Martha MacCallum Asks If Generator's Should Be Kept Outside The Home {Blonde Moment}

Feb 13, 2011

Did any of you catch the segment when Martha was talking to some guy{VIA some location of Irenes Path}?, The home owner was discussing his use of a generator during the power out-age and god knows why Martha then asks "Now You Have To Keep The Generator Outside Your Home,Right?} and later said something like,"Well at least 10 feet away from your home.
Now, Comon Martha Martha Martha! That's like asking, "Should I Stick A Fork Into An Outlet To See If It Works"?
She can't be that dumb. God, she is one of the most beautiful anchors on cable news,and then she asks a basic question about generators that even a 5 year old would know.
I was in total shock when she asked that,just as shocked as when a caller from southern/central florida called asking if she needed to be concerned about "Storm Surge" in a town about 30 miles east of Fort Myers during the 2005 hurricane season.:confused:

Did any of you catch the segment when Martha was talking to some guy{VIA some location of Irenes Path}?, The home owner was discussing his use of a generator during the power out-age and god knows why Martha then asks "Now You Have To Keep The Generator Outside Your Home,Right?} and later said something like,"Well at least 10 feet away from your home.
Now, Comon Martha Martha Martha! That's like asking, "Should I Stick A Fork Into An Outlet To See If It Works"?
She can't be that dumb. God, she is one of the most beautiful anchors on cable news,and then she asks a basic question about generators that even a 5 year old would know.
I was in total shock when she asked that,just as shocked as when a caller from southern/central florida called asking if she needed to be concerned about "Storm Surge" in a town about 30 miles east of Fort Myers during the 2005 hurricane season.:confused:

She obviously knew enough to ask the question. Are you sure she was doing it for her own benefit or for the benefit oif those who don't have as knowledge as you think they should have? :cool:

Did any of you catch the segment when Martha was talking to some guy{VIA some location of Irenes Path}?, The home owner was discussing his use of a generator during the power out-age and god knows why Martha then asks "Now You Have To Keep The Generator Outside Your Home,Right?} and later said something like,"Well at least 10 feet away from your home.
Now, Comon Martha Martha Martha! That's like asking, "Should I Stick A Fork Into An Outlet To See If It Works"?
She can't be that dumb. God, she is one of the most beautiful anchors on cable news,and then she asks a basic question about generators that even a 5 year old would know.
I was in total shock when she asked that,just as shocked as when a caller from southern/central florida called asking if she needed to be concerned about "Storm Surge" in a town about 30 miles east of Fort Myers during the 2005 hurricane season.:confused:
If even a 5-year-old would know that, how come people still die from running generators indoors?
what she should of said was that she hoped that all generator owners knew that they had to keep it more like 20-30 feet away from their homes, but to make herself sound naive about it,that didnt look good. But by now,you would think that anyone who owns a generator knows that they cannot run the equipment in their home/attached garage. Yes, there have been some tragic accidents,some people just take chances. Whoever sells these generators must be telling them how to operate them, and obviously you dont keep it in your attached garage!
what she should of said was that she hoped that all generator owners knew that they had to keep it more like 20-30 feet away from their homes, but to make herself sound naive about it,that didnt look good. But by now,you would think that anyone who owns a generator knows that they cannot run the equipment in their home/attached garage. Yes, there have been some tragic accidents,some people just take chances. Whoever sells these generators must be telling them how to operate them, and obviously you dont keep it in your attached garage!

Actually, you can walk into your closest Lowe's, put a generator on the cart, pay for it and leave without anyone telling you a thing about it. I know, because I've done it.
Yeah - but when you're this fucking hot, who cares what you say.....

Turn the volume down and enjoy the scenery -

yes,she's a hottie, I am sure 95% of all men that were watching were too busy fantasizing when she asked about where to keep the generator.

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