearts and minds through your maybe we need to do what you do and force it down your pieholes.
Reagan and HW Bush led the way into this mess with Reagan's amnesty in '86 and Bush's family reunification in '90. There is plenty of blame to go around. I am in favor of concentration camps for processing illegals deportation and punishment and prison sentences along with bankrupting fines for employers who knowingly hire illegals. In conjunction with those programs would be guest worker program with special provisions for agriculture workers to work for pay comparable to what would be earned in there home country with the addition to housing provided by the employer. That I believe are legally doable with minimal cost and unlike the Trump nonsense that is unworkable.

Try to keep up...reagan isn't the president now...neither is bush....

I've said it before...because a politician you DON'T like did something wrong in the past, it does NOT set a precedent to allow politicians you DO like to do wrong in the present.
You try to keep up. I was responding to another poster who offered a consensus of the cause of the current immigration crisis.
That is not their call to make. That's the Supreme's decision.

The last 8 years has taught US that the branches of government, processes, and Constitution can be bypassed in order to achieve a goal. Precedent has been set. Hurts when you are on the other side, doesn't it?
It's you people that need to decide if you want US as a Country to be beholden to process. If not, you are standing in sand when you are trying to make a point about adhering to process and the Constitution.

What? I thought right wingers were all about the constitution. Amazing how quickly you turn traitorous and want to throw it out when you don't get your way.

You people don't like the Constitution because it was written by white slave owners influenced by Jesus.

I'm not the one whining because of what it says. people are the whiners at every turn when things don't go your way. You will whine, cheat, steal, speak out of both sides of your mouth, whatever it takes, the ends justify the means.
Yes, that is exactly what the far reactionary right does all the time.
you could have saved all that typing and just said

"I'm a liberal and I don't like him because it goes against everything I've been indoctrinated to believe and it scares me"
It wasn't a lot of typing. Some of us understand the consequences of poorly thought out knee jerk reactions to complicated problems. For example, I'm willing to bet that very few on your side are considering what would and will happen if all those low paid undocumented workers are deported. Who will do the work and how will it affect inflation. Who will replace the cheap labor used in agriculture that keeps our food prices at current levels? How will it affect the cost of construction labor? You think you can deport all those low payed workers with American workers who will require better working conditions and pay and it will not have a affect at the stores, restaurants and other industries that depend on those low paid workers?
Don't blame us for this.

Obama set a precedent that has opened Pandora's box.

Every law on the books could be reinterpreted.

Now this could be biting liberals in the ass. You can't change hearts and minds through your maybe we need to do what you do and force it down your pieholes.
Reagan and HW Bush led the way into this mess with Reagan's amnesty in '86 and Bush's family reunification in '90. There is plenty of blame to go around. I am in favor of concentration camps for processing illegals deportation and punishment and prison sentences along with bankrupting fines for employers who knowingly hire illegals. In conjunction with those programs would be guest worker program with special provisions for agriculture workers to work for pay comparable to what would be earned in there home country with the addition to housing provided by the employer. That I believe are legally doable with minimal cost and unlike the Trump nonsense that is unworkable.

Try to keep up...reagan isn't the president now...neither is bush....

I've said it before...because a politician you DON'T like did something wrong in the past, it does NOT set a precedent to allow politicians you DO like to do wrong in the present.
You try to keep up. I was responding to another poster who offered a consensus of the cause of the current immigration crisis.

Nevertheless.neither reagan or bush is president now..That's a fact.
..using wrongdoing from the past to excuse wrongdoing in the present is situational ethics.
It wasn't a lot of typing. Some of us understand the consequences of poorly thought out knee jerk reactions to complicated problems. For example, I'm willing to bet that very few on your side are considering what would and will happen if all those low paid undocumented workers are deported. Who will do the work and how will it affect inflation. Who will replace the cheap labor used in agriculture that keeps our food prices at current levels? How will it affect the cost of construction labor? You think you can deport all those low payed workers with American workers who will require better working conditions and pay and it will not have a affect at the stores, restaurants and other industries that depend on those low paid workers?
Don't blame us for this.

Obama set a precedent that has opened Pandora's box.

Every law on the books could be reinterpreted.

Now this could be biting liberals in the ass. You can't change hearts and minds through your maybe we need to do what you do and force it down your pieholes.
Reagan and HW Bush led the way into this mess with Reagan's amnesty in '86 and Bush's family reunification in '90. There is plenty of blame to go around. I am in favor of concentration camps for processing illegals deportation and punishment and prison sentences along with bankrupting fines for employers who knowingly hire illegals. In conjunction with those programs would be guest worker program with special provisions for agriculture workers to work for pay comparable to what would be earned in there home country with the addition to housing provided by the employer. That I believe are legally doable with minimal cost and unlike the Trump nonsense that is unworkable.

Try to keep up...reagan isn't the president now...neither is bush....

I've said it before...because a politician you DON'T like did something wrong in the past, it does NOT set a precedent to allow politicians you DO like to do wrong in the present.
You try to keep up. I was responding to another poster who offered a consensus of the cause of the current immigration crisis.

Nevertheless.neither reagan or bush is president now..That's a fact.
..using wrongdoing from the past to excuse wrongdoing in the present is situational ethics.
Obama has been using band aid strategies of the types used by Presidents of the past. Temporary fixes that kick the can down the road. The reforms being pushed by Obama will alleviate some to the problems caused by immigration, but not cure the problem. Trump's plan, the one so many Republicans are jumping on, will never come to fruition. There are to many hurdles to jump over and to many hoops to jump through. They include serious funding and SCOTUS rulings as well as non-partisan support. Until someone decides on a cure that does not include kicking the can down the road we are stuck debating on how to kick the can.
Don't blame us for this.

Obama set a precedent that has opened Pandora's box.

Every law on the books could be reinterpreted.

Now this could be biting liberals in the ass. You can't change hearts and minds through your maybe we need to do what you do and force it down your pieholes.
Reagan and HW Bush led the way into this mess with Reagan's amnesty in '86 and Bush's family reunification in '90. There is plenty of blame to go around. I am in favor of concentration camps for processing illegals deportation and punishment and prison sentences along with bankrupting fines for employers who knowingly hire illegals. In conjunction with those programs would be guest worker program with special provisions for agriculture workers to work for pay comparable to what would be earned in there home country with the addition to housing provided by the employer. That I believe are legally doable with minimal cost and unlike the Trump nonsense that is unworkable.

Try to keep up...reagan isn't the president now...neither is bush....

I've said it before...because a politician you DON'T like did something wrong in the past, it does NOT set a precedent to allow politicians you DO like to do wrong in the present.
You try to keep up. I was responding to another poster who offered a consensus of the cause of the current immigration crisis.

Nevertheless.neither reagan or bush is president now..That's a fact.
..using wrongdoing from the past to excuse wrongdoing in the present is situational ethics.
Obama has been using band aid strategies of the types used by Presidents of the past. Temporary fixes that kick the can down the road. The reforms being pushed by Obama will alleviate some to the problems caused by immigration, but not cure the problem. Trump's plan, the one so many Republicans are jumping on, will never come to fruition. There are to many hurdles to jump over and to many hoops to jump through. They include serious funding and SCOTUS rulings as well as non-partisan support. Until someone decides on a cure that does not include kicking the can down the road we are stuck debating on how to kick the can.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Save all the excuses and rationalizations...we do NOT need millions of illegal 3rd world peasants in our country. There is no upside.

That's not kicking the can down the road. That is a very proactive approach.
You have to bet your real account, not your socks. There will be no mass deportation of all the illegals.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Can't refute what he said so you attack the messenger, how leftist of you. The reason you can't refute what he said in the framers of the 14th specifically said that the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction there of" was meant to exclude foreigners, aliens and diplomats. It also excluded American Indians which were finally made American citizens by an act of congress in the 1920's.
There was more than one "framer". There were debates and you take one portion of one quote from one supporter out of context. More importantly, you don't fucking understand the words and intentionally change them. He did not say it was intended to exclude "...foreigners, aliens and diplomats." The word "and" does not appear in the quote. The real quote is "This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers." The meaning is that foreigners, aliens, who are here with a parent who is a diplomats and therefore not subject to our jurisdiction, will not become citizens at birth but every other child born here will. The phrase, " who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers" modifies both the words "foreigners and aliens". From the structure of the sentence, he was referring to one group: foreigners, that is aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors. That is how the Supreme Court in construed it in 1898.
Reagan and HW Bush led the way into this mess with Reagan's amnesty in '86 and Bush's family reunification in '90. There is plenty of blame to go around. I am in favor of concentration camps for processing illegals deportation and punishment and prison sentences along with bankrupting fines for employers who knowingly hire illegals. In conjunction with those programs would be guest worker program with special provisions for agriculture workers to work for pay comparable to what would be earned in there home country with the addition to housing provided by the employer. That I believe are legally doable with minimal cost and unlike the Trump nonsense that is unworkable.

Try to keep up...reagan isn't the president now...neither is bush....

I've said it before...because a politician you DON'T like did something wrong in the past, it does NOT set a precedent to allow politicians you DO like to do wrong in the present.
You try to keep up. I was responding to another poster who offered a consensus of the cause of the current immigration crisis.

Nevertheless.neither reagan or bush is president now..That's a fact.
..using wrongdoing from the past to excuse wrongdoing in the present is situational ethics.
Obama has been using band aid strategies of the types used by Presidents of the past. Temporary fixes that kick the can down the road. The reforms being pushed by Obama will alleviate some to the problems caused by immigration, but not cure the problem. Trump's plan, the one so many Republicans are jumping on, will never come to fruition. There are to many hurdles to jump over and to many hoops to jump through. They include serious funding and SCOTUS rulings as well as non-partisan support. Until someone decides on a cure that does not include kicking the can down the road we are stuck debating on how to kick the can.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Save all the excuses and rationalizations...we do NOT need millions of illegal 3rd world peasants in our country. There is no upside.

That's not kicking the can down the road. That is a very proactive approach.
Until someone comes up with an idea on how to deport all those people you are just pissing in the wind. At least I mentioned building and maintaining concentration camps to hold and process the undocumented. I added jailing and fining employers into bankruptcy for those who knowingly hire illegals. Without funding to do the deportation camps and the will to go after the employers it won't work.
You don't offer a solution. You just repeat what everyone knows and say kick them all out. You have no idea about how to fund your idea. You have no idea about how to stop them from doing what they do now when they get deported. They come back.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer
And how do you conclude that? Has Levin ever litigated a case based on constitutional principles? No. Has he ever taught a law school class on constitutional law? No. He has done nothing more than offer his opinions. Kind of like calling Bob Costas an Olympian cause he talks about Olympic sports on TV.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer

Levin sounds like Cartman whining to his mother.

Unlike Obama, Levin know how many states are in the USA and the concept of "Judicial Review
So, he "know how many states are in the USA," do he? What do you think is "judicial review."
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer

Sorry to break your bubble but Mark Levin is not a constitutional lawyer just a regular one. Obama was a constitutional law lecturer (professor)...

Obama would chew Levin up for breakfast in constitutional law.

And just a small comparison, How many Obama's Law school became Supreme court justices compared to Levin's law school?

What district court covers those 7 states?

Obama chooming when they were teaching Judicial Review

After a long day of campaigning, he stuttered between saying he had visited 50 states and then correcting it to 47. And he was absolutely correct in the second statement as he explained:

"Well, first of all, let me be very specific. We have not seen a Court overturn a law that was passed by Congress on a economic issue, like health care, that I think most people would clearly consider commerce — a law like that has not been overturned at least since Lochner. Right? So we’re going back to the ’30s, pre New Deal."

Anyone who attended law school would tell you that after the depression, the Supreme Court did give deference to the legislative body in laws that dealt with economic issues of such huge impact.. If the Supreme Court had overturned the ACA, it would have been the first time such a law was invalidated since before the depression. But, then again, why would you know any of this. You never studies law and have a piss poor understanding of the constitution.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer
And how do you conclude that? Has Levin ever litigated a case based on constitutional principles? No. Has he ever taught a law school class on constitutional law? No. He has done nothing more than offer his opinions. Kind of like calling Bob Costas an Olympian cause he talks about Olympic sports on TV.

BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer
And how do you conclude that? Has Levin ever litigated a case based on constitutional principles? No. Has he ever taught a law school class on constitutional law? No. He has done nothing more than offer his opinions. Kind of like calling Bob Costas an Olympian cause he talks about Olympic sports on TV.

BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
He inactivated his Illinois license because he got a pretty big job in DC and did not need to have the ability to practice law in Illinois. But, I guess you got nothing to prove that Levin was ever a constitutional lawyer so you make this silly claim.
Oh, and every single one of those 25 is an idiotic lie.

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