Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

But don't worry, public bathrooms are being challenged in court.

And are you taking a militant stance on that too?

Oooh, "militant". Makes us sound so scary. Fighting for your rights is so "militant". :rolleyes:

But yes, I support changes in public restroom policies to allow transgendered individuals to use the facility of the gender they associate with, not the gender they were born with.
Who do YOU think is more widely accepted in say the Deep south or Texas.
the flaming gay guy
the straight guy

talk about an ignorant human.

WOW! You are one dense lefty...

Nobody is talking abgout "widely" accepted... the concept is "accepted at all".

Gays aren't really "widely" accpeted ANYWHERE! ...except among themselves. They are are starting to be tolerated --- and that, frankly, is the root of the problem. America needs to wake up and realize that we don't have to tolerate things that are morally wrong. It's OK to stand up and say "THAT IS WRONG!"

We are too worried about hurting peoples feelings, or making people mad. If we don't stand up for what is right - we are certain to end up with what is wrong!

You're living in a bigoted past that doesn't exist anymore. Most people don't believe that gay and lesbian relationships are morally wrong.

In U.S., Record-High Say Gay, Lesbian Relations Morally OK

Wake up and smell 2013...
THAT is the view of the Left: Morality is defined by how many people approve.

And the same Left-wingers talk about how this is not valid because the "majority" said that slavery was OK in the past.

The hypocrisy of Liberals is limitless.....
But don't worry, public bathrooms are being challenged in court.

And are you taking a militant stance on that too?
I see that the radical wants to have a "tolerant" policy for the transgendered.

What about the "Q" group in the GBLTQ. Do you know that it refers to "questioning?"

So, maybe someone will wind up pissing hir pants because for not being able to decide which bathroom to enter. (Spelling deliberate in deference to political correctness and respect for those who are undecided......)
WOW! You are one dense lefty...

Nobody is talking abgout "widely" accepted... the concept is "accepted at all".

Gays aren't really "widely" accpeted ANYWHERE! ...except among themselves. They are are starting to be tolerated --- and that, frankly, is the root of the problem. America needs to wake up and realize that we don't have to tolerate things that are morally wrong. It's OK to stand up and say "THAT IS WRONG!"

We are too worried about hurting peoples feelings, or making people mad. If we don't stand up for what is right - we are certain to end up with what is wrong!

You're living in a bigoted past that doesn't exist anymore. Most people don't believe that gay and lesbian relationships are morally wrong.

In U.S., Record-High Say Gay, Lesbian Relations Morally OK

Wake up and smell 2013...
THAT is the view of the Left: Morality is defined by how many people approve.

And the same Left-wingers talk about how this is not valid because the "majority" said that slavery was OK in the past.

The hypocrisy of Liberals is limitless.....

Ya'll are too funny. Tempy says "people think gays are immoral". I proved him wrong, simple as that. Slavery was once considered moral too. What does that tell you about morals?
But don't worry, public bathrooms are being challenged in court.

And are you taking a militant stance on that too?
I see that the radical wants to have a "tolerant" policy for the transgendered.

What about the "Q" group in the GBLTQ. Do you know that it refers to "questioning?"

So, maybe someone will wind up pissing hir pants because for not being able to decide which bathroom to enter. (Spelling deliberate in deference to political correctness and respect for those who are undecided......)

The "Q" refers to people questioning their orientation, not necessarily their gender. Someone who is going through gender reassignment is supposed to live as the gender they are transitioning to for at least a year and that means using the facilities of the gender they associate with.
Oooh, "militant". Makes us sound so scary. Fighting for your rights is so "militant"

Where do you have the "right" to use the restroom of the opposite gender? :cuckoo:

It's scary that you don't see how unhinged you are... You denounce every single Constitutional right, while falsely declaring any deviant sexual act a "right". Perhaps you should seek some kind of sex therapist for your obsession with finding every single disturbing and deviant act (like using the opposite genders restroom) a "right"?
But yes, I support changes in public restroom policies to allow transgendered individuals to use the facility of the gender they associate with, not the gender they were born with.

Please keep posting garbage like this SW - it's the greatest case for traditional marriage I can imagine!!! Just seeing how completely unhinged you folks are in the LBGT community is enough to frighten even the most open-minded individual into common sense!
Oooh, "militant". Makes us sound so scary. Fighting for your rights is so "militant"

Where do you have the "right" to use the restroom of the opposite gender? :cuckoo:

It's scary that you don't see how unhinged you are... You denounce every single Constitutional right, while falsely declaring any deviant sexual act a "right". Perhaps you should seek some kind of sex therapist for your obsession with finding every single disturbing and deviant act (like using the opposite genders restroom) a "right"?

I wasn't referring to restrooms when I said fighting for my rights made me militant. Uke decided that fighting for marriage equality made me "militant". I can live with that.
But don't worry, public bathrooms are being challenged in court.

What a profoundly sad statement on society.... (and SW's glee in the degradation of our society is equally tragic)

What's sad, is that you think policies regarding public restrooms is a signal of the "degradation of society".

No, what's sad is that you think it's ok for a male to go use the women's restrooms. Gee, there won't be any problems there! My God you are one stupid girl... :banghead:
But yes, I support changes in public restroom policies to allow transgendered individuals to use the facility of the gender they associate with, not the gender they were born with.

Please keep posting garbage like this SW - it's the greatest case for traditional marriage I can imagine!!! Just seeing how completely unhinged you folks are in the LBGT community is enough to frighten even the most open-minded individual into common sense!

Restroom policies and marriage equality have nothing to do with one another. Restroom policies are being challenged by parents mostly...

Colorado Family Challenges School To Let Transgender 6-Year-Old Use Appropriate Bathroom

Transgender restroom case is heard by Maine’s high court; student tells of fifth-grade bullying
What a profoundly sad statement on society.... (and SW's glee in the degradation of our society is equally tragic)

What's sad, is that you think policies regarding public restrooms is a signal of the "degradation of society".

No, what's sad is that you think it's ok for a male to go use the women's restrooms. Gee, there won't be any problems there! My God you are one stupid girl... :banghead:

No, I support transgendered individuals using the restroom of the gender they associate with. Not the same.
I support traditional marriage. However, if someone wants to marry a chicken that's fine with me. It's just when they want the benefits of marriage that comes with it that I have a problem with.

You're living in a bigoted past that doesn't exist anymore. Most people don't believe that gay and lesbian relationships are morally wrong.

In U.S., Record-High Say Gay, Lesbian Relations Morally OK

Wake up and smell 2013...

There girl who ignores the fact that uber liberal California voted down gay marriage in the last election to "celebrate" her California gay marriage from a decade ago is accusing other people of "living in the past"? Really? :lmao:

For all of your absurd LBGT libtard propaganda (which is proven time and time again to be lies - which sadly you always believe), all I see is an entire board full of people who completely reject your entire absurd ideology.
I support traditional marriage. However, if someone wants to marry a chicken that's fine with me. It's just when they want the benefits of marriage that comes with it that I have a problem with.


I support traditional marriage. However, if someone wants to marry a chicken that's fine with me. It's just when they want the benefits of marriage that comes with it that I have a problem with.


Since a chicken cannot consent to a legal contract, you'll have to stick to a good old fashioned church wedding for you and the hen.
You're living in a bigoted past that doesn't exist anymore. Most people don't believe that gay and lesbian relationships are morally wrong.

In U.S., Record-High Say Gay, Lesbian Relations Morally OK

Wake up and smell 2013...
THAT is the view of the Left: Morality is defined by how many people approve.

And the same Left-wingers talk about how this is not valid because the "majority" said that slavery was OK in the past.

The hypocrisy of Liberals is limitless.....

Ya'll are too funny. Tempy says "people think gays are immoral". I proved him wrong, simple as that. Slavery was once considered moral too. What does that tell you about morals?
Illogic of the Left-winger with the self-contradictions: The Leftist actually says - in one post - that morals are decided by majority: If enough people approve, then something is moral. Then, the same Liberal says that slavery was wrong - immoral - even though the majority approved of it.

And this concept has to be presented to the Lefty-Lib three times! Maybe it will require five, six or even seven repetitions for the Left-winger to see the hypocrisy and self-contradictions.
I don't support a tax system that penalizes me for the gender of my spouse. You obviously do.

I always like snarky liberal comments that miss the point of the conversation. They really make you think.

I appealed to your libertarian ideals. I'm taxed more (to the tune of over $100 a month) simply for being gay. Does that sit well with your libertarian ideals? I'm not getting taxed more because I make more money or use more of the commons. I'm taxed more because my spouse and I are both women.

It's a real simple question. Should the Federal government treat my legal marriage just like yours?

OK, I'll dumb this down for you as far as I can. Don't know if it will be enough.

I don't think you should pay more than a straight couple, sweetie. It's your liberal system that even enables that. Telling me I need to support another aspect of liberal economic engineering in a system I oppose and you support is just ... dumb.

Think about it. You support a progressive tax system because you are trying to drive "fairness" from the most unfair of any option, government. And it's because government uses force to get it's way.

Then you come to me and tell me you got caught in your own trap and I'm not "fair" to help you out of it. And you're appealing to my sense of "libertarianism" in saying that. That's just laughable.

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