Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

What's sad, is that you think policies regarding public restrooms is a signal of the "degradation of society".

No, what's sad is that you think it's ok for a male to go use the women's restrooms. Gee, there won't be any problems there! My God you are one stupid girl... :banghead:

No, I support transgendered individuals using the restroom of the gender they associate with. Not the same.

And you're so profoundly stupid that you can't comprehend that all I have to do is declare myself "transgendered" if anyone challenges me and I could go be a sick, disturbed pervert in the women's bathroom?!?

Come on.... time to grow up little girl. It's absolutely terrifying to me that someone so immature is entrusted with children.
And are you taking a militant stance on that too?
I see that the radical wants to have a "tolerant" policy for the transgendered.

What about the "Q" group in the GBLTQ. Do you know that it refers to "questioning?"

So, maybe someone will wind up pissing hir pants because for not being able to decide which bathroom to enter. (Spelling deliberate in deference to political correctness and respect for those who are undecided......)

The "Q" refers to people questioning their orientation, not necessarily their gender. Someone who is going through gender reassignment is supposed to live as the gender they are transitioning to for at least a year and that means using the facilities of the gender they associate with.
A full year, and then the person will know for certain whether she/he/it is male or female?:cuckoo:
You're living in a bigoted past that doesn't exist anymore. Most people don't believe that gay and lesbian relationships are morally wrong.

In U.S., Record-High Say Gay, Lesbian Relations Morally OK

Wake up and smell 2013...

There girl who ignores the fact that uber liberal California voted down gay marriage in the last election to "celebrate" her California gay marriage from a decade ago is accusing other people of "living in the past"? Really? :lmao:

For all of your absurd LBGT libtard propaganda (which is proven time and time again to be lies - which sadly you always believe), all I see is an entire board full of people who completely reject your entire absurd ideology.

California voted for Prop 8 by a slim majority over 4 years ago. Times have changed and if Prop 8 were introduced today, it would lose by a large margin. Over 60% of Californians now support marriage equality.

I was married in California, not a decade ago, but in October of 2008, before Prop 8. I'm one of the 18,000 legally married gays in CA that got in "under the wire" so to speak. My marriage was legal then and remains legal now and in a few short weeks, my legal marriage will be on the same footing as far as the Feds go, that yours is. Got your Paxil ready?
I see that the radical wants to have a "tolerant" policy for the transgendered.

What about the "Q" group in the GBLTQ. Do you know that it refers to "questioning?"

So, maybe someone will wind up pissing hir pants because for not being able to decide which bathroom to enter. (Spelling deliberate in deference to political correctness and respect for those who are undecided......)

The "Q" refers to people questioning their orientation, not necessarily their gender. Someone who is going through gender reassignment is supposed to live as the gender they are transitioning to for at least a year and that means using the facilities of the gender they associate with.
A full year, and then the person will know for certain whether she/he/it is male or female?:cuckoo:

No, they already know that they wish to transition, but a requirement for the surgery is to have lived exclusively as the gender you are transitioning to prior to hitting the chop shop.
But yes, I support changes in public restroom policies to allow transgendered individuals to use the facility of the gender they associate with, not the gender they were born with.

Please keep posting garbage like this SW - it's the greatest case for traditional marriage I can imagine!!! Just seeing how completely unhinged you folks are in the LBGT community is enough to frighten even the most open-minded individual into common sense!
No offense but I disagree with your using that term, "traditional marriage."

This tends to lend credence to the myth that there are other forms - other than the male-female forms - and there really are not. In other words, it means "traditional" as opposed to something else, possibly something more "progressive," and in the minds of many who have been polluted with Liberal ideology, "progressive" can equal "modern" or even "good."
The "Q" refers to people questioning their orientation, not necessarily their gender

This is so far beyond absurd, there literally are no adjectives in the English language which properly covers if.

What is there to "question"? If you're born with a penis, you are a man. If you're born with a vagina, you are a woman. It couldn't possibly be any more indisputable. What's next - question if the planet is really round? Question if 2+2=4? I know, why don't we question if we all actually exist? :cuckoo:

God Almighty... :banghead:
No, what's sad is that you think it's ok for a male to go use the women's restrooms. Gee, there won't be any problems there! My God you are one stupid girl... :banghead:

No, I support transgendered individuals using the restroom of the gender they associate with. Not the same.

And you're so profoundly stupid that you can't comprehend that all I have to do is declare myself "transgendered" if anyone challenges me and I could go be a sick, disturbed pervert in the women's bathroom?!?

Come on.... time to grow up little girl. It's absolutely terrifying to me that someone so immature is entrusted with children.

Seriously Puppy, if you can't discuss this like an adult, why try?

Where are these policies being enacted? Schools mostly, yes? You really think a 14 year old boy is going to suddenly decide to live his school life dressing and acting like a girl just to sneak a peak at some bush in the ladies room?
But yes, I support changes in public restroom policies to allow transgendered individuals to use the facility of the gender they associate with, not the gender they were born with.

Please keep posting garbage like this SW - it's the greatest case for traditional marriage I can imagine!!! Just seeing how completely unhinged you folks are in the LBGT community is enough to frighten even the most open-minded individual into common sense!
No offense but I disagree with your using that term, "traditional marriage."

This tends to lend credence to the myth that there are other forms - other than the male-female forms - and there really are not. In other words, it means "traditional" as opposed to something else, possibly something more "progressive," and in the minds of many who have been polluted with Liberal ideology, "progressive" can equal "modern" or even "good."

Excellent point (and thank you)
The "Q" refers to people questioning their orientation, not necessarily their gender

This is so far beyond absurd, there literally are no adjectives in the English language which properly covers if.

What is there to "question"? If you're born with a penis, you are a man. If you're born with a vagina, you are a woman. It couldn't possibly be any more indisputable. What's next - question if the planet is really round? Question if 2+2=4? I know, why don't we question if we all actually exist? :cuckoo:

God Almighty... :banghead:

You just jump without reading don't you? I said the "Q" was people questioning their in they aren't sure they are gay or lesbian. People with Gender Identity Disorder know it from an early age.
No, I support transgendered individuals using the restroom of the gender they associate with. Not the same.

And you're so profoundly stupid that you can't comprehend that all I have to do is declare myself "transgendered" if anyone challenges me and I could go be a sick, disturbed pervert in the women's bathroom?!?

Come on.... time to grow up little girl. It's absolutely terrifying to me that someone so immature is entrusted with children.

Seriously Puppy, if you can't discuss this like an adult, why try?

Where are these policies being enacted? Schools mostly, yes? You really think a 14 year old boy is going to suddenly decide to live his school life dressing and acting like a girl just to sneak a peak at some bush in the ladies room?

No - I'm talking about ADULTS (notice I used myself as an example and not a 14-year old boy?????). Furthermore, where is it written than anyone must "dress like a girl" to declare themselves transgender?

Why do you feel the need to become so disingenuous when you've been defeated in a real debate?
First, its the right that is trying to redefine marriage.

Second, its not a matter that should be decided by the government at any level. Its an individual decision and the state should not have any say it in.

I'm sick of hearing that the right wants smaller government when, if FACT, its the right who wants government to control our private lives.

As long as its between consenting adults, mind your own business.
And you're so profoundly stupid that you can't comprehend that all I have to do is declare myself "transgendered" if anyone challenges me and I could go be a sick, disturbed pervert in the women's bathroom?!?

Come on.... time to grow up little girl. It's absolutely terrifying to me that someone so immature is entrusted with children.

Seriously Puppy, if you can't discuss this like an adult, why try?

Where are these policies being enacted? Schools mostly, yes? You really think a 14 year old boy is going to suddenly decide to live his school life dressing and acting like a girl just to sneak a peak at some bush in the ladies room?

No - I'm talking about ADULTS (notice I used myself as an example and not a 14-year old boy?????). Furthermore, where is it written than anyone must "dress like a girl" to declare themselves transgender?

Why do you feel the need to become so disingenuous when you've been defeated in a real debate?

Where are these restroom policies being challenged by adults? I recently heard of a suntanning place that tried to bar a transgendered individual from the woman's room. They've, I believe, since offered an apology.

It is only in public schools where restroom policies are being challenged in court. Adult transgendered individuals already use the restroom of the gender they are transitioning to. It's in schools that kids are having a hard time.
The "Q" refers to people questioning their orientation, not necessarily their gender

This is so far beyond absurd, there literally are no adjectives in the English language which properly covers if.

What is there to "question"? If you're born with a penis, you are a man. If you're born with a vagina, you are a woman. It couldn't possibly be any more indisputable. What's next - question if the planet is really round? Question if 2+2=4? I know, why don't we question if we all actually exist? :cuckoo:

God Almighty... :banghead:

You just jump without reading don't you? I said the "Q" was people questioning their in they aren't sure they are gay or lesbian. People with Gender Identity Disorder know it from an early age.

And how exactly do you not know if you are gay or not?!? There really is a simple litmus test for this:

Are you attracted to people of the same gender?

If NO - you are straight

If YES - you are gay

(See how easy that is?)

Only libtards could complicate something so basic...
The "Q" refers to people questioning their orientation, not necessarily their gender

This is so far beyond absurd, there literally are no adjectives in the English language which properly covers if.

What is there to "question"? If you're born with a penis, you are a man. If you're born with a vagina, you are a woman. It couldn't possibly be any more indisputable. What's next - question if the planet is really round? Question if 2+2=4? I know, why don't we question if we all actually exist? :cuckoo:

God Almighty... :banghead:

You just jump without reading don't you? I said the "Q" was people questioning their in they aren't sure they are gay or lesbian. People with Gender Identity Disorder know it from an early age.

Thanks for the science and factual link. There is so much ignorance and fear about this issue when really, its just no one's business.

Why can't the r's just leave consenting adults alone to live their lives?
This is so far beyond absurd, there literally are no adjectives in the English language which properly covers if.

What is there to "question"? If you're born with a penis, you are a man. If you're born with a vagina, you are a woman. It couldn't possibly be any more indisputable. What's next - question if the planet is really round? Question if 2+2=4? I know, why don't we question if we all actually exist? :cuckoo:

God Almighty... :banghead:

You just jump without reading don't you? I said the "Q" was people questioning their in they aren't sure they are gay or lesbian. People with Gender Identity Disorder know it from an early age.

And how exactly do you not know if you are gay or not?!? There really is a simple litmus test for this:

Are you attracted to people of the same gender?

If NO - you are straight

If YES - you are gay

(See how easy that is?)

Only libtards could complicate something so basic...

I don't know, ask the "Q"s. Maybe they're bisexual. Dunno, don't care.

Has it ever occurred to you that the world simply isn't as black and white and you need it to be for your narrow world view?
Seriously Puppy, if you can't discuss this like an adult, why try?

Where are these policies being enacted? Schools mostly, yes? You really think a 14 year old boy is going to suddenly decide to live his school life dressing and acting like a girl just to sneak a peak at some bush in the ladies room?

No - I'm talking about ADULTS (notice I used myself as an example and not a 14-year old boy?????). Furthermore, where is it written than anyone must "dress like a girl" to declare themselves transgender?

Why do you feel the need to become so disingenuous when you've been defeated in a real debate?

Where are these restroom policies being challenged by adults? I recently heard of a suntanning place that tried to bar a transgendered individual from the woman's room. They've, I believe, since offered an apology.

It is only in public schools where restroom policies are being challenged in court. Adult transgendered individuals already use the restroom of the gender they are transitioning to. It's in schools that kids are having a hard time.

Jesus God Almighty - you're actually advocating this for schools?!?! Yeah, insanely horny kids won't dress like a girl to see some "bush" (as you say). Noooooo, that won't happen at all.

For fuck's sake, EVERY single male in America will do that!!!! You have any idea how desperate a male is to see their first naked girl once those hormones start hopping?

You're so out of touch with reality it's just sad. You've locked yourself away in your little gay community and you think that's all that exists. There's a great big world out there SW - join us, won't you?
You just jump without reading don't you? I said the "Q" was people questioning their in they aren't sure they are gay or lesbian. People with Gender Identity Disorder know it from an early age.

And how exactly do you not know if you are gay or not?!? There really is a simple litmus test for this:

Are you attracted to people of the same gender?

If NO - you are straight

If YES - you are gay

(See how easy that is?)

Only libtards could complicate something so basic...

I don't know, ask the "Q"s. Maybe they're bisexual. Dunno, don't care.

Has it ever occurred to you that the world simply isn't as black and white and you need it to be for your narrow world view?

I'm a part of the world sweetie. I lived it. There is nothing special about me. If I could immediately realize I was attracted to girls or not, so can everyone else.

Has it ever occurred to you that the world simply isn't as complicated as you need it to be for your absurd world view?

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