Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

For those who want gov't out of the marriage business, do you also want gov't out of the divorce, custody, adoption and inheritance business? Because those are all related.
Maybe if we got government out of the divorce business, you wouldn't see these greedy women trying to scam their soon-to-be ex-husbands for child support or alimony as often.

This makes no sense.

One can no more remove government from the ‘business’ of divorce than the ‘business’ of marriage; the state legislatures write the marriage laws, including dissolution of marriage. And marriage and divorce laws are administered by the state courts.
Not poetic justice for the poor son to have such a parent, tho.

I haven't heard about John Schlafly lately but it appears he's almost as messed up as his mother, working for the Eagle Forum.
That's sad. A self-hating right wing nut.

Indeed. What would one expect after being raised by that horrible woman?

That's why we hear about so many self-hating conservatives... writing anti-gay legislature, voting against gay issues.. only to turn around and eventually come out of the closet. Luckily that culture is diminishing rapidly.
I haven't heard about John Schlafly lately but it appears he's almost as messed up as his mother, working for the Eagle Forum.
That's sad. A self-hating right wing nut.

Indeed. What would one expect after being raised by that horrible woman?

That's why we hear about so many self-hating conservatives... writing anti-gay legislature, voting against gay issues.. only to turn around and eventually come out of the closet. Luckily that culture is diminishing rapidly.

So many indeed. :eusa_whistle:
If anything, legal same sex marriage will strengthen marriage, because it adds more voters to the constituency who have a vested interest in the institution.


Shit, you mean I could have voted against marriage?


Damnit, NOW you tell me.

I mean the lobby to get benefits connected to being married will be more powerful.


The LGBM Lobby?

Oddly, they've never called.

Where might I contact this mysteriously invisible group so I may write a letter of complaint?
When the GOP convention did this, :clap2: , for Bristol Palin and her boy bastard, the social conservatives waived the white flag of surrender on the issue of marriage and raising bastards.

Social conservatives need to live socially conservative lives to show everyone how wonderful they supposedly are , instead of trying to police the lives of everyone else.

Oh the irony.... idiots like you are demanding that government get involved with gay relationships by demanding that government authorize and recognize their "marriage" and then scream "stop trying to police everyone else" :cuckoo:

If you don't want to be "policed" stop demanding government hop into your gay bed stupid! Go have a private ceremony, at a private location, and get on with your fucking queer lives... God almighty are you people a bunch of self-entitled whiny little bitches that there is no pleasing!

You DON'T need government in your bed with you!!!!!!!
Americans fighting for the defense of marriage here at home have much to learn from the French. The French pro-marriage movement has forced a national conversation on the redefinition of marriage. They’ve flipped public opinion on same-sex marriage: A majority is now opposed to it. And they’ve built support with the general public and attracted many people who are neither conservative nor religious.

The French Marriage Battle

Vintage liberal idiocy here.... The only thing "debunked" was his own point :lmao:

Give a liberal more than 30 seconds and they will inevitably contradict themselves.

Dummy here starts out by talking about how we can't accept "traditional" because everything is constantly "evolving" - even language (citing we would all be talking "caveman" if not for language evolving). So what does liberal "genius" boy do next? Proceeds to point out how marriage through out history has been about property, division of labor, and even same-sex relationships. :cuckoo:

So he starts by saying you can't look to history, and he finishes by saying look at history to support his position :lmao:

God love you liberals... you are a hilarious bunch
If anything, legal same sex marriage will strengthen marriage, because it adds more voters to the constituency who have a vested interest in the institution.


Shit, you mean I could have voted against marriage?


Damnit, NOW you tell me.

I mean the lobby to get benefits connected to being married will be more powerful.

And that's what it's ultimately alllllllllll about for the liberals - what benefits can I get out of it? What can I milk this for? How can I work the situation for more for me? Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. The liberal gluttonous greed can never be satisfied.

I love when liberals have an accidental moment of honesty....
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