Marriage rates are at an all-time low.


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Marriage Rate In America Drops Drastically


Barely half of Americans over the age 18 are married, according to a new report from the Pew Research Institute. The number of married couples dropped a startling five percent between 2009 and 2010 and has declined by more than 20 percent since 1960.

The report, released Wednesday, showed that Americans are not only getting married less frequently, they're doing so later in life. These findings mirror those observed in the UK in November, where researchers found that only 48 percent of adults there were married.

But what does this mean for society? And why does it matter at all? HuffPost Weddings spoke to Pew researcher and senior writer D'Vera Cohn to find out.

What are the major findings in this report?

We looked at three aspects of marriage and all of them had pretty notable numbers to them. We looked at how many adults are currently married -- among people over 18, how many of them have a spouse -- and we found that barely half of all adults now are married. That's declined quite a bit from the past. In 2010, again it was barely half -- 51 percent -- in 1960, it was 72 percent. The second thing we looked at was how many marriages are taking place from one year to the next. We have some recent data about that from the last few years from a census survey. So our second finding is that from 2009 to 2010, the number of marriages declined by five percent, which is a pretty notable decline. We don't know why, we can't really say for sure that it's the recession or bad economic times, but it's certainly one more sign that marriage is less important than it used to be in the lives of Americans. The third thing we looked at was how old are Americans when they get married for the first time. Among men who get married for the first time, half are nearly 29 years old or older, and among women who marry for the first time, half are about 27 years old or older. Back in the baby boom days it was early-20's, in the 1990's it was mid-20's, now we're talking late-20's, which means we're seeing a substantial number of people not get married until their 30s for the first time.

Why aren't people getting married?

There are a number of things going on that could play a role. One is that there are other kinds of living arrangements that are socially acceptable now that may not have been in the past, such as living with someone without being married, living on your own, or even living as a single parent. So people may feel they have options that they didn't used to have. Another factor in some cases is that among Americans who complete college, or education beyond that, they may want to get their education done and get launched in a career before they settle down and get married. From some surveys we've taken, we've had people say that it's important, at least for men, to be financially able to provide for a family before they get married. It may [also] be that some couples feel they don't have the financial wherewithal to have a wedding yet.

Why does it matter that people are getting married less or later in life?

Economically speaking, married couples tend to have more income and more wealth. Some of that might have to do with who chooses to get married, that is, people who are educated have less of a decline in their marriage rates than people who are less educated. We also know that the kind of partnership marriage encourages is one in which you plan for the future, share your assets, build wealth together. There isn't that evidence yet for people who live together. So it would be of concern if there's a growing gap between people who are married and people who aren't, in terms of the wealth and income that they have. Another thing to think about is that many of our organizations and institutions are built on the assumption that people are married, that doesn't mean that they can't change or shouldn't change, but it means there would be some adjustment. The third thing to think about is the living conditions and well being of children. There's research indicating that children have a higher likelihood of turning out well if they come from a household where their parents are married. Most children turn out well regardless of whether their parents are married or not, so I'm not at all trying to suggest that children will turn out badly if their parents aren't married. But there's a somewhat higher likelihood that they will face issues, and some of those may include economic hardship.

So that's why this matters. But who does it matter for?

It might matter for their children; it might matter for the institutions that they operate in, such as their employers and the nation's tax base. If, for example, people who aren't married are less able to build wealth, then that will affect the overall wealth of the country.

In your report, you note that about 40 percent of people overall said they believe marriage is obsolete, including 31 percent of married people -- that's surprising. Can you tell me more about that finding?

It kind of makes sense that people who are married would be less inclined to think marriage is obsolete than people who aren't. It also makes sense to me that people who are younger, who are growing up in an era where marriage is les common, would also be more likely to think that marriage is becoming obsolete. I'm also struck by the fact that a large percentage of people who say that marriage is obsolete still want to get married. I think they may be having two ideas in their head at once: one about the institution of marriage and what its status is in society today, which is to say that it's a lot less dominant, central or important in society, [and another about] their own wishes for their future, in which they personally would very much like to be married.

Marriage Rate In America Drops Drastically
Well, there are different things that come into play.

1. Alot of Men don't deserve to get married with how their attitudes are.
2. It cost alot of $$$ and we are in a recession.
3. A woman can just dump her man and go with some guy who is rich, or who has a huge dick.
4. With modern relationship ethics, it's rare to find something that would work.

Would YOU want to marry a woman who would be likely to leave you for another man because he is better in a way and then get fucked in divorce court? I wouldn't.
Or would YOU want a man who would cheat on you and/or beat you and doesn't give the respect and loyalty you deserve? I wouldn't.

It's just easy to go get a fuck buddy, get off, and be happy for a few days.
Well, there are different things that come into play.

1. Alot of Men don't deserve to get married with how their attitudes are.2. It cost alot of $$$ and we are in a recession.
3. A woman can just dump her man and go with some guy who is rich, or who has a huge dick.
4. With modern relationship ethics, it's rare to find something that would work.

Would YOU want to marry a woman who would be likely to leave you for another man because he is better in a way and then get fucked in divorce court? I wouldn't.
Or would YOU want a man who would cheat on you and/or beat you and doesn't give the respect and loyalty you deserve? I wouldn't.

It's just easy to go get a fuck buddy, get off, and be happy for a few days.

I agree with everything you said except the first one, you think womens attitudes are better than mens and they deserve to be married, but men don't? I have spent alot of time with women in their 20's recently and I can tell you there is not much difference, and in fact their attitude is worse than men in some ways.
It seems today that Gays want to get married more than Straights do!

I've been married twice and my wife three times. I always joke that my wife's first two husbands "died mysteriously". :D

If my wife and I were to divorce or she were to pass away I'm sure I'd get married again someday. Just seems the natural "state of being" for me.
Clearly this is the effect of the Gay/Lesbian Agenda and the failure of the New Right to defend traditional marriage by outlawing GLBT relationships. Once our Constitution is amended to define marriage as only the union of one man and one woman it will go far in making sure traditional marriage is protected.

Well, maybe not clearly; the rights of others to enjoy the benefits of marriage has nothing to do with the news in the OP, though I have no doubt the loud and proud members of the New Right 'think' so.
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It seems today that Gays want to get married more than Straights do!

I've been married twice and my wife three times. I always joke that my wife's first two husbands "died mysteriously". :D

If my wife and I were to divorce or she were to pass away I'm sure I'd get married again someday. Just seems the natural "state of being" for me.

Thats probably one of those things where they want it so bad because its something they have never had before, one gay marriage is legal across the board they will start to see the problems us hetero folks deal with.
Eh... I don't know... Not everyone fits into those ideologies/categories. I have been married for close to 14 years and though the first 10 were pretty rough... I couldn't imagine another way of life. I am the kind of person that would be with someone regardless of being married... so I'd best stay married. :lol: Most everything in life, IMO, is better with a partner than without. :D There are very few ways I'd prefer to be independent of my man, even and especially as he is.
Well, there are different things that come into play.

1. Alot of Men don't deserve to get married with how their attitudes are.2. It cost alot of $$$ and we are in a recession.
3. A woman can just dump her man and go with some guy who is rich, or who has a huge dick.
4. With modern relationship ethics, it's rare to find something that would work.

Would YOU want to marry a woman who would be likely to leave you for another man because he is better in a way and then get fucked in divorce court? I wouldn't.
Or would YOU want a man who would cheat on you and/or beat you and doesn't give the respect and loyalty you deserve? I wouldn't.

It's just easy to go get a fuck buddy, get off, and be happy for a few days.

I agree with everything you said except the first one, you think womens attitudes are better than mens and they deserve to be married, but men don't? I have spent alot of time with women in their 20's recently and I can tell you there is not much difference, and in fact their attitude is worse than men in some ways.

Perhaps, but I've only noticed men who behave badly.
Occasionally the few whores, but they end up isolated from everyone.
Marriage levels are known to fluctuate based on the economics of the time.

We saw a major drop during the Great Depression and again during the Carter Era recession. Granted some of it is due to changing paradigms but again even that is a fluctuating statistic.

The Great Depression
sorry to screw with your mind's eye but this could be a contributing factor...

According to the Census Bureau, twice as many couples are living together now than they were 20 years ago. Both men and women -- but mostly men -- are putting off getting hitched until they feel they're economically stable.

Where Have All the Married People Gone?

I'm surprised right wingers haven't said the low marriage rate is the fault of the gays. Because gays can get married straight people don't want to.
Im shocked. Shocked I tell you.

Who could have predicted that the institution of marriage was deteriorating? I mean no one ever saw this coming!
Soon it'll be divorce that takes the hit. People can't afford to live without two incomes... Can't afford to leave the bitch/bastard, why even try?
Why get married and have kids? People can't afford them and when you discipline them libs have a fit. It sucks to be a family in Obamerica.

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