Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

‘Separate but equal’ remains un-Constitutional; same-sex couples cannot be segregated into some contrived ‘alternative marriage’ in violation of the 14th Amendment based solely on the desire of opposite-sex couples to retain a monopoly on marriage.

So it's unconstitutional to have separate men's and women's restrooms in public buildings?
Need for acceptance is the number one reason people chose homosexuality to begin with...

Now they are just taking the next logical step...

Sad to watch the deterioration of our great Country like this...
Again, the radical ideologue does not read what has been written: I would hope that the federal government preserves DOMA and does not extend the tax benefits to any other than male-female marriages. In other words, that it DOES extend tax benefits to male-female marriages, and that states can do as they please with the various benefits.

The Federal Government isn't going to have a choice. The SCOTUS is ruling on DOMA and since it is clearly unconstitutional, it's going away. Expect the ruling striking down Section 3 of DOMA to come out in the next couple of weeks. Gays who get married in any of the 12 states (soon to be 13) will have their legal marriage recognized by the Federal they should be.

The truth is not bigotry, of course. But that is how radicals will demand it be interpreted.

Of course it is. If you wish to deny me equal rights because I'm gay, that's the dictionary definition of bigotry.

There ARE gays in history books, but there is not yet a demand for incessantly pointing this out, quotas, and references to liberation from oppression. In other words, in the Brave New World, children will be indoctrinated into the myth that the entire history of the world - in relation to homosexuals - was one of oppression and victimization.

So you don't want history reflected accurately? I'm not sure exactly what you're opposed to here.

The churches that make the most demands of its adherents are the ones that endure and are growing; not the appeasers.

And yet facts prove you wrong. Young people are leaving the church because of their intolerance. They aren't becoming less religious, so they probably would go to church if they didn't see it as a bastion of hatred and bigotry.

The whacked-out radicals make a point of attacking the Catholic Church. But the Left-wingers are condemning the behavior that they are promoting and/or excusing in their world! Left-wingers demand "toleration" of sexual perversions - So, these Leftist radicals would have to say that homosexual priest SHOULD be ordained, for example. The Left-wingers want a church that is like their secular nightmare.

You really are all over the place aren't you? Care to translate that little rant into English?

Yup - Russia got it right this time.

Well, they're experiencing low population and would probably embrace you with open arms. You might as well move there, because the bigoted and homophobic laws of Russia aren't coming here.
Need for acceptance is the number one reason people chose homosexuality to begin with...

Right...because gays have been so accepted historically. Jesus fucking Christ do you all even think before you type?

Yup --- I guess it went right over your head...

When people can't find acceptance through normal behavior they tend to act out. They find acceptance through others who are acting out as well.

Tell us about your parents seawitch...
I happen to believe this is extremely important. If you don't, move on to another thread. Nobody said you had to be here - just like nobody said SW had to marry a woman - that was her choice but she's not willing to live with the consequences of her decisions (typical liberal).

Indeed. Being a libertarian though, I don't need the government telling me I'm married...

But you DO need the government to back you up when you tell the family of the 98 year-old billionaire lady you married that you want half her fortune.

Whoa whoa whoa! I ain't marryin no billionaire even if she is 98 years old!
Because marriage is between a man and a woman. You could have married a man and received everything you are crying for. But you chose to marry a woman of your own free will. Therefore, you do not enjoy the same rights us those of us who played by the rules. Deal with it.

Alright, I'll bite.

Homosexuality is contradictory to the evolutionary process of a sexual species like Homo Sapiens. Scientifically, homosexuality is a epigenetic aberration brought on by a rare set of factors coming together in the womb during development. Take a look at research by a group called NimBIOS.

I believe homosexuality is no more than a choice.

Do you "believe" in eye witness accounts? First hand experiences? Because I can assure you, there was no choice in who I was attracted to.

Same sex behaviors and even life-long same sex pairings have been observed in hundreds of animal species, humans chief among them. (And in humans, since the beginning of recorded history.

Animal species have been observed changing their gender to adapt to changes in their Eco-systems. It is not a stretch, by any means, to see the necessary evolutionary role of a percentage of a population not meant to procreate.

There is also the possibility that human sexuality is considerably more fluid than our Puritanical roots allow it to be.

Not that any of this is relevant since legal, adult personal choices should have no bearing on whether you get access to equal rights.

Question for you:

Why if it were no choice, do you make such a spectacle out of it? "Look mommy I made a poo poo!" Not falling for it.
No your not!!! Stop lying... You are taxed the same amount as any other person not in a heterosexual marriage!

Her Civil Marriage is charged taxes differently then other Civil Marriages, that is the standard. She is legally Civilly Married under the laws of the State of California, the federal government has chosen to discriminate against legally married same-sex couples based on the gender composition of the Civil Marriage spouses.

For over 200 years the Federal government recognized all legal Civil Marriages entered into under State law, with the passage of DOMA they began discriminating as to Civil Marriage recognition based on gender.

So ya, she is taxed differently then other Civilly Married couples.

Sorry - you can keep lying but that doesn't change reality. America (as a whole) only recognizes marriage between one man and one woman - and that is not the relationship she is in

What was a lie? That she's Civilly Married under the laws of California? That she pays extra in taxes for health insurance (because it is treated as income) for her spouse because of gender that other Civilly Married couples don't pay?

Sorry, that is factually incorrect America does not "as a whole" only recognize Civil Marriage between one man and one woman. 25% of the States recognize Civil Marriage as between two consenting non-related adults. So when you look at States you are wrong. Even if you look at populations you are wrong. The anti-Marriage Equality crowd has been loosing ground for the last decade to the point where the anti-Marriage Equality crowd were defeated at the voting booth last year on 4 ballot initiatives in the General Election and polls show a stead increase in support of Civil Marriage Equality so that over 50% of the population supports it.

Of course you are free to try to believe that everyone thinks as you do, but that is not reality.

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Need for acceptance is the number one reason people chose homosexuality to begin with...

Right...because gays have been so accepted historically. Jesus fucking Christ do you all even think before you type?

Yup --- I guess it went right over your head...

When people can't find acceptance through normal behavior they tend to act out. They find acceptance through others who are acting out as well.

Tell us about your parents seawitch...

OMG...and now he's a dime store psychologist. :lol:

My parents are are still married and live about 200 feet from my partner and I. Anything else, Dr. Ruth?

Being gay isn't "acting out".
Right...because gays have been so accepted historically. Jesus fucking Christ do you all even think before you type?

Yup --- I guess it went right over your head...

When people can't find acceptance through normal behavior they tend to act out. They find acceptance through others who are acting out as well.

Tell us about your parents seawitch...

OMG...and now he's a dime store psychologist. :lol:

My parents are are still married and live about 200 feet from my partner and I. Anything else, Dr. Ruth?

Being gay isn't "acting out".

Being gay IS acting out...

Your behaviors are choices...

...and I meant, about your parents when you were younger and began your patterns of acting out.
Right...because gays have been so accepted historically. Jesus fucking Christ do you all even think before you type?

Yup --- I guess it went right over your head...

When people can't find acceptance through normal behavior they tend to act out. They find acceptance through others who are acting out as well.

Tell us about your parents seawitch...

OMG...and now he's a dime store psychologist. :lol:

My parents are are still married and live about 200 feet from my partner and I. Anything else, Dr. Ruth?

Being gay isn't "acting out".

Here you are, acting out. Making a ruckus, making all of these unsupported contentions and arguing with conservatives over it's legitimacy. Like I said, if it weren't a choice, you wouldn't be making an enormous spectacle of it.
Alright, I'll bite.

Homosexuality is contradictory to the evolutionary process of a sexual species like Homo Sapiens. Scientifically, homosexuality is a epigenetic aberration brought on by a rare set of factors coming together in the womb during development. Take a look at research by a group called NimBIOS.

I believe homosexuality is no more than a choice.

Do you "believe" in eye witness accounts? First hand experiences? Because I can assure you, there was no choice in who I was attracted to.

Same sex behaviors and even life-long same sex pairings have been observed in hundreds of animal species, humans chief among them. (And in humans, since the beginning of recorded history.

Animal species have been observed changing their gender to adapt to changes in their Eco-systems. It is not a stretch, by any means, to see the necessary evolutionary role of a percentage of a population not meant to procreate.

There is also the possibility that human sexuality is considerably more fluid than our Puritanical roots allow it to be.

Not that any of this is relevant since legal, adult personal choices should have no bearing on whether you get access to equal rights.

Question for you:

Why if it were no choice, do you make such a spectacle out of it? "Look mommy I made a poo poo!" Not falling for it.

Do you think you make sense? You don't. What, exactly is your contention, that being gay must be a choice because we aren't hiding in the closet anymore? WTF?
‘Separate but equal’ remains un-Constitutional; same-sex couples cannot be segregated into some contrived ‘alternative marriage’ in violation of the 14th Amendment based solely on the desire of opposite-sex couples to retain a monopoly on marriage.

So it's unconstitutional to have separate men's and women's restrooms in public buildings?

Are either men or women a ‘minority’?

Are either men or women being ‘singled out’ for discriminatory practices?

Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in
singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license.
Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than
enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite-sex
couples are superior to same-sex couples. Because California
has no interest in discriminating against gay men and lesbians, and
because Proposition 8 prevents California from fulfilling its
constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis,
the court concludes that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.

Hollingsworth v. Perry
Need for acceptance is the number one reason people chose homosexuality to begin with...

Pretty DIM.

choosing homosexuality to feed ones need for acceptance,
is the most ignorant thing I've heard in a while.

Cause being homosexual is SO well received in this country.

mind numbing ignorance.
Do you "believe" in eye witness accounts? First hand experiences? Because I can assure you, there was no choice in who I was attracted to.

Same sex behaviors and even life-long same sex pairings have been observed in hundreds of animal species, humans chief among them. (And in humans, since the beginning of recorded history.

Animal species have been observed changing their gender to adapt to changes in their Eco-systems. It is not a stretch, by any means, to see the necessary evolutionary role of a percentage of a population not meant to procreate.

There is also the possibility that human sexuality is considerably more fluid than our Puritanical roots allow it to be.

Not that any of this is relevant since legal, adult personal choices should have no bearing on whether you get access to equal rights.

Question for you:

Why if it were no choice, do you make such a spectacle out of it? "Look mommy I made a poo poo!" Not falling for it.

Do you think you make sense? You don't. What, exactly is your contention, that being gay must be a choice because we aren't hiding in the closet anymore? WTF?

Hey, a kid with Down Syndrome doesn't make such noise over his deficiency; because it wasn't his choice. You on the other hand, make the loudest noise possible, hoping to be noticed by all; "HEY LOOK I'M GAY!" No you aren't, you chose to be gay because it fits in with the current political atmosphere surrounding homosexuality. I make plenty of sense, I had a homosexual friend once, she was married to a guy, he mistreated her and she thought she would ease the pain by becoming a lesbian. That wasn't a hereditary thing, that was a choice made out of desperation.

Don't. You aren't fooling me.
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Yup --- I guess it went right over your head...

When people can't find acceptance through normal behavior they tend to act out. They find acceptance through others who are acting out as well.

Tell us about your parents seawitch...

OMG...and now he's a dime store psychologist. :lol:

My parents are are still married and live about 200 feet from my partner and I. Anything else, Dr. Ruth?

Being gay isn't "acting out".

Being gay IS acting out...

Your behaviors are choices...

...and I meant, about your parents when you were younger and began your patterns of acting out.

No, it is an immutable trait, not "acting out".

The only choice we make is in acting upon our natural inclinations.
Need for acceptance is the number one reason people chose homosexuality to begin with...

Pretty DIM.

choosing homosexuality to feed ones need for acceptance,
is the most ignorant thing I've heard in a while.

Cause being homosexual is SO well received in this country.

mind numbing ignorance.

Mind numbing lack of an argument. I'd love to argue human developmental science regarding homosexuality with one of you folks, but you say stupid crap like this. No hope. No way.
Need for acceptance is the number one reason people chose homosexuality to begin with...

Pretty DIM.

choosing homosexuality to feed ones need for acceptance,
is the most ignorant thing I've heard in a while.

Cause being homosexual is SO well received in this country.

mind numbing ignorance.

You obviously missed it too...

I've seen this first hand many times over...

When people don't find acceptance among their peers they look for new peers in order to find acceptance.

Couldn't make it as a jock so started hanging out with the stoners...
Too in touch with feminine side to be accepted among stoners and the gays all smoke --- perhaps you could find acceptance there...

Girl gets no attention from the guys - she finds a place where she can find the acceptance she is looking for.

Denying this is true --- now THAT is ignorance.

BTW - why do gays need their own bars? Were they not feeling the love in normal bars? Hmmm, they found acceptance in gay bars though...

That is what it's all about...


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