
Marxism. Conservatives cling to this outdated proven ludicrous form of government like grim death.

Give it up cons. Why don't you join the rest of us an embrace democracy instead.
Marxism. Conservatives cling to this outdated proven ludicrous form of government like grim death.

Give it up cons. Why don't you join the rest of us an embrace democracy instead.
Real democracy is no more than mob rule. This the second time I told you. Idiot.
When Marx created a new type of socialism that supposedly enabled a population to make the change to communism it upset most socialists but was a bonanza for the Republican party. It gave Republicans their new battle cry: socialism leads to communism.
This thread is for idiots ...
The topicstarter is so primitive ..
I gave him an idea about the Jews ..
This boy was led to a scandal :04:
There's nothing to discuss!
- Topikstarter - learn, learn and learn. as...
"ordered the Great Lenin and Teaches the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!"
Как завещал Великий Ленин и как учит Коммунистическая Партия Советского Союза!

Until you learn the sources of Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism ... there is nothing to talk about with you ...
Education in America is very primitive,
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
For example .. I know the works of Adam Smith and Ricardo, so I know the weapon of my ENEMY CAPITALIST.
And you do not know anything ...
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Only bluff to the public.
And very boorish and insulting when you write about the comparison of Communism and Nazism .. For such a "comparison" in Russia, you will be torn off by the grandchildren of our Soviet grandfathers who defeated Nazism and liberated Europe!
This thread is for idiots ...
The topicstarter is so primitive ..
I gave him an idea about the Jews ..
This boy was led to a scandal :04:
There's nothing to discuss!
- Topikstarter - learn, learn and learn. as...
"ordered the Great Lenin and Teaches the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!"
Как завещал Великий Ленин и как учит Коммунистическая Партия Советского Союза!

Until you learn the sources of Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism ... there is nothing to talk about with you ...
Education in America is very primitive,
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
For example .. I know the works of Adam Smith and Ricardo, so I know the weapon of my ENEMY CAPITALIST.
And you do not know anything ...
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Only bluff to the public.
And very boorish and insulting when you write about the comparison of Communism and Nazism .. For such a "comparison" in Russia, you will be torn off by the grandchildren of our Soviet grandfathers who defeated Nazism and liberated Europe!
The capitalist is not the enemy of the Marxist for he sows the seeds of his own destruction.

The enemy of the Marxist is ignorance and by American standards the OP is rather unremarkable.
Why do some people still cling to Marxism? Marx's system is outdated nonsense.

Bertrand Russell wrote: Marx professed himself an atheist, but retained a cosmic optimism which only theism could justify. Broadly speaking, all the elements in Marx's philosophy which are derived from Hegel are unscientific, in the sense that there is no reason whatever to suppose them true.

Russell is of course wrong here: Marx wanted to position himself as the 'Anti-Hegel' among the pseudo-intellectual 'salon' types of Europe . Hegel, an atheist, nonetheless greatly admired Christianity and its influence on culture and history, and considered it the ultimate and advanced evolution of theology. Marx was really just a rather shallow dilettante poser. He merely aped Hegel's dialectic approach; so did many others much better at it.
The capitalist is not the enemy of the Marxist for he sows the seeds of his own destruction.
The enemy of the Marxist is ignorance and by American standards the OP is rather unremarkable.

I have :
- the enemy of capitalism 1 - the productive forces (shovel, stretcher, rake ...)
- the enemy of capitalism 2 - production relations (I am a master - you are a worker)
I live near Moscow.
I need clowns like you ..................
I'll give you production forces and fulfill your production relationship ....
Until you read Capital and learn to distinguish from Leninism
Why do some people still cling to Marxism? Marx's system is outdated nonsense.

Bertrand Russell wrote: Marx professed himself an atheist, but retained a cosmic optimism which only theism could justify. Broadly speaking, all the elements in Marx's philosophy which are derived from Hegel are unscientific, in the sense that there is no reason whatever to suppose them true.

Historian Paul Johnson wrote: The truth is, even the most superficial inquiry into Marx’s use of evidence forces one to treat with scepticism everything he wrote which relies on factual data. He can never be trusted. The whole of the key Chapter Eight of Capital is a deliberate and systematic falsification to prove a thesis which an objective examination of the facts showed was untenable.

Marx's predictions regarding inevitable violent revolution in the advanced countries are plainly false.

John Maynard Keynes called Das Kapital "an obsolete economic textbook, which I know to be not only scientifically erroneous but without interest or application for the modern world."

Marx was himself intolerant and in love with violence and so is the movement he created.

Marx: We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.

Marx and his followers wanted to create a dictatorship. They only pretended to care about the people to gain support. Marxists starved the people and stopped them from electing their leaders.

Mikhail Bakunin described a state built according to the Marxian plan: For the proletariat this will, in reality, be nothing but a barracks: a regime, where regimented workingmen and women will sleep, wake, work, and live to the beat of a drum; where the shrewd and educated will be granted government privileges; and where the mercenary-minded, attracted by the immensity of the international speculations of the state bank, will find a vast field for lucrative, underhanded dealings.

Marxism is the ultimate guide to forming a dictatorship. For Marxism has two perks for the dictator.

1. It appeals to the masses because of the demagoguery. It was once taught coveting was a sin but now it becomes a virtue with Marx. Just look at what it has done in Venezuela. They now have 4000% inflation, but they are still in love with the rhetoric. They will never learn.

2. In order for it to work, the state needs absolute control over every aspect of society because the government must redistribute everything based on both a monetary value and "social justice".

There is no other form of government that mandates such dictatorial control.
There is no other form of government that mandates such dictatorial control.

So you dare to talk about Marxism.
You must write 3 sources of Marxism. :04:
You do not know any.

Try to write,

If you do not know the sources, you do not know Marxism ...
That's all...
There is no other form of government that mandates such dictatorial control.

So you dare to talk about Marxism.
You must write 3 sources of Marxism. :04:
You do not know any.

Try to write,

If you do not know the sources, you do not know Marxism ...
That's all...

lol it's a lot of made up gibberish; it only takes one source to know that, and not even necessary to read one in its entirety.
When Marx created a new type of socialism that supposedly enabled a population to make the change to communism it upset most socialists but was a bonanza for the Republican party. It gave Republicans their new battle cry: socialism leads to communism.
Marxism does discredit socialism.
This thread is for idiots ...
The topicstarter is so primitive ..
I gave him an idea about the Jews ..
This boy was led to a scandal :04:
There's nothing to discuss!
- Topikstarter - learn, learn and learn. as...
"ordered the Great Lenin and Teaches the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!"
Как завещал Великий Ленин и как учит Коммунистическая Партия Советского Союза!

Until you learn the sources of Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism ... there is nothing to talk about with you ...
Education in America is very primitive,
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
For example .. I know the works of Adam Smith and Ricardo, so I know the weapon of my ENEMY CAPITALIST.
And you do not know anything ...
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Only bluff to the public.
And very boorish and insulting when you write about the comparison of Communism and Nazism .. For such a "comparison" in Russia, you will be torn off by the grandchildren of our Soviet grandfathers who defeated Nazism and liberated Europe!
The capitalist is not the enemy of the Marxist for he sows the seeds of his own destruction.

The enemy of the Marxist is ignorance and by American standards the OP is rather unremarkable.
More name calling. zzzzzzzzz
Last edited:
Why do some people still cling to Marxism? Marx's system is outdated nonsense.

Bertrand Russell wrote: Marx professed himself an atheist, but retained a cosmic optimism which only theism could justify. Broadly speaking, all the elements in Marx's philosophy which are derived from Hegel are unscientific, in the sense that there is no reason whatever to suppose them true.

Russell is of course wrong here: Marx wanted to position himself as the 'Anti-Hegel' among the pseudo-intellectual 'salon' types of Europe . Hegel, an atheist, nonetheless greatly admired Christianity and its influence on culture and history, and considered it the ultimate and advanced evolution of theology. Marx was really just a rather shallow dilettante poser. He merely aped Hegel's dialectic approach; so did many others much better at it.
The foundation for Hegel's cosmic optimism was his theism. What was the foundation for Marx's cosmic optimism?
Why do some people still cling to Marxism? Marx's system is outdated nonsense.

Bertrand Russell wrote: Marx professed himself an atheist, but retained a cosmic optimism which only theism could justify. Broadly speaking, all the elements in Marx's philosophy which are derived from Hegel are unscientific, in the sense that there is no reason whatever to suppose them true.

Russell is of course wrong here: Marx wanted to position himself as the 'Anti-Hegel' among the pseudo-intellectual 'salon' types of Europe . Hegel, an atheist, nonetheless greatly admired Christianity and its influence on culture and history, and considered it the ultimate and advanced evolution of theology. Marx was really just a rather shallow dilettante poser. He merely aped Hegel's dialectic approach; so did many others much better at it.
The foundation for Hegel's cosmic optimism was his theism. What was the foundation for Marx's cosmic optimism?

I never saw anything 'optimistic' about Marxism, so I can't answer. His idea of a 'Utopia' was not a positive one. He just made up one he thought would win fans for his silly theory; he never had any genuine end result, certainly not one that would be achieved via his premises. Their states almost immediately stagnate and degenerate into bureaucracies motivated by personal whims of the bureaucrats. This why Engels had to lie and create the fake math in Vol. II of Das Kapital, for instance. There was no 'There' there.
Last edited:
Купите Петуха и научите его говорить
The capitalist is not the enemy of the Marxist for he sows the seeds of his own destruction.
The enemy of the Marxist is ignorance and by American standards the OP is rather unremarkable.

I have :
- the enemy of capitalism 1 - the productive forces (shovel, stretcher, rake ...)
- the enemy of capitalism 2 - production relations (I am a master - you are a worker)
I live near Moscow.
I need clowns like you ..................
I'll give you production forces and fulfill your production relationship ....
Until you read Capital and learn to distinguish from Leninism
This thread is for idiots ...
The topicstarter is so primitive ..
I gave him an idea about the Jews ..
This boy was led to a scandal :04:
There's nothing to discuss!
- Topikstarter - learn, learn and learn. as...
"ordered the Great Lenin and Teaches the Communist Party of the Soviet Union!"
Как завещал Великий Ленин и как учит Коммунистическая Партия Советского Союза!

Until you learn the sources of Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism ... there is nothing to talk about with you ...
Education in America is very primitive,
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
For example .. I know the works of Adam Smith and Ricardo, so I know the weapon of my ENEMY CAPITALIST.
And you do not know anything ...
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Only bluff to the public.
And very boorish and insulting when you write about the comparison of Communism and Nazism .. For such a "comparison" in Russia, you will be torn off by the grandchildren of our Soviet grandfathers who defeated Nazism and liberated Europe!
The capitalist is not the enemy of the Marxist for he sows the seeds of his own destruction.

The enemy of the Marxist is ignorance and by American standards the OP is rather unremarkable.
In that case we do not confront the world in a doctrinaire way with a new principle: Here is the truth, kneel down before it! We develop new principles for the world out of the world’s own principles. We do not say to the world: Cease your struggles, they are foolish; we will give you the true slogan of struggle. We merely show the world what it is really fighting for, and consciousness is something that it has to acquire, even if it does not want to.
Letters: Letters from the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher by Karl Marx

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