Marriage is "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
It's "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"... As the Supreme Court pointed out when Blacks and Whites were Denied Marriage...

Blacks and Whites of the Opposite Sex, that is.

Because there is NOTHING "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" about a Man Marrying a Man or a Woman Marrying a Woman...

Fact. :thup:

I found an interesting link via someone who believes the SCOTUS' 14 Rulings on Marriage pertain to Homosexuals... Really?

Let's look at that:

14 Supreme Court Cases: Marriage is a Fundamental Right | American Foundation for Equal Rights

Maynard v. Hill, 125 U.S. 190, 205, 211 (1888): Marriage is “the most important relation in life” and “the foundation of the family and society, without which there would be neither civilization nor progress.”

Really?... How do Homosexuals Reflect this Conclusion?... Oh yeah, they don't. :thup:

Buy wait, there's more!

Skinner v. Oklahoma ex rel. Williamson, 316 U.S. 535, 541 (1942): Marriage “one of the basic civil rights of man,” “fundamental to the very existence and survival of the race.”

Man/Man?... Woman/Woman?... Nope. :thup:

Carey v. Population Services International, 431 U.S. 678, 684-85 (1977): “t is clear that among the decisions that an individual may make without unjustified government interference are personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, and child rearing and education.”

Gays?... Nope. No more important in this Equation than Siblings Sharing a Home and Raising a Child together that they did not Create. :thup:

Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558, 574 (2003): “[O]ur laws and tradition afford constitutional protection to personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family relationships, and education. … Persons in a homosexual relationship may seek autonomy for these purposes, just as heterosexual persons do.”

Here's where the Court get's Retarded... And probably gives Hope to the Agenda.

Procreation?... No two Men nor two Woman have ever Procreated... Ever. Not one single time in the History of the 6 Billion Humans that are on Earth now or who came before us.

Man/Woman is Unequal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman.... This is an Undisputable Fact of Nature, Biology and Reality.

If we are to Codify in Law that two things are Equal that are so Obviously not, then we have opened Pandora's Box regarding what the Court can Dictate that Defies Reality.

When I warned years ago that Homosexuals would go after younger and younger kids in School with the Agenda, I was attacked... Even here just 5 years ago.

Yet Sex Ed for 5th Graders is now Incorporating Homosexuality into it's plans.

When I suggested this right here @ the Twaff 4 and 5 years ago I was attacked.

Those same people are Silent now or they are in Full Support of Exposing younger and younger Children to Adult Sexual Deviancies.

The same will be when more and more Absurd Rulings from the Court come out in the Future... Like when Age of Consent Laws are Revisited.

Don't forget, many of the same people Marching and Advocating now were Marching and Advocating with NAMBLA in the 70's and 80's, so much so that even in the Gay's National Charter in the 70's they called for an "End to Age of Consent Laws"... "Immediately".

But again, when this comes to pass... you will be called a Bigot for not Supporting it. :thup:

You think I'm kidding?...

It's already here... :thup:


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No matter how many different internet forum discussions you start, no matter what irrelevant "points" that you try to make, no matter how much you complain and vote, there isn't a law against gay marriage and there never will be, and Christianity does not overpower the US Constitution at all, ever.

Get used to it.
Cuing fake argument about older/non-reproducing heterosexuals in...3...2...1.....

The power to define marriage has always resided in the states. The exception of miscegenation is the exception that proves the rule.
No matter how many different internet forum discussions you start, no matter what irrelevant "points" that you try to make, no matter how much you complain and vote, there isn't a law against gay marriage and there never will be, and Christianity does not overpower the US Constitution at all, ever.

Get used to it.

You are correct. There is no law against gay marriage. So what are gays upset about?
No matter how many different internet forum discussions you start, no matter what irrelevant "points" that you try to make, no matter how much you complain and vote, there isn't a law against gay marriage and there never will be, and Christianity does not overpower the US Constitution at all, ever.

Get used to it.

You are correct. There is no law against gay marriage. So what are gays upset about?

Because Society won't say on it's own that Man/Woman is Equal to Man/Man or Woman/Woman...

Because it's not... So they will get the Despotic Branch to say it in Law.

It will always be Lie, even it is Law.

We are letting the Mentally Ill Dictate Policy and Corrupt and Deviant Politicians and Judges are allowing it to happen.


How is a convicted murderer on death row "Essential, blah, blah, blah"?
How is a convicted murderer on death row "Essential, blah, blah, blah"?

You can wonder all you want... The Possibility of Pardon and any number of things...

But most importantly, as many of these Rulings Observe...

Marriage IS about ProCreation.

And you can't. :thup:

Well, if you get a Man involved you can...

Get it?...

Of course you do... Lying is like Breathing to you.


How is a convicted murderer on death row "Essential, blah, blah, blah"?

Darn did I call it or what?

If they were Honest they would Admit that 50 year old Sisters have every "Right" to Marriage that they do...

But they are Inherently Dishonest...

Well, the Advocates are... The Minions are either Mentally Ill or simply lead by Pop Culture and will grow out of this... Hopefully.


How is a convicted murderer on death row "Essential, blah, blah, blah"?

Darn did I call it or what?

But can you answer it? The SCOTUS had to rule on this you know, the right of convicts to legally marry. So, how is a convicted murderer on death row "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" so much that the Supreme Court of the United States had to rule on their right to marry?
It's "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"... As the Supreme Court pointed out when Blacks and Whites were Denied Marriage...

Blacks and Whites of the Opposite Sex, that is.

you might want to actually read and understand Loving v Virginia.

the concept wasn't about the people's color. it was about marriage being a fundamental right and government needing to have a governmental interest in limiting that fundamental right before it can do so.

your hate doesn't create a governmental interest.

but feel free to take it up with stevie. he seems to share your obsession, mal.
Pretty sure that humans had babies for thousands of years before the idea of a wedding ceremony and joint tax filings.
How is a convicted murderer on death row "Essential, blah, blah, blah"?

Darn did I call it or what?

But can you answer it? The SCOTUS had to rule on this you know, the right of convicts to legally marry. So, how is a convicted murderer on death row "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" so much that the Supreme Court of the United States had to rule on their right to marry?

If most of us were on death row you might have a point.
A gay couple marrying is statistically more likely to procreate than a convicted murderer on death row.
Darn did I call it or what?

But can you answer it? The SCOTUS had to rule on this you know, the right of convicts to legally marry. So, how is a convicted murderer on death row "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" so much that the Supreme Court of the United States had to rule on their right to marry?

If most of us were on death row you might have a point.

If people unable to procreate were denied a civil marriage license, you'd have a point.
But can you answer it? The SCOTUS had to rule on this you know, the right of convicts to legally marry. So, how is a convicted murderer on death row "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" so much that the Supreme Court of the United States had to rule on their right to marry?

If most of us were on death row you might have a point.

If people unable to procreate were denied a civil marriage license, you'd have a point.

Damn, did I call it or what?

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