Mark Levin: Congress can end birthright citizenship without amending the Constitution

If the president offers an EO with round up and concentration camps, you younger folks are going to find out what the Greatest Generation and their children are all about.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer
And how do you conclude that? Has Levin ever litigated a case based on constitutional principles? No. Has he ever taught a law school class on constitutional law? No. He has done nothing more than offer his opinions. Kind of like calling Bob Costas an Olympian cause he talks about Olympic sports on TV.

BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
He inactivated his Illinois license because he got a pretty big job in DC and did not need to have the ability to practice law in Illinois. But, I guess you got nothing to prove that Levin was ever a constitutional lawyer so you make this silly claim.
Oh, and every single one of those 25 is an idiotic lie.
KoolAid sucker...
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer
And how do you conclude that? Has Levin ever litigated a case based on constitutional principles? No. Has he ever taught a law school class on constitutional law? No. He has done nothing more than offer his opinions. Kind of like calling Bob Costas an Olympian cause he talks about Olympic sports on TV.

BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
He inactivated his Illinois license because he got a pretty big job in DC and did not need to have the ability to practice law in Illinois. But, I guess you got nothing to prove that Levin was ever a constitutional lawyer so you make this silly claim.
Oh, and every single one of those 25 is an idiotic lie.
KoolAid sucker...
What do you suck? Or should I say, who do you suck?
Levin has brought this argument up many times and yet nothing has changed. It seems to me if the argument held water and there was a real desire to act on it, then we wouldn't be discussing this today--at least not in the context of people gaining citizenship by virtue of where mama happens to be standing at the moment she gives birth. Regardless of one's opinion of Levin, is his argument sound and it's just that there is no one in Congress with the will to speak up?
Personally, I just don't think anyone in Congress has any desire to force the issue. A lot of lip service is paid, but, at the end of the day, the status quo works just fine for them.
I don't think citizenship is a birthright based on location. Just because you happen to plop out on a specific piece of land you should be a citizen of that land? No. You're a citizen of whatever nation your mama and papa are citizens of. It makes more sense.
Anyway, it's a moot point. Birthright citizenship as practiced here in the US will never end. Even if someone in Congress had the stones to really make an issue of it, there are far too many people affected by it to make any real change.
Oh well, next issue: will Donald "Hairflap" Trump go toe to toe with Noam "Ima Rilly fer Rills Scientist" Chomsky? Any fan of Celebrity Deathmatch can only pray it happens. :thup:
Wait, Noam Chomsky is still alive, right? :dunno:
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer
And how do you conclude that? Has Levin ever litigated a case based on constitutional principles? No. Has he ever taught a law school class on constitutional law? No. He has done nothing more than offer his opinions. Kind of like calling Bob Costas an Olympian cause he talks about Olympic sports on TV.

BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
Ultra partisan hackery at it's highest or lowest, depending on whether you are looking down or up. Nonsense rubbish either way.
Mark Lie'in is only a scholar on whining. He is another in a long list of con-talk-radio whiners. They complain about EVERYTHING. This is what conservatives have become, the party of whiners.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer
And how do you conclude that? Has Levin ever litigated a case based on constitutional principles? No. Has he ever taught a law school class on constitutional law? No. He has done nothing more than offer his opinions. Kind of like calling Bob Costas an Olympian cause he talks about Olympic sports on TV.

BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
Ultra partisan hackery at it's highest or lowest, depending on whether you are looking down or up. Nonsense rubbish either way.
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer
And how do you conclude that? Has Levin ever litigated a case based on constitutional principles? No. Has he ever taught a law school class on constitutional law? No. He has done nothing more than offer his opinions. Kind of like calling Bob Costas an Olympian cause he talks about Olympic sports on TV.

BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
Ultra partisan hackery at it's highest or lowest, depending on whether you are looking down or up. Nonsense rubbish either way.
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.
Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer
And how do you conclude that? Has Levin ever litigated a case based on constitutional principles? No. Has he ever taught a law school class on constitutional law? No. He has done nothing more than offer his opinions. Kind of like calling Bob Costas an Olympian cause he talks about Olympic sports on TV.

BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
Ultra partisan hackery at it's highest or lowest, depending on whether you are looking down or up. Nonsense rubbish either way.
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.

so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
And how do you conclude that? Has Levin ever litigated a case based on constitutional principles? No. Has he ever taught a law school class on constitutional law? No. He has done nothing more than offer his opinions. Kind of like calling Bob Costas an Olympian cause he talks about Olympic sports on TV.

BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
Ultra partisan hackery at it's highest or lowest, depending on whether you are looking down or up. Nonsense rubbish either way.
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.

so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
Those are speculations and opinions, not facts. Presenting those things as facts is political hackery and dishonest. Many of those things have been investigated by Republican controlled congressional committees and found to be non criminal and cleared the President of wrong doing. So, ya, after a person is cleared of wrong doing and to continue to accuse them of being a criminal for the offense he was cleared of is just lying, a big part of political harkery.
BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
Ultra partisan hackery at it's highest or lowest, depending on whether you are looking down or up. Nonsense rubbish either way.
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.

so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
Those are speculations and opinions, not facts. Presenting those things as facts is political hackery and dishonest. Many of those things have been investigated by Republican controlled congressional committees and found to be non criminal and cleared the President of wrong doing. So, ya, after a person is cleared of wrong doing and to continue to accuse them of being a criminal for the offense he was cleared of is just lying, a big part of political harkery.
ignoring the law and doing the opposite of what the law requires is breaking the law.....
BO is an anti-Constitution lawyer....that is if he is still a lawyer.....i think he inactivated his license....

BO attacks the Constitution and breaks the law over and over.....

25 Violations of Law By President Obama and His Administration | Committee for Justice
Ultra partisan hackery at it's highest or lowest, depending on whether you are looking down or up. Nonsense rubbish either way.
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.

so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
Those are speculations and opinions, not facts. Presenting those things as facts is political hackery and dishonest. Many of those things have been investigated by Republican controlled congressional committees and found to be non criminal and cleared the President of wrong doing. So, ya, after a person is cleared of wrong doing and to continue to accuse them of being a criminal for the offense he was cleared of is just lying, a big part of political harkery.
No, it is not a crime to "attack the first amendment". More importantly, nothing the President did was an attack on the first amendment. And he is not ignoring immigration laws; he is enforcing them in the manner he sees fit in the exercise of his power to enforce the laws. He did not lie about health care; he did not lie about the murder of Stevens and he has not used the Justice Department for political purposes.
Ultra partisan hackery at it's highest or lowest, depending on whether you are looking down or up. Nonsense rubbish either way.
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.

so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
Those are speculations and opinions, not facts. Presenting those things as facts is political hackery and dishonest. Many of those things have been investigated by Republican controlled congressional committees and found to be non criminal and cleared the President of wrong doing. So, ya, after a person is cleared of wrong doing and to continue to accuse them of being a criminal for the offense he was cleared of is just lying, a big part of political harkery.
ignoring the law and doing the opposite of what the law requires is breaking the law.....
Right. And that is not being done with regard to immigration.
Ultra partisan hackery at it's highest or lowest, depending on whether you are looking down or up. Nonsense rubbish either way.
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.

so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
Those are speculations and opinions, not facts. Presenting those things as facts is political hackery and dishonest. Many of those things have been investigated by Republican controlled congressional committees and found to be non criminal and cleared the President of wrong doing. So, ya, after a person is cleared of wrong doing and to continue to accuse them of being a criminal for the offense he was cleared of is just lying, a big part of political harkery.
ignoring the law and doing the opposite of what the law requires is breaking the law.....

OK. If that is really a list of laws, and he has broken them, why hasn't he been prosecuted and sentenced? This is where you should be ranting about a big conspiracy theory of how he controls everything, and nobody wants to prosecute him because he is black........right?
Ultra partisan hackery at it's highest or lowest, depending on whether you are looking down or up. Nonsense rubbish either way.
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.

so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
Those are speculations and opinions, not facts. Presenting those things as facts is political hackery and dishonest. Many of those things have been investigated by Republican controlled congressional committees and found to be non criminal and cleared the President of wrong doing. So, ya, after a person is cleared of wrong doing and to continue to accuse them of being a criminal for the offense he was cleared of is just lying, a big part of political harkery.
No, it is not a crime to "attack the first amendment". More importantly, nothing the President did was an attack on the first amendment. And he is not ignoring immigration laws; he is enforcing them in the manner he sees fit in the exercise of his power to enforce the laws. He did not lie about health care; he did not lie about the murder of Stevens and he has not used the Justice Department for political purposes.

you can believe in the tooth fairy is your right....but facts are facts....

  1. President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . .

    • More than 300,000 captured illegal aliens had been processed and were awaiting deportation. But, incredibly, Obama stopped these deportations and ordered the U.S. border patrol to release many of these illegal aliens in violation of law and without explanation.
    • Congress rejected Obama's so called DREAM ACT – which would have granted permanent residency to many illegal aliens. So Obama enacted his own version of the DREAM ACT by Executive Order, thus directly defying Congress. According to Obama's Executive Order, illegal aliens can stay in America if they are under the age of 30, have been in America for at least five years, are enrolled in school or have graduated from high school, and have committed no felonies.
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.

so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
Those are speculations and opinions, not facts. Presenting those things as facts is political hackery and dishonest. Many of those things have been investigated by Republican controlled congressional committees and found to be non criminal and cleared the President of wrong doing. So, ya, after a person is cleared of wrong doing and to continue to accuse them of being a criminal for the offense he was cleared of is just lying, a big part of political harkery.
No, it is not a crime to "attack the first amendment". More importantly, nothing the President did was an attack on the first amendment. And he is not ignoring immigration laws; he is enforcing them in the manner he sees fit in the exercise of his power to enforce the laws. He did not lie about health care; he did not lie about the murder of Stevens and he has not used the Justice Department for political purposes.

you can believe in the tooth fairy is your right....but facts are facts....

  1. President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . .

    • More than 300,000 captured illegal aliens had been processed and were awaiting deportation. But, incredibly, Obama stopped these deportations and ordered the U.S. border patrol to release many of these illegal aliens in violation of law and without explanation.
    • Congress rejected Obama's so called DREAM ACT – which would have granted permanent residency to many illegal aliens. So Obama enacted his own version of the DREAM ACT by Executive Order, thus directly defying Congress. According to Obama's Executive Order, illegal aliens can stay in America if they are under the age of 30, have been in America for at least five years, are enrolled in school or have graduated from high school, and have committed no felonies.

Are executive orders illegal?
so you deny/ignore the facts in order to not be a hack.....? seems to me that is the definition of a hack......hack....
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.

so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
Those are speculations and opinions, not facts. Presenting those things as facts is political hackery and dishonest. Many of those things have been investigated by Republican controlled congressional committees and found to be non criminal and cleared the President of wrong doing. So, ya, after a person is cleared of wrong doing and to continue to accuse them of being a criminal for the offense he was cleared of is just lying, a big part of political harkery.
No, it is not a crime to "attack the first amendment". More importantly, nothing the President did was an attack on the first amendment. And he is not ignoring immigration laws; he is enforcing them in the manner he sees fit in the exercise of his power to enforce the laws. He did not lie about health care; he did not lie about the murder of Stevens and he has not used the Justice Department for political purposes.

you can believe in the tooth fairy is your right....but facts are facts....

  1. President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . .

    • More than 300,000 captured illegal aliens had been processed and were awaiting deportation. But, incredibly, Obama stopped these deportations and ordered the U.S. border patrol to release many of these illegal aliens in violation of law and without explanation.
    • Congress rejected Obama's so called DREAM ACT – which would have granted permanent residency to many illegal aliens. So Obama enacted his own version of the DREAM ACT by Executive Order, thus directly defying Congress. According to Obama's Executive Order, illegal aliens can stay in America if they are under the age of 30, have been in America for at least five years, are enrolled in school or have graduated from high school, and have committed no felonies.
More fucking lies.
What facts? Every one of those 25 is not factually true or, if true, not a crime.

so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
Those are speculations and opinions, not facts. Presenting those things as facts is political hackery and dishonest. Many of those things have been investigated by Republican controlled congressional committees and found to be non criminal and cleared the President of wrong doing. So, ya, after a person is cleared of wrong doing and to continue to accuse them of being a criminal for the offense he was cleared of is just lying, a big part of political harkery.
No, it is not a crime to "attack the first amendment". More importantly, nothing the President did was an attack on the first amendment. And he is not ignoring immigration laws; he is enforcing them in the manner he sees fit in the exercise of his power to enforce the laws. He did not lie about health care; he did not lie about the murder of Stevens and he has not used the Justice Department for political purposes.

you can believe in the tooth fairy is your right....but facts are facts....

  1. President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . .
    • More than 300,000 captured illegal aliens had been processed and were awaiting deportation. But, incredibly, Obama stopped these deportations and ordered the U.S. border patrol to release many of these illegal aliens in violation of law and without explanation.
    • Congress rejected Obama's so called DREAM ACT – which would have granted permanent residency to many illegal aliens. So Obama enacted his own version of the DREAM ACT by Executive Order, thus directly defying Congress. According to Obama's Executive Order, illegal aliens can stay in America if they are under the age of 30, have been in America for at least five years, are enrolled in school or have graduated from high school, and have committed no felonies.
More fucking lies.

don't you remember the Federal Judge that put a hold on Obama's executive amnesty.....? seems the Judge agrees with me...

“The court expects all parties, including the government of the United States, to act in a forthright manner and not hide behind deceptive representations and half-truths,” Hanen wrote in his decision, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Attorneys for the 26 states are arguing Obama’s executive action causes “irreparable harm” to their local interests. Meanwhile, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is leading the charge of states’ protests against Obama’s action, called Hanen’s ruling commendable.

“The Obama administration’s blatant misrepresentations to the court about its implementation of expanded work permits for illegal immigrants under the president’s lawless amnesty plan reflects a pattern of disrespect for the rule of law in America,” Paxton said. “As the judge has affirmed, once put into effect, President Obama’s executive amnesty program will be virtually impossible to reverse. Any premature implementation could have serious consequences.”

Read more at Federal judge halts Obama – again – on amnesty
This is your refute?

Don't want to post the phrase in the 14th that reads "and subject to the jurisdiction there of"

Wow. You believe some whiney talk show idiot just found the key that the right has been looking so long for? There are procedures for changing the constitution, but other than that, why hasn't some smart right winger pointed that out before? Could it be that smarter people than you already knew that was there but it didn't hold water?

Quit your crying, you tried to be intellectually dishonest in your post to refute ok's post by just posting the part of the 14th that you agree with.

Guess ok's other post was to long for you to comprehend so you quoted mine.

Nothing dishonest about an answer that covers the question. Obviously the right thinks Levin, or trump, or some other rattlehead found a magic phrase that will solve all your fears and worries about immigration, and I say it won't work. That's about as far as we need to go. If you think your little idea is valid, then you don't need to be wasting time here. Show what kind of a man you are and demand that somebody do something about it. If your little phrase is that forceful and definitive, we should be hearing about congressional hearings by tomorrow night.
There is no magic here - the right has no interests in reforming immigration than the left does. We know this from their actions.

That does not, however, have any relation to a debate on what is possible under the constitution for congress to enact. I don't see any particular problem with what OK is stating. If the court has not ruled on this issue then it would clearly be within congress' power to enact.

I also believe that the court would overturn the law though.

Debate all you want. I have heard and completely understood the right wing point of view on this, and see it as nothing more than more bullshit. Rereading the same arguments won't change my mind. I chose not to participate in this silliness.

You are participating right now and demanding that they are incorrect. Your points are moot and now you simply do not want to admit it. If you don't want to participate then you would not post.
so you think it is 'not a crime' to attack the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, to ignore our immigration laws, to lie about healthcare, to use his DOJ for political purposes, to lie about the death of an Ambassador.... and the list goes on.......

i think the freakin' traitor should be impeached....
Those are speculations and opinions, not facts. Presenting those things as facts is political hackery and dishonest. Many of those things have been investigated by Republican controlled congressional committees and found to be non criminal and cleared the President of wrong doing. So, ya, after a person is cleared of wrong doing and to continue to accuse them of being a criminal for the offense he was cleared of is just lying, a big part of political harkery.
No, it is not a crime to "attack the first amendment". More importantly, nothing the President did was an attack on the first amendment. And he is not ignoring immigration laws; he is enforcing them in the manner he sees fit in the exercise of his power to enforce the laws. He did not lie about health care; he did not lie about the murder of Stevens and he has not used the Justice Department for political purposes.

you can believe in the tooth fairy is your right....but facts are facts....

  1. President Obama, throughout his Presidency, has refused to enforce long-established U.S. immigration laws. For example . . .
    • More than 300,000 captured illegal aliens had been processed and were awaiting deportation. But, incredibly, Obama stopped these deportations and ordered the U.S. border patrol to release many of these illegal aliens in violation of law and without explanation.
    • Congress rejected Obama's so called DREAM ACT – which would have granted permanent residency to many illegal aliens. So Obama enacted his own version of the DREAM ACT by Executive Order, thus directly defying Congress. According to Obama's Executive Order, illegal aliens can stay in America if they are under the age of 30, have been in America for at least five years, are enrolled in school or have graduated from high school, and have committed no felonies.
More fucking lies.

don't you remember the Federal Judge that put a hold on Obama's executive amnesty.....? seems the Judge agrees with me...

“The court expects all parties, including the government of the United States, to act in a forthright manner and not hide behind deceptive representations and half-truths,” Hanen wrote in his decision, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Attorneys for the 26 states are arguing Obama’s executive action causes “irreparable harm” to their local interests. Meanwhile, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is leading the charge of states’ protests against Obama’s action, called Hanen’s ruling commendable.

“The Obama administration’s blatant misrepresentations to the court about its implementation of expanded work permits for illegal immigrants under the president’s lawless amnesty plan reflects a pattern of disrespect for the rule of law in America,” Paxton said. “As the judge has affirmed, once put into effect, President Obama’s executive amnesty program will be virtually impossible to reverse. Any premature implementation could have serious consequences.”

Read more at Federal judge halts Obama – again – on amnesty
you know that quote isn't from the judge, right?

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