Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

If gay marriage is allowed, everyone will want a same sex marriage.

Heritage Foundation. Who could be stupid enough to believe their bullshit????

I couldn't get through the entire article. I could feel it starting to rot my brain. I think it was written by a tard.

Just curious RDean - where is the line when it comes to marriage?

Common sense.
Until you can show otherwise, yes.
What happened to the first legally married gay couple in MA?
What happened to the first two marriages of Newt Gingrich?

What happened to Bill Clinton's first marriage? Who cares? Why is that relevant?

Bill Clinton isn't part of the crowd that wants "Big Gubmint" control over peoples personal lives and decisions.

The bottom line is that it, like abortion and euthanasia doesn't affect you one little bit.

And your pathetic attempts to force your beliefs down the throats of others gives them the right to tell you to fuck off and mind your own damned business.
When the GOP convention did this, :clap2: , for Bristol Palin and her boy bastard, the social conservatives waived the white flag of surrender on the issue of marriage and raising bastards.

Social conservatives need to live socially conservative lives to show everyone how wonderful they supposedly are , instead of trying to police the lives of everyone else.

Oh the irony.... idiots like you are demanding that government get involved with gay relationships by demanding that government authorize and recognize their "marriage" and then scream "stop trying to police everyone else" :cuckoo:

If you don't want to be "policed" stop demanding government hop into your gay bed stupid! Go have a private ceremony, at a private location, and get on with your fucking queer lives... God almighty are you people a bunch of self-entitled whiny little bitches that there is no pleasing!

You DON'T need government in your bed with you!!!!!!!

Poodle, you didn't answer his question. If the "socially conservative life" is so wonderful, how come so many conservatives have such a hard time leading one?

Come on, dude. This should be easy.

Bristol Palin wouldn't be birthing bastards out of wedlock and Larry Craig wouldn't be looking for action in men's rooms and Mark Sanford wouldn't be out getting some strange in Argentina if you guys practiced what you preached.

Shit, you mean I could have voted against marriage?


Damnit, NOW you tell me.

I mean the lobby to get benefits connected to being married will be more powerful.

And that's what it's ultimately alllllllllll about for the liberals - what benefits can I get out of it? What can I milk this for? How can I work the situation for more for me? Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. The liberal gluttonous greed can never be satisfied.

I love when liberals have an accidental moment of honesty....

Mitt Romney claimed $70,000 in deductions for his Dressage Horsie. I think when you guys try to do tax write offs on dancing horses, you guys shouldn't complain when a gay couple wants to make sure they can visit their partners in the hospital.
Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

I mean the lobby to get benefits connected to being married will be more powerful.

And that's what it's ultimately alllllllllll about for the liberals - what benefits can I get out of it? What can I milk this for? How can I work the situation for more for me? Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. The liberal gluttonous greed can never be satisfied.

I love when liberals have an accidental moment of honesty....

Mitt Romney claimed $70,000 in deductions for his Dressage Horsie. I think when you guys try to do tax write offs on dancing horses, you guys shouldn't complain when a gay couple wants to make sure they can visit their partners in the hospital.

Still waiting.

Where is this "Marriage Benefits Lobby?"

Thus far it seems to be nothing more that a figment of the board's imagination.
And that's what it's ultimately alllllllllll about for the liberals - what benefits can I get out of it? What can I milk this for? How can I work the situation for more for me? Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. The liberal gluttonous greed can never be satisfied.

I love when liberals have an accidental moment of honesty....

Mitt Romney claimed $70,000 in deductions for his Dressage Horsie. I think when you guys try to do tax write offs on dancing horses, you guys shouldn't complain when a gay couple wants to make sure they can visit their partners in the hospital.

Still waiting.

Where is this "Marriage Benefits Lobby?"

Thus far it seems to be nothing more that a figment of the board's imagination.

You'll have to excuse Joe. Facts and logic are alien to his being. He does better with emotion and feeling. It's part of the pussification of liberals.
The fact is that kids do not need a mother and a father. If they did, it would be illegal to be a single parent. Instead, single women have babies all the time, and no one bats an eye.

That doesn't make any sense hon.
Here I was thinking 'conservatives' supported freedom and personal liberty.

So, why are so many trying to prevent homosexuals from having the freedom to marry?
Here I was thinking 'conservatives' supported freedom and personal liberty.

So, why are so many trying to prevent homosexuals from having the freedom to marry?

Conservative <> Social Authoritarian.

Conservatives (like Barry Goldwater) are about small less intrusive government and people making their own decisions. Since about the mid-80's Social Authoritarians invaded the party and called themselves "conservatives" which has added to the confusion.

Now we are called Republican's with a Libertarian streak.

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Shit, you mean I could have voted against marriage?


Damnit, NOW you tell me.

I mean the lobby to get benefits connected to being married will be more powerful.

And that's what it's ultimately alllllllllll about for the liberals - what benefits can I get out of it? What can I milk this for? How can I work the situation for more for me? Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. The liberal gluttonous greed can never be satisfied.

I love when liberals have an accidental moment of honesty....

I'm not married and have no intention of getting married.

You really need to learn to read, learn to think, or shut up.
Americans fighting for the defense of marriage here at home have much to learn from the French. The French pro-marriage movement has forced a national conversation on the redefinition of marriage. They’ve flipped public opinion on same-sex marriage: A majority is now opposed to it. And they’ve built support with the general public and attracted many people who are neither conservative nor religious.

The French Marriage Battle

Large numbers of people at a protest does not mean that public opinion has shifted.

Two recent polls show a 58% and 52% support for allowing same-sex couples to Civilly Marry.

Anti-Gay-Marriage Protest Becomes Catch-All for French Gloom - Bloomberg

Here I was thinking 'conservatives' supported freedom and personal liberty.

So, why are so many trying to prevent homosexuals from having the freedom to marry?

Conservative <> Social Authoritarian.

Conservatives (like Barry Goldwater) are about small less intrusive government and people making their own decisions. Since about the mid-80's Social Authoritarians invaded the parted and called themselves "conservatives" which has added to the confusion.

Now we are called Republican's with a Libertarian streak.


Yeah, I know.

I just enjoy reminding modern "conservatives" that they're anything but....
I mean the lobby to get benefits connected to being married will be more powerful.

And that's what it's ultimately alllllllllll about for the liberals - what benefits can I get out of it? What can I milk this for? How can I work the situation for more for me? Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. The liberal gluttonous greed can never be satisfied.

I love when liberals have an accidental moment of honesty....

I'm not married and have no intention of getting married.

You really need to learn to read, learn to think, or shut up.

Did I say you were? Doesn't change the fact that your focus and only point was the "benefits". And now you're pissed because I brought attention to your inadvertent moment of honesty.... :lol:
And that's what it's ultimately alllllllllll about for the liberals - what benefits can I get out of it? What can I milk this for? How can I work the situation for more for me? Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. The liberal gluttonous greed can never be satisfied.

I love when liberals have an accidental moment of honesty....

I'm not married and have no intention of getting married.

You really need to learn to read, learn to think, or shut up.

Did I say you were? Doesn't change the fact that your focus and only point was the "benefits". And now you're pissed because I brought attention to your inadvertent moment of honesty.... :lol:

I was pointing out why same sex marriage might strengthen the institution of marriage, not weaken it,

thus pointing out why I'm right and you're wrong. As is always the case.
Here I was thinking 'conservatives' supported freedom and personal liberty.

So, why are so many trying to prevent homosexuals from having the freedom to marry?

Homosexuals have every freedom to marry. Why do you think otherwise?
But just because they want to marry doesn't mean they can force the rest of us to go along. That would violate our ability to exercise our freedom of conscience, something conservatives believe in. Not that you know a damn thing about conservatism, fobbit.
The fact is that kids do not need a mother and a father. If they did, it would be illegal to be a single parent. Instead, single women have babies all the time, and no one bats an eye.

As a person who grew up without a father, i have to disagree.

Children need a father.

I'd think a kid would be better off with two loving and not crazy moms that one mom and a crazy dad.

Not to diss your situation in anyway.
The fact is that kids do not need a mother and a father. If they did, it would be illegal to be a single parent. Instead, single women have babies all the time, and no one bats an eye.

As a person who grew up without a father, i have to disagree.

Children need a father.

I'd think a kid would be better off with two loving and not crazy moms that one mom and a crazy dad.

Not to diss your situation in anyway.

How about one sane parent vs two crazy fags? How about anything vs 2 crazy fags?
Earlier this month, 11-year-old Grace Evans appeared before a panel of Minnesota lawmakers considering a redefinition of marriage in that state. She testified to the significance of her mother and father and the different contributions each makes to her life.

Then she ended with a simple question: &#8220;Which parent do I not need, my mom, or my dad?&#8221;

The Same-Sex Marriage Debate Through a Child's Eyes
Americans fighting for the defense of marriage here at home have much to learn from the French. The French pro-marriage movement has forced a national conversation on the redefinition of marriage. They’ve flipped public opinion on same-sex marriage: A majority is now opposed to it. And they’ve built support with the general public and attracted many people who are neither conservative nor religious.

The French Marriage Battle

Large numbers of people at a protest does not mean that public opinion has shifted.

Two recent polls show a 58% and 52% support for allowing same-sex couples to Civilly Marry.

Anti-Gay-Marriage Protest Becomes Catch-All for French Gloom - Bloomberg


The marriage riots in France is an illustration of what happens when polls and reality collide.

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