Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

The government does not require you to have children to get married. The government does not require you to have children to file a married tax return.

The government does not require you to have children to collect Social Security survivor's benefits.

Was there a point in all that?
Ever notice that no matter how many of these bad-things-will-happen-if-gay-marriage-is-made-legal threads these nuts start,

they never actually specify and prove that anything bad will happen?

Why is that?

Gay marriage has led to polygamy, incest and bestiality. Everyone in my neighborhood is married to their sister or their pet

Can't say conservatives didn't warn us
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Here I was thinking 'conservatives' supported freedom and personal liberty.

So, why are so many trying to prevent homosexuals from having the freedom to marry?

Homosexuals have every freedom to marry. Why do you think otherwise?
But just because they want to marry doesn't mean they can force the rest of us to go along. That would violate our ability to exercise our freedom of conscience, something conservatives believe in. Not that you know a damn thing about conservatism, fobbit.

Thank you for defining conservatism. I've been saying, but Republicans at the USMB keep saying I'm lying.
Earlier this month, 11-year-old Grace Evans appeared before a panel of Minnesota lawmakers considering a redefinition of marriage in that state. She testified to the significance of her mother and father and the different contributions each makes to her life.

Then she ended with a simple question: “Which parent do I not need, my mom, or my dad?”

The Same-Sex Marriage Debate Through a Child's Eyes

11? That's about the age Republicans stop thinking for themselves. So now they look to an eleven year old for 'wisdom'.
Earlier this month, 11-year-old Grace Evans appeared before a panel of Minnesota lawmakers considering a redefinition of marriage in that state. She testified to the significance of her mother and father and the different contributions each makes to her life.

Then she ended with a simple question: “Which parent do I not need, my mom, or my dad?”

The Same-Sex Marriage Debate Through a Child's Eyes

11? That's about the age Republicans stop thinking for themselves. So now they look to an eleven year old for 'wisdom'.
That was stupid and pointless. Even for you.
Earlier this month, 11-year-old Grace Evans appeared before a panel of Minnesota lawmakers considering a redefinition of marriage in that state. She testified to the significance of her mother and father and the different contributions each makes to her life.

Then she ended with a simple question: “Which parent do I not need, my mom, or my dad?”

The Same-Sex Marriage Debate Through a Child's Eyes

11? That's about the age Republicans stop thinking for themselves. So now they look to an eleven year old for 'wisdom'.

She has obviously been well rehearsed
If gay marriage is allowed, everyone will want a same sex marriage.

Heritage Foundation. Who could be stupid enough to believe their bullshit????

I couldn't get through the entire article. I could feel it starting to rot my brain. I think it was written by a tard.

Just curious RDean - where is the line when it comes to marriage?

Common sense.

Even Republicans understand what "common sense" is. They just want to ignore it. It clashes with their policies.
Mitt Romney claimed $70,000 in deductions for his Dressage Horsie. I think when you guys try to do tax write offs on dancing horses, you guys shouldn't complain when a gay couple wants to make sure they can visit their partners in the hospital.

Still waiting.

Where is this "Marriage Benefits Lobby?"

Thus far it seems to be nothing more that a figment of the board's imagination.

You'll have to excuse Joe. Facts and logic are alien to his being. He does better with emotion and feeling. It's part of the pussification of liberals.

Where did I talk about a marriage benefits lobby. YOu guys seem to want to beat up that straw man you've created.
I mean the lobby to get benefits connected to being married will be more powerful.

And that's what it's ultimately alllllllllll about for the liberals - what benefits can I get out of it? What can I milk this for? How can I work the situation for more for me? Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. The liberal gluttonous greed can never be satisfied.

I love when liberals have an accidental moment of honesty....

I'm not married and have no intention of getting married.

You really need to learn to read, learn to think, or shut up.

So, this lobby to get benefits connected to being married was just some horseshit you made up to support your arguement?


Surprise, not.
Here I was thinking 'conservatives' supported freedom and personal liberty.

So, why are so many trying to prevent homosexuals from having the freedom to marry?

Homosexuals have every freedom to marry. Why do you think otherwise?
But just because they want to marry doesn't mean they can force the rest of us to go along. That would violate our ability to exercise our freedom of conscience, something conservatives believe in. Not that you know a damn thing about conservatism, fobbit.

Are you really trying to use the trite line that homosexuals can marry people of the opposite sex, as a legitimate argument?

Yeeesh, it's Romper Room every time you post up in here.
There are no "consequences" of gay marriage

People will still be able to marry and have children.....just like they did before
And that's what it's ultimately alllllllllll about for the liberals - what benefits can I get out of it? What can I milk this for? How can I work the situation for more for me? Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. The liberal gluttonous greed can never be satisfied.

I love when liberals have an accidental moment of honesty....

I'm not married and have no intention of getting married.

You really need to learn to read, learn to think, or shut up.

So, this lobby to get benefits connected to being married was just some horseshit you made up to support your arguement?


Surprise, not.

An Overview of Federal Rights and Protections Granted to Married Couples | Resources | Human Rights Campaign
I'm not married and have no intention of getting married.

You really need to learn to read, learn to think, or shut up.

So, this lobby to get benefits connected to being married was just some horseshit you made up to support your arguement?


Surprise, not.

An Overview of Federal Rights and Protections Granted to Married Couples | Resources | Human Rights Campaign

Can someone tell me why Brittany Spears and her five minute marriage deserve these benefits and my 27 year partnership does not?
So, this lobby to get benefits connected to being married was just some horseshit you made up to support your arguement?


Surprise, not.

An Overview of Federal Rights and Protections Granted to Married Couples | Resources | Human Rights Campaign

Can someone tell me why Brittany Spears and her five minute marriage deserve these benefits and my 27 year partnership does not?

Because is Konservatopia, the ghey is icky.
Earlier this month, 11-year-old Grace Evans appeared before a panel of Minnesota lawmakers considering a redefinition of marriage in that state. She testified to the significance of her mother and father and the different contributions each makes to her life.

Then she ended with a simple question: “Which parent do I not need, my mom, or my dad?”

The Same-Sex Marriage Debate Through a Child's Eyes

And which of her parents did the proposed legislation plan to take away from her?

You, and the child, are retarded.
So, this lobby to get benefits connected to being married was just some horseshit you made up to support your arguement?


Surprise, not.

An Overview of Federal Rights and Protections Granted to Married Couples | Resources | Human Rights Campaign

Can someone tell me why Brittany Spears and her five minute marriage deserve these benefits and my 27 year partnership does not?

Because God Hates Fags.

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