Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

All data on the children of gay "marriages" is self-reported. Anyone who has even sat through the first class in a statistics course knows that such data is immediately compromised and, for statistical purposes, worthless.Yes, it's a fucked up world, and any child may be born outside marriage, or may be impacted by a nasty divorce, but bringing a child intentionally into a perverted "family" is a serious form of child abuse.

You might want to write that statment to the gun nutters on here. They think "self reported" as it relates to stopping crime with a gun is the gospel truth.

But on the topic. I can't think of any harm that a married gay person would do or could do to my marriage of almost 25 years.

Maybe those that are so scared of gays getting married can't say the same thing. You all have shaky marriages and think your spouse might want to switch to the other team? But only if they can get married.
All data on the children of gay "marriages" is self-reported. Anyone who has even sat through the first class in a statistics course knows that such data is immediately compromised and, for statistical purposes, worthless.Yes, it's a fucked up world, and any child may be born outside marriage, or may be impacted by a nasty divorce, but bringing a child intentionally into a perverted "family" is a serious form of child abuse.

You might want to write that statment to the gun nutters on here. They think "self reported" as it relates to stopping crime with a gun is the gospel truth.

But on the topic. I can't think of any harm that a married gay person would do or could do to my marriage of almost 25 years.

Maybe those that are so scared of gays getting married can't say the same thing. You all have shaky marriages and think your spouse might want to switch to the other team? But only if they can get married.

This is getting tiresome, ain't it zeke? Sounds like a lot of confused and insecure people if you ask me. Too much fuss over such a small % of people.
Ya'll just can't keep your shit together can you? I could marry a man and get those cash and prizes...isn't that what ya'll keep telling us, that we have the same rights if we just marry the way YOU think we should? Wouldn't that give us those bennies anyway? So what's the difference? You're okay paying out the cash and prizes as long I'm fucking who YOU want me to fuck? How Authoritarian of you.

You appear to be becoming unhinged. Get help.

He who has the gold makes the rules. If you want the benefits of corporate write offs then you need to have a corporation. You want the benefits of marriage then you need to be married.
The next thing will be single people, confirmed batchelors and spinsters, getting married to any and all in order to reap benefits. Why should they be discriminated against just because they dont want to get married? At that point "marriage" is a farce. Which is what the gay agenda is all about anyway, the breakdown of societal norms.

Confirmed bachelors and spinsters can marry each other NOW. Allowing us to marry isn't going to change that. Honestly, your arguments are all just silly...which is why your position keeps losing in court. :lol:

Only men to women, one man, one woman. Sorry if that was too fast for you to follow.
The positions lose in court because gay advocates manage to find homosexual judges to uphold their opinions. It is generally a loser at the ballot box because most people are smart.
All data on the children of gay "marriages" is self-reported. Anyone who has even sat through the first class in a statistics course knows that such data is immediately compromised and, for statistical purposes, worthless.Yes, it's a fucked up world, and any child may be born outside marriage, or may be impacted by a nasty divorce, but bringing a child intentionally into a perverted "family" is a serious form of child abuse.

You might want to write that statment to the gun nutters on here. They think "self reported" as it relates to stopping crime with a gun is the gospel truth.

But on the topic. I can't think of any harm that a married gay person would do or could do to my marriage of almost 25 years.

Maybe those that are so scared of gays getting married can't say the same thing. You all have shaky marriages and think your spouse might want to switch to the other team? But only if they can get married.

This is getting tiresome, ain't it zeke? Sounds like a lot of confused and insecure people if you ask me. Too much fuss over such a small % of people.

How you doing Knobby? And it is tiresome. These fuking right wing wack jobs don't want the Federal government doing anything....................until they want the Federal government to interject itself in the personal lives of Americans.

The right wing whackos want the government to; say who can get married, make a woman have a baby she doesn't want, force religion and guns in schools and making Christians a "protected" class.

Other than that, they say the government shouldn't be involved in the lives of us citizens. According to right wing wackos.

Weird people the right wingers are. It's really hard to tell what the fuk they want anymore.

But have you noticed they always have a ready excuse as to why things are not going the way they want? It's gay judges or free shit or whatever excuse seems to make sense to the demented right wingers.

Must have never occured to them that their thinking and ideas are just fuking nuts.
There is no evidence that gay marriage will be positive to society and lots of evidence it will cost money. Why bother to satisfy the less than 3% of the population?

So when did having a positive influence on society become a pre-requisite for marriage. Convicted mass murderers on death row have the right to marry. The SCOTUS said so. How is that "positive to society"?

What evidence do you have that my marriage will cost any more money than yours?

The people who join the military are less than 2% of the population. Why should we bother to satisfy them?

It is the state's interest in according marital status to certain unions and not other unions.

Gay marriage will cost more because gay couples will demand (are demanding) all the benefits that actually married couples get. Or did you think those things come from the tooth fairy?

What's the state's interest in giving costly spousal government benefits to ANY marriage?
what's next for gays with marriage bennies......medical care for the inability to conceive....?

Obastardcare will probably cover it....

so what's next....designer babies....?

and you idiots think 'gay marriage' won't cause societal problems....:eusa_liar:

'gay marriage' is just one step forward in the godless Secular agenda...
You might want to write that statment to the gun nutters on here. They think "self reported" as it relates to stopping crime with a gun is the gospel truth.

But on the topic. I can't think of any harm that a married gay person would do or could do to my marriage of almost 25 years.

Maybe those that are so scared of gays getting married can't say the same thing. You all have shaky marriages and think your spouse might want to switch to the other team? But only if they can get married.

This is getting tiresome, ain't it zeke? Sounds like a lot of confused and insecure people if you ask me. Too much fuss over such a small % of people.

How you doing Knobby? And it is tiresome. These fuking right wing wack jobs don't want the Federal government doing anything....................until they want the Federal government to interject itself in the personal lives of Americans.

The right wing whackos want the government to; say who can get married, make a woman have a baby she doesn't want, force religion and guns in schools and making Christians a "protected" class.

Other than that, they say the government shouldn't be involved in the lives of us citizens. According to right wing wackos.

Weird people the right wingers are. It's really hard to tell what the fuk they want anymore.

But have you noticed they always have a ready excuse as to why things are not going the way they want? It's gay judges or free shit or whatever excuse seems to make sense to the demented right wingers.

Must have never occured to them that their thinking and ideas are just fuking nuts.

I'm alright freak - now, don't get mad, I have a bad habit of "naming" people! hahaha Yea, I do love it how they think. They don't mind the government getting involved in who we mount, but "keep the government out of MY medicare!" hahahahaha

And the most socialist of all activities - war and the military industrial complex - by God, that's just fine with them. They better untie their ass from their necks or it's going to be getting worse for them as a party.

1.What is marriage?

If the conclusion is valid and the premises are correct why is there not a law prenting divorce? It's all about "the children", which given many sarcastic comments posted by 'conservatives' and 'libertarians' on this message board seem hypocrtical.

Some "mommies" make better "daddies" than the biological father will ever be; and some "daddies" make better "mommies" than the biological mother will ever be.

2. Why does marriage matter for public policy?

It's all about the children and social engineering. Suggesting single family children are 'lesser' than children raised in traditional family structures is absurd and bigotry at its finest.

3. The Consequences of Redefining Marriage

More of an argument on divorce and the authors intolerance for children and their not married mothers. Sometimes women want a child and not a husband - to suggest all such children are 'lesser' and post single studies to 'prove' this is true is aburd. Maybe they should study on war and how the death of a biological parent impacts children? Are those children lesser? Is war harmful to kids? Why than do we not ban war?
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what's next for gays with marriage bennies......medical care for the inability to conceive....?

Obastardcare will probably cover it....

so what's next....designer babies....?

and you idiots think 'gay marriage' won't cause societal problems....:eusa_liar:

'gay marriage' is just one step forward in the godless Secular agenda...

In other words, you opponents of gay marriage can only conjure up imaginary problems.

Yes, that's what we've been pointing out for years. It's all in your head.
what's next for gays with marriage bennies......medical care for the inability to conceive....?

Obastardcare will probably cover it....

so what's next....designer babies....?

and you idiots think 'gay marriage' won't cause societal problems....:eusa_liar:

'gay marriage' is just one step forward in the godless Secular agenda...

In other words, you opponents of gay marriage can only conjure up imaginary problems.

Yes, that's what we've been pointing out for years. It's all in your head.

conjuring up 'imaginary problems'.....? hardly....

i've already pointed out to you one important problem for which you had no answer....that children of gays are denied one of their real numbnuts have no real counter argument to this except to blithely follow the secular leaders that are leading you into their freakish unnatural controlled world....

fyi designer babies are already in the works....what's to stop Obastardcare from pushing its secular agenda further with 'medical help' by providing gays with designer babies and engaging in "playing God in the womb".....? what an opportunity for do realize that the secular agenda is out to make the State the new all-powerful 'god' in your life.....?


Designer Babies - Playing God in the Womb | Beginning And End
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what's next for gays with marriage bennies......medical care for the inability to conceive....?

Obastardcare will probably cover it....

so what's next....designer babies....?

and you idiots think 'gay marriage' won't cause societal problems....:eusa_liar:

'gay marriage' is just one step forward in the godless Secular agenda...

Because things have been going so fucking great as One Nation Under God. Ex: we've been at war nearly the whole time since our founding in 1776. :lol:
what's next for gays with marriage bennies......medical care for the inability to conceive....?

Obastardcare will probably cover it....

so what's next....designer babies....?

and you idiots think 'gay marriage' won't cause societal problems....:eusa_liar:

'gay marriage' is just one step forward in the godless Secular agenda...

Do heterosexuals get infertility treatments covered under their health care?
I love the way gays always use cooked-up "scientific" studies to further their cause.

You mean you love how "the gheys" have actual scientific and peer reviewed studies, the AAP, AMA & APA to back us up and you have NARTH. :lol:

There are no reliable studies. Upon examination they have small samples and often are self reported. So much for reliable.
what's next for gays with marriage bennies......medical care for the inability to conceive....?

Obastardcare will probably cover it....

so what's next....designer babies....?

and you idiots think 'gay marriage' won't cause societal problems....:eusa_liar:

'gay marriage' is just one step forward in the godless Secular agenda...

Do heterosexuals get infertility treatments covered under their health care?

Are gays infertile?
what's next for gays with marriage bennies......medical care for the inability to conceive....?

Obastardcare will probably cover it....

so what's next....designer babies....?

and you idiots think 'gay marriage' won't cause societal problems....:eusa_liar:

'gay marriage' is just one step forward in the godless Secular agenda...

Do heterosexuals get infertility treatments covered under their health care?

Are gays infertile?

Not the point. Once again we've found something that screamer eagle thinks hets should have all to themselves...AI and invitro.

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